"General, the second wave has landed, do we launch an offensive?" The captain came over and said urgently at this time.

"No. An officer was sent to negotiate with them, and the artillery stopped temporarily." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"What?" The captain couldn't believe that he heard such a command in his ears.

"But, General, it is extremely dangerous for our army to stay on the beach. At the very least, we should also capture a vital place and defend effectively. In this way, we will not be driven into the sea. This is really, too Take a risk." The captain said anxiously.

"What you said. I understand, but if we attack quickly. What will happen?" Xiang Liang said at this time.

"We certainly have the confidence of victory." Xiang Liang said. Chu's navy is indeed sure of victory. Because Xiang Liang believes that under such fierce shelling, no one can dodge so easily. Even if they do, they will lose their minds due to the violent shelling. As a result, people will quickly collapse. This is why in the age of guns, especially with the help of artillery, there were very few siege and annihilation wars. In addition to tactical awareness, the artillery of this period is more suitable for defeat wars. Xiang Liang knew very well that there was no problem in defeating the opponent. The problem was that after a few dollars. The opposing party will gather, in that case, the war will expand rapidly. This is not what Xiang Liang wants to see, because what he wants to see is to solve the battle problem as soon as possible, and then make a peaceful transition to the taxation problem, only after this problem is solved. They can be regarded as completely solving the purpose of their trip.

"They will be defeated and regroup. Moreover, they will be hit hard, and we will pay the price. We still have many colonial occupations like this. We need to handle this matter peacefully. What we want is taxes, what they want. It is wealth. We all have something in common with each other, that is, we all come for wealth. We will reach a consensus on this point," Xiang Liang said at this time.

"We have traveled far. The supply is very limited. Take a look at our supply ship. We have already consumed one ship's supplies. We don't have a base of our own. This approach is too dangerous. We need a stable. The base that beat the other side miserably, which certainly shows that our military is strong, but the locals will continue to resist us. After such fierce bombardment, the other side has been shocked by us. All we have to do now is. Appease, appease them, let them know our intentions, only in this way, we can further get what we want. A stable base. This is what we want most." Xiang Liang said at this time.

"This, okay. General." Although the captain thought that this was a bit undesirable, he still believed that he should follow the general's will.

"I will send someone to deliver such an order immediately." At this time the captain nodded. Xiang Liang nodded slightly, expressing his approval, and the captain left at this time. Arrange for manual delivery of such orders.

On the coast, two waves of Chu army with a team of more than 150 people were all lying on the beach. The rumble of cannons continued to resound at this time, and the soldiers of the Chu Army were all lying on the ground.

"We still have to climb here, how long will it take?" A Chu Army officer wearing a leather helmet crawled over. He has a pistol in his hand. Rather than a rifle, this pistol is a pure flintlock pistol. When aiming. The arm needs to be raised horizontally and kept until it pops out of the chamber. This kind of pistol is only available to officers, but many officers will be issued a lot of such pistols, because such pistols cannot be fired continuously, so they need to be equipped with a short sword, and many such pistols. Such a configuration is only for lower-level officers. That's the only way to do this. Those middle and high-ranking officers will be equipped with a revolver. In that case, you don't need to carry so many muskets.

"Continue to lie on our stomach. We can't attack until the artillery stops. Otherwise, those cannonballs will stop us. It's not that comfortable to touch us." The Chu army officer lying in front of him shouted loudly. Tao. What he holds in his hand is a revolver, which proves that he is a mid-level officer.

"Okay." The lower-level officer reluctantly continued to lie on the beach. It is not only the militias in the colonies that are under tremendous pressure, but also the soldiers of the Chu army. However, some courageous soldiers of the Chu Army will also make some amazing moves at this time.

"It's uncomfortable lying on your stomach like this. Did you know?" a young Chu Army soldier said to an veteran beside him at this time.

"What do you want to do?" the veteran asked at this time.

"Lying on my stomach like this makes me very uncomfortable. I think it's better to change the position. For example." As he said, the young soldier turned around immediately. Lie on your back on the beach.

