"What are your conditions?" Li You asked.

"Humph." At this time, the manager wearing glasses and several other managers looked at each other and then smiled slightly. It can be said that at this time, they entered the topic.

"Our condition is to enter your enterprise and participate in the ownership of the enterprise." said a 30-something manager.

"In other words, you want to join my company." Li You said.

"Very correct." The 30-something manager nodded and admitted.

"Actually." The 30-something-year-old manager said again at this time.

"We want to buy your company's stock, we can easily do it." said the manager in his thirties.

"But this will not allow us to get more profits, and, by doing so, you can't get better development. We need to join forces, of course. You can also hold a part of our stocks." Said the manager.

"We can achieve mutual cooperation through share swaps." said the 30-something manager.

"En." Li You nodded.

"Then what benefits can I get?" Li You asked.

"Able to get sufficient financial support, but also an excellent team for stock capital operations." said the manager in his thirties.

At this time, Qin's companies had already begun a kind of capital operation. In other words, Qin’s capital market has begun to open up a lot, and many companies have begun to introduce other capital to operate together. In this way, capital can be quickly injected into those companies, and those companies have funds for activities. And now, the Industrial Bank is doing this, in fact, it is entering Li's enterprise.

"En. This matter. I want to think about it." This time. Li You just nodded. Said that he would consider this matter. But no such choice was made.

"En. Yes. We respect any choice made by Mr. Li." said the manager wearing glasses.

Qin State’s Lantian Daying. This is an important base stationed by the main force of the Qin Army. Today's Lantian Daying has undergone all-round reconstruction. Three airport runways have been built here. The contiguous barracks are on the east side of the airport.

There is a railway passing through the base, this railway can reach Xianyang to the north, and through Xianyang, you can quickly reach various theaters.

To the south, it passes through Wuguan. Through there, you can enter Chu Kingdom. Lantian Camp can recruit 200,000 troops. A large number of military materials are stocked here. There are also various military training facilities. The Qin State's Non-commissioned Officer Training Center is located here.

The tactical training of officers is also carried out here. It can be said that this is the largest military base of the Qin State.

"Sir. We are unable to provide airplanes for parachuting. The weather forecast tells us that for some time in the future, there will be cold air going south. The cold air going south has a great influence on our flight, and it is in the mountains, which is too bad for us. Now." A Celestial Army colonel waved his arms like this and said.

"No, we need to take off immediately and enter Yunshan." Meng Tian refused to say.

"But, sir, it's too risky to do this. Moreover, the parachuting area is in the mountains. If you jump like this, it may be difficult for the soldiers to survive. It is too dangerous to do so," the colonel said.

"We can use an airplane to transport us to the contact station without parachuting, and then we walk into the mountains. Although it takes some time, it should be safe to enter. The airplane can stay where the cold air has passed. Fly back." Meng Tian said.

"If you do," the colonel said.

"But, sir, the latest flight plan. It's a bit risky, but we can give it a try." The colonel reluctantly agreed.

"Okay. You make arrangements as soon as possible." Meng Tian said.

In this period, Qin State did not have a special air transport aircraft. And if transporting people, only bombers can be used, and bombers have a large load capacity. However, the personnel can only fly in the bomb drop bay to be transported to the destination.

It will take a long time for Qin's heavenly army to build a large air force, and the lack of transport aircraft has caused great defects in the combat effectiveness of Qin's heavenly army. But such defects have big technical problems.

Because the load capacity of the aircraft at this time is very limited, and the technology of the aircraft is not too mature in many places, this results in a very limited take-off weight. Under the limited load capacity, Qin Jun has to make it. For some options, the Qin Army’s Celestial Army officers believed that the plane was very unrealistic as a transport plane, because its load capacity was very limited, and there were not many things to transport. Obviously, few transport planes would not exist. Therefore, the Qin officials chose another type of aircraft, the airship, which has a very large load capacity. Although the speed is slow, the carrying capacity is greater than that of the airplane, and the technology of the airship is relatively mature, and the passengers are very comfortable to ride. Therefore, Qin State transports airships, but there is no special transport aircraft.

