"Landing. Go ashore." A sailor conveyed Xiang Liang's order.

"Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom." The drum sound came again. This time the drum sound was a little softened, but it was also an order from the Chu army to gather.

The sailors on the shore all took refuge in the fortifications.

"What's the situation?" This time. The militiamen who came from the hinterland were local colonists and pioneers. They all had weapons. They heard the rumble of artillery. Came with an emergency signal.

"I don't know. It seems to be a battleship. Seeing that the flag is the flag of the Chu Army." A bearded old sailor said, waving his arms.

"Ah." The old sailor injured an arm. When he waved his arms. Just got the wound.

"En. Cannon." This time. Said a leader who rushed over. With that, he picked up the binoculars to check the situation.

"It is indeed the battleship of our Chu Army. I really don't know why it suddenly fired at us. This is too sudden." At this time. Said the leader.

"En. Could it be that the nobles sent soldiers to us?" a young man said nervously.

"En. Do not rule out this possibility." The leader said.

"Let me see." The leader stood up and looked at the situation in the distance with a telescope.

"They have cannons. But." At this time, the leader put down his binoculars to check the situation with his naked eyes. He blinked his eyes vigorously, then rubbed his eyes with his hands, and then. Use the telescope to check the situation immediately.

"God's evil. They are coming towards us. Many small boats are carrying soldiers of the Chu Army, ready for battle. Prepare." The leader shouted loudly at this time.

"Everyone, enter a fighting state. Hurry up." The leader shouted loudly at this time. At this time, everyone else took their weapons and entered into combat.

And at sea. The small boat full of Chu's navy was slowly approaching the coast.

"Captain, do we need to provide some support? We have only carried out two rounds of bombardment. Those Chu people in the colony have not suffered much loss at all." A gunner hurried up and asked the captain.

"Yes. You are right." The captain nodded.

"I'll ask the general." At this time, the captain left immediately. But just took two steps. He stopped and turned around and asked.

"Can our shells be shot accurately at that distance?" the captain asked at this time.

"En. At this distance, as long as you use solid shells, I think we should be able to." The gunner nodded at this time.

"Okay. Prepare solid shells." The captain heard this reply. Say so immediately.

"Yes. Captain." The artillery commander received the order. Nodded immediately. Immediately, he asked the drummer to convey the captain's order to other ships, and then he went down to the gun bay to let his men load solid shells.

"General, the general thought that at present, solid shells should be used to provide some fire support to our soldiers who are going to land. After all, those on the shore were in two rounds of shelling. The loss was not very large, and the current distance allowed We can shoot safely enough," the captain said, arching his hands.

"En." Xiang Liang nodded after hearing such advice at this time. Immediately picked up the telescope to check the situation on the shore. Judging from the situation on the shore, it does not seem to have suffered a great loss. Xiang Liang only saw a few corpses. There are also burning cars and merchant ships.

"Shoot and fire where you think there are people. Remember, don't hurt our people." This time. Xiang Liang looked at the captain and said.

"Understood. General." The captain received the order. Communicate the order immediately.

Chu people on the shore.

"They're here. I can see them all. Those **** noble dogs." A businessman said with a bayonet. His merchant ship was unloading cargo at the dock, but was hit by the artillery of the Chu Army. Until now, his merchant ship is still on fire, and his merchant ship is filled with Qin Guojiu. Chu's fruit wine. Chu's fruit wine has a low alcohol content and barely burns, but it is also possible. But the alcohol content of Qin Guojiu is very high. This kind of Qin national wine has been loved by many fighting indigenous tribes, especially those in the mountainous areas. Because they live in the mountains, the bitter cold of the mountains has cultivated a fascination with alcohol, because alcohol can drive away the cold in the mountains. Therefore, this kind of Qin wine is very popular among the more mountainous people, while the Chu fruit wine is more popular with those who have been admonished. They themselves are not willing to be aggressive and are slightly sweet to this kind. After drinking. For a long time, the feeling of soft body is particularly liked, so this kind of Chu Guo wine is the favorite of the local domesticated and more people. The Chu people themselves, like to drink some excitement, they like to mix two kinds of wine together. This kind of wine makes them feel that the benefits of the two wines can be brought together, the slightly sweetness and stamina of the fruit wine. It makes them feel that their bodies can achieve unprecedented stimulation, and the kind of stimulation of Qin Guojiu can greatly stimulate their excitement. This is a new way of drinking in the colony. This drinking method is very popular among sailors.

