The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1401: The captain who knocked his head off

The use of gunpowder weapons, coupled with the use of barbed wire, made the war beneficial to the defensive side. Even if there were arms such as artillery, it would not be able to cause great harm to the Qi army soldiers hidden behind the trenches.

In addition, the Qi army are all experienced veterans. They flexibly use black powder-based explosive packs to attack. Such close-range attacks are huge and deadly for those Chu soldiers who have no combat experience. The lethality. This level of lethality caused serious casualties to the Chu army.

"Woo." The soldiers of the Chu Army who had returned from the retreat were beaten with no morale, and some recruits instantly shattered their morale in the face of such a cruel war.

The veterans are more numb. For them, the war has become like eating meals. They only think about one question, how long they can live.

"The nature of both sides of this war has changed." And in the distance on the battlefield, a gray-haired old man leaned on a crutch with a particularly twisted shape. The situation of this war made it difficult for him to understand. The situation was beyond the control of the Mohist school, and the Mohist school was unable to do anything about it.

Those gunpowder weapons emerged from nowhere. And human. When these weapons became so fragile, only more casualties appeared, but they could not be prevented. The old man himself couldn't figure out such a thing.

"Order our soldiers to prepare for landing." In the southern sea, warships of the Chu State Navy gathered near a colony's port. They had just launched a violent bombardment on the other side. There was strong smoke on the shore. These smoke were masterpieces of Chu State naval artillery. Their fierce bombardment hit some port facilities and merchant ships of the other side. The merchant ships set fire to them and various commodities were set ablaze.

The captain of the Chu State warship issued the order to attack. The troop carriers are as close to the coast as possible, and then they put down the landing boats, and these boats then quickly go to the coast.

"Are we launching an offense?" asked a member of the Colonial Musketeer on the shore. This colony is mainly based on farming, and the self-employed farmers and farmers have spontaneously organized firearms teams, which are mainly aimed at the harassment of the local indigenous people. Therefore, the Musketeers have certain combat effectiveness.

"No. When they come ashore, the Chu army will have cannons. We must launch an offensive just before the opponent is standing still." The Musketeer captain said. The captain of the Musketeer is a stout man, and his sturdy body shows that he is an excellent planting expert.

"Attention everyone, fill your weapons with bullets. Get ready. Listen to my orders. For our land, for our homeland, everyone must fight bravely. Fight to the last person, and the last drop of blood will drain. "The Musketeer captain shouted loudly at this time.

"For their homeland. Fight. Fight. Fight." Everyone shouted loudly. For them, this war is about their survival.

All members of the Musketeer were preparing nervously, and they filled their bullets gently. And Chu's navy was slowly approaching the coast at this time.

"Everyone, get ready. As soon as you get ashore, first establish a line of defense." A Chu Jun navy officer, a kind of person, shouted loudly. At this time, the sailors on the ship hung their bullet belts on it as much as possible, because the gunpowder is easily wet by the sea water.

"Everyone is ready." The officer yelled. Their boat went into shallow water.

"Jump. Jump. Jump." The officer yelled. The soldiers quickly jumped into the water. They raised their rifles high, and the bullet belt rushed toward the coast.

"Charge," the officer shouted loudly. Then he rushed to the shore with his weapon.

"Pay attention to all, pay attention to the place where the enemy may appear." The veteran shouted loudly. The veteran was lying on the soft beach at this time.

"Prepare, many people will defend against possible enemies." The veteran watched the situation on the shore nervously. No one showed up on the beach. Because of the fierce artillery attack by the Chu army, many people were forced to hide farther. There are no people on the beach.

The soldiers of the Chu Army who landed were all lying on the beach. They looked around nervously. When something happened, everyone would immediately take measures.

"Hurry up, we are going to send the second wave ashore." The rowing sailor shouted loudly. At this time, the boat was returning nervously to the troop carrier. On the troop carrier, there were more Chu soldiers waiting to land.

"Everyone. Go ahead with me. Drive those Chu troops into the sea." At this time. The Musketeer captain shouted loudly.

"Charge." The Musketeer captain shouted. Then he rushed out with his rifle.

"Kill." The other Musketeers who followed followed also rushed out with the Musketeer captain.

"There are people." The soldiers of the Chu Army soon noticed the appearance of the Musketeers.

