Everyone thought that Tang Nuan would say something directly to attack Ye Zhenghong, and they were all ready to smooth things out, but they didn't expect that she just agreed with a smile, "Uncle Ye, you are right."

Then he glanced at Ye Shuyan, Ye Shuyan understood, and said to everyone, "Let's talk, let's excuse me."

After saying that, he took Tang Nuan and left, Ye Zhenghong was so uncomfortable that he was hanged in the air, looking at Tang Nuan's back, he couldn't help but said angrily, "Now there are some young people who really don't know how they are taught at home. I can only boast but not speak."

Thinking of her belittling Ye Shuchen, she looked helpless to Xie Jianzhong and the others, "As you can see, this girl has a neat mouth, but her temper is really... Some time ago, I just threw more than two hundred million for face. Fighting with people, I haven’t won the fight yet…”

"What's wrong?" He glanced suspiciously at Ye Shuchen who was dragging him, and Ye Shuchen said awkwardly, "It's okay..."

Ye Zhenghong's emotions were on the rise. Seeing Ye Shuchen saying that it was all right, he continued to complain to everyone, "Tell me, she is our future daughter-in-law and has done such a ridiculous thing. I can't talk about it yet?" , remembering what Shen Jinhua scolded him, and said angrily, "Her mother actually said that I was a slob..."

Crowd: …

Li Dong couldn't help but burst out laughing when he heard the words, and the others simply laughed along, unable to tell who was laughing for a while.

Ye Zhenghong thought it was a little weird, so he listened to Xie Jianzhong laughing and persuading, "Oh, old Ye, you have a lot, why do you need to know like a woman." The description is quite appropriate, it seems that Tang Nuan's temperament follows her mother.

Jiang Miao felt that they were laughing at Tang Nuan, and finally felt at ease, took Ye Shuchen's arm and brought the topic back again, "Actually, it's such a simple thing to do investment, besides the project, the more important thing is the team and operation. , If it's as simple as Tang Nuan said, why do people respect uncles and aunts so much."

The others smiled and didn't speak. Tang Nuan said it simply because it was the conclusion she came to after researching. Any rule is simple, but not everyone can sum it up.

Besides, they are respected by others, and they don't rely on Ye Shuchen's kind of investment.

It is true that Ye Shuchen may indeed be a bit smart, and his vision is also accurate. Although it is not as simple as copying and pasting as Tang Nuan said, in the end, there are still cases that can be used for reference.

This is different from doing a new project to expand the territory. The judgment of data analysis is not a simple sentence. Every decision is unknown. A little carelessness will bring serious consequences, including them. , will be under tremendous pressure until things don't work out, and there is also self-doubt.

Speaking of which, Tang Nuan's marketing for the Jiang family was a bit of a general. Before she succeeded, didn't everyone think she was going to lose money? They believed that it was impossible for her to be without pressure, but she managed to get things done, and this courage alone is not something ordinary people can have.

People who only have half a bucket of water are easy to feel that they are invincible after a little achievement.

Seeing everyone laughing at Ye Shuchen, Jiang Miao shook his arm and sent him a message, "Yes, Shuchen."

But he didn't notice that Ye Shuchen's expression was a little stiff, but Ye Zhenghong praised him hard, "No, doing a project not only tests your vision, but you also need to be able to hold your breath." Speaking of which, he said, "Those guys It will explode at one point, no matter how much you understand, it will be useless if you can’t hold your breath when you really get started, otherwise people can throw a few hundred million dollars with a single word.”

Ye Shuchen couldn't bear it any longer, "Dad!" There was some annoyance in his tone.

Ye Zhenghong was puzzled, but Ye Shuchen couldn't stay any longer, so he could only say to everyone embarrassedly, "Uncle and auntie, we have something to do, excuse me for now."

After that, he dragged Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao away.

"A good chat? What's wrong?" Ye Zhenghong was puzzled, and Jiang Miao disagreed. "Just now Tang Nuan smeared you. If you don't take the opportunity to restore your image, you should really feel that you are incompetent if you leave them now."

Ye Shuchen couldn't tell because he was in the "Father's Worry Alliance" group, so he knew very well that Tang Nuan had cheated the Jiang family with 100 million yuan, but at that time he and Jiang Miao were getting better. Jiang Miao had a shadow on Tang Nuan, and he didn't mention it for fear that she would be unhappy.

And the Jiang family wished that this incident had never happened, and the average person in the circle would not specifically expose their shortcomings, so that the Ye family and Jiang Miao still didn't know about it.

But if you don't say it, it doesn't mean you don't know. The expressions of those people just now clearly know what's going on, but his dad is still holding on to it...