"Look. This makes it more comfortable. The cannonballs are flying in the sky, there are seagulls, and the sun is also good. There are many things you didn't expect. This is enjoyment." The young soldier said leisurely at this time.

"You are crazy. Get down quickly." The veteran shouted sharply at this time.

"No. I'm just like this. It's so good. Why should we get down? It's so uncomfortable. It's so beautiful and you can still watch the sun. Basking in the sun is so beautiful." Said the young soldier.

"You are crazy," the veteran scolded. He saw that the other party was indifferent, so he stopped paying attention to the other party. Let the other party make such a crazy move. During the war. Make some crazy moves. Nor is it an entertainment. Soldiers are under a lot of psychological pressure, and in such an environment, they are easily released.

"Captain, the artillery barrel needs to cool down. You can't shoot at such a rapid speed. Otherwise, the damage to the cannon will be too great." At this time. The gunner hurried up and said directly to the captain.

"Then, you stop shooting. Let the barrel cool down. Use the other side of the artillery to shoot." This time. The captain gave such an order.

"Understood, Captain." At this time, the gunner was ordered to quickly turn around and move forward quickly.

And the captain had just sent away his first mate at this time, and he will represent the Chu army in peace talks. They will take reassurance measures and negotiate.

"Turn the bow of the ship. Use the artillery on the other side to shoot." The captain shouted to the helmsman driving the ship at this time. When other sailors. Start their work. The drummer also beat their drums urgently at this time. In order to convey such orders to other ships quickly.

"Boom." A cannon was fired at this time. The gun commander immediately shouted loudly.

"Stop shooting. Go to another one to operate the cannon." The gunmaster shouted.

"Understand" the gunner replied loudly at this time. Then they quickly moved to the other side. The warship also began to change direction at this time.

"Listen." This time. The lower-ranking officer on the shore said to the middle-ranking officer in front at this time.

"Our artillery seems to have stopped." This time. The lower-ranking officer said to the middle-ranking officer in front.

"It seems to be." This time. The middle-ranking officer listened carefully to what he said.

"It just stopped." A veteran of the Chu Army next to him then added.

"Are we launching an offensive?" At this time, the lower-ranking officer asked.

"This." The intermediate officer hesitated at this time. He didn't know what to do.

"The artillery stopped. The colonial pioneers with weapons will rush over and knock us down." The lower-level officer said at this time.

"Those colonial pioneers will drive us directly to the sea. This is too unfair to us." The junior officer said.

"What should we do?" the mid-level officer asked at this time.

"Launch an offense. When they have not started. We will immediately launch an offense." The lower-level officer said at this time.

"En." The intermediate officer nodded at this time.

"Just do it." The intermediate officer nodded and said at this time.

"Chong. Chong." The lower-level officer waved the flintlock pistol in his hand at this time. And drew out his short sword and shouted loudly.

"Come on." This time. Those Chu Army soldiers with bayonets rushed out immediately.

Some soldiers did not have time to mount the bayonet at this time. He rushed out with his rifle. More than one hundred and fifty soldiers of the Chu Army rushed out shouting at this time. Their morale is high.

"The bow is turned. Ready to shoot." The gunner shouted loudly at this time.

On the highest mast of the ship, a sentry is watching the latest battle at this time.

"Our infantry has launched an attack. Our infantry has launched an attack." The sentry shouted loudly at this time.

"Our infantry has launched an attack?" a sailor called out, looking at the sentry above in surprise.

"What?" The captain cried out in surprise when he heard such an order.

The captain immediately picked up the telescope to check the situation. What he saw was that the Chu Army soldiers on the shore had already rushed out with their bayonet-mounted rifles.

"Not good. Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The captain shouted at this time.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The sailor shouted loudly at this time.

"Stop shooting." A sailor shouted at the gun bay.

"Boom." A cry. An artillery has been fired. The shells roared out.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding.

"Let all the cannons stop firing. Hurry up." The captain shouted loudly. He really didn't expect it. The soldiers on the shore launched an attack. This is too unexpected.

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