The reason why wealthy families are keen on banquet communication is that many projects have taken shape in banquet communication.

Especially the people that Ye Zhenghong invited today are basically either the person in charge of the family or the heir. These people have a broad vision, are not short of money, and need good projects.

Generally, at the level of a large group, projects are developed in multiple ways. For these bigwigs, the same level of contacts exchange information, collision of ideas, and the efficiency of project birth is higher.

There is a more important point, that is, knowing the bottom line, the other party's financial situation, personal ability and other comprehensive factors can basically be inquired. After all, no matter how good a project is, if the person in charge is unreliable, it is useless.

Just like now, if the cooperating person is Ye Shuyan, they will not hesitate to advance the project, but if it is Ye Shuchen, they will choose to observe carefully, after all, he really does not have the ability to be seen intuitively in China.

Therefore, this welcome banquet was Ye Zhenghong's opportunity for everyone to observe and recognize his creation.

Therefore, as soon as the welcome and thank you speeches were finished, Ye Zhenghong took Ye Shuchen to start a conversation with the core figures of each family.

His previous playful image was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and he had never dealt with these bigwigs seriously. Ye Zhenghong was not at ease, so he took him personally.

Jiang Miao took Ye Shuchen's arm and followed him, and when he stood beside a certain boss, he gave Tang Nuan a proud look.

Tang Nuan:…

All of a sudden there is power, what's going on? Alas, she is a bit of a rude person.

Ye Shuyan glanced at her with a laugh, then took her shoulders and said, "Let's go too."

Tang Nuan looked at him, why did he think he was also in high spirits?

When watching him hook up with people one by one, Tang Nuan was sure that his interest was indeed good.

It was easy for Ye Shuyan to join other people's topics, and after a while, she hooked up with several bigwigs to come and chat together.

One of them is Xie Feizhe's father, Xie Jianzhong.

He is similar to Xie Feizhe in five or six points, and he speaks in a friendly manner. After Ye Shuyan introduced her, she hurriedly called someone, "Uncle Xie."

Xie Jianzhong said with a smile, "Tang Nuan, right? I often hear Feizhe mention you. I finally met someone today. That kid has grown a lot recently. Thank you for taking him some time ago."

The familiar person made Tang Nuan relax and smiled, "How come, second brother Xie is already very powerful, and he has helped me a lot."

The smile on Xie Jianzhong's face deepened, and he said to the others, "Look, you are still humble, and you can make a warm sun system at such a young age, but it's amazing, remember to give your uncle a discount when that time comes."

Xie Jianzhong's obvious promotion, everyone naturally cooperated, and also gave Ye Shuyan a face, and took advantage of the situation to ask about the Nuanyang system, and Tang Nuan joined the conversation like this.

At first, everyone took care of her and only talked about the topic of the system. Later, they found that she was familiar with the projects involved in their group, and the topic unconsciously spread all over the world.

Tang Nuan listened quietly most of the time, but was able to pick up the conversation at the right time. And not only can she hit the nail on the head, but also occasionally have novel ideas, so everyone became interested and chatted with her more.

It is true that some opinions are still immature, but she is already very good at her age, and the big guys are not stingy to mention her.

Tang Nuan had long forgotten to be nervous and chatted very happily.

But probably because there were a lot of people on their side, or because today's most important bosses were basically here, Ye Zhenghong quickly walked over with Ye Shuchen.

"Old Xie." Ye Zhenghong interjected with a smile, "Xiaochen, come here quickly, and meet your uncle Xie." He said to Ye Shuyan, "Shuyan, your grandma hasn't seen you for a long time, you go see him Bar."

This is obviously because he is worried that Ye Shuyan will affect Ye Shuchen and wants to send him away.

Tang Nuan was a little angry, Ye Shuyan patted her on the back soothingly, and said lightly, "I see, I'll go in a while." But she stood still and continued chatting with people.

Ye Zhenghong wasn't good at doing it. It was too obvious that he could only work hard for Ye Shuchen. "Xiaochen..."

