The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1269: The counterattack of the noble navy

"Fire. Fire. There is fire on the river." This time. The sailors on the deck noticed that the fire on the river surface was rushing towards them quickly.

"Ah." The sailors on the deck were all horrified to see the burning boat quickly approaching them.

"The enemy attacked. The enemy fire ship attacked." At this time, everyone on the deck was shouting loudly.

"When did so many fire boats appear?" a fairly calm noble navy officer asked after seeing the fire boats. But no one answered his question, many people were hurriedly disembarking, they wanted to avoid such a scene.

The Chu State sailors on the approaching fire ship had been burned alive. They were consumed by the fire. People can clearly see how they were burned into a piece of human charcoal.

They were full of fire, and the fire burned them without any human form. But their fireboat kept approaching each other.

"Our fireboat is approaching their dock exit. We must block them at the dock exit. Only in this way can we have a decisive victory in the next attack." The captain said loudly at this time.

"In order to win, this sacrifice is worth it." The captain said. The first officer seemed helpless to accept this fact.

The Chu State Navy adopted an extremely inhumane approach. They organized men who dare to die. Use your own body of life. Let them drive the boat. The boat is filled with various burning materials. At the same time, a large amount of tung oil is poured on it. As long as it is lighted, it can quickly ignite a raging fire.

Then they were quickly rushed towards the pier by rowing a small boat. In a slightly close place, they ignited quickly. Because the time was close to dusk, because of the height of the sun or because of the light, the noble water army sentry did not find out in time. At a proper distance, they quickly lit the fire. They did not evacuate safely, but continued to drive the ship to move forward. They did not retreat. What they got was a death order, and all did not continue to persevere until they burned down. A piece of charcoal.

"Fire. Fire." On the deck and on the pier, there were running noble naval soldiers everywhere. The burning fire ship approached quickly, and the fire spread quickly. Smoke, fire, the warship that was hit was quickly spread by the fire.

"Get away from the fireboat. Get away." An officer yelled loudly, waving his dagger.

But most of the sailors began to flee. A part of the sailors held wooden barrels to fetch water to fight the fire, while another part of the crew was shouting angrily.

"The battleship is on fire." The sailors kept shouting.

The aristocratic navy was suddenly messed up.

"Turn the bow. Get out of here." The captain of the noble navy on a large warship shouted loudly at this time. Some warships of the noble navy in the pier started to catch fire. But some other warships are beginning to mobilize, and they are taking steps to enter a state of combat.

"Taking advantage of the chaos of the other party. We immediately launched an offensive." At this time, the captain of the large warship of the Chu State Navy issued an order. The captain's plan was to seal the opponent's way out with a fireboat, and then quickly press on the whole line. During this period, they used tung oil to burn the opponent, and achieved their final goal to wipe out the opponent's navy.

"Press on, hurry up." The captain urged immediately.

"On the whole line." The chief mate said at this time.

"Boom. Boom." The drum beats rhythmically, and the ship immediately adjusts its state according to these rhythms. Start to attack.

"The drums are ordering us to launch an attack." The chief officer on a small warship said to the battle at this time.

"Oh." The captain just nodded. Then nothing said.

"This is a **** battle." The captain said calmly.

"Let's attack." At this time the captain issued an order.

"We will shoot at a distance of less than five hundred steps." The captain said.

"We are facing hundreds of artillery." The first officer said in surprise.

"But now there is no choice." The captain said.

Immediately, the Chu State navy warship quickly approached the dock. Because the pier was blocked by fire ships, they used their artillery to bombard them, although their number of ships was small. At the same time, their artillery is not dominant, but at this time the situation of the noble navy is very chaotic. The number of warships they can fire is extremely rare.

"Come close and shoot. Release." The gunner on a Chu State navy warship commanded his artillery loudly to launch an artillery bombardment against the noble navy in the dock.

"Bang." The cannonball fired out immediately. The rumble of cannons kept coming. The gunners of the Chu State Navy prepared their artillery to fire. Once they reach the shooting distance, they immediately fired their guns. Not only that, their bombardment was very effective.