"Boom." Just when the merchant brandished the bayonet. His merchant ship made a huge explosion.

"These are the soldiers of the gods." The businessman cursed loudly. His merchant ship was blown to pieces. A huge fireball rose into the air. Then came the raging fire, which detonated his merchant ship.

"Oh my God. They have cannons." The Chu soldiers in the boat all got down nervously. Although they were still a long way from the merchant ship, such a huge explosion made them get down subconsciously. body.

"Pad, quickly." An veteran of the Chu Army who rolled his sleeves shouted loudly, waving his arms. At this time, the soldiers picked up the oars again and started rowing.

"Slow down, don't get the gunpowder wet." The veteran shouted to a young soldier.

The boat full of ships was slowly approaching the coast at this time. But within the fortifications of the colony, there is nothing to do about it.

"If we have a cannon, we can fight back. Those Chu troops will definitely not be able to get on the coast." A Chu sailor looked at the slowly approaching boat. His inner suffering made him very nervous, so nervous that he could hardly believe that he would be like this. Ask such a question. If there is a cannon, then they don't have to wait like this. At the very least, I could see that those shells could knock out all the boats of the Chu army.

The colony has only one loose government agency. And this institution. To a certain extent, we can't fully call it the government, because theirs still lacks some functions of the government. such as. Collecting taxes, this loose government agency has no right to collect taxes at all. Without this foundation, it would be impossible to establish a violent institution, and it would lose its compulsion.

Colony management agencies with almost no sources have no money at all to buy artillery to improve the defensiveness of their colonies. Not only that, those merchants are very selfish, they put artillery on their merchant ships. The quantity is also very small. The caliber is far less than the caliber of the warship. Not as powerful as the artillery on a large warship. The colony has a lot of guns, but few artillery. The lack of artillery made the defense of the colony a flaw. The price of this flaw is too great.

"Let it go." The gunner roared loudly at this time.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The muzzle of the black hole roared again.

"Swish. Swish." The cannonball roared out and hit the shore.

"Wow!" A shell flew directly, and the sailors and militiamen of the colonies on the coast could see the shell flying directly. The shells hit the bushes directly. The shells directly hit the branches in the bushes everywhere.

"Puff." A militiaman saw the mighty artillery and wanted to see what was going on, so he stuck his head out. Just after he stuck his head out, he was knocked out by a flying cannonball. The heads of the militiamen were directly beaten to pieces.

"Boom." The shells roared continuously, then hit the ground, and then. It bounced quickly again. Some militiamen who were terrified by the huge lethality of the shells jumped out of their fortifications and left here, but soon, he tasted the taste of being hit. One shell hit several militiamen, several were killed on the spot, and one was hit in the arm. Falling to the ground and shouting loudly.

"Boom." The shells still roared continuously. The fortifications are being attacked like never before.

"Lie on the ground, don't move. Don't move." a militiaman shouted loudly. The fierce shelling put the psychological defense of these soldiers on the verge of collapse in an instant. Such fierce shelling made the colonial militias unable to raise their heads.

"Everyone prepares." A Chu State Navy veteran shouted loudly. He raised his flintlock.

"Hurry up. Get into combat readiness. Go ahead." The veteran yelled continuously. Then immediately jumped out of his boat, first entered the knee-deep water, and then quickly boarded the coast with his rifle.

"Up. Up. Up." The Chu Army soldier behind shouted loudly. Then they quickly dived into the water.

More and more Chu army soldiers rushed up with guns in their hands.

"Come on." The Chu army soldiers quickly occupied a beach. Then they consolidated their positions. After all, they were few in the first wave. Only the second wave followed. In order to attack quickly.

"Defend your position, don't launch an offensive lightly." A Chu army officer shouted loudly. The soldiers of the Chu Army lay on the ground and looked at the fortifications ahead. If they wanted to, they could rush up quickly at this time, but they couldn't because at this time. The shelling continued. The soldiers of the Chu Army lowered their bodies on the beach as much as possible. Even so, they could still feel the shells roaring over their heads.

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