"Stock split. Only by splitting can this solution be solved." Xiao He continued.

"Wenyang Bank's stock must be taken apart. Use the method of increasing the number of stocks to quickly gather its circulating funds." Xiao He said.

After everyone on the scene heard this method. Immediately aware of the subtlety of this method, by increasing the number of stocks. Although the stock price has fallen by half, it has rapidly increased the share capital. At the same time, it laid the foundation for future upside. This approach is a wonderful approach from time to time.

All the people present thought this method was very subtle, so they approved such a method. As a result, the Wenyang Bank stock split method was quickly passed, and the specific method is still under careful study. However, I believe it will not take long to enter the market quickly.

Regarding stock splits, it is indeed a common phenomenon. This phenomenon occurs when funds are sufficient, but the value of the stock is too high, and the quantity is scarce at the same time. When the number of stocks is scarce and the amount of funds increases, the number of stocks remains unchanged, which will seriously affect the liquidity of stocks. In this case, only increasing the number of stocks can quickly change this lack of liquidity. Happening. At this time, the Qin State quietly raised stock splits. It developed in response to this state of affairs.

However, the stock split shows that Qin's economy is developing rapidly and capital expansion will be greatly accelerated. This speed will increase geometrically.

"General, we found a colony of our Chu people ahead." On the warship Xiang Liang was riding in, a chief officer reported this time.

"En. Let me see." This time. Xiang Liang picked up the telescope to check the situation in the distance.

"Order our warships to line up. Then turn the sides and prepare to bombard all suspicious targets on the shore." Xiang Liang, the captain of the warship on board, said at this time, pointing to several warship models in a row.

"Notify the other ships." The captain decisively issued an order.

"Drumming. Quick. Drumming." A navy officer ran quickly and said to a drummer.

"One-word fighting drum." This time. The officer shouted loudly.

"Here," the drummer shouted.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." The crisp drum sounded sporadically, and then quickly and quickly.

And on the shore of the Chu colony. A sailor in charge of vigilance looked at the situation in surprise.

"Boats, so many boats." This time. The sailor looked at the warships appearing on the sea level in surprise. He hadn't seen so many ships appearing all at once.

It took a long time for the sailor to react. Picking up the binoculars and watching the approaching ship.

"Turn around." The captain of the warship gave a loud order.

"Turn around." A sailor shouted loudly at this time.

"Right full rudder." An old sailor piloting the ship shouted loudly at this time. A sailor quickly turned the rudder.

At this time, the sail is also rapidly mobilizing. Speed ​​up the movement of ships.

"The artillery rolls out. The coast ahead. The grenade." A gunner with a beard on his face shouted loudly at this time.

"Wow." The hatch of the muzzle was opened, and the cannon pushed out the artillery port.

The muzzle of the black hole aimed at the coast.

"No. It's not good." The sailor on the shore saw the launched artillery at this time. Seeing the launch of the artillery, the sailor's back was immediately wet.

"It's not good. It's not good." The sailor immediately put down the trembling telescope in his hand. Then he lay on the railing and shouted loudly below.

"Ship. Ship in the distance." The sailor shouted at this time.

"I see. I see. It's just that there are more ships." A sailor replied with a flintlock in his hand as before.

"No. It's not a merchant ship. It's a warship with cannons on it." The sailor shouted anxiously.

"What?" This time. A sailor shouted loudly.

"Cannon. There are cannons on it. They have many cannons." The sailor above shouted loudly at this time.

"My God." The sailor on the ground heard such a surprised news at this time. There was no reaction. They didn't even think of it. The other party actually has a cannon. This is really amazing news for them.

"Ahead, two thousand steps." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

The gunners who heard the order held up their torches, and the black hole was facing the Chu army colony.

"Let it go." The gunner roared loudly. At the same time, he waved his arms heavily.

"Boom." A loud cannon came.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." More artillery began to fire. The artillery fired extremely fiercely, only a few seconds. The gunpowder smoke emitted quickly covered the surroundings.

"Boom. Boom." After the other ships heard the rumble of artillery. Then fired quickly.

