The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first chapter 756 ?? So you can eat

Qin Feng did not really calculate it.

This is said.

Of course, the calculation is not calculated. It's just that you are in that, then the Caspe President is sinned.

You are looking for it.

Therefore, Qin Feng smiled and sat down.

"Caspe President, this is waiting, this only drinks a belly water, this is a bit hungry, can you get some small snacks to eat?" Qin Feng suddenly turned his face.

Caspar is black.

What is your guy? What is it?

You are a professor of Harvard, a heavyweight, this cup of coffee has nothing to drink.

You only have a whole canister of Blue Mountain coffee, this turns over, and eat.

How big is your heart?

However, as long as Qin Feng can't do it.

Otherwise, Qin Feng is really going to calculate this, then it is really embarrassed.

Subsequently, the Caspe President took out the destroyed snacks to be passed.

After the Qin Feng passenger case, they took it.

Don't say, it's really good.

To say sweets, this old sweets are really good.

In addition to considering the growing fat, it is true that the taste is really delicious than the domestic snacks.

Domestic snacks, except for the spicy snacks such as the duck neck, sweets, the West is better.

In addition to the difference in starting skills, the most important reason is that the Western materials are relatively foot.

China? You have to say that the material is very good. Dare to fake.

But then, with the spring breeze of reform, this fake is more and more.

The most obvious, for all families,

Feel the deepest, that is, domestic TV, the price is now, but the quality is also down.

Because of the quality of the garbage, the development of the maintenance store will directly drive.

In the past few years, it is the middle of the age. In the past few years, various home appliance repair stores all over the country.

The most of the most is to repair TV.

No way, TV is often bad.

It's broken when you don't move.

And this time, what is most commonly used by home? It is a TV.

After the tea is meal, it is watching TV.

At this time, you have to say something else, in addition to gambling, or do something less than children, just watch TV.

Of course, the dance hall is also very popular, during this period.

But that is not to belong to everyone. Most people, or watch TV before watching TV.

Because of the cheapest.

This consumption is the cheapest, cheapest, and it is also mostly able to bear.

Unfortunately, with the economic development, the quality is getting worse.

Each row is true.

Big white rabbit is not tasteful.

Instant noodles are not fragrant.

Wait, a variety of products are far less than before.

The whole meeting room is extremely quiet.

I heard the Qin Feng in the tear bag, and then put it in the mouth of chewing.

Everyone saw that Qin Feng took a while, and he had a delicate spot in front of the small box in front of him.

After eating, Qin Feng's face is still unfair.

The principal of Caspar took a deep breath and fill it again.

Then, looked at Qin Feng in that kind of eating.

This guy, is the belly made? I can install so much.

Ok, as long as you eat, Qin Feng is not provoked.

This allows the principal of the Caspar to give a good one, and it is considered to be worthwhile.

After about an hour, the female secretary of the May President of Caspe finally came to Mary Meijer.

One hour has passed, what data is deleted.

Although it is said that after the hard disk data is deleted, even if it is covered, there is also a way to find it. Of course, it is impossible to find it back.

However, you have been in the past, but if you don't know, Marisha Meiyer is destroyed all evidence.

Even, the hard disk can be changed.

This has no direct evidence, then how do they ask for guilty?

That's just a joke.

"The principal is good!" Marry Meiyer asked.

The principal of Caspe President is amazed in the gender of Marisha Meiyer.

The field, a girl, actually can be so extracted, is really not simple.

"Marisa, today Harvard's teachers and students, say that you steal their database, is this really?" Caspar asked, "They said that they have evidence to prove this. I hope, no matter whether it is Not you did, you can provide your computer and check it out. "

This time, it is obviously in the dark, and the data in Marisha Meriele has been cleaned.

This female secretary did ten minutes ago, I got this thing when I found Mary Meiyer.

Marry Meiyer can say that using the remaining more than half an hour, delete the data in the hard drive in the hard drive several times.

After deleting, immediately fill in new data, then delete, and then fill. Make sure you can't find it after it is.

"The principal, they are the filing of me. I have been in the school gate. Now, I have brought my notebook to prove my innocence. If I am not what I hope, I hope the principal can still I am a clerish! "Marisha Meiyer missed indignation.

"Marissa, rest assured. If you don't have anything in your computer, I will give you a meeting. I believe that Harvard is the first school of the world, and will give you an account." Caspe stared at Professor David. I have said.

Many professors frown.

They dare to bet, at this moment, this computer is extremely clean, and there is nothing.

In this case, you still look at a fart.

"Qin Feng, you will go see!" Professor David can only hopes to be pinned in Qin Feng.

Qin Feng smiled and shook his head.

"Caspe President, we have not said that Marry Meiyer classmates. We have provided evidence, of course, you don't believe. Since you don't believe, even if I find evidence from their computer, you It can also be said to be fake. "Qin Feng said.

"Qin Feng, you don't reverse the black and white, our Stanford, there is still no way."

Caspe President Cold Drink, "This matter, it is related to our honor of Stanford, which is not allowed to plant, and you must not argue."

If Harvard is coming, the last did not find anything, this is a farce. Throwing the face of Harvard.

Even, because of the gender reasons for Marisha Meiyer, this may also trigger a gender battle.

At that time, unlucky is Harvard, it is Qin Feng.

And Stanfurt, maybe you can rush straight.

Of course, it is the world's first school, it is impossible.

However, it has become the world's first school, but there is hope.

Department, becoming the world's top, the meaning is also very big.

To know, for the higher education, it is well developed. If you can't, then a certain department, you can lead the group, that is also a good thing.

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