The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1400: The collapsed Chu Jun

"Let it go." A Chu State gunner shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom." A huge artillery attack was issued. The shell flew away from the muzzle instantly. Cannonballs roared past.

"Stop shooting. Stop shooting." After the artillery fired. At this time, a messenger quickly conveyed the above order. If the artillery is fired continuously, the barrel will be in danger of exploding. The Chu Army’s artillery attacked. It has lasted as high as three hours. The artillery is considered to burn high incense without blasting its chamber.

"Stop shooting. Cool down the artillery. Cool down." The messenger shouted loudly.

The artillery on the artillery positions of the Chu Army stopped. The gunners took damp linen tapes and draped them to cool down.

"The artillery has stopped firing." The soldiers in the Chu army's position said in horror at this time. They knew that their offensive had begun.

"Boom boom boom." Sure enough, the sound of fighting drums came immediately. On the high ground, a red flag is constantly dancing. The sound of war drums resounded throughout the battlefield.

"Charge." A Chu army officer shouted loudly.

"Charge." Under the loud shout of the officer, the Chu Army soldiers immediately launched an offensive. Many soldiers of the Chu Army had to launch an offensive, and the veterans pushed those soldiers forward from behind.

"Kill." Those recruits who charged in the front charged with their bayonet-mounted rifles. They were also terrified in their hearts. Under their feet, the corpses of the soldiers who had been hit before were lying on the ground. , But those recruits can only move forward with their eyes closed.

"Shooting. Shooting." The Qi army officer shouted loudly in the trenches. And their soldiers had hurriedly stepped into their combat positions at this time, and they calmly raised their rifles and aimed at those Chu soldiers whose range could not reach them.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Qi army immediately fired their guns. They were fierce, and quickly aimed at the vital parts of the opponent. The Qi army were all veterans of battle. The combat capabilities of these veterans are quite strong. And the soldiers of the Chu army became live targets under their guns.

"Puff." A Chu Army soldier who rushed forward was hit in the neck.

"Kill." Just when the Chu army soldier in front was hit and fell to the ground. The Chu army soldiers behind quickly followed, because there were veterans pushing them behind, they had to move forward.

"Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Qi army kept loading bullets and fired. They increased their rate of fire as quickly as possible. Every time they hit a Chu army soldier, they could reduce the pressure of the Chu army soldier's impact on their front.

"Shoot. Shoot." The Qi army officer shouted. And inside the trenches. Some Qi army soldiers are carrying the ammunition boxes and distributing the bullets to the soldiers who keep shooting.

"Charge." The Chu Army soldiers kept shouting and killing the Qi Army's position, but the flying bullets kept hitting some Chu Army soldiers.

"Puff." With the sound of blood splashing, a Chu army soldier was hit and fell to the ground. The Chu army's offensive formation was unusually dense, and such a dense formation could easily become the target of the Qi army's shooting. The soldiers of the Qi Army knew very well that as long as they randomly fired a shot at a crowded place, there would definitely be a dumb-hat Chu Army soldier hit. In the face of the crazy shooting by the Qi army, the Chu army soldiers were shot and killed in such a dense formation.

The inertial thinking of cold weapons made the officers send out such a formation. They still believe that the cold weapons they use, or because of the poor accuracy of the flintlock rifles, forced these soldiers to line up more closely. In order to give full play to the power of their weapons.

"Puff." On the way to the charge, Chu army soldiers were repeatedly hit and fell to the ground. And on this short two-hundred-step charge, there were many Chu army soldiers left over from the previous attack. Then the man who fell to the ground fell into the dead of these soldiers again. For them, this is their grave. A huge open-air tomb.

"Boom." There was a loud sound of artillery.

"Hula la la." Then came the sound of a large number of shrapnel flying.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. In a hidden place in the Qi army's position, the Qi army deployed a large-caliber artillery, which was one of the few artillery that the Qi army had. But this artillery shot out a huge gap.

"Ah." The Chu Army soldier who was hit screamed, and the Chu Army soldier had a projectile in his forehead. Perhaps it penetrated the weakened relationship of the person in front, and the place where the Chu Army soldier was hit did not seem to be that serious.

"Help. Help." A Chu army soldier was beaten to his upper body. The soldier kept yelling. He shouted loudly with his broken arm, but no one came to rescue him.

Many soldiers looked at each other with twitching faces, and then quickly detoured. A large group of Chu soldiers were knocked to the ground. The various tragic conditions made the Chu soldiers feel extreme fear deep in their hearts. Some soldiers' heartbeats quickened and they breathed. Hurry, but they still carried their bayonets and moved forward unwillingly.

