"Rumble." At this time, a dull voice came, and many soldiers looked around in horror, their rifles pointed as far as possible where the enemy appeared. Only the veteran looked in one direction with the rifle in his hand.

"Yes, it's the cavalry." At this time, a recruit in front of him saw the cavalry unit that appeared suddenly and shouted.

"The cavalry is a cavalry." The soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang." Those panicked soldiers had no time to think about the range of their weapons, and they fired recklessly. They thought that they could avoid fighting with each other.

But the actual situation is that the cavalry rushed out at them all at once.

"Not good. The general is the cavalry unit of the Qi army." A lieutenant on the side called out loudly when he saw the cavalry rushing out suddenly.

"This." General Chu Jun obviously didn't expect such a situation to happen, which was too big a blow for him.

"Kill." The lieutenant colonel waved his saber and rushed to the forefront. And his subordinates also held sabers, and the pistol charge followed closely behind.

"Bang. Bang, bang." The cavalry quickly shot at the moment it was close to the opponent's distance.

"Puff. Ah." Several husbands and soldiers who tried to escape were shot dead by bullets.

"Bang. Bang." The veterans concealed cunningly, raising their muskets and aiming at them. They knew very well that in the face of high-speed cavalry, no one could escape.

"Ah." The cavalry rushing at a high speed was hit by a flying bullet at this time, but the Chu Army soldiers who shot could not get there.

"Bang bang bang bang." The Qi Army cavalry with revolver swiftly blasted the bullets in their guns on horseback.

"Puff." Then the cavalry wielded the saber in his hand and slashed the Chu army soldiers fiercely. The Chu army's infantry, who had no hope of life, were hit by the powerful cavalry, only to flee desperately.

"Ah." A Chu Army soldier was hacked to death by a flying knife on the back.

"Boom." Then there was a dull sound. The horse directly hit a Chu Army soldier, and the Chu Army soldier was directly knocked out.

"Run. The cavalry is here." The Chu army soldier who fled shouted loudly. They threw away the weapons in their hands and reduced the weight of their bodies as much as possible. Fleeing desperately, only in this way can they escape this catastrophe. But this kind of escape is of no use at all, because the impact speed of the cavalry far exceeds the speed at which the infantry can escape.

"Qi army cavalry. Cavalry. Qi army cavalry." A Chu army soldier hurriedly ran from the front to the side of the chariot. At this time, General Chu on the chariot was holding a binoculars to check what was happening ahead.

"General, it's okay. Qi army cavalry broke out suddenly." A Chu army soldier reported loudly.

"I saw it." The lieutenant on the side waved his hand at this time. But Chu Jun's team also stopped at this time, and the hearts of the people began to fluctuate. They knew that something had happened before. Hearing those booming sounds was enough to make the soldiers feel scared.

"Play the drum and order the soldiers to form a formation. All the infantry, all bayonet. Against the Qijun cavalry." The general said calmly. Inside his telescope at this time. What he saw was that a large number of Qi army cavalry were rushing into the chaos of the Chu army's front infantry.

"Ah." A Chu Army soldier had just thrown away his rifle and turned around to escape, but before he ran a few steps, he was directly hit by the Qi Army cavalry horses that were quickly chasing down the mountain.

After the soldier shouted, there was no news. The other Chu soldiers were in chaos.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier was preparing to resist with a weapon in his hand, but was slashed by a saber cut from a height by the Qi army cavalry. The head of the Chu army soldier was chopped in half. Blood mixed with brains and flying everywhere.

"Ah." Some of the Chu Army soldiers who had been chopped down fell to the ground. Before they had time to leave, they were beaten to death by the horses of the Qi Army cavalry horses that rushed up from behind.

"Puff." A piece of blood shot up. The horse of a Qi Jun cavalry chasing from behind suddenly stepped on the opponent's vital point, and the foot of the horse's foot caused the blood vessel to burst. The blood flew out, and the cavalry's face was covered with blood, which looked terrifying. However, the Qi army cavalry fought with all their strength at this time. Can be a cavalry. They were all elites in the Qi army, and they swung their sabers desperately to kill them.

At this time, the front team of the Chu Army had difficulty organizing effective resistance. There is resistance, but it is very weak. If the infantry is not organized in front of the cavalry, it is difficult to resist the impact of the cavalry. Moreover, it is still on mountain roads, fighting on such a special complex terrain, without effective organization, it is simply difficult to resist.

"Bang." As soon as a Chu Army soldier opened fire, he was hacked to death by the Qi Army cavalry who rushed over. There is a piece of meat on the neck to connect with the corpse. But the blood was splattered everywhere.

