"Shoot. Shoot and shoot them." The general stood on the chariot. Shouted loudly at his lieutenant. At this time, the lieutenant watched the Chu army collapsed for a while, and watched the general for a while. The general waved his arms excitedly and shouted loudly. The lieutenant is difficult to make decisions. He sees his own people, and those innocent soldiers will be killed. In this way, many people will die in this war.

The lieutenant felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Shoot. Shoot them. Get out of the way for those who have broken me." At this time. The general shouted loudly. The soldier next to him was surprised to hear such an order.

"Execute the order," the general shouted loudly.

"Here." A soldier reluctantly accepted the order at this time. The order was communicated quickly.

"Aim." The officer in the defensive formation received the order. They saw the flag on the command tank waving constantly, which meant they were about to shoot.

"Wow!" The infantrymen raised the flintlocks in their hands one after another and opened the fire door.

"Let it go." The officer shouted.

"Bang bang bang." There was a sound of firearm shooting, and the Chu army who was about to approach the defensive formation was knocked to the ground. Many people were shot and killed. The soldiers behind did not know what was happening, so they continued to rush forward. When the soldiers in front saw the next person or the person in front falling down, they heard gunshots. They went blind all at once. do not know what to do with it.

The people in front were panicked, while those in the back squeezed forward desperately to survive. Stopped in front, crowded behind, chaos arose. In the defensive formation, some soldiers did not shoot because they were aiming at their own people. But the veterans know what's going on. If they don't disperse these broken soldiers, they will be the same as them, and they will be the targets of being killed. Only by dispersing them can they have a chance to survive. This is a chance to survive only to benefit oneself.

The officer in command of the defensive formation looked at the soldiers who had not fired. Then shouted loudly.

"Soldiers who did not shoot, shoot with the second team." The officer looked at the soldiers who did not shoot. The soldier had to raise the rifle in his hand again under the gaze of the officer.

"Aim," the officer shouted loudly.

"Wow." The second team fired, and the first team that fired at this time retreated to the team behind. They need to reload the bullets. At this time all the soldiers were equipped with bayonets. The range of the musket is only 30 steps. At this distance, when dealing with the cavalry, they will quickly rush over, and they will be hacked before the second bullet can be loaded. They can only install the bayonet early. Engage in close combat.

"Order our artillery to fire at those cavalry. Hurry up." This time. The general shouted loudly. The lieutenant heard the order. Execute immediately.

"Bang bang bang bang." This time. The second team fired immediately. The bullets shot through the rout soldiers who were fleeing mercilessly, and the rout soldiers knew what had happened. Their infantry squadron was shooting at them with their muskets at this time.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier was hit in the neck by a flying bullet. The soldier fell to the ground, struggling to look at the defensive formation ahead. The group that shot at the Chu Army soldiers was retreating, and the group of infantrymen behind was raising their guns. Then the same action. As for how many people fell, he didn't know. Many of the people he knew fell because there were so many defeats. They were terrified.

"They are going to kill us." The Chu army soldiers who fleeed shouted in horror. They were relieved for a while. Everyone was horrified. They are aware of the problem.

"It doesn't matter." At this time, a veteran Yuzi realized the problem at this time. He immediately looked to both sides of the road, maybe only there was a chance.

So, the veteran quickly ran to the side of the mountain road. Hide away.

"Bang bang bang bang." Those Chu Army soldiers who had not yet reacted were knocked down again at this time. The Chu Army soldiers suffered casualties.

"Run to both sides." Some soldiers realized the danger at this time, and then ran away quickly.

The artillery of the rear team had already set up the artillery at this time, and then quickly reloaded and aimed.

"Release." After receiving the order, the Chu artillery quickly set up and fired.

"Boom." A loud cannon came.

"Swish." The cannonball whizzed out. The artillery's artillery fired out.

"Boom." Smoke from the explosion rose in the distance, and the artillery hit several cavalry. The Qi army's offensive is still beginning.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery behind fired quickly. The artillery shot out quickly.

"Kill." Qi Jun cavalry squeezed frantically towards the defeated soldiers at this time.

"Kill." Lieutenant Colonel Qi Jun was covered with blood all over his body. His saber had been hacked and broken. He is shooting with a pistol in his hand. Then he drove his horse and hit the soldiers.

"Boom." The artillery shells kept falling in the cavalry rear team. But the cavalry offensive still did not start.

