The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1263: Tung oil from a ship

"There is a merchant ship ahead." The sailor quickly reported to the chief mate.

"Got it. Continue to observe." This time. The chief officer looked at the merchant ship with his binoculars and said.

"Yes." The sailor left immediately and continued to observe.

"Captain, what should we do?" At this time, the first officer asked.

"We have to stop the other party and not let the other party pass. Once it passes, the situation will be extremely unfavorable to us." At this time, the captain said.

"Call out immediately to stop the opponent. Hurry up." The captain shouted loudly.

"Raise the sail, full sail, attack at full speed and stop the opponent." The first officer said loudly, waving his arm at this time.

The small warship was quickly dispatched. At this time, the merchant ship also discovered the other side.

"Water thief. It seems to be a water thief." The sailors on the merchant ship were busy, and they saw the small warship that suddenly appeared. I immediately realized that it was bad. I thought it was so fast, but at the same time, it still appeared suddenly. Then there is only one possibility, and that is that they are water thieves.

"Alarm. Alarm." This time. The chief mate on the merchant ship rang the alarm urgently.

"Ding ding ding ding." The alarm bell kept beating. On the merchant ship, everyone is nervously entering their posts and getting busy.

"Full sail, full sail, use the paddle, hurry up." The first officer shouted loudly. The merchant captain appeared quickly at this time.

"What's the situation?" The captain walked out in his clothes.

"An unknown ship appeared in front of us. The speed of the ship was very fast." At this time. The first officer said loudly.

"That must be a water thief, we have to leave here as fast as possible. Hurry up." The captain said loudly.

On the rapidly approaching warship, the captain is urgently observing the situation.

"Captain, do we shoot. The opponent's ship is fast and they are quickly out of our control. If you can't hit the opponent, let the opponent stop. It's difficult to control the opponent." The first officer on the warship. Said anxiously.

"Tell our gunner, aim and shoot." This time. The captain of the warship decisively issued an offensive order.

"Yes. Captain." The first officer quickly conveyed the order at this time.

"Aim quickly and shoot." At this moment, the first officer shouted loudly.

After the gunner received the order. Quickly ordered his men to launch the artillery and start shooting.

"Eleven o'clock ahead. Altitude 20. Eight hundred. Shooting." The gunner quickly reported all the parameters.

"Aim is over." A gunner quickly replied.

"Let it go." The gunmaster shouted loudly.

"Boom." With a loud noise, a cannon was launched quickly.

"Huh." The cannonball whizzed out and flew toward the opponent's ship.

"Cannon!" The other party was startled in a cold sweat when he heard the rumble of cannons.

"Bang." The cannonball entered the river surface directly.

"Damn it," the gunmaster on the battleship cursed loudly.

"Continue to aim. Use an advance amount to aim." The gun commander immediately made adjustments.

"The first shot failed." At this time, the chief mate on the battlefield said to the captain anxiously.

"Don't worry, we still have a chance." This time. The captain of the warship said calmly to the first officer. Because it is a mobile shooting, it is difficult for the shell to hit the opponent if it can't hit an accurate advance. The gunner fired the first shell. He quickly adjusted his posture. Looking at his rich combat experience at this time, he can quickly adjust his mistakes, and then use this mistake to adjust to the correct direction.

"Oh my God. They actually have cannons. Immediately adjust the direction of the ship and we have to surrender. Hurry up. Raise the white flag and we surrender." After facing the first missed shell. The captain of the merchant ship suddenly shouted loudly.

"What?" The first officer looked at the captain's performance in surprise at this time.

"Hurry up and raise the white flag, and we surrender. Our boat is filled with tung oil, tung oil, and cannon shells will burn to death as long as they rub our sides. Quickly, surrender and tell them we are surrendering." Shouted. As he said, he immediately took off his white shirt, then waved the shirt in his hand loudly and shouted frantically.

"Surrender, we surrender." The captain roared loudly at this time. And all the sailors reacted at this time.

"We surrender. We surrender." All of them realized the danger at this time. Because their ships are filled with tung oil, tung oil is easier to ignite than gasoline, in the eyes of Qin people. The tung oil extracted from the Jiujiang area is natural gasoline with very high flammability. It can be said that these things can be burned as gasoline, and when they are injected into the car, the car can travel a long distance. This is natural gasoline.

