The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand seventh hundred and seventh chapter ?? mentality is not good

() "Rebirth of the wealth of the sky ()" Find the latest chapter! Marisha Mei Yers is unhappy. I am exhausted by myself, I will give a million dollar annual salary to Qin Feng. For this million dollar annual salary, Marisha Meiyer is almost eating in the company. In addition to going home, change your clothes. Basically, she is in the company these days. This kind of tired is not mentioned. But she is very enjoyable, especially for this salary. A million dollar annual salary, this has not graduated, and I got a million annual income. Even the world's top famous school students, it is also only very few people to do. Such a high salary, such income makes her very satisfied. This not only solves her personal life, but also solves her personal vanity problem. All this is very beautiful. And she believes that it will be better in the future. But all this is smashed at this moment. It is satisfied with the income of the annual salary of millions of dollars, and it is full of satisfaction. When chatting with Stanford students, that tone was full of show, full of confidence. However, Qin Feng has reached an amazing 11.4 billion US dollars in a quarter. This is a quarter. If a year, it is $ 456 million. And yourself, annual income of millions of dollars. I have worked hard to work for 456, and I can earn a year income that Qin Feng can earn. Qin Feng, easily a year, can earn the income that you need to be exhausted in 456. This, what do you think, how is it to be frustrated. On the side of the Demmon, I can understand the mood of Marissa. After all, he is also true. In Wall Street, you are in contact with those big bosses. They

Everything has money. At that time, Demun also had this strong psychological drop.

I am exhausted, and I can make so much earn my brain. It was originally thought that his income was very good. In this world, it is already equal.

As a result, and the big bosses in Wall Street compared to their own income, but it is a human pocket money.

The strong drop in the moment is very exciting.

Demun is adjustable.

However, although he came over, but he could not help Mary.

Because of this kind of thing, you must have yourself. The others are not busy.

The others can't help you solve the inner magic bar.

You can only rely on yourself.

"Don't be frustrated. As long as you work hard, I believe that next year ..." Qin Feng grinned.

"It is so comforted me. You are so ..." Marisha didn't stand the Qin Feng.

But Qin Feng's next sentence, directly let Marisha have been running away.

"Next year, I will be more money!" Qin Feng smiled.

Deng Meng, a look, and laughing at the table.

Marisha directly was given the feet of Qin Feng.

This guy, no humanity.

I know that I am not very good now, I can't adapt to this loss, and the result is that he still stimulates himself.

"Okay, ok, let's make a joke. You have to know if your work can bring huge benefits to the company, so once the company is listed, you will become a super rich." Qin Feng smiled, "I Give you 1% shares. "

1%, this is a lot.

Marisa is not too little.

On the contrary, she as a wager, this 1% shares have been very high.

If the company's market value breaks a million dollars, it is $ 100 million.

Broken millions of dollars, it is $ 1 billion.

And Qin Feng, the boast of Haikou, that is trillion.

This 1%, that is the $ 10 billion market value.

Although it is said that it is a furry than the shares of Qin Feng. However, she is also very satisfied.

10 billion dollars, this is no longer changing her personal life. But the whole family.

The whole family.

"You said this, I have a lot of mood." Marisha Meiyer completed the mood.

"Now I have money. So you can re-listen to your plans, then, look, how to do better. Our goal is the trillion dollar value. So, you will be atmospheric." Qin Feng. "Qin Feng Say.

Demon nod.

Previously, I used to help Qin Feng save money. Now, Qin Feng does not lack the money.

Then he can do better.

I thought about it.

"I am here, there is no place to adjust the amount. Ten million, used to promote a currency, whether it is a real currency, or a virtual currency, it is enough." Dymon said, " What I need is to see the virtual currency as soon as possible. "

"Well, in this respect, you can rest assured that you can come out soon." Qin Feng said.

Those hackers are still anxious than themselves. They urgently need a very safe currency and go to trade.

Cash is also good, credit transfer is also good.

This will expose the horse feet. In the future, once it is taken, it is finished.

Therefore, they are urgent to create a virtual currency that cannot be tracked.

Bitcoin is undoubtedly very suitable.

"I am here, the headquarters, actually not very good suggestions." Mei Lisa mouth, "Harvard only allows us to repair three floors, then 10,000 square meters, how to toss again, actually limited."

"In this regard, I will find ways." Qin Feng thought about it, decided to be responsible for the construction of the headquarters building.

"You are responsible for recruiting troops. Now it is not lacking, then you should create the top talent echelon." Qin Feng said.

"Well, how do you prepare for the salary?" Marisha Meiyer asked.

"Top." Qin Feng said that "20% higher than Silicon Valley."

"I am afraid no one can grab talented with you." Marisha Meiyer is amazed.

The salary is 20% higher than the Silicon Valley, that is too attractive. It is to know that Qin Feng is a company just created, Qin Feng is so rich, and it is a social media, which has the temptation to join top talent joining.

Now, the salary is still 20%, and any company in Silicon Valley can't grab talent with Qin Feng.

"Then I will go busy first." Marisha Meiyer stood up and went.

Now there is money, then do things quickly. Uu reading

She just was a little indignant for her income between her and Qin Feng. However, this mentality problem is good for a while.

Now she is full of fighting, wants to struggle.

After the Marisha left, we also looked at Qin Feng.

"How do you get the company's shares? How much is this?" Doraun asked.

Qin Feng, the company's investment is too frequent.

This makes the Demun feel tricky.

You frequently replace the company's shareholding proportion, it is really a little headache.

"I think, I will open you independent." Qin Feng eyes flashed, "Let you become a branch."

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