The wealth of re-birth is in the air

Chapter 1755?? Common sense

Professor David and others frown.

The other party has such a delay time, and it is too much not to put them in the eyes.

"Caspe President, I think, it is better to pass it directly. Same, maybe I can find evidence." Professor David got up.

"Professor Davi, here is Stanford, I believe in my student. Now, everything is you said. I need to listen to my students first. Before, I believe that my student is not doing this. The illegal behavior. "Caspe Par is not as follows.

Although the tone is eased, it is not suspicious.

Professor David frowned and looked at Qin Feng.

He wants to let Qin Feng look for evidence.

But Qin Feng did not move.

It is useless to go.

Don't say that you don't know how Marry Meiyer's residence, even if you know, you can't get it.

I am not a policeman, how can I enter someone else?

Even if the police, you don't want to enter.

Therefore, Qin Feng is too lazy to toss.

Toss for a half day, it is giving a joke.

Therefore, Qin Feng drunk this precious Blue Mountain coffee.

A cup picking a cup.

This is really good.

Of course, this is certainly louder, and the coffee is delicious.

Tea is best to drink.

In particular, Chinese people's consciousness, tea is healthier, and coffee contains caffeine, unhealthy.

In fact, professional nutritionists have analyzed.

Compare the equivalent quality green tea and coffee, coffee energy, carbohydrate, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, smear, protein, fat, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin, ribein and The content of a thiomeulin is slightly lower.

Comparison from functional components.

The functional ingredient of green tea is mainly a polyphenolic compound-catechin.

The catechin is also called tea tannin, catechol, is a general term of a yellow alcohol material in tea. The catechin has a variety of biological effects, such as antioxidants, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, reducing the risk of tumors. Each cup of green tea contains grams of tea, and the green tea is contained in the Green Tea.

According to "Huaxia residential nutrient reference intake ()", when you can take a milliga of tea daily, the antioxidant effect of catechin can be observed; to ingest milliga of tea per day can reduce weight, blood sugar, blood pressure , Blood-lipids such as cardiovascular disease risk factors, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease; ingest milligramins per day, can reduce the risk of male prostate cancer.

The functional ingredients in the coffee are also polyphenol compounds - chlorogenic acids.

The chlorogenic acid has anti-oxidation, removing free radicals, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and other biological activity. The population epidemiological survey and intervention research and animal test results show that chlorogenic acid in regulating sugar, lipid metabolism, improving insulin resistance, reducing diabetes and cardiovascular disease, protecting nerve, liver, lung, eyes, joint organs Important role in deterioration and inflammatory damage, protecting mids, etc.

In each ml of coffee, it contains oxygen-mg. According to "Huaxia residential nutrient reference intake ()", intake - milliglorelon acid can help regulate glycolipid metabolism.

As for that people usually think that coffee contains caffeine, long-term intake is harmful to the body. In fact, the tea is also contained in tea. Green tea containing grams of tea, contains milligram of caffeine; contains gram coffee powder, contain milliga of caffeine. According to the European Food Safety Research Association, when adults intake coffee every day, it will not cause harm to the body, so the right amount of tea and drinking coffee do not have to worry too much caffeine.

Comparison, green tea and coffee as the most popular drinks in the East and Western, have a thousand autumn. Long-term adherence to a glass of green tea every day, or - Cup of coffee helps to be healthy.

So, a lot of things is not what people think.

Many common sense, it is not necessarily correct.

It is just the idea of ​​curing in the mind.

And people are most stubborn. It is the most difficult to change some shortcomings.

This is like "Happy House Happy Water" is not good, but any throwing dose talk toxicity is a rogue.

Happy water, a lot of long-term drinking is really bad. But the problem is how much can most people drink again?

Ordinary people drink one or two bottles (ordinary installation) a day, there is no harm to the body.

After all, there is a happy water, mainly the sugar.

Therefore, Qin Feng also safely drinking this precious coffee.

At first, Caspar had not missed.

Just, I don't know, a pot is gone. He went to grind.

After a while, I didn't.

Looking at the cantolic coffee beans in this collection, there is less and less, soon will soon see it, Caspar pays attention to "culprit".

Your guy, when this Blue Mountain Coffee is ice water, so drink!

However, you are the principal of Stanford, but also the invite person to drink, you can't say it in advance.

This ordinary person, then did it. But he is expensive as the principal of Stanford, always can't do this.

This person wants face, and the tree will be skin.

He is really embarrassed.

In the end, I can only look at Qin Feng's belly belly, and enjoy the coffee maker of Fenxiang.

very delicious.

Caspe President's face smoked.

"Caspe President, this coffee is finished, how can people have not come yet?" Qin Feng spit, "is too slow. Do you say that Stanford University is so slow?"

Qin Feng was full, and it began to mart.

The principal of Caspar listened, and gas did not play.

If you eat, you will fight the truth.

I just finished the blue mountain coffee that I had a collection, I came to find trouble.

How long does this? Not minutes.

You will have a whole canister of blue mountain coffee, you too much.

"Qin Feng classmate, do you know how big Stanfu is?" Caspe President bite his teeth.

"Know! I have been!" Qin Feng nodded, "When I came to the exam four years, I turned in Stanford. It covers an area of ​​about square kilometers and the area is really large." US Sixth University. "

Qin Feng grinned and laughed.

"Do you want me to calculate it, from here to the distance and step number of dormitory areas?" Qin Feng asked, "I still said. Calculate the speed of the female secretary of the principal?"

The meaning of the ridiculous words in the Qin Feng discourse, jumped in the air.

Caspe President's brow.

He didn't expect that Qin Feng guys actually drilled. This guy is not good to deal with.

"Qin Feng classmates, if you are willing, I am very happy to listen to whether you are equally talented in mathematics." The principal of Caspar said faintly.

For Qin Feng's drill, he naturally can't be angry. You know, Harvard has a professor to look at it. He wants to be angry, then it is a lot of face.

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