"Enemy ships, battle alert, battle alert." Chu's sailors shouted quickly.

"Hurry up, fight." The first officer shouted anxiously at this time.

"Immediately attack. We are in trouble." The captain of the small warship of the Chu State Navy quickly issued an order.

"Full sail. Full sail." The old sailors shouted loudly at this time. The sailors quickly adjusted their positions in their combat positions.

"The opposing ship is a gunboat. In this area, only our warship is on duty. We must find a way to stop them." The captain said anxiously at this time.

Because it is about to launch an attack. The navy temporarily reduced its interdiction force. In this area, the Chu navy had only one small warship to perform interception tasks.

"Hurry up. They have all crossed our blockade." At this time, the captain of the Chu State navy warship shouted loudly.

On the small warship of the noble navy, the captain of the opponent also discovered the captain of the opponent who was approaching quickly.

"We found an unknown ship behind us, and the speed is increasing." The chief officer reported to the captain at this time.

"The speed is so fast. It will definitely not be well-intentioned. Use the artillery behind to obstruct the opponent. We leave here quickly. Don't let them approach us." The captain said at this time.

"Yes. Captain," the chief officer replied.

"Cannon shot. Shoot." The first officer called out loudly.

"Enter the battle position, enter the battle position." An artillery commander called out loudly.

Several gunners quickly entered the position of the rear artillery. Because of the arrangement of the artillery, the sides of the ship were the places where the most artillery was arranged, with one artillery in the bow and stern. These two artillery pieces only played a warning role, and were not of great significance in actual combat.

"Load the cannonballs." At this time, the gunner shouted quickly and loudly.

And on the side of Chu's navy. The captain of the warship was very anxious, because of their concealed relationship, their speed was not raised in time, and the opponent's ship was fast. There was a great distance between the two sides.

"Aim. Release." At this moment. The aristocratic navy warship in the front opened fire first.

"Boom." There was a sound of cannon. The shells flew out quickly.

"Woo." The cannonball whizzed out.

"Be careful." The chief mate on the battleship of the Chu State Navy shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." There was an explosion. The shell exploded far in front of the warship.

"Damn it." The captain of the Chu State navy warship cursed at this time.

"Fire. Fight back. Hurry up. We must sink the opponent." At this time. The captain of the Chu State Navy shouted loudly. At this time, the captain knew very well that what he had to face was a regular naval force equipped with artillery. Both sides have the same strength, and the worst thing is that the other side is in the lead in speed.

"Enter the battle position, hurry up," the artillery commander shouted. The Chu State Navy quickly entered the artillery position at the bow of the ship.

"Load solid shells, don't use grenades." The gun commander said at this time.

The gunners swiftly filled the solid shells in accordance with the other's orders.

"Aim at the other party. Release." The artillery commander called loudly at this time.

"Boom." The sound of a huge artillery fire came.

"Woo." The cannonball whizzed out.

"Bang." There was a sound of a cannonball entering the water, causing a jet of water.

"Are we taking some evasion?" The chief officer on the noble navy warship asked anxiously at this time.

"The other party also has artillery. It seems that it is not an ordinary water thief." The first officer suggested at this time.

"No. The opponent may be a regular army. They do not use grenades, but solid shells, which can hit farther. It seems that the opponent is well-trained, and our pier that was attacked can come up with such a tactic and complete it. Yes, there are only regular troops. I think they are more like regular troops." The captain said while holding a binoculars and looking at the warship behind.

"Fight back, speed up, we need to send the news as soon as possible. Let the Jing's naval forces exist. Hurry." The noble naval captain shouted at this time.

"Fight back." The first officer communicated the order.

"Aim." The gunners on both sides shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." There was a sound of artillery shells from the warship of the noble navy.

"Boom." There was a loud sound. There was also a sound of artillery on the battleship of the Chu State Navy. But neither side’s shells hit the other side. In this way, you shot one shot on both sides, and I shot each other with one shot, but both sides failed to hit the other side. But at this time, the distance between the two sides was already close to the port where the noble navy was anchored.

"The sound of artillery. Where is the sound of artillery." At this time, the captain on the large battleship of the Chu State Navy asked loudly.

