The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 3236: reason

To gain the initial trust of these spiritual practitioners so quickly, in addition to Meng Zhang's own words, the spirit of the spirit bottle mentioned by him also played a big role.

Meng Zhang briefly introduced the situation in the Taiyi Realm, and mentioned that he had taken in the spirit clan headed by the Spirit of Hualing Bottle and Qiling.

Back then when he was in the Yunlan Star District, Hua Ling Ping Qi Ling made a lot of friends, and he was friends with many high-level spiritual practitioners.

Due to the characteristics of the Eldar, many spiritual practitioners are willing to be close to the Eldar.

Hearing the news of the old man, Elder Die Bian and even Layman Burning Heart were a little excited.

They believed that Meng Zhang was sincere in helping them deal with the Zerg.

The only question now is whether the strength of Meng Zhang and the Taiyi Realm can help them defeat the Zerg.

This group of spiritual cultivators are not the kind of aggressive people, they have always been relatively peaceful, and they don't like to participate in various disputes.

When the Temple of Heaven aggressively attacked the Yunlan star area, their loss and defeat left a heavy shadow on them.

They still don't know that there is already an army of Zerg outside the Lingju star area, which has fought a battle with the Taiyi Realm.

The Zerg army that entered the Lingju star area this time alone made them feel overwhelmed.

The Zerg are notorious in the Void, and spiritualists know a thing or two about them.

The strongest mother queen in this Zerg army has not yet appeared, and the biggest threat has not yet appeared.

Although Meng Zhang showed not weak combat effectiveness, they didn't know the strength of the Taiyi Realm, let alone whether they could defeat the Zerg army including the Queen Mother with the power of the Taiyi Realm.

Meng Zhang's proposal is that the two sides join forces and take the initiative to attack to completely wipe out this Zerg.

It's okay if you win, but once you lose, the consequences will be too bad.

The Zerg army is much larger than the army of the Temple of Heaven, and can easily surround the entire Lingju star area.

If it is not good for them to destroy the Zerg, it will be difficult to retreat.

The Layman Fenxin who talked with Meng Zhang and the others were not like those timid spiritual cultivators who had long thought of abandoning the Lingju star area and fleeing.

But they bear the lives of many spiritual practitioners, so they have to think carefully.

They must consider the pros and cons of the matter, taking into account the various circumstances.

Meng Zhang's proposal was not answered immediately, which made him slander these spiritual practitioners endlessly.

He was already dissatisfied with the performance of these spiritual mothers-in-law before.

If he had known that this group of spiritual cultivators were so unhappy in doing things, he really shouldn't have come here to help.

However, the coming has already come, and it is useless to regret it.

Moreover, the Taiyi Realm has already rushed here, so it is hard for him to give up.

Meng Zhang provoked them a few words intentionally or unintentionally, and also pointed out the strength of them.

If they can't respond in time and give the Zerg army more time to deploy, it will be very unfavorable whether it is fighting or retreating.

In the current situation, whichever side makes the first move will take the initiative.

Elder Caidie is grateful to Meng Zhang for bringing back the treasures of the Chrysalis lineage.

However, he disagreed with Meng Zhang's instigation of the two to join forces to wipe out the Zerg army.

She has always acted conservatively and has a deep aversion to adventure.

Facing the powerful army of Zerg, she has long suggested that everyone evacuate the Lingju star area as soon as possible.

Where there is life, there is hope.

As long as their spiritual practice is still there, sooner or later they will be able to find another place in the void to rebuild their home.

Spiritual cultivation is not suitable, there is really no need to sacrifice in vain here.

She saw that Layman Burning Heart and the others were really thinking about Meng Zhang's proposal, and felt moved by Meng Zhang's persuasion, so she couldn't help but refute it.

As we all know, the most powerful of a Zerg race is the empress.

As long as the mother emperor survives, this Zerg race will not perish.

The empress is unfathomable, once she shows up, they will definitely not be able to resist.

Elder Caidie said a lot, just to persuade Layman Burning Heart and the others to lead everyone to evacuate as soon as possible.

Although the Chrysalis lineage is still one of the four major branches of spiritual cultivation, but there is no spiritual cultivation at the level of a fairy, and the right to speak has plummeted, and it is about to fall out of the decision-making circle of spiritual cultivation.

Hearing Elder Caidie's words, Meng Zhang was about to refute, but found that the three spiritual cultivators at the level of immortals, including Lay Burning Heart, had strange expressions, as if they had something to say.

Layman Fenxin was making eye contact with his two companions, but when he met Meng Zhang's gaze, he felt a little embarrassed.

He hesitated for a moment, and with the consent of one of the two companions, he told Meng Zhang some secrets.

It turned out that the main purpose of this Zerg army's large-scale invasion of the Lingju star area was not to compete for territory and resources, but to come for a treasure.

He did not elaborate on what the treasure was.

It's just that this Zerg is bound to get this treasure.

As long as no treasure is obtained, this Zerg will keep chasing them to the ends of the earth.

Ancestor Feiyu also added a few words, detailing what happened.

Some time ago, the queen mother of this Zerg race did not come, but she used her powerful spiritual power to go deep into the Lingju star area and came into contact with the three of them.

The mother queen of the Zerg race threatened them to hand over the treasure, but they naturally refused~ The spiritual power of the two sides launched a secret confrontation.

The three of them outnumbered the few, and managed to temporarily repel the spiritual power of the Zerg Mother Queen.

During this contact, the two sides found out some information about each other.

The reason why the Zerg Queen didn't come in person was because she was currently fighting with a great enemy.

Although that archenemy was not his opponent, he restrained a large part of her strength and slowed her down.

Through this contact, the mother queen of the Zerg Race confirmed that the treasure was in the hands of Layman Fenxin and the others, and tested their strength.

Next, the four worm kings led the zerg army to attack in a large scale, forcing the spirit cultivators to a disadvantage.

Elder Caidie and Elder Diebian couldn't help but change color after hearing these words.

They have known for a long time that because of the lack of spiritual cultivation at the level of immortals, their lineage has been unable to enter the circle of Layman Burning Heart and the others.

But on such a big matter, the three Laymen Fenxin still kept it from them, which is a bit too much.

Since this Zerg army didn't come here to compete for the Spiritual Ju star area, it is meaningless for Elder Caidie to suggest that the spiritual cultivators go away.

She originally wanted to ask, what kind of treasure is it that the Zerg mother emperor is bound to get?

Can they hand over this treasure in exchange for the withdrawal of the Zerg army?

But when the words reached her lips, she swallowed them back into her stomach.

Just now, she really recognized the status of herself and others.

She and her fellow disciples are not even qualified to participate in decision-making for such a major matter that concerns the life and death of all spiritual practitioners.

Those who can really make the decisions are the three Laymen Burning Heart.

Don't look at their benevolent and kind elders on weekdays, but when they really make up their minds, no one else can defy them.

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