The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1302: Can we withdraw the troops?

Gold as wealth and financial circulation. Once again became the main cause of the war. At this time, Qin State controlled a large amount of gold, and this gold had always been a kind of pressure for Qin State.

"Our Qin State's gold reserves are rising rapidly. This is a good thing for us on the one hand. Qin State's bank and government have a large amount of gold reserves." Shang Wen is making a special report. This report is about exporting gold.

"But on the other hand, it is also a kind of pressure. It is not a good thing for Qin to have too much gold." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The excessive concentration of gold will make our currency value rise rapidly. This rise is obviously at a disadvantage in foreign trade. Moreover, the six countries are extremely short of gold. The excessive concentration of gold. It is beneficial to us. Not a lot." Shang Wen said.

"Oh. I don't understand what the prime minister meant." King Qin asked.

"En. In fact, Qin State has too much gold." Shang Wen explained. Shang Wen and Han Fei talked over the phone. On the phone, Han Fei made it clear that South Korea needs a lot of gold. And these gold need to be in the Qin State, but Qin State strictly controls all gold exports. Only a small part can be exported, and that is gold jewellery. South Korea buys these gold jewellery and then re-casts it. This is too expensive. Because jewelry has higher manual costs and marketing costs. The cost of such a gold collection method will be much higher than the normal purchase price of gold.

"The link between Qin's economy and the economies of the six countries is gold. Looking at it, for now, Qin's banknotes have replaced metal currencies, but among the six countries, only South Korea can barely break away from metal currencies. "Shang Wen gestured.

"But it's not possible for the other countries. Qin's goods are now flooded in the markets of the six countries, and Qin has always been in a trade surplus. Qin's exports of goods are very large. But Qin's exports of goods, except for some In addition to necessities, other material aspects are rapidly decreasing." Shang Wen said.

"Judging from the preliminary reasons we understand. It seems that it is because of the shrinking demand in the consumer market." Shang Wen said at this time.

"The consumer market is shrinking? The widows don't understand what this economy is?" Qin Wang asked unclearly.

"The king doesn't understand. The minister doesn't understand either." Shang Wen said.

"But consumer demand, these can be understood from the report." Shang Wen said.

"Many things have causal relationships. We can only infer the development of things from these causal relationships. According to our current understanding." Shang Wen said.

"Qin’s current productivity is sufficient, but there are big problems in the consumer market. Our records show that most of Qin’s business is directly related to war. For example, Qi’s civil war, for example, For example, the food issue. Qin’s grain output is very large. But most of the food consumption is related to military operations. Zhao, South Korea’s peaceful environment. Let their food production recover, but their situation still needs our food Import, our food has great advantages in price, such as variety, quality, and absolute price advantage. These can promote our food exports, but only a small part of the consumer group. Common people consume. For The demand for food is not too great. The reason is that their purchasing power is relatively weak. This is only the case of Zhao and South Korea." Shang Wen said.

"The consumption situation in these two countries is fairly good. The situation in Qi and Yan is far behind, not only in Qi and Yan, but also in Wei and Chu. The consumption power of civilians is very high. In addition, there are fewer and fewer metal currencies. We, Qin, have an absolute advantage in trade." Shang Wen said.

"They are very capable and have absorbed almost all the gold of the six nations into Qin." Shang Wen said.

When King Qin heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Our businessmen are indeed very capable. They have gathered unprecedented wealth, but it is a big trouble to gather all the wealth in Qin." Shang Wen said at this time.

"For us Qin, there is too much gold. Too much gold means that we can print more banknotes, but these banknotes have nowhere to go, and there is nowhere to go. Although the places where Qin banknotes are used are vast, but the number of people Shanghai does not have an advantage, especially after the independence of Korean banknotes, our banknotes will be returned, so that we will have inflationary pressure." Shang Wen said.

"Inflation is not a good thing for us, and our prices will rise. Although our prices remain within a reasonable range, there is such a danger that excessive printing of banknotes is dangerous. Enterprises can naturally benefit, they Production can be speeded up. But our people will be very shameless to us." Shangwen said.

