The Chu State Navy’s construction of fort can solve the task of blocking the waterway by collecting taxes in a short period of time. Not only that, after the fort was built. The limited naval mobile force can be immediately freed up for external expansion.

You must know that the economy in the colonies is developing rapidly. This is a potential economic taxation force, and this force must not be underestimated.

"Qin's prime minister was kidnapped. Very good. The Mo family did a good job." Said negative excitedly.

Although Ning Chu and Yingyu had only one fate, they only identified Yingyu from that fate. However, Shangwen and Yingyu soon got married. This made Ningchu feel very disappointed. However, Qin’s newspaper soon reported that Shangwen was kidnapped on the day of his wedding. This incident made Ningchu very excited, because it shows that Ningchu still has a chance. Because Shang Wen was taken away by the Mo family.

"The people of the Mo family are doing very well. Very good." Ning Chu said excitedly.

Ningchu thinks that the people of the Mohist school are doing very beautifully, so this will give Ningchu more opportunities. This is of great significance to the negative.

"This is the inside of the airship?" Senior Sister asked at this time.

"Yes. This is the inside of the airship. In front of this passage is the cockpit. The inside of the airship is mainly suspendable gas. For example, hydrogen, helium, etc.." Shang Wen explained.

"En." Senior sister looked curiously. Linger looked around the inside of the airship.

"This is a military airship. The machine gun airship in the airship is specially used for search and blockade missions. There are two .50 machine guns on the left and right sides of the airship. There is one in the front and one in the back. , There are a total of four machine guns." Shang Wen introduced. The senior sister looked at the inside story of the airship in surprise. For Senior Sister, this is the first time to come inside the airship.

"This is Qin's airship." Shang Wen introduced. After the introduction. Shang Wen didn't speak, the senior sister looked around at the airship.

"Is this machine gun the weapon to shoot my brother?" At this time. Senior Sister asked.

"Yes. It's this kind of weapon." Shang Wen admitted.

"This is Qin's military property. It cannot be damaged." Shang Wen admitted.

"Sir. Are these telegrams sent out?" the radio operator asked.

"En. Send. I want to know. What happened to Qin State." Shang Wen said.

"What is that?" Senior Sister asked curiously again.

"It's the radio." Shang Wen said.

"That's a radio transmitter, through that machine, you can send out a signal. This signal is invisible, but it really exists." Shang Wen said.

"Where?" Senior Sister asked again.

"Of course. You can't touch it either." Shang Wen looked at the senior sister and said.

"It's radio waves. Electric waves. Estimate, you don't know what electricity is." Shang Wen said.

"So. It's more troublesome to understand." Shang Wen said.

"However. Before clarifying these questions, I want to ask one question." Shang Wen said at this time.

"What's your name?" Shang Wen asked.

"Up to now, I don't know how to call you." Shang Wen said.

"I don't want to say it now." Senior Sister said.

"Okay." Shang Wen said.

"You can visit whatever you want. I can't take care of other things, but this airship is for you to protect." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. I want to know something. You are free." Shang Wen could only say that.

Immediately, the senior sister visited Qin's airship alone. And Shang Wen quietly waited for the information to be sent back.

"Why are we going back? We should stop and station in Xianyang, Guanzhong area of ​​Qin State. We should rest." A major officer of Qin's 3rd Infantry Division was sitting in a comfortable passenger carriage.

"That's the order. Do you know who is in the carriage behind us?" A colonel said leisurely while drinking tea.

"I don't know. Sir," the major said respectfully.

"It is the leader of the local indigenous people. They will change the future of Qin's borders. And we are familiar with these people, so we still need to go back to the north. This is an order to say." The colonel looked at the major and said.

"However, in the future, we will participate in a lot less wars. It is civilian officials who operate these things. Soldiers are involved in only a small part of the war." The colonel looked at the major. Then leisurely looked out the window and said.

"Qin does not have much military expenditure to provide us with the war, and the cost of the war is really too great." said the colonel.

"Therefore, our future war is an invisible war. Civil officials will play a big role in it. In addition, there are some unknown people involved. Therefore, we have fewer opportunities to show up. But". The colonel looked at the major at this time.

"We want to maintain our military presence, this is very necessary." said the colonel.

"I don't understand. Sir." This time. The major asked.

