The Way of the Sword

Chapter 15: Entering the Celestial Sword sect (2)




The owner of the voice is a 14-year-old tall teenager with a slim body and a handsome face, he had soft strokes and small, full lips, if it were not for his masculine clothes he could well dress as a girl and people would not immediately notice that it was a disguise.

His eyes were softly round with long eyelashes, and his eyebrows looked like they were painted in gently black half-moon paint. His long dark hair was bound with a silvery harp that had flower ornaments.

This teenager wore luxurious purple clothes that highlighted his creamy skin and rosy cheeks, he even had a small black speck beneath his right eye, which gave much charm to this androgynous face.

Along with this peculiar-looking kid came in another 3 people, two 15-year-old girls, and a 16-year-old.

The girls who looked like two beautiful blooming flowers wore luxurious clothing and had a jade ornament on their waists, showing they were daughters of a nobleman, and the 16-year-old scholar-aura with phoenix eyes and a very handsome face, a jade ornament.

The three young noblemen pass by the young man of peculiar appearance and look with disdain for him, not only these young people, but more than half of the people gives a look of disdain to this androgynous boy.

"Zuo, you're very slow!" Yi Yuga teased with a sly smile on his childish face, which made him look quite cute.

Wen Jie looks at this 14-year-old with a strange look, he felt his heart beat stronger, but realizing it was a boy, he felt embarrassed and as a way to defend himself from this strange and shameful feeling, he looked with a looking cold at the young man approaching his small group.

"Yuga, you abandoned me as soon as you found your friend again!" Complained the 14-year-old in a coquettish voice, his voice very soft and almost feminine. A lot of the local boys felt their heart beating fast, but then they felt embarrassed what made them face this androgynous boy with hatred.

"Of course, my brother Yan is the most important!" Said Yi Yuga, lifting his proud chin, still holding Zemin Yan, who looked curiously at this different boy.

"Tsk! You're not going to let me go! "Said Zemin Yan, stepping on his sticky friend's foot. Yi Yuga laughs and release his friend, who looked very cute holding the little white dog in his arms and had a look of disgust.

"See, your friend does not like hugs. But you can come and hug me "said Zuo giving a coquettish look and a provocative smile to Yi Yuga, who just rolls his bored eyes.

"Yuga, who is your friend?" Zemin Yan asked curiously. He knew that Yi Yuga was not much of a friend and of trusting people, so it was a bit surprising that he got along with this teenager who looks strange and acted all flirtatious in his actions.

"Brother Yan, this is Shou Zuo he was in my group when we went to do the test. Although he is so shameless he is a good person "said Yi Yuga smiling very excited.

Zemin Yan looked more closely at this Shou Zuo and then looked at Yi Yuga, a few seconds later he smiled. His smile was a bit mischievous and a little clever.

"Yuga must have found another one pretending to be a pig," Zemin Yan thought as he watched his friend interact with Shou Zuo, the two were already playing flirting or something.

"Shou Zuo is so pitiful! He was born with that appearance and has this personality affected, even being a very kind person, he still suffers from bullying! "Thought Yi Yuga while playing with the words in the conversation with Shou Zuo.

"Yuga's friend has a common face, but his eyes are clear and gentle, so he must be a good person! This makes sense since he is a friend of Yuga, despite his friend being calmer and Yuga being very honest and lively. However, this tall, dark lad is staring at me threateningly ... Ah ... He's totally my type! "Thought Shou Zuo as he talked to Yi Yuga, giving furtive glances to Wen Jie.

"What does this effeminate face look at me so much ... Is there anything on my face? Ah, it must be the scar ... Tsk, flirtatious eyes are so troublesome! "Thought Wen Jie feeling his heart beat faster, even though Shou Zuo is a man.

In the end, everyone misunderstood things, but it was okay because everyone was happy amidst those confused thoughts.

Zemin Yan had to urge Yi Yuga to take his friend Shou Zuo to both register their names with the disciple of the foundation kingdom who was impatiently waiting for these new disciples because Yi Yuga did not want to stay very far from Zemin Yan while giving Wen fierce looks Jie did not even know the reason for such antagonism.

Then the little group sat down at a table and began to eat and drink as they talked animatedly. With the exception of Shou Zuo who was wearing luxurious clothes, everyone else wore clean and simple clothes, which made all the other new disciples look at them with clear disdain in their eyes.

However, the group did not care about these looks, after all, everyone was now a new disciple of the Celestial Sword sect so, for now, everyone was on the same level.

After two hours of talking, the group realized that more and more people were entering the silver tent, but there were only 24 people, there were now about 60 people, from 10-year-olds to 20-year-olds.

