"Senior brother." The white-clothed woman saw such a scene unbelievably, and flew out the arm that was interrupted by the fifty-point bullet. Blood was sprayed everywhere. The woman in white was shocked. Seeing such a scene. Then he ran out quickly.

"Damn, someone is injured." The machine gunner on the other side shouted loudly at this time.

"What?" The captain put down the joystick in his hand at this time and immediately walked over and shouted loudly.

"What's the matter?" The captain looked at the blood on the ground and knew.

"Shall we pull out this sword?" The machine gun on the other side said at this time.

"Ah." The machine gunner who was hit by the sword groaned in pain.

"No. Hold the wound. Don't move. Once you pull it out. It's troublesome. Find a way to stop the bleeding. Come and hold it here. Hurry up." At this time, the captain grabbed the radio operator's hand. Immediately held the wound. Radio operators were not born as professional pilots, and they had never attended such first aid classes. The radio operator pressed the wound very nervously.

"Hold down here. Hurry up." The captain said, grabbing the radioman's trembling hand. Then quickly pressed the opponent's hand to the wound.

"We have to fly back as soon as possible, and perform the operation as soon as possible." The captain said loudly.

"Return to base. Return to base." The captain called out loudly at this time.

Because of the wounded situation on the airship of Qin State, the machine gun on the airship did not fire in time, and because of this, the woman in white was not hit by a bullet.

"Hurry up. Take off and speed up." The captain quickly returned to his position.

"Go to hell." Another machine gunner looked at the situation below. Operate the machine gun quickly and aim.

"Suddenly." The shooting was done in one go.

"Puff." "Puff." The bullet hit the ground.

"Ah." The white-clothed woman who heard the gunshot immediately turned around and looked at the two Mo family disciples who were lying down and were directly killed by the machine gun bullets.

"You guys are evil." The white-clothed woman looked at the flying airship angrily and called.

"I must kill all of you Qin dogs." The white-clothed woman dropped tears and looked angrily at the flying airship in the distance.

"We have some casualties." A staff officer of the contact group quickly walked in and said.

"Casualties?" the lieutenant colonel asked in surprise.

"Did the Belle crash?" the lieutenant colonel asked directly without checking the content of the telegram.

"No. Sir. One of them, Zhongjian. The injuries are serious. They need immediate surgery. I have ordered them to land here and send the wounded to the Army for treatment." The staff officer said.

"Zhong Arrow?" the lieutenant colonel asked incredulously.

"Sir, let's take a look at this." The staff officer handed the telegram in his hand to the lieutenant colonel.

"What's this?" The lieutenant colonel saw through the telegram.

"Zhongjian, it's hard to believe." The lieutenant colonel said at this time.

"En." The staff nodded affirmatively. Afterwards, the airship quickly sent the injured machine gunner to the Army's field hospital. Because of the timely treatment, the machine gunner was not seriously injured.

Inside the palace of Chu State.

"Your Majesty. Qi is weak in the country, and there are riots everywhere. My eastern coastal area has been attacked by the Qi people. My Chu country cannot bear such a humiliation," said a Chu minister.

"En." Li Yuan stood aside and nodded. Obviously he also wanted to send troops. Because of his advice from some counsellors, Qi’s domestic civil strife has now subsided, but his national power has been extremely weakened. Qi's continuous battles led to a rapid decline in national power. Qi is on the verge of collapse. If you send troops at this time, you can not only occupy Qi country quickly, but also expand the land. This is an unprecedented feat. Some ministers of Chu State were extremely shameless of Li Yuan's actions, and they thought that the other party's situation was very bad. However, it is still not enough to send troops. Qi's internal civil strife has subsided, and the loss of national strength is great. It is true, but at this time, Qi's people are extremely united. This means that Qi's high degree of unity, a united country, is difficult to overcome. Therefore, in Chu State, some knowledgeable ministers opposed this matter.

"Therefore, my Chu State should immediately send 200,000 troops to conquer Qi State." The Chu State Minister said loudly.

"Your Majesty, the minister believes that this move will lead to the destruction of Chu State. Although Qi State is weak, its people are united. If its people are united, it is difficult to defeat. As a result, only I, Chu State, will be defeated. Qi will win." The knowledgeable minister proactively stood up and said.

"Bold. It actually destroyed the prestige of my Chu State." Li Yuan couldn't stand it. Immediately yelled at each other.

"Sending troops to fight is a major event, not a trivial matter. Such a hasty decision will push my Chu Kingdom to ruin. I want to ask. You Li Yuan is in harmony." The knowledgeable minister immediately questioned loudly.