"Don't have to fight, isn't it okay?" said the colonel.

This train of the State of Qin carried the ethnic minority troops that had just retreated from the southwest front of the State of Qin, and a group of the regiment of the State of Qin was transported with them. The State of Qin decided to change the previous mode of warfare and try not to use war methods as much as possible. Instead, a large number of peaceful commercial methods are used to carry out a new mode of foreign warfare.

Qin will completely change the mode of war.

"Sir, I'll report to you." Feng Jie came to Wang Jian's office in a straight military uniform.

"En. Sit down. I remember you, you don't need to wear a military uniform." Wang Jian said when he looked up at Feng Jie. Feng Jie's mission is very special, he is engaged in military intelligence. According to the truth, he does not need to wear military uniforms, as long as he wears civilian clothes. Information itself needs to be concealed.

According to reason, this is the case, but Feng Jie received the order. Let him go to Wang Jian. Said to help Wang Jian launch some brand new war modes.

"You know what you are here for, right?" Wang Jian asked.

"Come to help change the situation of the war." Feng Jie said.

"En." Wang Jian put down the pen in his hand and nodded.

"Do you have any opinion?" Wang Jian asked.

"We need people, a lot of people. Intelligence needs people to collect. But according to what the report says." Feng Jie said.

"We even have very few people who master the language of the other party. This situation is very bad. Therefore, our current first step is to learn their language, or their language must keep up with our rhythm. Our first step is to learn their language. , Communication is needed, and only in this way can we proceed to the next step." Feng Jie said. When Feng Jie saw such a report, he thought it was feasible. The pure use of a certain means, especially military means, has reached its limit. Such a limit. It is that the cost of consumption and the expected effect required to be achieved have not been reached.

"If we have problems with communication, then we don't have to think about it. All the following things will be difficult to complete," Feng Jie said.

"En. I think you will do this soon." Wang Jian looked at Feng Jie and said.

"En." Feng Jie nodded. However, although Feng Jie nodded and admitted on the surface, in fact, he was still a little bit guilty.

This is different from any previous situation. The difference lies in. All the countries that Qin contacted were of the same ethnic group who spoke the same language. But this time, it is a foreign national who speaks different languages ​​and has very different living habits, even if it is an understanding of the Huns. Qin is not many. As a result, the State of Qin has reached a very solitary environment with respect to the surrounding situation. In such solitary environment, Qin can only adopt a solitary way. As long as it is a foreigner, all are enemies. All war will be waged without understanding. This is also an unfavorable factor leading to the growth of Qin's expendable military expenditure.

"Then, what will you do next?" Wang Jian asked.

"Recruiting people. I think I will start with local businessmen. I read the report. I read the report. There are more people in the leather business. I want to start from this aspect. After all, they want to conduct the fur business, and they naturally understand something. The language in this area, and then use them as the basis for communication, and then understand them. We need more than a year to know some of their situation." Feng Jie said.

"Well then. Just do this." Wang Jian said.

"So, what do you think of military strikes?" Wang Jian continued to ask.

"I don't have much opinion. We didn't understand them, so we shot randomly. It's not wise to do so," Feng Jie said.

"En. Is there anything else?" Wang Jian asked.

"Not for the time being. I need to know something before I can tell you. General." Feng Jie said.

"En. I welcome you at any time." Wang Jian said.

"Then I will leave." Feng Jie stood up at this moment and said.

Wang Jian stood up. Feng Jie retired.

Qin has reached a consensus within the country. That is, expendable military expenditures must be reduced. Qin’s military expenditure will occupy a large amount of expenditure. This expenditure will weaken Qin’s economic construction ability, that is, infrastructure construction ability, and the improvement of infrastructure construction ability is actually an important foundation for stimulating the country’s economic development. This is what Shang Wen has repeatedly emphasized.

"We only have a force of less than two thousand people, and the logistics supply is not a lot. You must know that we are riding horses. We still fight in the winter and the logistics can't keep up. Don't the people above know this? Is it the situation?" a Qi army cavalry captain complained to his boss.

"Don't complain. I have heard these words many times. But no one can change the current situation. Do you know?" the boss retorted loudly.

"Go forward well. When everything is dead. There is no need to complain." The boss said angrily.

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