"Oh. I understand." Shang Wen thought of this. Suddenly I understood what King Qin meant. Because of the major domestic violence. Can often have such a major impact. This influence is due to the huge domestic violence in Qi. In order to find a way to survive, some Qi people had to go to the ocean. They became pirates.

"In this way, pirates will become rampant." Shang Wen said immediately after understanding this section.

But King Qin heard such words. Just shook his head.

"I'm afraid there are other reasons that prompted the people of Qi to do this." King Qin said.

At this moment, an attendant came in nervously. After Zhao Gao saw it, he left here carefully. Then quickly stepped forward. Shangwen noticed this, and Zhao Gao said that he was a little nervous and blamed the other party. Obviously, such a high-level military conference would not allow these people to enter casually. Zhao Gao then received a telegram from the other party. It seems that there is an emergency military situation.

Immediately this telegram was presented to King Qin. King Qin passed it to Shang Wen after reading it. The content of this telegram is a briefing submitted by Meng Yi, and the content is also some of his own opinions on this matter.

Through this telegram. Shang Wen knew the answer he wanted.

"Smuggling. No. Maybe not real smuggling. The arms trade, and other commodity trade. Let these Qi people take such a big risk to find such a way to survive." Shang Wen said.

All the people stopped talking at this time. The people of Qi are heading towards the ocean. This is a completely new situation. This situation was unexpected to the people of Qin.

"Although it looks like a public security issue, if it really develops. I am afraid that Qi will also build its own navy. At that time, if we attack Qi, we will face the threat of the opposing navy." Shang Wen said.

This is also true of history. After his defeat, Tian Heng led his doormen to retreat to the island. If he had his own navy at that time, I am afraid that Liu Bang would still have to work hard to unify the world. This is happening now, if Tian Heng has a strategic vision. It is impossible for him not to know the importance of building a navy.

"We must take some measures." Shang Wen said.

"But we can't take military measures. Qi is now in ruins. If we can take the initiative to help Tian Heng at this time, I think we can have a certain degree of influence in Qi politics." Shang Wen said. .

Hearing Shang Wen's remarks, King Qin looked at Shang Wen unexpectedly.

Shangwen himself did not understand that he would say such a thing, because Shangwen felt that it was correct to do so, so he said his own views.

"Can the prime minister explain why you want to do this?" King Qin asked.

Shang Wen shook his head.

"I think it is correct to do this, although there is not enough information to prove the specific reasons for doing this. But I think it is definitely correct to do this." Shang Wen nodded affirmatively. King Qin just looked at Shang Wen silently.

Just when Qin State was discussing the affairs of Qi State. Fierce disputes are also taking place in Qi.

"Never allow Tian Heng to see King Qi face to face, and the main force of the Qi army is Qi State, not Tian Heng. And this Qi State army is no longer Qi State. It is Tian Heng's private soldier." At this time, a doctor openly accused Tian Heng.

Because of the tragic street fighting. The Qi Palace has completely become a ruin. King Qi finally escaped from the palace of Qi. The frenzied attack by the mob army made King Qi a little mentally disturbed, and King Qi often remembered the effects of war caused by the prolonged and tragic riots. So far, King Qi's nerves are a bit abnormal. As long as he hears loud noises, he will still have some abnormal behaviors.

"We can only allow Tian Heng's military power to be released before he can enter. Tian Heng is now in great power." At this time, a nobleman took the opportunity to step forward and criticize Tian Heng.

"My lord, release Tian Heng's military power." At this time, some nobles came forward and asked Qi Wang to remove Tian Heng's military power.

And in Tian Heng's barracks. Tian Heng is trying his best to appease his subordinates.

"Master. I think you should look at something." At this time some military generals stepped forward and said.

"What?" Tian Heng was thinking about how to solve the funding problem of Qi Jun's hundreds of thousands of people at this time. Logistic materials can still barely enter, but the funding problem is too worrying for him. This worry does exist.

"In some ruins in the city, a large number of headless bodies were found." A major general with a gold star on his shoulder said actively.

"Go, go and see." This time. Tian Heng already knew that something like this would happen.

Immediately, these generals walked out together.

