The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3235: win the trust

Although he was dissatisfied with the attitude of these spiritual cultivators in his heart, Meng Zhang didn't express anything on the surface.

If you want to completely wipe out this swarm of insects, you will probably have to rely on the power of spiritual practitioners.

Seeing the retreat of the Zerg army, Meng Zhang came to the front of the formation of the spiritual cultivators and was about to continue the previous conversation with them.

Although there is not much class gap among spiritual practitioners, many times internally they do not pay much attention to superiority and inferiority.

But since there are differences in spiritual strength, there should be a class gap.

Within a stable organization, various levels are indispensable.

Layman Fenxin, whose heart shines on one lineage, Patriarch Yule, who is not on one lineage of fish, and Wangxingshanren, who is on one lineage of Zuowang, are the leaders of all spiritual cultivations, the three spiritual cultivations at the level of celestial beings.

On weekdays, they are the supreme leaders of spiritual practice, responsible for major matters in spiritual practice.

When a foreign enemy invades, they are the supreme commanders and are responsible for directing operations with full authority.

The main target of Meng Zhang's communication this time is the three of them.

The three of them formed a small circle with Meng Zhang and quickly started talking.

They took the initiative to block those low-level spiritual cultivation, just because they were worried that they would reveal useful secrets.

Because Meng Zhang claimed to be entrusted by the Dieyou Mountain Lord, and even though the Dichrysalis lineage does not have the spiritual cultivation of the heavenly level, it is still one of the four branches. The status and power it should have must be guaranteed.

Two spirit cultivators at the level of true immortals, Elder Die Bian and Elder Cai Die, responded to the call of the three seniors and flew in front of them on their own initiative, joining them in their conversation with Meng Zhang.

Elder Die Bian and Elder Cai Die hold high positions in Die Chrysalis lineage, and they are the elders with the strongest strength and the deepest experience.

Since Dieyou Shanzhu left, the Chrysalis lineage has not elected a new leader.

The elders are responsible for all the daily affairs.

Among them, if Elder Die Bian and Elder Cai Die reach an agreement, at least they can be the master of Die Chrysalis.

The target of the conversation is only a few people, and Meng Zhang doesn't have to think about the impact, let alone save face for Die You Shanzhu.

He described the whole process of his dealings with Master Dieyou Mountain, from the time when she secretly confuses the spirit of the spirit bottle, until she used the sea of ​​mind to assassinate Meng Zhang, and finally she was defeated and died.

Although to some extent, Meng Zhang is the murderer who killed Dieyou Mountain Lord.

But Dieyou Shanzhu was bewitched by the demons in her heart, and she has fallen into the way of demons, and she is no longer the original her.

Meng Zhang killed her, which was tantamount to helping her escape and preventing her from continuing to cause harm to the common people.

Speaking of Dieyou Shanzhu regaining consciousness at the last moment, Meng Zhang handed over the piece of amber casually.

Anyway, he has recorded all the spiritual inheritance in it and put it in the Sutra Pavilion of Taiyimen.

As for the treasure itself, it is only useful for pure spiritual practice, and it has no effect on him.

It's better to be generous once, to appear more magnanimous.

Elder Die Bian had a complicated look on his face, and took the piece of amber carefully.

After repeated inspections by her and Elder Caidie, this is indeed a treasure inherited from the Chrysalis lineage, and there is no problem.

At this point, they finally believed Meng Zhang's words completely.

If Dieyou Mountain Lord hadn't taken the initiative to hand over this treasure to Meng Zhang, it would have been impossible for him to grab it by force.

Whether it is Dieyou Mountain Lord's means, or the spirituality of this treasure itself, it will not be allowed to fall into the hands of the enemy.

Due to the characteristics of this treasure, only the master Dieyou Mountain entrusted it to Meng Zhang himself.

It can be seen that the master of Dieyou Mountain trusted Meng Zhang and entrusted him with the funeral.

Of course, Elder Die Bian and Elder Cai Die did not know the details at that time.

The Dieyou Mountain Lord is about to fall completely, and there is no other choice except Meng Zhang.

She had previously collected a lot of information about the Taiyi world through the spirit of the spirit bottle, including Meng Zhang's personality and so on.

Although Meng Zhang has many common faults of a cultivator, he still behaves in a righteous way, and has always followed the rules of the Taoist school.

He kept his word, and he seemed to have no history of breaking promises.

This point is especially recognized by the Spirit of Transformation Bottle.

In fact, Meng Zhang also lived up to the entrustment of Dieyou Mountain Lord.

Back then, Dieyou Mountain Lord was in a bad state, and many high-level spiritual practitioners had faintly noticed it.

Especially Layman Fenxin and the others had already had some bad guesses about their situation.

Not only the spiritual cultivators of the Chrysalis lineage, but all the spiritual cultivators who specialize in spiritual power will have to face their own demons sooner or later.

Dieyou Shanzhu is not the first Lingxiu to be bewitched by demons, nor will he be the last.

After Mountain Master Dieyou became demonic, his strength was only stronger than layman Fenxin's.

Layman Burning Heart and the others don't want to trigger an internal fight among the four spiritual branches, so naturally it's not easy to force them to do so.

When the Dieyou Mountain Master left voluntarily, it was tantamount to self-exile, and it was even more difficult for others to say anything.

Meng Zhang said that the Dieyou Mountain Lord was bewitched by a demon, layman Fenxin and the others immediately believed it.

When Elder Diebian and Elder Caidie confirmed that there was no problem with the inheritance of the Chrysalis lineage, everyone basically believed what Meng Zhang said.

Layman Burning Heart and the others asked Meng Zhang several Zhang gave perfect answers.

Although there were grievances and grievances between Meng Zhang and Dieyou Shanzhu, the cause of the incident was not on Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang helped Dieyou Shanzhu to escape, and also brought back the treasures of the Diechrysalis lineage.

These spiritual practitioners are more reasonable, they are not arrogant and unreasonable, and they will not blindly defend their shortcomings.

Their daily actions are more righteous than many big sects of cultivation.

Everyone may have some thoughts about Meng Zhang's behavior, but at least on the surface they all agree.

The four branches of spiritual cultivation have always been connected with each other, and they are consistent with the outside world.

Meng Zhang is not only kind to Chrysalis, but also to other branches of Chrysalis.

In addition, when Meng Zhang came here, he drew his sword to help when he saw the injustice, and took the initiative to help them deal with the Zerg, which was also a great favor.

You must know that the Zerg race has a reputation for viciousness, and they always seek vengeance. Many powerful monks are unwilling to provoke them easily.

It is very rare for Meng Zhang to take the initiative to help.

Some more honest spiritual practitioners were a little embarrassed about their previous suspicions about Meng Zhang.

After some conversations, Meng Zhang has achieved his goal of winning people's trust.

Next, Meng Zhang struck while the iron was hot and talked about the dangers of the Zerg.

If this Zerg group is not eliminated, the Lingju star area will continue to be threatened, and it may fall at any time.

Meng Zhang said that the Taiyi Realm monks headed by him are willing to do justice for the heavens and help the Lingju Star District get rid of this Zerg.

He also said in a high-spirited manner that he didn't need any rewards, and he was purely for the sake of eliminating harm from the void and myriad worlds.

The spiritual cultivators in the Lingju star area have already suffered enough from these Zerg races, and many spiritual cultivators have even begun to consider fleeing here.

Now Meng Zhang offered to help, which solved their big problem.

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