Ye Shuchen didn't wear any fancy suits today, and his attitude was correct. He looked like an elite son of the family doing business.

The two are the masters and protagonists of today, and everyone naturally gives face very much.

Ye Zhenghong took him and everyone to chat a few words, and then talked about the film and television themed cultural city project that Ye Shuchen planned to do this time, "This project is not small, there are places for cooperation, but he is still young and needs old friends. Let’s support and support.”

Everyone said yes with a smile on their faces. As for whether to take care of them or not, it depends on whether he has real skills. These people don't do business at a loss.

However, Ye Shuchen has obviously worked hard. When it comes to the project, he is in the right place. After that, we will start with the Xie family. To build a film and television themed cultural park, the first thing we need is land. The Ye family has no shortage of land, but a suitable piece. The son was in Ye Shuyan's hands, and he didn't want to fight, so he thought of cooperating with the Xie family.

However, Xie Jianzhong looked at Ci Ai, but he was a real old fried dough stick. He didn't say whether he agreed or not. Instead, he dragged in a few people who could relate to the project.

A bunch of old foxes seemed to be chatting enthusiastically, but to Tang Nuan's ears, there was nothing substantive at all, so it would be more interesting to mention her words just now.

Zhang Dong, who was standing next to her, didn't seem to be willing to do this kind of meaningless perfunctory. Instead, he continued to chat with her about topics that had not been discussed before. Tang Nuan was naturally very happy. After studying for a long time, one loves to talk and the other loves to listen, and the two of them are at ease.

Jiang Miao, who was holding Ye Shuchen's arm, kept her eyes on Tang Nuan. She couldn't help but sneer when she saw that she was nodding and holding on to Zhang Dong all the time. She herself did not dare to speak casually in front of these big men.

It can be seen that Tang Nuan has also sacrificed her face in order to raise her identity, and she has been stalking people, but she has only created a warm sun system. Nothing is good?

If it wasn't for the face of Ye Shuyan next to him, how could Dong Zhang ignore her.

Jiang Miao thought for a while, and quietly pulled Ye Shuchen's sleeve. Ye Shuchen followed her gesture and saw Tang Nuan and Zhang Dong. He obviously had similar thoughts to Jiang Miao, so he said "rescue" Zhang Dong, "Uncle Zhang. , what are you talking about?"

The conversation between Tang Nuan and Zhang Dong was interrupted, and Zhang Dong smiled, "It's nothing, just chatting."

Ye Shuchen said, "I remember that Uncle Zhang bought a lot of buses before, and he also advertised cars. The film and television culture city occupies an area..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Dong's smile faded, and Tang Nuan laughed unceremoniously.

Ye Shuchen looked at her with a frown, and Tang Nuan said directly, "Mr. Erye, Uncle Zhang owns an airline. I bought the bus to provide value-added services for customers, not to add a new passenger segment." Speaking of which, she also Regardless of Ye Shuchen, he said to Zhang Dong, "Speaking of which, Uncle Zhang, your layout is simply too powerful. At that time, I thought, why do you, an airline, buy so many buses and advertise the cars? When I saw your profit model later, I realized that your strategic vision is just like this, uncle!" She couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

There was a smile on Zhang Dong's face again.

Ye Shuchen was a little embarrassed, and quickly said, "Uncle Zhang, I'm sorry..."

Tang Nuan didn't wait for him to say more, but interrupted him directly and turned to the middle-aged woman Ye Shuchen had just wrapped around with a smile, "By the way, speaking of the exquisite layout, and Aunt and the communication company's That cooperation case is simply amazing! I always thought that network communication has replaced traditional communication, but I didn't expect you to use this part of the traffic to directly monetize it..."

Aunt Li also smiled. Tang Nuan didn't stop, she just wanted to steal his connections, but since he wanted to provoke her, don't blame her for calling him shameless!

Tang Nuan counted the unique features of the other bigwigs one by one. Ye Shuchen stood by the side and had no chance to interject, because he didn't understand at all.

