The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1262: Hunger in the city

"Hungry to death." A mob soldier crouched in the ruins and whispered. He has no strength to fight. He curled up in the ruins trembling and shouted. But as time went on, his screams slowly became quieter, and finally disappeared.

The cruelest weapons in war are not those that kill the most. The most powerful weapon is food. The most basic material basis for the survival of human warfare will be the cruelest of all weapons.

As the mob's offensive ceased, they received less and less supplies. Their supplies mainly rely on looting, and now the Qi army has blocked the main traffic arteries. They couldn't get out, but attacked, they had already attacked the last piece of defense of the nobleman. The private soldiers of the nobles are considering their own lives. It is bound to fight with all strength, coupled with the crazy shelling by the Qi army. As a result, the mob army was unable to attack. Their supply capital came from snatching, and now, they have suffered serious losses, and at the same time, they can't **** it, and finally their supply is interrupted. The crisis of supply interruption has been on their heads, and many soldiers have been out of food for many days.

Some soldiers did not starve to death. They searched among the most ruins to find the dead bodies. Eat the meat on those corpses. Such crazy actions have already been staged among the thugs.

"Can you give us some food?" said a major Qi Jun standing in the trenches, looking at the haggard mob soldier in front of him. The mob wore an army coat of a noble soldier, and the trouser legs of a pair of trousers were gone. Bare legs, bare feet. A look of suffering.

The mob soldier looked at the major with pleading eyes.

"Yeah. Give him some biscuits." The major said, looking at each other. The appearance of the other party made the major show no mercy. Because such things often happen in wars. The major has already seen too much of such things.

"Sir." A sergeant looked at the major.

"Here it is. Everyone is a soldier, don't waste time on food." The major was sitting on the ammunition box at this time.

"Yes, sir." This time. The sergeant took out a packet of biscuits and handed it to the opponent. The other party immediately opened the wrapping paper and ate it quickly. The biscuits are too dry. The other party did not drink water for several days, which made it difficult for him to swallow.

"Give him some water to drink." The major saw this at this moment. Speak immediately.

"Thank you." The other person stretched out his hands pleadingly. The sergeant looked at each other with a look of disdain.

"Here it is," the major said at this time.

"Huh." The sergeant reluctantly handed his water bag to the opponent.

"Thank you." The other party thanked again. Then took the water bladder.

"Ahem." The other party drank the water anxiously.

"Don't worry. I have something to ask. You can sit down and answer slowly. Sit down." Then, the major pointed to the ammunition box behind the opponent. Motioned to sit down.

The other party sat down restrained. Then looked at the major.

"Sergeant, give him some more cans." The major said, looking at each other.

"Eat slowly," the major continued.

The sergeant on the side was very annoyed and threw some cans on the opponent.

"I think you are hungry. Have you not eaten for many days?" the major asked at this time.

"En." And the other party was eating canned food at this time. Nodding indicates that this is the case.

"Is there a shortage of food in the city? How can you be hungry like this." The major continued. The major reacted immediately after receiving such news. He believes that the person in front of him is definitely not a single hunger. Because hunger is not a single hunger. It is a group xing event.

The other side looked at the major blankly. The major seemed to see through the opponent and stared at him, and then the major smiled slightly.

Then the major stood up.

"After eating, take him to a prisoner of war camp." This time. The major said to the sergeant.

"Yes, sir." The lieutenant colonel nodded.

The major stood up and walked away. The major discovered an astonishing secret, which was enough to defeat the opponent.

At this time, Tian Heng stood in the middle of the camp and sighed while looking at the barracks outside the tent. The situation has caused a lot of pressure on the aligning forces. Qi Jun must change the current situation to continue. Tian Heng began to doubt the national destiny. He believed that this was God's destruction of Qi. He doesn't know the future of Qi country?

"Sir. I just interrogated a prisoner of war." said the major and an infantry colonel walking side by side.

"The prisoner of war was very hungry. This is a good sign." The major said to the infantry colonel at this time.

"What do you mean?" The infantry colonel did not respond at this time.