Ye Shuchen felt embarrassed and wanted to find a hole to burrow into the ground, but looking at Ye Zhenghong's expression, he couldn't tell what happened. His dad loved face. If he knew the truth, he would probably hide upstairs tonight. Faceless down.

He sighed secretly and could only say, "It's almost the talk here, and it doesn't make much sense to talk more." He motioned them to not look far, "We can't follow behind their butts, or Tang Nuan will keep coming here. One set, today, Dad, your thoughts will be wasted."

Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao saw that not far away, Ye Shuyan had gathered another four or five people at the moment, and Tang Nuan stood in the middle of them talking and laughing.

Ye Zhenghong couldn't help but get angry, "What does your eldest brother mean? He can't tolerate you like that?"

Ye Shuchen said, "Dad, now is not the time to be vindictive, let's hurry up."

Ye Zhenghong found that he was really helpless, and he couldn't drive people away, so he could only do as Ye Shuchen said.

Jiang Miao sneered, "Actually, don't worry too much, I think it's Tang Nuan who is in the limelight, everyone is just looking at Ye Shuyan's face, I don't believe that they don't know what Tang Nuan did stupid, she thought that just a few words would be enough. Getting everyone's favor is actually just a clown jumping on the beam."

Today's jumping clowns are them. Ye Shuchen felt bitter in his heart, so he could only instruct him again and again, "Don't talk about Tang Nuan again."

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Miao disapproved, "Why, what if she speaks ill of you again? No one will tell anyone about her own stupid things?"

"You said it too, everyone knows about the stupid things she did, but if we talk about it more, we'll look petty, and that's too flattering." Ye Shuchen said quickly when he saw the two of them looking relaxed, "And we're pressed for time today, Don't waste your energy on her."

Ye Zhenghong accepted this statement, especially when he saw Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan chatting with people, he became anxious, and quickly helped Ye Shuchen introduce people again.

But I couldn't help being annoyed in my heart. The banquet that could have been handled calmly now seems to be in a hurry, and there is no way to show Xiaochen's ability in a hurry...

However, they didn't know about this place, and they couldn't make it soon. Ye Shuchen patronized and appeased Ye Zhenghong and Jiang Miao, but forgot that there was Sun Wanqiu.

Today's Sun Wanqiu had raised her eyebrows and was extremely happy.

It's not in vain that she used some small tricks to make Jiang Miao have some contact with his son. Now that his son is about to marry the Jiang family and has the support of the Jiang family, she and Lao Ye will make more efforts. After today, I believe that Her son's intelligence will soon surpass Ye Shuyan.

But she didn't expect that Ye Shuyan would come over to disrupt the situation and take over the host at her son's welcome banquet.

She looked at Ye Shuyan and Tang Nuan who were actively socializing in the hall, gritted their teeth with hatred, and suddenly sneered, since they didn't know fun, don't blame her for being rude!

So what if Ye Shuyan is so powerful? Isn't there Tang Nuan who is holding him back?

Sun Wanqiu brought a glass of champagne and walked among the ladies. After joking, she seemed to see Tang Nuan not far away, and suddenly sighed, "Some young people are really..."

"In order to bet on one breath, two hundred million was thrown away when he said it was thrown away. Now that he has finished throwing it, he still has a hilarious smile like a no-brainer. I don't know what Shu Yan thought, but he even let her go."

Seeing several ladies staring at each other and not speaking, Sun Wanqiu thought they didn't know, so she told them incessantly. Of course, the content was that Tang Nuan spent 200 million to bring down the Jiangjia shopping platform in order to fight Jiang Ji. , the ending is naturally that she threw 200 million in vain, but the Jiang family made a lot of money...

Sun Wanqiu shook her head and sighed, "...Tell me, how could someone with some brains come up with such a crazy idea, it's also a blessing to have a lot of money, but no matter how rich you are, it's not such a waste of money, in case you take the company's project in the future. Children's play, what can the shareholders do..."

She has been paying attention to Tang Nuan's side. Seeing that Ye Shuyan has left and leaving Tang Nuan alone, she has an idea in her heart, so she didn't notice the strange expressions of several ladies, and out of the corner of the eye, she saw that a few people were harassing Tang Nuan. With a look of admiration on his face, he couldn't wait any longer. He turned around and walked over, "No, I have to go and see. They are all guests invited by our old Ye, so don't offend her."

"Hey! Madam Ye!" A kind-hearted lady wanted to stop her, but Sun Wanqiu was so intent on smashing Tang Nuan's booth that she couldn't stop it.

Several ladies shook their heads secretly.

"Tsk, this Ye family really doesn't know what to say..."

"No, you said that Ye Shuyan can't tolerate Ye Shuchen, who can't tolerate who?"