A person's energy is limited. Since Ye Shuchen spends so much time playing with absurdities, it is impossible to have time to truly understand a project. His so-called ability is just to find the right investment project with money.

However, in a project, there are too many key factors for execution, otherwise Ye Shuyan is not smart enough? For Ye Shi, he almost became a dog. Why does Ye Shuchen play for fun and use his family's money to make some money, so he can become a convincing helmsman?

Tang Nuan was angry, full of firepower, and coaxed several people into smiles, no one liked to praise, and what Tang Nuan said was indeed their proud work, and the key subtleties were accurately interpreted by her, Even if she knew she was flattering, she was happy.

At least she really understands. In this comparison, Ye Shuchen is a sleight of hand. I don't know if things like making money are true?

After all, Ye Zhenghong is very likely to lie in order to build momentum for his younger son.

Although the bosses didn't show it, Ye Shuchen had already lost his confidence in Tang Nuan's pressure, and he dared not speak again. Ye Zhenghong secretly hated in his heart, but he could only smooth things out with a smile, "This child has been thinking about himself. I have a career and I don’t want to affect my family, so I have been investing abroad, and I don’t know much about domestic information. The projects he is investing in now…”

Tang Nuan answered with a smile, "The projects he invested in are really smart."

Ye Zhenghong frowned, intuition that she would not say anything good, and was about to speak, but Xie Jianzhong took the lead and said with interest, "How do you say?"

Tang Nuan said, "When I recently researched the development trend of the industry, I found an interesting rule: In fact, the process of economic development of each country from development to development is very similar."

"The most intuitive example is infrastructure construction. Sixty years ago, the Huaguo country was also booming in real estate development. At the same time, highways, high-speed railways, and railways... These are the only way for the entire social and economic development."

"So, as long as you invest in these projects in early-stage countries that are decades behind our country, you will definitely make money without losing money." She looked at Ye Shuchen, "You are investing in these projects in Achai, right?"

Ye Shuchen was speechless, he was indeed working on these projects, but when she said this, it was as if his investments had become opportunistic.

Tang Nuan smiled slightly and continued, "In addition to infrastructure, there is also a typical technology, such as Silicon Valley in the United States, you can refer to the technology needs of developed countries, such as instant messaging, games, etc. have been tested development direction." She added Looking at Ye Shuchen, "Several emerging companies that you have invested in in China are all mature in the United States, right?" Having said that, she gave Ye Shuchen a thumbs up, "So you must invest in these. You are so smart."

This is absolutely ironic!

Ye Shuchen's face was very bad, so she meant that his achievements were just pasting and copying, picking up people's teeth and wisdom, didn't they count as any ability at all?

Seeing that Ye Shuchen couldn't utter a word, Jiang Miao couldn't help sneering, "You mean that you can also invest accurately and earn more than one billion in two or three years?"

Tang Nuan said simply, "I can't make any money."

Jiang Miao was about to mock her when she heard her continue, "Because I have no money!"

Speaking of this, she suddenly looked at Ye Shuchen sharply, "Speaking of which, don't just talk about what you earned, how much did you invest in total, Mr. Erye? Don't invest 2 billion and earn more than 10 billion. "

This is a naked, naked insult, Ye Shuchen said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Tang Nuan said, "Then tell me how much you invested? The uncles and aunts here are all knowledgeable people. You may understand it as soon as you say it."

"Whether it is infrastructure or technology, the principal investment will not be small. It is impossible to just rely on your dividends plus Aunt Sun's." She looked at Ye Zhenghong with a smile, "So how much did Uncle Ye subsidize him?"

Ye Zhenghong didn't expect Tang Nuan to attack him directly. He couldn't hold back his face, and said angrily, "It's a big project with hundreds of millions. Who can make so much money without capital?"

Tang Nuan suddenly laughed, a particularly brilliant smile.

Everyone could not help but silently look at Ye Zhenghong, Ye Shuchen and Jiang Miao.

There is one here, without any capital, and earning more than 100 million from the Jiang family in a month.

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