Soon a new group entered the tent, this group only had children and they were brought by a disciple of the Aurore Core kingdom.

"Big Brother Hong, we're going to stay here for how long?" Bohai Xiulan asked as he looked at all those people who were already in small and large groups chatting excitedly.

"Until morning. Soon we'll all go back to the sect, "Hong Yu said in his typical gentle, smiling tone to this talented group of children.

Bohai Xiulan sighed resignedly, he as the son of a high-ranking nobleman did not like to meet with these people of inferior status.

"But, Brother Bohai, you can go and see your family and say goodbye. All of you can go to see your relatives and say goodbye. However, everyone will have to return before nightfall, "Hong Yu said, noting the annoying look of Bohai Xiulan.

Bohai Xiulan nodded, but he did not say anything else. He had already said farewell to his family before entering to take the test and later the result would be announced for all to see, so there was no need for farewells.

Besides, his parents and siblings did not come with him, only the servants and dependable butler of his family. Bohai Xiulan felt a little bitter about this attitude of his parents, but as the son of a nobleman, he has also become accustomed to this kind of cold and indifferent attitude of his parents.

"Anyone who wants to go and see their families can go. I'll register your name with that disciple there, "Hong Yu said gently and smiled at the children who had a look of admiration for this older disciple.

"Thank you, big brother, Hong!" The children said excitedly, only 3 children in the group were left.

Chu Yue wanted to go tell her uncles that she had passed the test of the Celestial Sword sect and that now she did not have to be sold to be a concubine to some old guy, but she knew her uncles would probably not believe her and force her to come back home.

Chu Yue did not lie when she said she was an orphan, because her uncles only saw her as a commodity to be traded and bargained for the best price. As they treated her like this, she decided to risk running away from home to participate in this great test, so she thought it better than her uncles thought she died or discovered that she became a disciple of the Celestial Sword much later.

Chu Yue who had her thoughts lost, looking around she soon focused her beautiful and bright blue eyes on the figure of a child with an ordinary face and simple clothes, who laughed cheerfully and had a small white dog in hand.

"Brother Zemin!" Said Chu Yue with his handsome face turning a little red and his gaze becoming gentler.

Zemin Yan, who was laughing at the games between Yi Yuga and Shou Zuo, paid no attention to his surroundings, not to mention the great noise they all made talking in their groups.

Then he was surprised when Chu Yue appeared on his desk, her face was rosy, and her gaze was gentle and grateful.

The small group stopped talking suddenly, everyone was looking at the beautiful and cute Chu Yue. She shrugged a little sheepishly, but did not pull away and looked at Zemin Yan for help.

"This is Chu Yue. I was in the same group as she was on the first test. She's a good person, "said Zemin Yan, introducing the 10-year-old girl to everyone.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Chu Yue," Chu Yue said shyly, everyone watched her in silence. They realized that she wore plain clothes and had no jade of identification that could be associated with any noble family.

"Oh, you're one of us!" Said Yi Yuga a little more excited. He looked between Zemin Yan and Chu Yue, not understanding very well, he had a rather bitter feeling in his heart but did not let it show.

Everyone then came and talked again, Chu Yue was even laughing a little at the antics of Yi Yuga and Shou Zuo, also had a very nice conversation with Zemin Yan and Wen Jie.

The look of Bohai Xiulan focused on the animated group of Zemin Yan, he had a hateful look, he did not understand very well, but he was jealous of Zemin Yan. Mainly, watching as Chu Yue was having fun in the company of Zemin Yan.

"What are you looking at, young Master Bohai?" Asked a 16-year-old, who had a respectful tone in his voice.

"Nothing, just little prawns playing," Bohai Xiulan said with a disdainful smile, turning his attention to the group at his table, which was composed exclusively of people of higher status.

Beside him was the son of South Frontier Count Zhie Quan, and on his left was Lee Fu, who was the butler's son, who wanted to follow his young master to the Celestial Sword sect.

Zhie Quan is 16 years old and is like an older brother of Bohai Xiulan, although the young Bohai have a biological elder brother within the Celestial Sword sect.

The Bohai family is a family of a Marquis, the father of Bohai Xiulan is a candidate for the heir to the Bohai family, he has 3 children of the main wife, the eldest who entered the Celestial Sword sect, the middle one that entered the imperial academic school and the third is Xiulan.

Around Bohai Xiulan were other heirs of inferior status than a Marques, they were wanting to flatter Bohai Xiulan because of his older brother who is a disciple of the core of the Celestial Sword sect, and of course of several material benefits that they could have it.