"You. You." Li Yuan was so angry that he couldn't speak at all.

"So, according to the meaning of the doctor. We don't want to send troops. My subjects of Chu State were bullied by Qi State at will." A nobleman stood up and said at this time.

"Chen didn't mean that." The middle doctor said immediately at this time.

"No. Isn't it necessary that my good man of Chu country was killed by the people of Qi? The whole village was killed, humiliating my wife and daughter of Chu country? "The noble said in a magnificent manner.

"Here." Doctor Zhong couldn't say anything at this time. It is indeed impossible to refuse for this reason.

"My Chu State is strong, but I am afraid of a weak Qi State. Killing those troubled people. Only make me Chu State incompetent." Chu aristocrats shouted at this time.

"You." The Chinese doctor felt particularly helpless with such remarks from the nobility. Because these nobles only knew the immediate interests, and did not care about long-term interests at all.

"It's doctor Zhong, I'm afraid. It's not a man's action." The nobleman immediately laughed at Doctor Zhong at this time.

"Ahahahaha." In an instant, everyone in the hall laughed.

And the doctor looked at everyone with a flushed face.

And above the hall, everyone was laughing at the middle doctor. But the Chinese doctor was helpless.

In the midst of such laughter, the senior officials of the State of Chu had already decided to send troops to the State of Qi, and the current situation of the State of Qi was indeed very conducive to dispatching troops. Not only that, but the aristocrats of the Chu Kingdom benefited a lot. Following the annexation of a large amount of land in Chu State, it also started active trade with Qin State. The Chu nobles monopolized all the supply of raw materials, and their business grew bigger and bigger. Their wealth is also very large. The accumulated wealth makes them want to make more profits. Greed is always the best reason. The country of Chu has a vast territory and abundant resources, and its population is not sparse. But the State of Chu needs to expand resources to seek more benefits. And this benefit is the demand for gold.

Among these countries. Only Qi State and later Yan State can produce gold. Qin State also made such a discovery after the expansion of the west.

With the rapid development of the trade between Chu and Qin, the increase in Chu’s national power benefited greatly from the trade with Qin. The development of the Yangtze River area has been much higher than that of Chu’s agricultural area, and with the increase in trade During the development, Qin's products have great advantages, which are mainly concentrated in weapons, industrial products, and various material needs, such as cement and construction materials.

The Qin State Factory continuously produces these things and then exports them to Chu State. On the other hand, Chu State can only provide copper, tung oil, rapeseed, and various agricultural products. And these things can only be exchanged for a certain percentage of weapons, construction materials, etc. after they are exported in large quantities.

The most terrible thing is that Qin's paper money has penetrated in. Because the amount of gold is very scarce. Especially when Qin has been in a trade surplus for a long time, it is difficult for Chu, which has only raw materials, to reverse the continuous flow of gold into Qin. Because they can only use gold to buy weapons. And they finally got the weapon, and as Qin's initiative to occupy the trade surplus began, leading to the shrinking of Chu's gold rank.

The price of lack of gold was that Chu had to accept Qin's paper currency penetration. The people of Chu had to use Qin's half and two banknotes to solve the currency tension of Chu itself.

As Qin State drained the only gold reserves in Chu State like a pump. This led to a serious problem before the nobles of Chu.

Deflation, the price of deflation is that the nobles lack enough gold to turn into currency, and lack of currency makes it difficult to make their careers work again. This lack of staying power is the biggest demand for the Chu aristocrats to quickly gold.

And at this time, Qi's internal civil strife. And chaos in trouble everywhere. This directly gave Chu an excuse to send troops. This excuse came so quickly that even the nobles of the Chu Kingdom didn't expect it.

The nobles finally discovered the serious consequences of the lack of gold in trade, and the gold producing area was only in Qi State, so they targeted Qi State as their strategic goal. They could solve the gold problem as long as they occupied Qi State. Solving the gold problem can solve the serious consequences of currency tightening.

Currency tightening made it difficult for Chu to expand. Qin's demand was increasing, and Qin's industry needed a lot of raw materials. And only Chu State can meet these raw materials, and Qin State's demand is great. But the Chu State could not be satisfied. It was very simple. During the trade, Qin State drained Chu State's gold. In a country that uses gold as a currency, the absence of gold means that there is no capital, and it is difficult to expand without capital.

This is the problem that the nobles worry about. Although they are only worried about their business, they are aware of the huge financial crisis facing Chu. If the currency problem cannot be solved well, then the current development of Chu cannot be solved. problem.

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