"Bang." The Chu Army soldier pulled the trigger nervously. The bullet flew out quickly, but no one was hit and fell to the ground.

"Rush." ​​"Rush." ​​The Musketeers rushed out one after another at this time, and a row of people immediately appeared on the soft beach.

On the battleship of Chu State not far away, a sailor reported loudly.

"A colonial force appeared on the shore." The sailor's report immediately aroused the captain's alert.

"Do they have cannons?" the captain of the warship asked nervously the chief mate holding the telescope.

"No." The first officer said at this time.

"It seems that they are all infantry. No cannon has been found for the time being." The first officer added.

"Very good. Without the cannon, we have a certainty of winning." The captain said at this time.

"But our number is too small. There are only a hundred people. Can you withstand the opponent's attack? The opponent's number is three to four hundred. The comparison of forces is very unfavorable for me and us." The first officer looked back nervously. Said the captain.

"Order our small warship to be as close to the coast as possible and provide fire support, fast." The captain decisively issued an order at this time.

"Yes. Captain," the chief officer replied.

"Order our small warship to get as close to the coast as possible as quickly as possible," the first officer shouted loudly. Qin's signal semaphore was accepted by the Chu army. They began to use simple semaphores to give simple commands.

"Don't shoot indiscriminately. Stop shooting. Stop shooting." The veterans spontaneously exercised their right to dispose of the battlefield. They promptly stopped those Chu soldiers from firing indiscriminately.

"There are so many of them, what should we do?" the soldiers asked the officer nervously.

"Don't panic, get ready. Put the bayonet up." The officer shouted loudly.

"Wow." The soldiers of the Chu Army pulled out their bayonets one after another and put them on top of their rifles.

Just when the soldiers of the Chu Army were worried about their fate. An unexpected situation happened. The colony's musketeers stopped advancing unexpectedly at this time.

"Everyone stopped moving forward. Lined up in a battle formation." The Musketeer captain shouted.

The scattered fronts of the Colonial Musketeers slowly began to gather.

"What do they want to do?" The Chu Army soldier who was lying on his stomach asked the veteran at this time.

"I don't know." The veteran looked at each other's situation. The Musketeers are slowly raising a relatively neat line of fire. This line of fire was slowly gathering, and the veteran realized that it would not take long before this line of fire would be pressed towards them. Their strength is very lacking. In the face of superior forces, they have no chance of winning at all. The veterans realized something was wrong.

"What did they say?" a chief officer on the small warship asked the flagman.

"They think we provide fire support as quickly as possible, as close to the coastline as possible," the flagman replied.

"Just kidding. The fighting distance between the two sides is so close. Who can guarantee that the artillery can be fired so accurately." The chief officer said.

"Moreover, the ship is docked. What if you run aground?" the chief officer said angrily.

"Don't panic, we can do it." The captain of the small warship said at this time.

"Order our ship as close to the coast as possible. Then drop anchor, stop, and let the artillery aim at the enemy on the shore as much as possible." The captain said at this time.

"The gunner will know what to do." The captain said calmly to the first officer.

"We use solid shells, that's it." The captain said to the first officer.

"But, Captain, if our ship ran aground. The situation is not good." The chief officer said worriedly.

"Aren't there still large warships?" the captain asked rhetorically.

"Also, today is the fifteenth, the tide will be high, if we run aground, the tide will save us." The captain said.

"Okay. Order our ship to dock and provide fire support." The captain said optimistically at this time.

"Yes, Captain." The chief officer then delivered the order.

On the troop carrier, the captain of the troop carrier saw what was unfavorable for the Chu army on the shore at this time. Immediately urge those soldiers who have not yet landed to step up to board the ship ashore.

"Hurry up. The situation on the shore is very unfavorable for us, everyone, hurry up and get on the boat." The captain urged loudly at this time. The soldiers slid down the rope slowly one by one. The situation ashore was not good for the Chu army.

"What are they going to do?" a soldier asked nervously. The veteran just shook his head.