Bohai Xiulan was aware of this, but he did not care, he just wanted to think it important, but he felt jealous of the simple happiness of Zemin Yan's group because it made his group look stingy.

"Brother Xiulan, you should be glad to pass the test, right?" Asked Zhie Quan with a gentle smile, his thin eyes bending gently. Count Zhie's young son had a gentle appearance and an academic aura, which made everyone very comfortable.

Bohai Xiulan's group started the conversation a little more lively, with Bohai in the center of the conversation and Zhie Quan changing the subject, always introducing interesting themes to cheer up his little brother Bohai Xiulan.

At the table of Zemin Yan's group, the lively conversation was interrupted with the noisy arrival of a sturdy child who had a fierce look.

This child with a fierce look looked at Zemin Yan as if he wanted to see what was inside his clothes as if he wanted to leave Zemin Yan angry for them to fight.

"Oh, Quian Dalai, why are you staring at Brother Zemin like this?" Asked Chu Yue, flashing his beautiful blue eyes.

Quian Dalai was the boy who had the highest score in all the tests, he drew with Bohai Xiulan and was also the most promising as a new disciple, as he had the fate with the sword Shuang Shou Dao (heavy sword) and the average affinity with the wind element.

This 10-year-old child had a rather chubby face and a sturdy body, was not fat but looked tall than a 10-year-old and he had a fierce look with big eyes and an aquiline nose.

"I don't want to fight," Zemin Yan said quietly, staring at Quian Dalai's gaze, his brown eyes glittering.

Quian Dalai snorted and wanted to argue, clearly he came to ask for a fight against Zemin Yan, who had the sacred element under his rule, how exciting would it be if he could fight with someone with a legendary element?

Zemin Yan sighed, the people he least liked were the irrational people and the battle maniacs, these types of people drew a lot of attention!

"Ara, ara ... little brother Dalai you look hungry!" Said Shou Zuo with a flirtatious smile.

Quian Dalai looked at this androgynous teenager and looked away a little embarrassed, but did not respond to Shou Zuo.

Then Shou Zuo wisely pulled Quian Dalai into a nearby chair and placed a chicken thigh in front of him, the 10-year-old looked at him in confusion.

"Are not you going to eat? Ara, ara ... Do you want me to feed you in the mouth? "Asked Shou Zuo coquettishly. Soon Quian Dalai was eating his thigh without complaining or looking up.

Zemin Yan smiled and seemed very pleased with the action taken by Shou Zuo, battle maniacs had only a weak point ... They did not know how to deal with people without shame!

Everyone at Zemin Yan's table chatted happily again until the great test of the Celestial Sword sect was over.

In the end, of the hundreds of people who took the test, only 100 people were approved.

Elder Han was very pleased with the result, as he had found the son of his great sworn brother and many other talents in this great test. There were so many talents that the sect leader allowed Elder Han to finish this mission by bringing these 100 new disciples instead of continuing to travel all over the South.

"Okay, let's go!" Said Hong Yu to everyone who was scattered near the carriages that would take them to the county town. From there they would take a flying transport to the Celestial Sword sect.

"Brother Yan, we'll finally get out of here!" Said Yi Yuga excitedly putting his arm around Zemin Yan's shoulders.

"Right," said Zemin Yan, but his mind was there in the ruins of his family's house. There were many things he did not know, as the memories before the calamity with the demonic beasts and whether his parents were really dead.

Zemin Yan began to suspect that his parents were not dead as everyone claimed, for Elder Han spoke about his father as if he were still alive. It was impossible that Elder Han would not know if his father had died!

"But is not that good?" Sying's childish voice sounded in Zemin Yan's mind. The small, fluffy white puppy with its beautiful blue eyes watched Zemin Yan's face.

"Yes, it's true ... But ..." Zemin Yan's mind was full of doubt and he was hesitant to leave the place he had known all his life.

"Do not worry so much, when you become strong enough you can always go back to this place," Sying said in a clear, wise voice, as if he were very old, despite having a body of a cute wolf cub.

Zemin Yan sighed and just followed Yi Yuga, Shou Zuo, Wen Jie, and Quian Dalai into one of the carriages, he knew that the wolf's words were sensible and he was right about it.

"At least you woke up," thought Zemin Yan, stroking the dog that was looking curiously out the window of the moving carriage.

Zemin Yan felt anxious as the carriage grew farther and farther from the village number 10, at the same time he was excited by new doors opening to him.

Would things be different from now on? Would he become strong enough to discover the secret of his origin?

These thoughts permeate Zemin Yan's mind as the designated chariot of the Celestial Sword sect advanced on the long road.

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