"At present, the logistics supplies we provide to Qi can still be guaranteed." Zhang Liang said.

"The main reason is that there is a distance between Wei and South Korea, and there is some transfer process for us, but these are not too big problems." Zhang Liang said with his head down.

"En. It's fine if there are no big problems. So what about the specific things? The prime minister can talk about it." Han Shu asked.

"We participated in the middle guerrilla operations, and directly sent troops to participate." Zhang Liang said.

"These things, the king should know." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Really? Are these things?" Han Shu said without knowing it.

"The king may not remember that the king happened to be in the Qin country at that time. This matter. The minister had played the king, and it passed at this time," Zhang Liang said.

"Oh. Really?" Han Shu nodded and said.

"That's it." Han Shu said directly.

"I'm going to meet with Prime Minister Meng Yi today. Let's leave later." Han Shu said.

"Yes. The minister understands." Zhang Liang lowered his head and said. Han Shu left to change clothes.

Most of South Korea's logistical materials need to pass through a certain distance from the State of Wei, and then be transferred to the State of Qi, and then directly transported to the territory of the State of Qi through Qi.

But some areas in the middle are actually not under the jurisdiction of South Korea. In order for the Korean materials to be quickly transferred to Qi State. South Korea had to send its own army to participate in the escort.

However, the strength of the new South Korean army has scared the Wei army. So Wei Guo said nothing. The noble army of the Wei State said nothing. In this way, the new South Korean army will smoothly transport these strategic materials. In fact, the South Korean New Army had no alternative but to participate in it.

Because the upper echelons of South Korea discovered that the welfare of the war is great. Especially those guerrilla forces need a lot of materials. Demand is high. South Korea can only meet its needs by producing at full capacity.

Coupled with Qi's demand, this has greatly stimulated South Korea's production. In this way. South Korea has the right to participate in guerrilla operations.

"Let's go." Han Shu took a long time to get dressed.

"Yes. King." Zhang Liangshu arrived.

Then Zhang Liang followed. In front of the carriage in front of the palace. Zhang Liang gave a gift. Ready to go to the carriage behind.

"Why? Prime Minister, don't you want to take a car with me?" At this moment, Han Shu looked back at Zhang Liang who was about to leave.

"This." Zhang Liang looked at the queen with some embarrassment.

"This." Zhang Liang didn't know what to do. To be honest, Zhang Liang was very afraid of being alone with the Queen. Because Zhang Liang and Han Shu are together. The special fragrance of Han Shu made Zhang Liang feel very nervous.

Zhang Liang himself couldn't restrain this nervous mood.

"What's this?" Han Shu looked at Zhang Liang and said.

"Get in the car together." Han Shu said at this time.

"This." Han Shu replied nervously.

"Don't refuse like that. I still have something to ask you." This time. Han Shu said.

"Chen. Follow your orders." Zhang Liang said at this moment.

"Get in the car." Han Shu motioned to Zhang Liang to get in the car.

Zhang Liang salutes at this time. Han Shu got in the car first at this time. Zhang Liang's legs and feet trembled and then got into the car.

"Prime Minister, how is the development of South Korean surface power?" Han Shu took the initiative to ask at this time. And Zhang Liang, who was sitting opposite, lowered his head and listened to Han Shu's questioning.

"The prime minister shouldn't lower your head to speak. It is very bad for the prime minister to speak with your head down." Han Shu at this time. Sitting across from Zhang Liang and examining each other.

"Yes. King." At this time, Zhang Liang slowly looked up at Han Shu at this time.

And Han Shu was also looking at Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang's eyes glanced at Han Shu and then quickly lowered his head. When Han Shu saw Zhang Liang's eyes, she suddenly felt a trace of tension, which has never been the case. Han Shu's heart seemed to feel so tight all at once.

After Zhang Liang glanced at Han Shu, he quickly lowered his head.

Han Shu also felt that Zhang Liang's eyes were a little abnormal at this time. but. Han Shu still sat calmly looking at Zhang Liang, and she began to re-examine Zhang Liang.

To be honest, Zhang Liang is also a talented person. He became the prime minister of South Korea at a young age, and he is very insightful, and his approach is also very appropriate. Such talents are hard to come by. Unfortunately, in Han Shu's eyes, Zhang Liang and Shang Wen still have some differences. first of all. Shangwen comes from the civilian class. Han Shu appreciates the non-discriminatory approach, not only that, but Shangwen is together. Han Shu has a relaxed feeling, not only that, but also a sense of support. Shangwen is very special in doing things, the kind of novel and innovative approach, especially the kind of freshness that can bring great novelty, makes her very happy.