Under a huge ruin pit. Pile of headless corpses. Some Qi army soldiers are checking the condition of these corpses, but there are too many corpses piled up. They can only simply tidy up and bury it on the spot.

"Master, there are at least hundreds of such corpses in a pit." The major general said.

"They were all beheaded. These people tied their hands behind their backs and then beheaded. Obviously..." the major general said with excitement.

At this time, Tian Heng had already raised his arm to signal him not to speak.

"How many people know about this matter?" Tian Heng asked.

"A lot of people. Because such big pits have been found in many places. Especially those troops that have just been reorganized." The major general said.

"Many of them are dissatisfied with the aristocracy's approach. If it weren't for their disorganized organization, I'm afraid there would be a mutiny to enter the Qi Palace." The major general said.

"Huh." Tian Hengxin exhaled like a knife cut. Did not say anything. Tian Heng had no decision in his heart. This matter must have an argument with the nobles. If this is not the case, then it will be difficult to appease the newly reorganized army, 100,000 people. A big mutiny turned up, and the destructive power was quite astonishing.

The reorganized troops of 100,000 people hung over Tian Heng's head like a knife. Tian Heng couldn't believe many things.

"These evil nobles. I want to kill them." In the ruined area controlled by the Qi Army, many Qi Army soldiers discovered the same large pits. These large pits were the blasting points of some major explosives, which were exploded by huge explosions. Some tunnels. Or it is a pond of some nobles. But the war turned these places into big pits. But now, these big pits are full of corpses. These corpses were among these civilians before. Now it has become a pile of cold corpses in the big pit that exudes the smell of corpses.

"Sir, those who have been adapted, it is best to let them go back outside the city. Their expressions are very excited." At this time, a sergeant quickly stepped forward and said to a captain.

The captain looked at the reorganized troops. Qi Jun’s organization has not changed much, but the actual number of people in the organization has surpassed the normal organization of a company. For example, his company suddenly expanded to more than 500 people. This is equivalent to the strength of a battalion. And the one who manages this company is still a captain of Qi Jun.

There are many thug soldiers who have received a large number of adaptations. In order to suppress these reorganized troops, the Qi army can only take such measures. Only in this way can possible military forces be suppressed in the military establishment.

The Qi army disrupted all these large numbers of reorganized mob soldiers, and incorporated a certain number of them into the existing military scale of the Qi army. For example, a company’s normal strength is about 200, but the number of troops that was reorganized suddenly exceeded 300. As for these three hundred people, Qi Jun must effectively manage them. Therefore, it adopted such a super-Dalian team arrangement mode, and the Qi army transferred some experienced veterans directly into the management of these soldiers. The chief military officer of the company resolutely was the chief grassroots officer of the Qi army. At the same time, in the most basic squad, a certain proportion of adapted soldiers were selected to serve as deputy positions. Or give them some unimportant positions. Let them escape and become the most basic class of non-commissioned officers. such. The Qi army controlled this 100,000 army from the grassroots level.

It's not just the grassroots. For those mob leaders with a certain degree of influence, Qi Jun gave the opponent some deputies to take the opponent's control over the basic forces and effectively control them. In this way, Qi Jun gradually digested these mob soldiers.

The reason why the Qi army was able to quickly digest these mob soldiers was largely due to the good logistics supply of the Qi army. A steady stream of logistical materials were transported from South Korea to the front lines of Qi. South Korea has continuously transported a large number of logistics resources to the front line, directly ensuring the extension of the Qi army's combat capabilities.

And these war orders have played a big economic stimulus effect in South Korea.

"According to the level of our factories in July. There are many factories in our country. Especially Qi's military material demand directly drives our country's food, textile, and some weapons processing factories." Zhang Liangna The preliminary report in July was reported to Han Shu.

"En. How about the delivery of logistical materials?" Han Shu asked these questions immediately.

Because the logistics production situation is one thing, but the delivery of logistics materials is another. The materials produced can be piled up like a mountain, but if they cannot be delivered to the front line, then these logistical materials are useless.

So thought of it here. Han Shu is very worried that these materials will not be delivered in time. This will cause great losses.

"En. Some are not very optimistic. The main reason is that there are some problems in the middle zone between South Korea and Wei. On the contrary, there is no such thing in Wei." Zhang Liang replied.

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