The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand and fifty-six chapters flowers

What do men are most afraid?

The most fear is a woman crying.

Once this woman tears, the woman is a man's fault.

Qin Feng naturally distressed the pain, and quickly looked down.

However, this time, unlike the previous.

In the past, the Qin Feng once suited, and the Tanabata fairy will not be good to fall in the Qin Feng, so that she is uncomfortable.

And this time, the Tanabata fairy did not say, just silently tears.

This makes Qin Feng very worried.

This is crying, so that Qin Feng crazy.

As a result, this cry is for a long time, for a long time.

Qin Feng only felt that his chest was wet.

At this time, the Tanabata fairy stopped crying.

"The squad leader, I feel angry, I don't know how to comfort you, I don't know how to comfort you, I don't know how to comfort you." Qin Feng quickly asked himself.

"You are not wrong, it is my fault. It is my own feeling that I am useless." Said, I said that the Tanabata fairy cried again.

Qin Feng hands were more confused.

What happened to this?

Who is bullying you? I will give you a revenge!

However, the Qi Xi fairy is not awkward, it is crying, not loud, not very ugly, in fact, silent tears, tears are silent, slide, the appearance, it is, there are more communication, there are more people .

At this moment, a buzz is coming.

"Fairy, I am coming ~~~" I was a rushing joy from the downstairs.

Soon, the voice arrived upstairs, appeared in this empty garden.

"Qin Feng, you are also coming back!" I was to see Qin Feng, a surprise.

However, I quickly saw the rain and playing, crying, Tanabata.

"Fairy, what's wrong? Is it this bad egg and bully you!" I was busy running over, took out the hand to the Hall of the Fairy, and the Qin Feng was squeezed to the side.

"This ... I ..." Qin Feng wants to explain.

"You still don't want to give us some delicious to compensate!" I was in the Qin Feng, the way to Qin Feng, a self-compliance, and the way.

Qin Feng immediately wake up.

"Yes, yes, I will give you a table!" Qin Fengxin gods immediately went downstairs to go to the kitchen to start busy.

After Qin Feng left, I was inquiry.

"What happened, fairy, how did he pay for you?" I would like to ask, "He wants to have some sorry, we will teach him together. We have no way, and have a sister! She will help us of!"

"Nothing, I am too unrestrained, I think something, I feel very wronged, so I cried, I didn't know him. I saw him very happy." Tanabata fairy wiped tears explained.

"What is it?" I was asked.

"I think I am not used, I can't see him, let people bullied home. Then, I still think of you, Nono, you, you, you also like Qin Feng, right!" Tanabata suddenly said.

"Ah? No, there is no matter. I am more than him, I am so happy, how can I like him, just when he is a brother! Fairy, don't think about it!" I was coming.

"Nono, I know, you like him. Otherwise, there will be no such thing, you will have it to come forward. However, he only has one, how to divide!" Tanabata fairy said.

It is silent from Icon.

Yes, Qin Feng has only one, how to divide.

The two did not speak.

Reality, it is always very cruel.

Some things, that's it, I can't solve it.

I don't know how long it is, Qin Feng has already burned a table.

I came up and went to dinner.

But one, I feel that things are not very right.

The look of the second woman seems unhappy.

This allows Qin Feng Gogden.

How is this going?

What is the second woman?

Qin Feng did not dare to speak.

I had to sit on the side and accompanying two women silent.

After a long time, the Hua light is at the beginning, the cold wind is coming, and the three people can't help with a cold.

Here, the second woman woke up.

"It's so late! Why are you sitting here!" Tanabata fairy and I will look at Qin Feng sitting on one side, surprised.

"Call you!" Qin Feng shrugged.

"Then why don't you call us!" I was blamed.

"Because, I think this kind of so beautiful, so I just see the beauty, I don't leave God, I miss the time. Sure enough, Eins' relativity, all the four seas," Qin Feng interested. "

Two women are happy.

"Let's eat, I am hungry." Two female hands took the hand.

It seems that there is nothing happening.

Qin Feng is confused.

This two women do not happen?

What happened?

However, it is apparent that the second woman will not say.

Qin Feng is not asked.

"Qin Feng, the dishes are cold." The second woman shouted downstairs.

"Ah, come, come, I am hot." Qin Feng quickly ran.

Soon, I have a few dishes, and the three people have a drink.

Although there is still a laugh, but this atmosphere, Qin Feng always feels weird.

The faint feelings seem to have something to happen.

However, I don't know what happened.

After dinner, Qin Feng specially left an Ichaen No to help you to wash your dishes, so that the Tanabata fairy will take a bath first.

After all, this old house, when designing, I didn't consider the problem of taking a bath.

Unlike in the United States, there are many bathrooms in many houses.

In the West, the bathroom is considered to be the most intimate place.

Everyone needs to take a shower.

So, whether it is apartment or a villa, there are many bathrooms.

Like domestic, watching the house, will say a few rooms in several rooms, and the West is generally a few baths.

This is the result of the different cultures of the East and Western culture.

Just, this reason can take a shower in Tanabata.

"Nono, what happened?" Qin Feng asked, "What happened?"

"We? We are nothing." I was shrugged, "We are good. Just think of some people."

Qin Feng is inquiring, and is blocked by I.

"This is a careful thing between our girls, you can't know this." Icon refused.

Qin Feng helpless, I have to give up.

After that, when I was to take a shower, Qin Feng also touched the Tanabay Fairy house inquiry.

The answer obtained, the same is small.

"There is no matter what we do. You don't think too much." Tanabata fairy said softly, "You still think about your student. Her concert will start now."

Qin Feng is embarrassed, and heads exited the room.

There must be something between these two gimmicks.

But what is it? Qin Feng really didn't understand.

Ok, Qin Feng is not the kind of person who likes to drill the horns.

Since I don't understand, I don't do it.

This person's mood will also have flowers.

When two women are willing to say it.

Now, for Qin Feng, Britney's concert is a big event.

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