"Our taxes cannot be collected. This is too big a hindrance to the establishment of Chu's navy." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"General, this matter requires us to build a more robust navy." Xiang Liang suggested.

"I know this naturally, but if you do this, you must have the first funds. But currently, our army only has small boats, not big ships." Xiang Yan shook his head at this time.

"This." Xiang Liang was uneasy and didn't know how to solve this problem.

"The latest situation has made the situation of Chu's naval forces very bad." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"Most of the merchant ships launched from the State of Qin are armed merchant ships equipped with artillery. These armed merchant ships have more firepower than the warships that we transform, and their gunners have also been trained. This poses a great threat to us. Very unfavorable." Xiang Yan said.

"These armed merchant ships are indeed very powerful. The artillery they are equipped with threatened our taxation boat yesterday. They feel very disdainful of our army's taxation." Xiang Liang said.

"En. This is exactly what I worry about. Our current strength is not enough to fight those armed merchant ships. Although they only have one ship, we need to pay a high price to attack. At present, we are all small boats. , There is not a large warship, how should this be good?" Xiang Yan said worriedly.

"Big brother, I think. We should avoid these ships. We should not engage in water warfare. Our ships are small and have little room for play, especially the opponent’s warship. Our boat can only approach at night, and it can easily become a live target during the day. ."at this time. Xiang Liang said.

"I know what you said." Xiang Yan said.

"Big brother, what I mean is that we can attack without using boats and fight firepower. It is very difficult for us to do anything, and it is difficult for us to quickly replenish it in a short time after the sailor is lost." Xiang Liang said.

The personnel losses of the Chu State Navy were indeed huge. Because sailors need training, especially those experienced sailors. After the loss, it takes a long period of time to have experienced veterans. The losses of these veterans caused great losses to the Chu State Navy.

"En." Xiang Yan nodded.

"Big brother. If our sailors lose too much, it will hurt our vitality, but we still have the army and the Marines in our hands. We can use them." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"Use the Marine Corps?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Yes. The Marine Corps has a large number of artillery. We can choose a key place and set up these artillery. The range of the artillery can attack those merchant ships. If they don’t pay taxes, we will fire and they will at least lose some. Things, in this way, they will take the initiative to pay taxes." Xiang Liang said in this way.

"This is a good idea." Xiang Yan nodded and said at this time.

"Then build such a fort, and only in this way can we quickly gather money. We use big chains to lock the river surface. Build a fort on an isolated island in the river. In this way, those armed merchant ships will not be able to escape taxes." Xiang Yan said happily.

"In addition to these, there is one more thing." This time. Xiang Liang said.

"Big Brother still knows those overseas colonies?" Xiang Liang asked at this time.

"What colony?" This time. Xiang Yan asked.

"This is what the people of Qin call it. In fact, it is the overseas strongholds of Chu, where there are still Chu people. I think, if we occupy those strongholds of Chu, we can serve as future trading points. The navy's port stay, another point is that there is a lot of local trade, we can collect taxes, which can greatly expand Vaughan's taxes, and we can quickly expand the army." Xiang Liang introduced.

"Do those strongholds really have so much money?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Yes, in those strongholds, there is no government, I have already inquired about it. There is a lot of slave trade there, and the business is very large, far more than ours, so I think that next, we have to build a battle fleet, Going out to sea, occupying those strongholds, and then turning those strongholds into our turf. We can collect taxes on it, park, and expand our army with great stability." Xiang Liang said.

"This idea is very good. Very good." Xiang Yan said.

Xiang Liang’s idea was actually to recover the colonies established by the Chu people themselves, and then make those colonies loyal to the Chu navy, that is, the Xiang family of Chu. These strongholds can not only bring huge taxes, but also huge business opportunities. Isn't this exactly what Qin hopes for?

If this is the case, then the rise of Chu's navy is only a matter of time. This is a very important thing for the Chu State Navy. Thinking of this, Xiang Yan thinks it is very feasible.

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