The wealth of re-birth is in the air

The second thousand one hundred and fifty-eighth chapter suggestion

The latest website: noisy stadium, crazy fan, the entire stadium in Britney's opening, instantly reached a climax. For domestic fans, it is the first close to Europe and America. At this stage, the Chinese people are integrally pulled by the Western countries, or the overall feeling of inferiority. Western society is too developed, too rich, so that now, even the 21st century, in this first few years, it still feels inferior. Of course, Yucheng people will not be inferior. Today's Yucheng people can be proud. Because the per capita income of the city is high, the living level is high, although it is not like Western developed countries, lives in a villa, driving a sports car, but everyone is very happy. And most importantly, the naked eye will be happier tomorrow. This is the most important for all ordinary people. Will be more happily tomorrow. Nothing is more important than this. Nothing is more comfortable than this. Everything in life, everything is unpleasant, everything is depressed, everything is heavy, will be more accommodated because of happiness tomorrow. No matter how hard it is today, how tired, how is it, as long as you are more happy tomorrow, then you can go. Hecheng, although not talking about life a day, you can feel the changes in the city every month, everyone's life is getting better. In this case, naturally, the people of Nature are happy. It is also the life of Western society, and there is not much thought. Although our own life, perhaps in material conditions is not as good as the other party, I am very happy. When people are happy enough, there is no dissatisfaction, or if you want to complain. Nature, this kind of sought after will be much less.

At this moment, most of the audiences can say that most of them are not a city. They are all from the fan groups across the country.

Of course, this is also a provision in the city.

Tickets are quite expensive, but for the Yucheng people, it is consumption.

Yucheng people have complete capacity consumption.

Just, this city is not just a Zhili Zone, and the positioning of Yucheng, in addition to Qin Feng's heavy and heavy industry, the city is now heavy industry, there is no light industrial industry.

Because, Qin Feng can ensure that the profit will invest in environmental protection, ensuring that the wastewater, exhaust gas, waste gas, waste, waste, waste, waste, and waste residers emissively emissited by Daqin Heavy Industry, will not pollute the environment.

And some small light industries, it can't do this.

The environment of the past Yucheng is very beautiful, but with the investment in various light industrial industries in the seventh and eighties, it will eventually lead to environmental festival destruction. It can be said that the environment of the city has become precarious.

In Qin Feng memory, when I was young, the mosquitoes in Yucheng were very small.

In the summer, the weather is hot, and the sun is falling, every household will move the lounge chair, the mat, etc., first sprinkled a little water, let the ground temperature fall. Then you can get it cool.

At that time, basically, every household is sleeping outside.

There will be no mosquitoes, very comfortable.

But later, after the end of the 1980s, it would not work outdoors.

The mosquitoes are too much, the people can't stand, big bags, one one, people are really uncomfortable.

So, I gradually beat very cold outside.

Even if the family is bothering, the same, I would rather blow the fan at home, and I don't want to go outside.

No him, it is a mosquito.

Of course, now with the emergence of Qin Feng's big Qin steel and Daqin heavy workers, various light industries have been discontinued, and the environment of Yucheng has improved.

This environment has improved, coupled with a large area of ​​killing mosquitoes, this evening, everyone can come out.

The position of the city is the position of the whole city, the two heavy industrial plants of Qin Feng are the spine, which supports the skeleton of Yucheng, and the style of Yucheng is a tourist city.

Location is a tourist city. Since it is a tourist city, then it is natural to welcome a lot of passengers.

And this concert is undoubtedly the most attractive.

Therefore, the official of Yucheng is recommended that the Yucheng people don't grab these tickets and give the ticket to the tourists.

Of course, this is just a suggestion, not an administrative order.

Yucheng has also begun to learn some good places in the West.

For example, for urban management, it is no longer a finger-made ass according to the head of a power department. However, the propaganda department is responsible for investigation, takes back to the research data from the people, and then analyzes the data experts, and finally constructs the construction plan through the urban planning professionals.

Finally, take out multiple solutions to choose from the above functioning sector.

This process ensures that the decisions made by the functional department are as good as possible.

Of course, this decision is not really accurate.

But at least, this decision is an optimal solution in most cases.

Naturally, for the public, the functional department is also restricted. Unlike other places, they are all parents.

Parents, listening to it, it is necessary to care for the common people.

But at the same time, don't forget, in ancient times, parents' majestic is very heavy.

The Lord, that is, what to do, what to do, is a master of a house. The children below, can only be obedient, only according to the parents' words.

And no matter what, you have to listen.

Including marriage, this ancient times is not all the life of parents, the media words.

Therefore, the words of the parents are in modern times, it is an ideological imprisonment, a constraint, and powerful constraint.

Therefore, now, the functional department of Yucheng is just a concentration of all rights in urban construction. And for the people of Yucheng, there is no big binding force.

Everything has legal and morality.

The rest, don't have to play the wind.

Therefore, in many cases, the official statement is a suggestion, not a command.

In the concert, there is a climax.

The five beautiful girls are either Britney's top-level fashion character in Europe and America, or the super star like Avril.

For all fans, this concert is too attractive.

Especially the light effects of the entire stage, audio, and program design are explosive, very impact, let all people call addiction.

Of course, the bigger climax comes from Qin Feng's debut.

Qin Feng, not only the light of Yucheng, but also light in the country.

Super genius, the college entrance examination is super-shaped, IT giant, etc., let Qin Feng is enough to shine nationwide.

What's more, Qin Feng is still a piano master.

The title of the piano prince is not enough to describe Qin Feng.

Because Qin Feng is not a prince, but the king.

Caesar in the piano world!

The appearance of Qin Feng, the applause and screams, and the soldiers are not in Britney.

Humph! Tanabata fairy nose is slight, sour.

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