"The people of the Qin State will be greatly harmed. This is the foundation of the Qin State, the foundation of the Qin State, and the reform of the Qin State takes these foundations into consideration to become stronger. Other countries do not understand this at all. The truth." Shang Wen said as he looked at King Qin. In Shang Wen's view, there is nothing wrong with civilian thinking. Everyone is equal. People are born free and equal. Compared with the six countries, although Qin also has nobles, the nobles can be treated as equals. On the contrary, look at the nobles of the six countries. They have obtained the great resource advantage of the society with the protection of their ancestors. With the help of such social advantages, they have done nothing. Their existence has seriously hindered the development of society.

"The consumer group of Qin's commodities is not civilians, but nobles, and there are war needs. This is shown by the data we have recently obtained." Shang Wen said.

"For example, the food consumed by Qi’s army was imported from Qin. Then, the Koreans sold them to Qi. Not only these, but also a large number of other materials. The Koreans themselves produce some, and they also sell these. The materials are sold to the military, but the consumer group is still the country and organization, and the commodities consumed by the civilians are too few. If our Qin State factory continues to work, not only we can satisfy, but there are other places. It can be satisfied, such as the six countries, but if the six countries do not expand the market in time, our materials will stay in the Qin country. In that case, our factories will have big problems, and we must expand these markets. In order to solve the current problem, then the problem will return to our previous problem." Shangwen gestured.

"We must help them export the excess gold in our hands. Let these gold reach them, support them financially, expand their market demand, and then allow our goods to be exported to these countries. The market must expand." Shang Wen said .

Upon hearing this, King Qin frowned. What Shang Wen said. King Qin did not understand a word. Shangwen's explanation was a waste of effort, and King Qin believed that this matter required careful consideration. Therefore, he asked Shang Wen to retreat temporarily.

The Qilian Mountains area of ​​Qin State.

"Go forward. One row on the left, the second row in the center, and the third row on the right, go forward. Go forward." A captain with a telescope on his neck continuously waved his arms to signal his men to move forward.

"Pay attention to the situation ahead. Go ahead." Captain Qin Jun shouted loudly.

"Da da da." At this moment, the sound of a cavalry horse hoof came.

"Attention, there are cavalry." The soldiers of the Qin Army in front immediately took a squatting position to shoot, raising their guns and aiming at possible enemies.

"My own person." The soldier raising his gun nervously behind saw a cavalry in front of him.

"It's our cavalry." The soldier behind put down his rifle and shouted.

"Call." The cavalry who appeared first stopped at this time.

"Where is your chief?" This time. The cavalry asked loudly.

"Damn it. It's the Cavalry of the Marine Corps." A second-class soldier lowered his rifle. Stand up and say.

"Where is your chief?" This time. The cavalry asked.

"I'm the commander here." At this moment the captain stood up and said with his rifle.

"Sir. We are the Third Cavalry Regiment of the Marine Corps. Our troops have advanced to the Qilian Mountains, where we searched and found no enemies. You can advance quickly. There is a need for infantry support. Army First Infantry The division's defense points are almost broken. Sir." The cavalry said at this time.

"This is the battlefield. There is no need to pay attention to these military etiquette. I hope the officer can understand." The cavalry continued.

"Very good, but we still need to search forward. We are infantry." The captain said.

"Yes. Sir." The cavalry saluted and signaled that he was leaving. Then turned around and beat his horse to leave.

At an important pass in the Qilian Mountains, the rapid advance of the Marine Corps cavalry force finally ended the encirclement of the defensive support point.

"Seventh Company. Strengthen the vigilance over there." A Marine Corps commander gestured with his weapon behind his back.

"Yes, sir." A lieutenant waved, and then left with his men.

"This is the Qilian Mountain. From here, it's all a plateau. It was originally an area we occupied. Now, the Qiang people have regained control?" Wang Ben asked with a telescope to look into the distance.

"Yes. Sir." A colonel said, standing behind Wang Ben.

"A telegram has already been sent to let us end the war. The defense line is temporarily established on the Qilian Mountains. The places we previously captured can be abandoned. Or become no man's land." The colonel said at this time.

"Can we withdraw in this way?" Wang Ben asked.

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