"I didn't expect Tang Nuan to be so powerful. If this is cultivated well, and Ye Shuyan and his wife are together, won't the Ye family be able to reach a higher level in the future?"

"Haha." Someone looked at Sun Wanqiu's graceful back, "Then the whole family must work together."

"Oh, she is so noisy, it would be fun for Tang Nuan to break things up."

Several people looked at each other and couldn't help but secretly pay attention.

Tang Nuan was chatting with a few big bosses very much. With her first success, she took a lot of composure at the moment. Several people were coaxed into smiles by her, and the conversation was on the rise, when she heard Sun Wanqiurou coming from behind. "Tang Nuan, what are you doing here? The old lady is looking for you."

Tang Nuan was speechless, and could only say that they were indeed husband and wife. They all used the same excuses, but Sun Wanqiu was much more sinister than Ye Zhenghong. She looked at Tang Nuan with a worried expression, and "reminds", "Don't be afraid, let's The family is not short of the two hundred million, the old lady is mad at you for being self-willed."

"It's not that you don't know her temper. When you came back and admitted a mistake, nothing happened. As a result, your child dragged on for so long..."

Tang Nuan frowned, looked at the people around her awkwardly, and sighed, "Aunt Sun, let's talk about this later, my uncles and aunts are talking."

However, Sun Wanqiu thought she was afraid, and was secretly proud of herself, but she still "persuaded" on her face, "How long will it be delayed? If you do something wrong, you have to admit it, hurry up, you are here to let your uncles and aunts go. see jokes."

Tang Nuan stood still, with an aggrieved expression on his face, and said stubbornly, "Aunt Sun, I know about this, and I'll tell you when the banquet is over."

Do you still want to have a party? It's beautiful to think. Sun Wanqiu sneered in her heart, but her tone became softer, "You don't have to wait for the banquet to end, this is not the way to avoid it. Didn't your parents teach you to apologize when you did something wrong?"

This sentence finally made Tang Nuan angry. There was anger in her eyes, but she still restrained her temper, "My parents taught me that no one can press my head without making a mistake."

She couldn't help but look around at the people watching the excitement around her, her eyes were full of grievances, but in the end, it seemed that in order to take care of the Ye family's face, she silently lowered her head, and there seemed to be water in her eyes.

That look makes me distressed.

But Sun Wanqiu was also annoyed by her confrontation, "What do you mean? You mean I wronged you?"

Tang Nuan lowered his head and didn't speak, and finally someone couldn't stand it and said, "I said Mrs. Ye, we all know what you said, you have wronged the child."

"Yeah, it's too late to be happy to have such a child in our family. Mrs. Ye, you have disciplined it. Speaking of which, children have to be embarrassed. Even if they make a mistake, how can there be a public to discipline them."

Tang Nuan raised her head and said to the lady who helped her with red eyes, "Thank you, Auntie."

The man felt even more distressed, "Don't care when you should, but discipline is active. It's a good thing everyone knows what's going on. If you don't know, the child won't be wronged to death by you?"

Sun Wanqiu looked at everyone's condemnation of her, her intuition was not good, and she subconsciously defended, "Why don't I know, this child threw 200 million to be angry with others..."

"Really?" A cold voice came, Ye Shuyan came down from the upstairs, looked at Sun Wanqiu coldly, and then looked at the Jiang family and Ye family who heard the news and rushed over. He directly called, "Jiang Zhan, Tang Nuan is going to fight with you inexplicably, and then lose 200 million?"

"You are the party, please tell me."

"You don't need to explain much, just say 'yes'. Now I'm not only pressing Tang Nuan to apologize to my father and grandma, but also pressing her to apologize to your Jiang family. How about it?"

Jiang Zhan was speechless with a dark face.

Ye Shuyan sternly said, "Yes or no? Is it difficult to answer?"

The scene was silent. No one had seen Ye Shuyan make such a big fire, but thinking about it, it was understandable. The Ye family bullied people so much in front of everyone, and they didn't know what happened in private.

Sun Wanqiu's vicious and insidious reputation is not in vain.

Everyone looked at Jiang Zhan without speaking. Some people wanted to smooth things out, but Ye Shuyan looked back lightly. In the end, those eyes turned into embarrassment and pressed down on the Jiang family.

At this time, Jiang Zhan was ashamed if he didn't open his mouth, but if he didn't open his mouth, he would be completely disrespectful.

After weighing the pros and cons, when Jiang Zhan secretly gritted his teeth and tried to speak with a cold face, Tang Nuan spoke up first, holding back his grievance to the end, "Brother Shuyan, don't ask, Shuchen is about to marry the Jiang family..."

"Anyway, I, I'm used to it..."

Jiang Zhan suddenly looked at Tang Nuan and clenched his fist tightly.

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