"It seems to be ahead." At this moment, a sailor of the Chu State Navy shouted loudly.

"Not good. Two warships, the one behind seems to be ours, one warship. Aristocratic naval warship. Our people did not intercept each other." At this time, the chief officer picked up his binoculars and saw this one. This situation was reported immediately.

"Damn it." The captain jumped up and cursed when he heard such a situation.

"Our warship didn't even intercept the opponent." The captain called out loudly.

Everyone was shocked in a cold sweat when they heard such a situation at this time. All people understand that if the situation develops like this, the noble navy will definitely find their existence, and the war opportunity will be fleeting. The assault will soon become a frontal assault. The situation suddenly became unfavorable for Chu's navy.

"Damn it." "Boom boom." The captain cursed loudly at this time. Then use his palm to hit the boat board hard. The captain was very annoyed that the upcoming attack was suddenly faced with such a sudden situation, which means that if the Chu State Navy launched an attack according to the original plan, there would be no suddenness at all, the most terrible situation. Yes, they must eliminate each other, but then they will attack head-on.

"It doesn't matter. Launch the attack immediately. The sneak attack will still begin." This time. Cried the captain. And decided such a plan.

"What? Captain." The chief officer called immediately at this time.

"I don't care about anything now. Attack immediately. Everyone. Attack immediately. Hurry up." The captain shouted at this time.

"Huh." The first officer wanted to oppose something at this time. But still did not speak, because at this time, the captain had entered a puzzling state. He yelled loudly to let his people into combat positions.

"Hurry up. Time. Time is extremely bad for us. Launch an attack. Hurry up." This time. The captain shouted loudly.

"Offensive. Offensive. Hurry up." The first mate woke up immediately. Then quickly conveyed the captain's order. At this time, the chief officer naturally knows what kind of situation the attack will have, and they are likely to be in an extremely unfavorable situation to launch the attack.

"Enter the combat post." a sailor shouted loudly. And all of them entered their combat positions in a hurry. The situation suddenly became unfavorable for the Chu State Navy.

And on the dock where the noble navy warships are moored. At this time, the noble navy discovered that their situation began to become unfavorable.

"There are two warships fighting ahead." The sailor on the lookout called loudly.

"Immediately dispatch the warship to repel the opponent." This time. An aristocratic sailor general shouted loudly.

"Boom boom boom boom." The rumbling drums issued a warning at this moment.

"Raise the anchor." A chief officer shouted from the bow of the ship.

"One two. One two." Several middle-aged sailors were shirtless pulling the anchor up from the water.

The crew on the ship is quickly pulling up the sails. They are busy sailing out of their ships to fight.

"Hurry up, our warship only needs to enter the dock." At this time, the captain of the noble small warship called out loudly.

"Woo." At this moment, a shell roared.

"Boom." "Wow." There was a sound of wood being crushed and flying over.

"Our ship was hit in the stern." a sailor shouted loudly.

"Help. Help." "Ah." Just as the sailor shouted loudly, a serious shout came from the rear stern. A solid shell hit the stern part of the small noble warship.

"Not good. Our rudder failed. We can only go straight ahead." The chief officer said at this time.

"What's the matter?" the captain asked at this time.

"It seems to be a cannonball, which directly hit the stern of our ship, and then turned and entered our rudder." The chief officer reported.

"God's evil." The captain cursed at this time.

"No, there are a lot of fire ships ahead." At this time, the sailor on the lookout reported loudly.

"What?" The captain was shocked at this time. When did so many fire ships appear. Yelled the captain.

"They seem to be moving towards our dock." This time. The first officer said with his telescope.

"There are still people up there." The first officer was surprised to see what happened in the telescope.

"The people above are on fire. Are they crazy?" At this moment, the first officer called out in panic.

Many ships, many people can’t count how many small boats burned and rushed towards the pier where the Chu aristocratic navy was moored. What they saw was that the people on the boats were burning, but those people were still waving their arms desperately. Rowing the boat, they rushed to the pier as if not on fire. Everyone was shocked. They couldn't believe what happened before them.

"Crazy. It's crazy." The lookout post on the pier shouted with a telescope in surprise.

At this time, the deck and the pier were busy. Only a few sailors discovered what was happening on the surface of the river.

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