"Puff." At this time, a veteran of the Chu Army used a bayonet rifle to stab a cavalry horse. Because the speed was so fast, the cavalry had no time to make any movements, and his horse was injured. But the Qi army cavalry is still fighting. But the veteran of the Chu Army was not spared either. The reason was that he had not had time to retreat and was struck to death by the cavalry rushing from behind.

Infantry, Chu army infantry can hardly resist the crazy attack of cavalry.

"Immediately organize the infantry phalanx, and the artillery will be in place immediately. Beat the drums. Beat the drums. Boost morale." The General Chu Army on the chariot shouted excitedly at this time, standing on the chariot. While yelling, she shouted loudly with his powerful arms. The lieutenant kept passing the order down.

The chariot and infantry units in the middle position were panicked at this time. They saw with their own eyes the Chu army in front of them being madly rushed by the cavalry, and the infantry was simply unable to resist such a crazy attack. They could only watch. , And their hearts were full of fear, and the cavalry's huge impact formed a kind of deterrence, and they were very afraid of this deterrence.

"Boom. Boom, boom." At this moment, the war drum immediately sounded. At this time, the Chu Army soldier who heard the drum sound calmed a little bit.

As members of the Chu Army, especially the Chu Army in the squadron, they are still a part of the elite troops with rich combat experience. They heard the drums. The fear in my heart calmed down a bit. The drum of war evokes their inner bravery as soldiers. The reason why the soldiers of the Chu Army were afraid was because the changes in the war were too great. Before, they were attacked by chariot troops, but now they are attacked by cavalry, and they use muskets. They still don’t have much confidence in this weapon. They have such a weapon and face this kind of warfare, especially It was the situation encountered by the former team. They were naturally not confident in their hearts and full of inferiority complex. The Chu Army soldiers panicked naturally.

"It seems to be a assembled drum. Get together quickly." The experienced veteran shouted loudly at this time.

"Oh. Hurry up. Hurry up." Driven by the experienced veterans, the recruits who had added in followed the veterans and began to gather. Veterans play a key role in cohesion. Without cohesive strength, it is difficult to gather the cohesion of the troops. The role of veterans is these cohesion cores. They know what to do, and those who add in, under the fear of war, the soldiers who are at a loss will quickly gather. Then follow suit.

"Defensive formation. Defensive formation." A centurion heard the drums at this time. Shouted immediately. The rhythm of the drums is different, and the commands issued are different. At this time, the drums sound very loose. This is sending a signal for the officers to organize a defensive formation.

"Defensive formation. Defensive formation." The veteran shouted loudly at this time. Then they formed a row with their rifles.

"Wow." This time. The infantrymen behind also gathered together, and they also raised their rifles. At this time, the infantrymen in the front were holding their rifles. He squatted down quickly, although they didn't open the fire door, but at this time. Everyone knows that they will be full of confidence in the cavalry troops of the same army.

"Kill." The Qi army cavalry killed extremely crazy. Wherever the cavalry passed, there was a pool of blood everywhere. The Chu army soldiers fell mercilessly in the pool of blood, a large number of severed limbs, internal organs, and all kinds of things. Of minced meat, mixed in the corpse. The horses of the cavalry trampled on these corpses unscrupulously and slammed into the Chu soldiers in front. The Chu soldiers had no resistance, and they ran away desperately. The Qi Army cavalry behind them frantically chased them all the way, brandishing their sabers, and shooting with pistols to kill the escaped Chu Army soldiers.

"Let the broken soldiers disperse." The general shouted loudly at this time. The soldiers who broke out did not hinder the cavalry of the Alignment Army, but formed a huge impact on their own people. Due to their personal relationships, it was difficult for the soldiers of the Chu Army to choose to shoot. They were very afraid of such a situation, but if not If you shoot, these rout soldiers will successfully lead the Qi army cavalry over, and then the rout soldiers will cross the line of defense they just established. It will quickly let the Qi army cavalry quickly smash the Chu army's defense line, at that time. The entire Chu army team will be completely defeated, hundreds of cavalry will successfully defeat more than 5,000 Chu army, and then the Chu army will suffer the greatest loss.

"Kill the defeated soldiers. Shoot them." Seeing the defeated Chu Army soldiers. General Chu Jun shouted loudly. He clearly realized. Those defeated soldiers will become a very good barrier. This barrier will completely block the line of defense that has just been established, and then quickly rush over, tearing their entire line of defense.

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