"Go forward. Go forward." The captain of the Musketeer team issued a call at this time. The Musketeers were lining up in a slightly neat formation and pressing towards the Chu army. All the Musketeers are carrying guns. Although their pace is slow, they are basically the same. This shows that they have been well-trained, otherwise such simple actions would not be so good. You must know that they are just some militiamen. But these militiamen often fought with the local indigenous people. The long-term battles have given these gun teams a certain degree of combat experience. As long as they line up in a neat formation, slowly approach the opponent, and then at a distance of 30 paces, they shoot uniformly and make a salvo. The situation will completely collapse. This is how they fought against the local indigenous people.

"They are approaching us." The veteran shouted loudly. The Chu Army soldiers lay on the ground watching the formation of the Musketeers slowly approaching, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. At this moment, the Chu Army soldiers looked at each other nervously.

"What should we do?" a Chu army soldier asked nervously.

The veteran was calmly watching the situation of the Musketeers, getting closer and closer.

"Advance." The Musketeers were still advancing, and the distance between the two sides was getting closer.

"Did we shoot?" an veteran asked the officer. The veteran saw that the opponent's lined up formation was approaching, which showed that the opponent was well-trained. Once the opponent slowly approached and then fired a salvo, many of the Chu Army soldiers died under the opponent's musket.

"Wait and see." The officer is also under tremendous pressure, because at this time, the opponent's musket formation is less than fifty steps away from them. At such a close distance, one salvo is enough to cause many deaths and injuries. You must know , Their number is only more than one hundred, and the other party has three to four hundred people. The quantity advantage has a good firepower advantage for the flintlock.

"Let's wait and see." The officer still said non-stop at this time.

On the coast, those small warships are quickly docking. At this time, the gunner in the artillery bay was also nervously directing the gunners to load solid shells. Only by using solid shells and shooting directly can they provide fire support quickly and effectively.

"The fighting distance between the two sides is very close. According to the combat regulations, we should stop firing at this time, or attack the rear team, and the other side has only one team. Such artillery shooting is likely to stop our people." A gunner Said anxiously.

"Report the loading situation." The gunner did not answer the opponent's question at all at this time.

"The gunner," the gunner asked.

"I know." The gunner said calmly.

"Then why do you do this?" the gunner continued.

"If you don't do this. Our people will die more. We can only save them by risking cannonballs on our own heads." The artillery commander said.

"Huh." The gunner reluctantly accepted such a reality.

"The filling of No. 1 is complete. The filling of No. 2 is complete." The artillerymen reported the loading of the artillery. And the gunner patted the opponent's shoulder at this time, motioning the opponent to return to his position.

"They are less than forty steps away from us. Such a short range can kill half of us." An veteran exclaimed anxiously.

"I know." The officer lowered his head and shouted loudly.

"Let's shoot. We can kill some people by shooting. If the other party shoots within 30 paces, all of us will die." The veteran urged at this time.

And the officer was under the tremendous pressure at this time, and the soldiers had already panicked, and he himself didn't want to see that he was in a disadvantaged situation and was killed by the opponent's superior force and killed half of them with a musket.

"Shooting." Under such circumstances, the officer could not bear the tremendous pressure and shouted with his head down.

"Aim and shoot." The officer shouted loudly. The soldiers looked at the officer at this time. The officer lowered his head and shouted loudly. Then the officer immediately raised the flintlock in his hand, took aim, and pulled the trigger.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. A burst of gunpowder smoke sprayed out.

"Shooting." All the soldiers of the Chu Army shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The soldier pulled the trigger and fired desperately.

"Ah. Puff. Ah." The flying bullets accurately hit the Musketeers who were very close. Many Musketeers were shot and fell down. Some were killed on the spot, and others were injured constantly. Wailing. The Musketeers continued to carry their rifles.

"Quickly reload." The Chu Army officer shouted loudly at this time. For him, the danger has just begun, because the flintlock barrel is very long and it is a front-mounted rifle. They had to stand up for the second reload.

"Stop moving forward." The Musketeer captain was not hit, and fortunately he didn't die from the opponent's shooting.

"Aim." The Musketeer captain shouted. Then he raised his rifle.

"Wow!" The Musketeers raised their flintlocks.

"Shoot." The Musketeer captain shouted. Then he himself was the first to pull the trigger to brutally shoot at the Chu Army soldiers.

"Bang bang bang bang." A burst of lightning and thunder shot.

"Heaven's evil." A soldier of the Chu Army who was standing and loading bullets scolded for the first time when he saw the opponent pull the trigger for a salvo.

