The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The first thousand seventy hundred seventy-five chapters?

() "Rebirth of the wealth of the sky ()" Find the latest chapter! "This idea is good." Dai Meng praised. If all bundled together, a group company is formed, which is not. The advantage of this is that the company's profit point is much, so the market value will be high. However, the disadvantage is that because the collection is together, it will inevitably do not have all on resource allocation. Moreover, there is still some confusion in management. The most critical is that because all are in a company, once you are sniper, then many advantageous resources are easily lost. Financial sniper is very common. If split, then these disadvantages can be avoided. The only disadvantage is that the company's profit point is shared, and there will be some obstacles when listed in the future. However, Qin Feng has confidence to do trillion US dollars, then the only shortcomings of natural this is no longer a shortcoming. "How are you ready?" Dai Mong. "It's very simple, your financial company is an independent company. Then, Facebook is a simple social media company. And Marisha's artificial intelligence Ai, I plan to build a company, specifically used to develop a variety of technologies, formulate Some protocols, IT rules, high-end routes. "Qin Feng said. "Yes. However, in this case, Mary's artificial intelligence Ai, that is really need to be saved. This money is not a $ 1.6 billion, that will be more than one billion, even billions of dollars." Meng said. This kind of high-tech company, once the technology breaks through, then the income will be very amazing. But there is no breakthrough, it will need to put a lot of money. This is the short board. But there is no way, this world is all beneficial. After the two people discussed some details about the company's split, they were desirable. Of course, this time, he has started promoting Bitcoin with 10 million US dollars. Qin Feng will not come out.

This time, it is completely promoted by Demmon.

If Qin Feng is going, it is not very good.

The reason is very simple, Wall Street is a very powerful place.

Qin Feng is Chinese. If Qin Feng is going, it will be targeted by Wall Street.

Don't look now is a civilized society, but racial discrimination, that is all.

Especially the more high-end society, the more serious race discrimination.

Of course, it will not be directly revealed to the city well.

However, that discrimination is present in the bones.

Therefore, Dai Mon will not be promoted, it will not be earlier than the extra martyrdom, and will not let Waldow people see a profitable map, and take the opportunity to directly three vibrates, then Wall Street.

These people have more shameless, and Demon is more familiar.

The contradiction between his before and the former boss Sandy-Well is also here.

Demon is very unfair to Wall Street, but Wall Street has already happened.

Demon is considered to be a colleague, depending on the capabilities, it is determined by the person, not your skin.

However, those people in Wall Street, including his former boss Sandy Vail, although it also values, but it is more eye-catching. In their company, the duties of the white people will never be higher than colored.

Moreover, Sandywell, of course, including other Wall Street President, most habitual engagement.

In their respective fields, the mountain head, accommodated all kinds of heart.

This is also resentful.

However, this reality is like this.

In the company, Dai Mun can do it regardless of colleagues, do not engage in the office politics, and everyone will eat.

But outside, reality.

Demun must also abide by the rules of the game.

Therefore, this virtual currency promotion, Lin Feng will not come out.

At the same time, this time, the new company, Demun will share the share of the share, share the share of the share of stocks, and Qin Feng has a share of $ 10 million, holding 70%. Being Demmon as CEO and promoting the upcoming bitcoin.

Qin Feng, the whole process exists as behind the scene.

Not in the outside face.

There will be no events related to the company.

In this way, it is also a protection against Qin Feng.

At the same time, it is also the result of both parties.

Because, if the virtual currency is promoted, it is sought after by all walks of life. Global governments may take some measures to them.

Including the US government.

If Demun is created, then he will not have anything too much.

As long as you don't steal tax, you caught it, then it's fine.

On the contrary, Qin Feng may provoke a lot of trouble. Even if the other party can't catch evidence, but I bother you all day, it is also annoying.

As for another side, Marisha Meiyer began a full-scale recruitment.

This time, she sent a program directly at the White League.

A breakdown applet.

Take a $ 1,000 as a reward, collecting IT elites that can be broken within three days.

As long as you can break it in the rules of the game, you can get a bonus of $ 1,000 by a contact after the clearance.

However, it can only be broken in the game, and must not pass the external means.

Once the external crack is tried, as long as it is discovered, it will not only immediately ban the winning qualifications, but the White League will officially expose it.

Today's White Alliance has brought together IT elite students throughout the American famous school. This usual task is to help colleges and universities solve a variety of IT issues. Under the repeated war, it has attracted the attention of the entire Silicon Valley.

Many Silicon Valley companies have begun to find talents through the White League.

Once it is expelled in the White Hale Alliance, it is expelled with unhealthy reasons, then this student will hardly find the job of relief.

The game of Marisha Meiyer is a familiarity to the artificial intelligence AI. Only by truly understanding artificial intelligence Ai can be able to crack the puzzles and difficulties in this small game, get the final answer.

Natural, you can also get this $ 1,000 reward.

Of course, because it is an artificial intelligent ai game. So, the problems encountered by everyone are different. Moreover, you must be online.

Marisha is through the $ 1,000, attracts the true top talent.

As for who says this 1,000 US dollar? Naturally, Qin Feng is out.

He is so rich, don't care about this money is not.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in a quarter.

This is only 1,000 dollars, and it is the same as Qin Feng.

Qin Feng doesn't care about this reward.

After all, the real talent is not too much. Even if 1,000 people are good, it is only $ 100,000.

This money is really not much.

In this moment, Qin Feng is started to find a building that can be designed to be aware of his headquarters, enough to attract eye. About this person, there is a person in Qin Feng's heart.

Isn't it three layers, don't you justify it?

In Qin Feng impression, there is such a person.

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