"I mean, the city has probably been out of food for many days. Otherwise, they won't be so hungry. And hunger will make their combat effectiveness drop drastically." At this time. Said the major.

"En. Does this affect us?" This time. The infantry colonel asked.

"We can take some actions. Hit the other side so that we can win." This time. The major said actively.

"Are there any concrete actions to be taken?" the colonel asked at this time.

"I think we can spy. To know that the other party is very hungry, we can figure out the other party's situation and take some actions." At this time, the major said.

"En." The colonel nodded at this time.

"I want to tell the above about this situation. However. I think you can take such actions to prove your opinion." The colonel said at this time.

"Yes, sir." At this time, the major said actively.

The colonel quickly left. The major began to plan some concrete plans.

"My lord." The colonel saw him when he was about to tell the counselor about the situation.

"What's the matter?" the counselor asked at this time.

"Some of our frontline officers reflected this situation. The rebels in the city have been running out of food for many days. The soldiers who surrendered recently are very hungry. I think we can take some actions based on this situation. For example, we attacked the other side. All of a sudden, the opponent suffered heavy losses, and then quickly collapsed. At this time, the opponent's morale was very low. If they can quickly retreat under one of our attacks, then we can completely solve all problems." The colonel said at this time.

"En." The counselor tilted his head to think about a problem at this time.

"Wait. What did you just say?" the counselor asked at this time.

"I said, we can take some military actions." The colonel said at this time.

"No, the previous sentence." The counselor said at this time.

"The morale in the city is low." At this moment, the colonel said.

"No, not this sentence." The counselor said at this time.

"En. Not this sentence, then, what is that?" The colonel said at this time.

"That sentence you said at the beginning." At this time, the counselor said at this time.

"En. Hungry in the city?" The colonel said tentatively.

"Yes. Just this sentence. The soldiers in the city have run out of food. Then this time, it is the time when the opponent is desperate, and our army has great hope." This time. The counselor said.

"En. You found out in time." The counselor said with a smile at this time.

"Okay. Go ahead and do it. I will tell the lord of this matter." At this time, the counselor quickly left. The North Korean Army's big account walked over.

The colonel looked at each other strangely, then turned and left here. This accidentally discovered secret was quickly informed to Tian Heng through counsellors.

"Master, our army is saved." At this time, the counselor quickly walked into the big account and said to Tian Heng.

"Oh." Tian Heng looked at the counselor unexpectedly.

"Just now, the colonel told me that the soldiers who surrendered in the city were hungry. And the city has been short of food for many days, then if our army only needs to give the opponent some food at this time to induce the opponent to surrender, and take the opportunity to seduce the opponent, there will be a chance of victory." Said at this time.

"Well, then what should I do?" This time. Tian Heng asked actively.

"Our army can do this." He Tian Heng made some tactics as the counselor.

And just when the counselor and Tian Heng made a plan. A turning point is taking place on the southern surface of the river.

"We can't wait like this. If this goes on, it will be extremely detrimental to us. It won't take long for the other party to pass the news to the noble navy." The captain said at this time.

But his subordinates didn't have anything to say. They knew very well that in the current situation, they lacked everything, especially combat materials. When they lacked everything, they rushed to attack. This is for them. It is undoubtedly tantamount to death.

"Captain, at present, I can only block the news as much as possible and try to prolong our attack time. After all, we are not prepared enough." At this time. A first officer said.

"We can only do this." The captain said helplessly. Although the fighter plane is very advantageous to them. At present, noble naval forces have received no reports of attacks on a noble naval force. They can't naturally cause alertness, but the unfavorable situation is changing, their lack of preparation, and, along with the time delay caused by lack of preparation, is slowly consuming their fighters.

On the surface of the river. A small warship is moored by the river. The sailors carefully disguised themselves and concealed their ships. The task of small warships is to block the river, especially small ships, they want to suppress their attacks on the noble navy.

"Are there any other ships?" a sailor whispered to another sailor among the grass. The sailor looked around with a single telescope.

"There is a situation, a merchant ship is approaching." This time. The sailor reported.

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