"Boom." Then there was another huge artillery fire. "Huh." And this time the cannonball came from the sky. The Qi army transformed Qin’s gasoline drums, and then made this gasoline drum into a simple mortar, a mortar with a huge caliber.

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded. This kind of self-made huge mortar, the mortar uses a manufactured explosive pack, or a mixture of explosive packs and stones, this mixture can produce huge fragments at the moment of explosion. These fragments can cause great damage.

"Woo woo woo." The explosive exploded properly in the air, and the killing effect produced by the aerial explosion was the best. Fragments flying around hit the intensively impacting Chu Army soldiers.

"Ah." Many Chu soldiers were hit and fell to the ground, or yelled. In contrast, many of them had no voice.

"Raise the gun." And in the trenches. An ensign of Qi Jun shouted loudly. Their trenches are vertical, that is to say, they appeared sideways to the Chu army. They appeared alone, and what they wanted to exert was the side firepower. This was learned from Qin Jun. Qin Jun’s machine gun layout is like this. A machine gun on the front continuously fires, or deliberately arranges weaker firepower to lure the opponent forward. To attack. When the opponent's infantry assault formation suddenly unfolded. The machine gun in the side position with a large number of rifles will intensively fire at the opponent. Such a fire is usually very well-known. Because this weak flanks are exposed to the opponent, and the intensive firepower of the machine guns will turn into a unilateral massacre, and the unsuspecting flanks will have disastrous consequences.

Explosive packages that explode on the ground, plus explosive packages that sometimes explode in the air. Such a situation was a disaster for the Chu army, and the dense team formed a target with few lethal weapons. Many Chu Army soldiers were killed before they rushed to the Qi Army's position.

"Charge." The officer waved the banner of the Chu Army in his hand and urged, but quite a few soldiers were hit.

The Chu army is suffering a huge cost of casualties. More and more corpses of Chu army soldiers were piled on the ground, and the attacking front line of Chu army was about to approach the opponent's barbed wire.

"Bang." A bullet spurted out. The officer waving the flag was hit. The Chu army soldiers were still in the forefront. Many Chu army soldiers were trying to cross the barbed wire fences arranged by the Qi army. Those barbed wire fences blocked the last path of the Chu army's offensive.

"Ah." Many Chu soldiers were hung on the barbed wire fence at this time, and some soldiers were crossing the barbed wire fence. They were very clever to find the bodies of the Chu soldiers hanging on it, and then went over and entered the Qi army's position. .

"Bang." The Chu army soldier was hit by the ejected bullet before he crossed the wire fence.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers also fired randomly, and they immediately returned color to the opponent.

"Explosive kits are ready." In the trenches, a Captain Qi Jun shouted loudly.

"Fire." Captain Qi Jun shouted loudly. In the trenches, there are a large number of soldiers with bare arms, and they have developed upper limb muscles. And they were holding dynamite packets in their hands.

"Puff." The fuse was lit at this time.

"Throw," the captain yelled.

"Huh." This time. The dynamite bag was thrown into the sky with a whirring sound.

A few seconds later.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Qi army soldiers evaded and stopped shooting. The huge explosion blew up the Chu army soldiers to block the bones, many pieces of meat, bones, and various rags, and weapon parts were flying everywhere.

The huge explosion set off a lot of mud. The mud splashed everywhere. But the Chu army suffered the huge casualties.

The huge explosion produced dense smoke, and many Qi army soldiers couldn't see their targets clearly at this time.

"Ahem. Ahem." The soldiers of the Qi army could only blindly shoot in the direction where the enemy might appear. But Chu Jun's screaming for killing was no longer heard at this time.

"Bang. Bang." The shooting was still intensive, which caused the officers to shoot blindly, because such an attack could easily incur heavy casualties.

"Bang." Gunshots still kept ringing.

"Retreat. Retreat." At this time, the Chu army had announced that they had retreated. They will be evacuated from this place in an extreme time. The explosion of the huge explosive package completely wiped out the fighting will of the Chu army. The Chu army's fighting will instantly disintegrated. Fight for them. It's so cruel. They couldn't bear such huge casualties and such a huge pressure. They kept falling down along the way, and there were also huge explosions of Chu soldiers flying in flesh and blood, and Chu soldiers could no longer withstand such an offensive. Up. They collapsed. Complete collapse.

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