"Bang." A solid shell was fired and hit the main mast of a large warship directly. The thick mast was hit by the solid shell and was broken into pieces. Sawdust is flying everywhere.

"Let it go." A gunner of the Chu State Navy roared loudly. The artillery on the large warship quickly fired solid shells.

"Boom boom. Boom boom." Shooting everywhere, gunfire everywhere. The first round of the Chu State Navy’s warship shot was swift and accurate, and the aristocratic Navy was terrible. They can only be beaten passively. Their sailors were in a panic, most of the gun positions did not have any gunners, and it was very difficult for their gunners to load shells. Shooting is even more troublesome.

"Boom." A large warship was hit by a shell. The shells directly hit the opponent's gun chamber.

"Boom." A huge explosion followed.

"Oh. My goodness." A Chu State Navy sailor on the deck saw it. A large warship of the noble navy was blown to pieces. Broken pieces of wood were flying everywhere, and even a cannon was directly blown into the sky.

"Get up. Get up. Our warship is being attacked like never before." An aristocratic officer pulled up a sailor to put that man into combat position. But the sailor did not respond. The fierce artillery bombardment has scared them.

"The burning ship in front is blocking our way out. We must find a way out so that our artillery can fire accurately." A gunner said to the chief officer.

"Are there any other exits?" At this time, the first officer called out loudly.

"There's more over there," the gunner said.

"But we must drive the ship away," the gunner said. There is still a part of the noble navy fighting.

Outside the wharf, the small warship preparing to report the news had a bad meaning at this time.

"Let's leave here." This time. The captain realized that it was not good.

"We should fight." The first officer said at this time.

"Don't you see? The situation is not good for us. We can't stay in this situation. We have to get out of the fight." The captain said at this time.

"Retreat." The captain decisively issued the retreat order. Such an order couldn't be more normal for him. The situation is chaotic for them.

"Boom boom boom." In the dock not far away, a Chu aristocratic navy warship rumbling cannon. The shell hit a Chu State navy warship not far away.

Explosions, flying sawdust, dumped masts, and flying corpses, no one can tell what happened on the battlefield.

"Quickly, row the boat over, we are going to burn their boat." A sailor shouted loudly. Their boats are piled with tung oil.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. A bullet flew over.

"Boom." A huge explosion came. A boat full of tung oil ignited all at once.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) They plunged into the river with fire burning up and down.

"Don't let those boats approach, we have to resist." A captain of the noble navy said to his men at this time.

"Fire. Don't stop." The captain strongly encouraged his men to fight continuously.

"Boom." A huge explosion came quickly at this time.

A shell directly hit the position of the captain's command.

No one can tell the situation of the battle, but the general situation is like this. The Chu State navy forces successfully blocked the noble navy within the pier. They used the fireboat to attack the obstacles, and then launched a counterattack against the opponent through these obstacles. They used their artillery to launch one round and another. A round of shooting.

The artillery bombardment of the Chu's navy was accurate and violent, but after a short period of time, the noble navy could no longer lift their heads. Their ships were all hit. No warship missed.

While launching a fierce artillery bombardment, the Chu State Navy sent a second wave of fire boat attacks, and their main attack was still fire attack. Not artillery. Because the duration of their artillery will not be very long, this is largely due to their supply situation.

"Boom." A Chu State navy warship was hit by a flying artillery shell at this time.

"Boom." There was another sound. Another warship of the Chu State Navy was also hit.

This situation occurs continuously. This is not an individual case.

"Our people need to use fireboats to press them up. Our artillery shells are running out of gunpowder. We can no longer suppress the opponent," the captain shouted loudly at this time.

The chief mate can only urge. The firepower of the Chu State Navy was very poor. Under the swift and violent strikes of the first and second waves, their artillery shells were consumed very seriously, but at this time, most of the surface ships of the noble navy were injured. , Some ships are still fighting, especially some artillery. They counterattacked the Chu State navy warships. Although the counterattack was not strong, it was gradually increasing. This is not a good phenomenon for the Chu State Navy. Their power is falling, and the other's power is increasing.

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