"Surrender. Surrender." The warship approaching quickly heard such a shout at this time.

"Stop shooting." The captain on the battleship shouted.

"Aim." At this time, the gunner had aimed the cannon's muzzle at the merchant ship. But at this time, the merchant ship began to slowly stop. Moreover, when the sails were lowered actively, the speed of the ship was also rapidly reduced.

"What do you mean?" The gunner said, looking at the opponent's situation.

"Are we still firing?" a gunner asked.

"No. Stop, let's stop firing." This time. Such an order is conveyed above.

And the gunners looked at the gunner.

"Stop shooting." The gunner exhaled deeply at this time. Then said.

And everyone stopped preparing.

"Surrender, we surrender." All the sailors on the merchant ship stood on the deck and waved the strips of white cloth in their hands. The captain on the battleship didn't understand what the other party was going to do and what they meant.

"Get close to them, take control, I want to see what the other party is going to do," the captain of the warship said at this time.

Immediately, the warship quickly approached the merchant ship, and the sailors on the quickly approaching warship quickly pointed their rifles at the opponent's crew.

The other crew members all raised their hands and looked at each other blankly. They didn't know how the other party was going to deal with them.

"Who is the captain?" a sailor shouted loudly.

"Me." The shirtless merchant captain stood up cautiously at this time.

"Take it away." As he said, a two sailors quickly stepped forward and took control of the other captain, and all the crew could only watch this happen.

"Check the cabin to see what they have installed?" This time. The first officer shouted loudly.

The captain of the warship looked at the other merchant captain and asked.

"As a captain, you are very unqualified, and you surrendered after firing a shot. You should really throw into the water to feed the fish." The captain of the warship looked at each other disdainfully at this time, and could see the warship through the eyes of the captain of the warship. The captain was very contemptuous of the other party.

"No, I think I'm very qualified. I guarantee the safety of all my crew members. Although I lost my integrity, I saved the lives of my men." At this time, the merchant captain summoned up the courage to say.

"En. You have saved your men, but you have lost your integrity." The warship captain said at this time.

"Look at what is on my ship? You know why I did this." The merchant captain retorted loudly at this time.

The captain of the warship looked at each other calmly at this time.

"What's on your boat?" At this time. The captain of the warship asked.

"Captain." At this moment the first officer ran over urgently.

"Captain, the ship is full of tung oil," the chief officer said at this time.

"What?" the warship captain asked unexpectedly.

"Tung oil, a boat full of tung oil." The chief officer said at this time.

"It turned out to be tung oil!" the captain of the warship asked unexpectedly.

"Yes. It's all tung oil. As long as you fire one shell, all of us will be finished. If we continue, there is no point at all." At this time. Said the captain.

"En." At this time, the captain of the warship was also very helpless looking at the situation of the other party. The captain of the merchant ship was obviously correct, because if they continue to resist, they will be hit by shells, and the hits will be full. A boat of tung oil. This thing is just a hit. Then they will be burned alive. All people have no chance of survival.

"Let's take it, all the people, we need to detain you for a few days, rest assured, we won't kill you. We don't have any interest." At this time. The captain of the warship said calmly.

"Yes. Captain." The chief officer looked at the captain of the merchant ship at this time. The captain of the merchant ship glanced at each other, and then at the captain of the warship. The temperament and behavior of the captain of the other party were different from those of ordinary water pirates. The water thief would definitely beat him up, but the captain didn't. This is really unexpected. Not only that, the captain of the other party appeared very calm, and all of them were brave. Their movements were exceptionally proficient. Some water pirates would often recruit some people to join the water pirates. As a result, their quality is very low. Low quality makes it difficult to improve combat effectiveness, but these water thieves are obviously much different than those people.

The captain observed this very carefully.

"Are they the regular army?" At this time, the captain said to himself.

However, the performance of the other party can easily convince the captain of his own judgment.

At this time, the captain of the warship looked at the merchant ship excitedly.

"We have a whole ship of tung oil. Tung oil." The captain of the warship said while looking at the other ship.

"What? Captain." This time. The first officer asked.

"Tung oil. We have tung oil. Tell the captain, we have tung oil, the whole ship's tung oil. We can burn a lot of things." The warship captain said excitedly.

This tung oil came at the right time.

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