"Not good." A sailor shouted loudly at this time when he heard the rumble of cannons.

"Boom." Just when the sailor was about to leave. A shell flew directly.

"Boom." A cry. The shell exploded in a clearing. The flying shrapnel did not hit any targets.

"Boom." But more shells flew over.

"Ah." At this time, a shell hit a moored merchant ship, and the sailors on the merchant ship were hit by the shell before the sailors could get off the ship. The sailor was thrown directly into the sailor. More sawdust also flew up at this time.

"Boom." The fierce shelling quickly followed. at this time. More ships on the sea began to fire their shells.

The intensity of the artillery fire will increase rapidly.

"Boom." "Ah." A sailor was hit. He was hit in the arm. The arm is gone on the spot. The flying shell shrapnel killed some escaped slaves. The shell exploded among the slaves, killing many people on the spot.

"Retreat." a sailor called out loudly. And more fierce shelling ensued.

"No matter what shells fired directly." The gunner could no longer observe the target situation on the shore at this time. The smoke from the free and rapid firing quickly obscured the gunner’s line of sight to observe the situation on the shore. Without any choice. The gunner can only move a shooting area. As for how to perform, it depends on their luck after the gun is fired.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of cannons kept reverberating. The shore is also full of flames. Many ships were hit and set on fire, while others were shot down in a pool of blood. No one came to care about them. There were still the painful wailings of wounded soldiers with vital signs after being shot.

"Wow." A solid shell quickly flew over at this time. The shell directly hit a slave in the Chu colony, and the slave was broken to pieces on the spot. All kinds of meat are flying everywhere.

"Really." A sailor running fast from behind happened to pass by at this moment. The splattering flesh made him all over. The same is true for blood.

"Retreat quickly. Retreat to the shore." The sailors shouted loudly. Many more people seem flustered and at a loss, many people don't know what to do. It was only after the sailors shouted loudly that they quickly entered a further place near the shore to avoid the artillery.

"Captain, we must move the ship, otherwise our artillery shots cannot be calibrated at all. What kind of situation was blown up on the shore, I don't know anything." A sailor came to report the situation that the artillery gunner encountered. The smoke from the artillery made it difficult for the gunners to see the situation on the shore. Because they could not know the situation on the shore, many artillery could not be accurately adjusted, and they could only shoot randomly.

"Okay. Move forward immediately. One hundred steps. Temporarily stop the artillery shooting." The captain looked at the dense gunpowder smoke around, the pungent gunpowder smoke, which covered their sight, which made it difficult for them to continue aiming.

"Huh." The sailors who escaped by chance were panting at this time.

"Those cannons. Too powerful." A sailor said, curling up in a panic.

"En." The other sailor was shaking all over, sitting on the ground with eyes blank. He saw a cannonball hit a sailor's body. On the spot, the sailor was beaten to pieces. Blood was splashed everywhere, and the scene was extremely bloody. Many more people were hit, either by knocking off their arms or thighs. The solid shells that fell into the sand could still kill people, and a slave was smashed into flesh. He seemed to be able to see the blood mixed with the flesh, floating in blood bubbles.

"It's terrifying." A sailor said at this time.

"There is no one on the shore anymore." Xiang Liang saw through the telescope at this time.

"Should we continue the artillery attack? General." The captain asked, standing aside at this time, holding his binoculars in his hand.

"No, no need. This firing gun is enough to make them think about our firepower situation." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"So, what should we do next? General." the captain asked.

"Let our warships dock as much as possible, and then put down the soldiers who landed and let them build a defensive position on the beach. Then, we fired a few shots at the buildings on the shore and negotiated with them. We. There is no need to go to war with them directly, as long as we achieve our goals." At this time, Xiang Liang said.

"Well, is it okay to do this, General." The captain on the side asked suspiciously at this time.

"Yes. It should be possible. We don't have to beat them too badly. If we beat them too badly, we will get nothing. What we have to do now is to get what we want. We are here to collect taxes. Yes, it's not that they beat them for nothing. They didn't have anything. We don't need to pay taxes when we come here." Xiang Liang said clearly.

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