In addition to these. In addition, Shang Wen is very humorous, while Zhang Liang is too steady. This kind of stability can easily make Han Shu feel bored. If speaking on business matters, Zhang Liang is a good adviser, but in terms of life, it is difficult for Han Shu to imagine that kind of boring life.

Thought of this. Han Shu sighed inwardly.

"Our surface power has developed rapidly, but there is still no home port. At present, we have sent a lot of ships overseas, and we have launched a lot of ships. These ships are equipped with fifty artillery. The artillery is very powerful. But. Without a home port, operations will be very difficult, and the pressure on logistical supplies is also very high. Therefore, the minister believes that a port should be found as soon as possible at present. Only in this way can South Korea's surface power develop rapidly.

At this time, Zhang Liang took the initiative to open up the topic in order to make the atmosphere not so embarrassing.

And Han Shu was still reacquainting Zhang Liang at this time. He didn't even listen to what Zhang Liang said.

“The minister believes that South Korea’s water volume still cannot become an army. The reason is that South Korea’s surface power is very weak. Moreover, South Korea has no external ports and no external home ports. It is advantageous to not become an army. We can only have a home port. Only then can you be qualified and qualified to become an army. At that time, the conditions for becoming an army are naturally mature." Zhang Liang said at this time.

"If South Korea's surface power rushes into an army, it will be easy to attack by virtue of the fact that South Korea does not have a sea. Our strength is too weak. This is too bad for us." Zhang Liang still respectfully sat in the car. Faced with Han Shu, Zhang Liang did not look up and say. He was too scared to face Han Shu.

But Han Shu was already distracted at this time. She didn't even know what Zhang Liang said. She compared Zhang Liang and Shang Wen before and after. She still thinks Shang Wen is much more interesting than Zhang Liang.

And outside the car. The road is already crowded with all kinds of people. They all wanted to see the beauty of the Queen of Korea, but unfortunately, there were curtains in the car that blocked their expectant eyes.

"Where is the queen?" asked a little girl riding on a man.

"It's in the most beautiful carriage. Have you seen it?" the man said, pointing to the beautiful carriage.

"En. I saw that beautiful carriage. It's really good." The little girl riding on the man's neck said happily.

"En. It's good to see." The man said happily.

"Is the queen pretty?" the little girl said.

"Pretty, very beautiful." The man said at this time.

"En. It's a pity that I can't see it." This time. Said the little girl.

"Oh. Dad will show you the queen's face." The man said as he ran with the car. And some Koreans also follow this carriage to move around constantly.

"Today, the Queen will meet again with Prime Minister Meng Yi of Qin State. The two sides will reach some important agreements to allow South Korea's economy to develop rapidly. This is very good news for South Korea." A South Korean The reporter interviewed now and then recorded it.

Sometimes, the Queen’s whereabouts will be announced in advance. This method of publicity announcements satisfies people's search for royal secrets and satisfies people's curiosity. Simultaneously. Han Shu believes that by doing so, he can improve his status in the minds of the people, which is very useful for South Korea to gather a strong cohesion.

But there is one thing that makes Zhang Liang very worried. This worry is that it is easy to be assassinated if it is exposed in this way and the driving route is made public. Such an approach is undoubtedly conducive to assassinations, and there is a great opportunity for public activities to contact civilians. Hidden killers among civilians are very beneficial to killers. This made Zhang Liang very worried.

In fact, this worry is very necessary. Because those declining nobles have become the killers they most want.

"Did you see it? Just the carriage." A worker in crumpled clothes pointed at the carriage that was walking in the middle of the road with his eyes.

"En. I saw it." This time. Another worker said at this time. He said with a backpack used by a soldier.

"When the king's carriage is going to pass at the next intersection, I will step forward and block the other side's way." said the crumpled worker.

"Then the carriage will stop. You break through the guards' defenses, quickly move forward, and stick to the carriage. Then you detonate the explosives behind your back, and these explosives will die with the carriage, so that you can kill the queen. Kill the queen, South Korea will suddenly fall into chaos." said the worker in crumpled clothes.

"En. I understand. Follow the original plan. You hurry up. I will do it. Look good. I can pull the biaozi away when I die. It's worth it," said the worker with a backpack.

"Very good. I wish you success." The worker in crumpled clothes said at this time. Then left quickly. He put his hand in the pocket of his jacket. He held a pistol tightly in his hand. He will use this pistol to create chaos.

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