"Push some artillery over, the infantry can't withstand the cavalry attack at all." The general said at this time, seeing the crazy killing Qi Jun. The Qi army and the ruined army were mixed together, and the cavalry was approaching quickly, and their speed was very fast.

"Order again, all the infantry are separated by a certain distance. We must slow the cavalry attack. Let the artillery push some cannons. Only the cannon can repel the cavalry." At this time, the general waved his arm and motioned his men to let them. Push the cannon up.

"Hurry up," the general shouted loudly at this time.

"Aim." Some of the defeated soldiers did not retreat, and the cavalry behind had chased them up.

"Shooting." The Chu army officer shouted loudly. The distance at this time is less than thirty steps.

"Bang bang bang." The sound of intense shooting came quickly.

The bullet flew out quickly. The rout soldiers who fleeed in front were shot and killed at once. The war was extremely cruel. This method of shooting oneself in order to control the situation made the soldiers very uneasy. But the shooting was executed.

"Puff." The cavalry in the front was also hit by a flying bullet at this time. The horse's neck was hit, and the horse ache, and then raised its front hoofs, and the cavalry tried their best to control, but the cavalry behind the high-speed charging at this time did not have time to control the sudden situation in front, and immediately rushed up. At this time, the horses that appeared in front caused confusion with the cavalry that came up from behind. The cavalry attack was temporarily stopped for a while, but the chaos was only temporary, because the horses that appeared behind quickly passed or trampled the horses, and they attacked each other again.

"Let it go." This time. The Chu Army officer immediately ordered another shot, and their other team quickly took aim, and then shot again.

"Bang bang bang bang." Bullets kept shooting out. The Qi army's cavalry were hit by several people, but the offensive continued.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The Qi Army cavalry in front of them quickly attacked and fired back with the pistol in their hands. Although the pistol's bullet range was limited, the bullets shot out still hit a few Chu Army soldiers.

"Quickly retreat." The lower-ranking officer of the Chu army who ordered the fire yelled loudly. Then leave immediately. Although the officer was the first to escape. And some soldiers quickly withdrew. However, some soldiers were chased by the cavalry, and then quickly slashed the opponent. Chu Jun had some losses.

The Chu army soldiers in the back had already aimed at this time. Qi Jun cavalry continued to charge. After traveling a certain distance. Was hit by another wave of shooting. Then fell down a piece of cavalry, this time the loss of the cavalry was more than before, and there was some confusion in the cavalry. Because it is a mountain road, the impact needs a smooth road. The Qi army conducts multiple offensives at the front end, but gradually gathers together. Therefore, when they attack the squadron, they have become a single team.

The cavalry that was hit caused a lot of chaos to the cavalry that was impacting at high speed. The Chu army fired a second time, and the Qi army cavalry fell again. The threat posed by a single flintlock is very limited, but if a dense formation is formed and a dense bullet is fired within 30 steps, it will cause intensive damage to the opponent.

"Charge." The cavalry who rushed to the front shouted loudly. The lieutenant colonel was trying his best to control his horse. His horse was hit by a bullet and the horse lost control. The correction is trying to control the horses.

"Artillery. Let the artillery not stop." The general shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." A shell exploded in the cavalry's rear group at this time. The cavalry was repeatedly hit, and then hit by shrapnel from the explosion. A section appeared in the cavalry team.

"Let it go." The artillery of the Chu Army was still firing quickly at this time.

"Swish." The shell shot out quickly at this time.

"Hullah." The shell hit the stone behind, and the blood and flesh flew in the air. A cavalry was hit by a solid shell. Treated as being broken into pieces.

"Retreat." The soldiers of the Chu Army who had finished shooting quickly retreated, and then handed them over to the next musket team. The Qi army cavalry continued to attack, cutting and killing those Chu army soldiers.

"Bang. Bang." At this time the bullets kept flying out. The Qi army cavalry quickly shot to death. Those Chu Army soldiers who retreated.

At this time, the next group of Chu Army soldiers raised their hands to aim and fired again. The Chu Army was constantly retreating. Such a step-by-step retreat prevented the Qi Jun cavalry from attacking.

"Push, push. Push quickly." This time. The artillery of the Chu Army was pushing the artillery to the front position vigorously. The general was watching his artillery push the cannon with his binoculars on the chariot.

"As long as the cannon arrives. The artillery can be fired quickly." The general said with a smile.

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