The Way of the Sword

Chapter 16: An interesting trip




The carriage ride was slow and would have been tedious if Zemin Yan had not been with his best friend and the new friends he had met shortly.

Before the journey began Hong Yu and Yun San together with some disciples of the kingdom of the foundation gave wooden swords to all new disciples. Then Yun San said:

"I know some of you already have some kind of ancestral sword or even some new sword given by your families, but you will have to hand over all those weapons to that disciple who will pass with the basket. Everything will be collected until we reach our sect, "Yun San said with an indifferent tone, looking ferociously at everyone, especially those people who had high status and found themselves superior to others.

"All weapons will be returned when we get to our sect. We are doing this to avoid an accident between you. However, should anything happen, such as an attack by some demonic beast, we will provide a wooden sword for all of you. They all received a sword according to the outcome of their tests, "said Hong Yu with a gentle voice and a charismatic smile on his handsome face.

Soon everyone had to hand over all the weapons they had in their possession, of course, some tried to hide, but how could he hide from Elder Han's conscience? He had already listed all the weapons on a piece of a jade disc and gave these veteran disciples so that nothing escaped the gathering.

The trip lasted about 5 days, as there were many people in the carriages, most of the passengers, children, and teenagers who either had no cultivation or had cultivation in the Qi Refining realm.

This trip was also a real shock for many of these children who came from prominent families because they had to camp and make their own food.

But had the Heavenly Sword not provided luxurious places and good food in village 10?

Yes, but how could the sect maintain that standard in a temporary overnight camp? Either way, they would all be martial cultivators in the future, so they would have to taste the bitterness of cultivation and effort, so this could be considered a test to see the resilience of these children and adolescents.

Zemin Yan's group was doing very well, after all, the only one who had a noble status among them was Shou Zuo, but even he was a useful person and went to collect firewood and help Yi Yuga to collect water from a running river.

The cooks in those five days were Zemin Yan, Wen Jie, and Quian Dalai, who were surprisingly good cooks, and it was surprising that the wild and manic battle Quian Dalai was a gourmet eater and with an exquisite taste.

The three young men took turns in the kitchen, but Wen Jie, who was the eldest in the group, was responsible for teaching these children how to dismember an animal and reap everything useful for hunting.

Zemin Yan and Yi Yuga have taught their new friends the best way to camp comfortably outdoors. Interestingly, they set up a round of night watch to keep an eye on the camp.

Chu Yue was a bit embarrassed by the talent in the kitchen of all the boys, she was not so good and did not know how to build a camp, she had to learn everything with her new friends. She was nauseous when Wen Jie taught to untangle an animal and he laughed at her a bit and commented:

"Little Chu sister, you must take it. This is still easy because we are being provided by our sect, but if you are on a mission you may have to hunt one day and it will often be worse than now "Wen Jie's voice is thick but had a gentle tone.

In the end, Chu Yue took courage and moved on, thus facing her fears getting a little more determined.

"Brother Wen is so good!" Said Shou Zuo with his coquettish voice and a brilliant look. Wen Jie's heartbeat harder, but he felt that those feelings were not good and then just ignored what this androgynous teenager said.

However, Shou Zuo noticed Wen Jie's ears turn red, so he smiled really happy, even became even more brazen and joked with Yi Yuga and Wen Jie even more openly, until Quian Dalai did not escape from this verbal harassment, only Zemin Yan who always looked kind did not receive the harassment of Shou Zuo, could it be because of Yi Yuga's ferocious stare or even the cold stare of Wen Jie when he tried to play with Zemin Yan?

The other new disciples found this attitude to take turns, to watch the camp, silly, after all, they were under the protection of the great Celestial Sword sect, but this small group of humble people still made a stupid show of this.

Of course, the new and pampered disciples did not know that everyone was being watched by the disciples of the Aurore Core kingdom as if there was an ongoing evaluation.

The other groups had some difficulty in setting up camp, some were lucky to have some follower or even servant who joined the sect, as is the case of Bohai Xiulan, who had his loyal follower Lee Fu, 16, who knew how to cook and prepare the bed for this young master.

