The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand one hundred and fifty-seventh chapter white heat

The latest website: (Everything is not smooth! I am sighing again to eat hot tofu.) Branti's concert is a big event. After all, it is my own student. Qin Feng can't always don't care. When I came to Britney, it was naturally a distinct scene. Britney flew directly to Qin Feng, jumped directly, and the Qin Feng was quickly hugged. "Teacher, you are finally here! People are worried that you are not coming!" Brandi directly sent a hot kiss. I don't care about it around and have Avril. Such a hot attitude, it is true that Avril is awkward. This is too much. Although it is said that European and American women have always been more bold, and they will be brave enough for love. But, be brave enough to pursue, then there is a scale. Especially, are you still a female star! It is always necessary to hold it. But okay, Britney doesn't care. Really don't care. That is posted on Qin Feng, tight. "You are not afraid you can't get you, fall!" Qin Feng smiled. "Hey, I was broken, and the teacher would have to raise my life!" Brandi said. Qin Feng is completely speechless. But my heart has a few proud, a few warm hearts. Britney is really unintentional to yourself. So, you can't hurt her. Of course, you can't hurt the Tanabata of the Fairy. and so,

This matter must be solved.

Well, you will be solved.

Qin Feng's heart swearing.

"How is your rehearsal?" Qin Feng asked.

"Well, it's almost. This way, after tomorrow, when we are in Laba Festival, we can perform it." Brandi said.

"That's good. What I can do, talk!" Qin Feng said.

"Hey, teacher, we hope that you can help us play the piano. Accompaniment five songs for us." Brandi took Qin Feng arm, begging, "Is it good?"

"This is no problem. Teacher must go." Qin Feng nodded.

"Hey, I know the teacher's best." Brandi sent a kiss in this time.

Avril et al. Directly not to bear directly.

This little Nizi is too hot. They all have a bit of spring heart, I want to find someone to fall in love.

On the same day, Qin Feng stayed and made a simple rehearsal.

Soon, I went to Laba Festival.

This day, Britney and others opened a concert.

Originally, I can sing a concert alone, as far as the hotel in Britney is now.

However, she has not been a concert.

Now, open a star concert, I have to say that Britney is with Avril.

But because of this, this box office appeal is very strong.

As early as possible, the ticket is completely sold.

This concert is booked at 19:30 in the evening, and the result is more than 17 o'clock, and the body is full of people.

The black pressure crowd is all the fans from all over the country rushing.

You know, this is the first time that the red singer will play in China.

This is never passed before.

How does this not excited.

"What to do, so many people, fairy, will we go in, will it be discovered?" I was looking forward to the black pressed crowd, worried.

Originally, you can find Qin Feng to have a few good seats.

However, the Tanabata fairy did not open.

She spend money to buy tickets.

As a result, because there is no high price to be as high as it is, it is so fast.

You know, this fare, the inner field is 980 yuan a ticket, the cheapest outside field is 180 yuan.

This price is already very expensive than now.

However, it is sold out at once.

Without, I'm also purchased two good tickets from the yellow cattle.

I would like to buy three, but Lin Yu has something to do, I can't come, I only bought two.

It can be seen now, so many people, the Tanabata fairy has ever makeup, so that you can not be discovered.

How is this?

This is to be discovered, then it is troublesome.

Do not say, how many media reporters will write, that is, the safety of Tanabata is not good.

"Let's go, don't use so much concerns. I will have to see, how is it!" Tanabata fairy bite his teeth.

She wants to see what this Britney is on the scene.

She will not lose to this European and American woman.

The two are squeezed in the crowd.

Qin Feng did not know that the two came.

In his opinion, two women should not come.

At this moment, Lin Feng is still preparing in the background.

"How, is it nervous?" Lin Feng asked.

"Hey, there is a teacher, I am not nervous." Brandi said.

"If you are not nervous. How to wait for it, don't be afraid of mistakes, it's okay." Qin Feng reluctantly said, "As long as you see you, you will be happy."

Today's fans, still very tolerant, what is wrong with your favorite idol, you will not care.

Moreover, the current network is not as developed in the future.

After all, there is no smartphone.

Without smartphones, there is no coming yet.

In the later generation, when the smartphone has just appeared, he just thinks that the mobile phone function is much more. You can watch movies, listen to music, and chat.

I didn't think too much. I didn't think that the appearance of smartphones is a revolution.

Let the entire world's pattern, there is a change in the earth.

Everyone's lives have created huge changes because smartphones have changed.

Nowadays, although the desktop network is developed, there is no smartphone, and it is still in the Internet 1.0 era.

When the smartphone is coming, it is the arrival of the Internet 2.0 era.

"Hey, teacher, I am a little confident in me! People are great!" Brandi made a face of Qin Feng.

"Brandi, we played!" Avril looked at time, almost the same.

"Hey, teacher, let's perform it first!" Britney debut.

A unprecedented concert was officially kicked off.

Qin Feng is absolutely unknown at this moment, this concert has brought much impact on the later generations.

Moreover, how many storms will be caused by this concert.

This is 2000, the world's first concert.

Of course, there are some little songs to hold concerts. But as a red singer, this is the first concert of the red singer.

When Britney debuted, the entire stadium boiled.

Boiling is not.

"Britney! Britney! Britney!" Cheers.

Blonde, a hot Branda standing on the court, that is, the whole game is boiling.

"Dear friends, how are you! I am Brandi, I am a student of Qin Feng in your city! I am also a half-city people, how are you!" Britney is not standard The national language is good.

This time, from this time, it is hot.

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