"Puff puff." Then, the flying bullet hit his body. The bullet hit a lot, and the soldier was already very difficult to fight the fire. Although the range of the flintlocks is not ideal and the accuracy is a headache, they are very powerful, and their calibers are basically around 0.50. Once a bullet of such a large caliber is hit, it will either die or be injured. Those who survive by chance are not disabled. Either the thigh or the arm is sawed off to hold one's own life.

"Puff." Many Chu Army soldiers who were loading bullets were hit by flying bullets. Many Chu Army soldiers were hit, and those veterans were a lot more cunning. They saw that the opponent was approaching the final shooting position, so they all started to shoot. Lie on the beach and wait for the opponent to shoot. But even so, some short-eyed bullets still hit some soldiers. The shooting distance at this time is thirty steps.

The musket team, which has been fighting against the indigenous people for a long time, already knows very well that shooting within 30 steps will cause a fatal blow to the opponent. Many indigenous people have been completely destroyed because of the 30-step combat distance. One shot is fatal. Moreover, the huge sound of the musket made the indigenous people lose their will to fight on the spot, and the indigenous people were suddenly repelled. But now, their opponent was the Chu army who also used flintlocks. The Chu army shot first, and the firearms team that fired later gave the Chu army, which was already small in number, a bigger blow. Many Chu soldiers were hit,

"Puff." The Chu army officer was also very unfortunate. He was hit in his left eye, a bullet hit his lungs, and the rest hit his left arm. He was fatally injured. Under the circumstances, it was already difficult for him to survive. The injury to his left eye made the officer unconscious. An veteran next to him was hit in the head by a flying bullet, and his skull was directly blown away.

"Our ship ran aground," the sailor on a small warship shouted loudly.

"Don't worry about our ship stranding. Order the gunner to fire immediately." The captain of the small warship shouted loudly at this time. Many people on the boat were stumbling because of inertia. The captain tried his best to control his body and gave orders loudly. Because he saw that the firearm team on the shore had carried out a fatal shot on the Chu army, and many Chu army soldiers were shot and fell down.

"Fire, fire." A Chu army sailor shouted loudly.

"Fire. Quickly." The gun commander shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom. Boom." On the other warship, the artillery shots of dazzling fire, followed by dense gunpowder smoke.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Bang." The solid shell hit the shallow water. The shell missed the target.

"Continue to fire." The gunmaster shouted loudly. The gunners on the small warship are going crazy. Their infantry suffered heavy losses. Shoot at close range. The loss of infantry will be unusually large.

"Huh." The shells kept firing.

"Swish." A shell hit directly on the beach. Then a little splash of shells hit the corpses previously hit by the Musketeers, and then the shells never bounced again. Those corpses were completely smashed into meat sauce.

"Tiansha's artillery." The Chu army soldier who saw such a miserable situation on the side cursed loudly.

"Swish." The Chu Army soldiers who had been unable to attack could only lie on the beach, listening to the roaring shells.

"Ah." screamed in the distance. The solid shell made a huge gap in the long musket formation. The shot musketeer screamed. Many more people will never stand up after being hit by artillery.

"Boom." The stranded warship fired their shells as much as possible to give their people as much support as possible. Although some shells fell on their own people, they continued to fire and shoot as fast as possible. .

"Boom." A huge explosion sounded, and then the shells flew out quickly.

"Swish." The shell flew out directly. Although most shells hit the target behind. The gunners quickly adjusted the drop point of their artillery, aiming at the back position as much as possible, and no longer wanted to drop the cannonball on their heads.

"Ah." A shell hit the Musketeer team, and many people were killed. Those affected were seriously injured. A huge gap appeared in the formation.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." The second wave of combat troops is quickly approaching, and they want to quickly reinforce them.

"Huh." A cannonball roared.

"Everyone, prepare." The musket captain yelled loudly at this time. Although the Chu Army's shells kept hitting their formation, they still had the advantage in numbers. They wanted to launch a fatal final blow to the only Chu Army. , And the last round of shooting, Chu Jun will completely disintegrate his love.

"Puff." And a cannonball accidentally hit the head of the Musketeer team captain. The head of the Musketeer captain was directly knocked off.

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