There were many complaints and curses, but these new disciples were only provided with the groceries and tent tents, no matter how much they claimed the veteran disciples of the Celestial Sword sect completely ignored their complaints.

The trip lasted 5 days, but on the 3rd day there was a dangerous incident, a group of mountain bandits approached the camp of these new disciples at night!

Only the group of Zemin Yan was prepared because Shou Zuo was watching that hour and surprisingly he noticed the strange movement during the night, so silently he woke everyone from his camp, soon everyone got ready to act and wake up the others and go call the responsible for the camps.

Of course, when they were to call the other new disciples many just got angry and mocked the group of Zemin Yan, calling them idiots and things like that.

The only group that stood up and only stood up to prove that Zemin Yan's group was causing an unnecessary disturbance and deserved to be beaten was Bohai Xiulan's group.

Someone from the Bohai Xiulan group went to the camp of the senior sect disciples to call to see this mess, but then that person comes back and with a startled look reports that the camp of the elder disciples and Elder Han's were gone!

At last, the bandits of the mountain invade the camp and everything becomes a mess with many screams and the place becomes chaotic, many young people were injured and many young people almost scared of fear.

Zemin Yan proved to be a very skillful person and even with a small dog at his side, he managed to defeat the bandits who approached him. The wooden sword glowed lightly with white and gold power, making it easy to steer the sword and attack many opponents.

The advantage of having a fate with the Chien sword (wooden training sword) was showing at this location. Of course, Zemin Yan was the only one who was having an easy moment with this sword.

The second person who was doing most well in battle was, of course, Quian Dalai, who is a battle maniac and was even laughing with happiness as he held the heavy wooden sword in his little hands.

Of course, this was a scary sight to see, after all, Quian Dalai is only 10 years old despite appearing to be at least 12 years old, meaning it was scary to see a child with such a manic smile on his face!

Yi Yuga and Shou Zuo worked well in team, young Yuga with his speed with the sword, showed movements so fast that they seemed shadows in the eyes of the opponent and Shou Zuo showed a subtlety in his sword, which took the opponent off guard as if the sword of Shou Zuo was a ghost that vanished before his eyes and soon was already in his neck.

Wen Jie, who wielded a heavy double sword in his hands, looked like a slaughter machine and as he used to hunt, there was a wild, bloodthirsty aura all around him, the bad guys even trembled as he saw this teenager walking toward them.

Even Chu Yue was bravely holding her wooden sword and giving some blows, but Chu Yue had not practiced the art of the sword and had hardly practiced any martial art of defense. So she was much weaker than most of the new disciples, despite being one of the most talented in terms of growth potential.

Bohai Xiulan and his followers were not doing too well to defend themselves from the bad guys but compared to Zemin Yan's group ... It was still missing!

Not only these two groups, but all the new disciples fought or tried to fight the bad guys, then the bandits realized that they had tried to rob the wrong convoy because it had confused this convoy of travelers with merchants, but ended up being a group of young martial cultivators!

At the end of that night, everyone sat on the weary grass and several bodies of thieves were scattered on the grass, there were no deaths, but all thieves had heavy injuries, some might even have been crippled.

After all fell to the ground exhausted the veteran disciples of the Celestial Sword appeared again, along with Elder Han and another person, in fact, was an imperial representative who was walking alongside Han Yie.

In the end, it was all explained by disciples Hong Yu and Yun San, that all this was a kind of test and also a warning:

"You are now no longer the same as you were yesterday, you are now disciples of the great Heavenly Sword Sect and you must honor the sect!" Said Yun San in a stern voice and with his typical ferocious look on the young disciples ahead of him.

"Now you have entered the path of cultivation and everyone here is seeking the way to the top, but the path is not easy! This is only a sample of what martial cultivators will face on their journey, not just thugs, but other powerful cultivators and high-ranking devils also appeared on the journey to reach the top, "said Hong Yu with an unusually serious tone and a look Frosty in his beautiful eyes.

Then Elder Han and the imperial envoy turned and walked away as if they were only watching the reaction of the young disciples and evaluating something.

The next night all the camps held a round of night watch and no one else complained about the food or mocking others who struggled to do a good job.

Finally, on the 6th day in the morning, all the carriages stopped in front of a flight facility that was in South County.

Zemin Yan and his group looked at everything with curiosity, except Shou Zuo, the latter seemed very familiar with such surroundings.

There was a large open field around the large open field where there were wooden constructions that were of a size that Zemin Yan and his friends could not measure in their innocence and ignorance.

Within these buildings that had a rectangular shape were large giant birds of different colors. Of course, there were also medium-sized and small buildings, the former had medium-sized birds that could carry two or three people at a time. The second was the place where the Tamers - those who control the flying animals - lived or took temporary shelter.

Soon as Elder Han Yie showed his sword a tall, thin man approached the Elder and greeted him respectfully.

Elder Han Yie talked to this thin man for a few minutes and then he brought all the disciples to one of those buildings that were huge.

Zemin Yan and his friends were amazed at the things inside, it was like a big bird's nest, but there was also a place to pay boarding fees and there were stalls of food and items scattered all over the place.

Soon the Aurore Core disciples organized the other disciples into two rows and guided them to disappear into a strange building, which was very wide but not too tall.

The strangest thing is that this building is on the back of a large blue-feathered bird!

"This is the Blue Cruel magic beast, usually these beasts live in high peaks and hunt tigers to live," said Shou Zuo watching with an amused look at his new friends, who had big round eyes of surprise at this magical beast.

"Magic beast? Are not there only demonic beasts and sacred beasts? "Zemin Yan asked curiously, watching the beautiful blue feathers of this giant bird.

For some reason, the little wolf seemed to be hungry, because he was drooling a bit as he looked at this huge bird.

"I remember my mother making a casserole of cruel blue ... it was so good!" Thought Sying as he salivated remembering the taste this bird had.

Of course, if Zemin Yan knew from the thought of Sying he would have thrown the little wolf out because that kind of thinking was too dangerous for a weak like Zemin Yan!

"Magical beasts are beasts that have not been corrupted by demonic energy, they are beings that are aligned with martial Dao and order ... Well that's what I read in a book from my family's library" said Shuo Zuo giving a serious look to his colleagues, who were amazed at this serious attitude of his coquettish friend.

Of course, this only lasted a second and soon Shuo Zuo was playing with his friends again, while unashamedly coquetting with Wen Jie and playing with Yi Yuga.

"Disciple group Zemin Yan is group 1 and will stay in room 10, the group of Bohai Xiulan is group 2 and will stay in room 8 ..." the voice of a disciple of the foundation sounded in this reception room inside the strange and wide building on the back of the great cruel bluebird.

Zemin Yan and his friends went to the designated room, entering the room very excitedly, they had looked around the luxurious hallway and the exquisitely soft carpet at their feet.

The room was quite large, almost the size of an ordinary person's house. There was a small living room, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms. One room had 6 beds and in the other room had a large couple bed, in that room, there was a panoramic window that could see everything.

Of course, Chu Yue would get the couple bedroom and the boys stayed in the singles beds in the other room.

In the living room, there were jade disks and books on the shelves, there were also some training dolls in the west corner of the room.

"Attention passengers, this flight is going to the imperial capital. The trip will last 10 days counting from today. We will stop in the city of the Southwest province and the city of the Southeastern province. We hope everyone has a great trip, " a sweet feminine voice echoed throughout the building.

"Please sit down, passengers, we'll take off," a man's voice sounded this time.

Zemin Yan and his friends went to sit on the couch and in an armchair, everyone nervously looked at a large window in the far right corner of the living room, soon they felt a slight pressure on their body and through the window they could see the movement.

They were really climbing to the sky!

A few minutes later the man's voice echoed in the building again:

"Passengers are already flying, you can go back to your business. We appreciate the cooperation "the man's voice was calm and polite.

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