General Chu's understanding surprised him. In addition to Qin, South Korea, Qi, and Yan also have their own air forces. After understanding these circumstances. General Chu was startled with a cold sweat on his back. Such news was very shocking to him. Usually this means in heaven. Chu State has fallen behind too much.

After understanding these conditions. General Chu is determined to build Chu's own air force, and will never allow Chu to lose in an air war.

"Our losses are quite staggering. We lost three airships in total. Five of them went out. Two came back." said the air force captain with a black and gray face.

"Ahem." Colonel Qi State Air Force sitting in the tent looked at the ground seriously.

"You, go down." The colonel said at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The captain saluted listlessly. Then leave. For him, the news is really amazing. Because, all of a sudden, he lost three airships. There are less than ten such airships in total. How to fight the next war. This made the colonel feel very helpless.

The losses of the Chu army were also huge. They lost a lot of artillery and a lot of gunpowder. In addition, the artillery losses are also very staggering. It would take a long time for Chu State to quickly produce a well-known artillery.

The loss of the Qi army was that their air power was suddenly weakened a lot, and for the time being they were unable to launch an offensive. In this way, Qi Jun hoped to make a breakthrough through air power operations, and was temporarily caught in a difficult situation.

"General Meng. Is there news from Shangwen?" Yingyu asked Meng Tian from Meng Tian's house.

"Oh. Not yet." Meng Tian said worriedly.

"Oh." Yingyu said disappointedly.

"Princess. However, there will be an idea at the end." Meng Tian said at this time.

"What do you think?" Yingyu asked unwillingly.

"I think. The Mo family always appears in areas where wars are frequent. There are also places where tyranny exists. At the moment. I think the situation in Qin is relatively stable. I think they should be in Qi. Because there, Major battles broke out. These situations. I think it will help us." Meng Tian said.

"You mean. It's very possible that Shangwen was kidnapped by the Mo family to Qi country?" Yingyu asked at this time.

"It's possible." Meng Tian said.

"However, I need to confirm it." Meng Tian said.

"How to confirm?" Yingyu asked immediately.

"I think. It should be enough to look for someone from the Mo family. The Mo family is acting strange, I think it might be easier to check." Meng Tian said at this time.

"En." Yingyu nodded.

"I will send someone immediately." Finished. Ying Yu left Meng Tian's house.

"Hey!" Meng Tian sighed, shaking his head at this time. There is really no way for such a pair of lovers. Two people are always separated and reunited, noisy and noisy. If you don't toss people like this, it seems that neither of them feels too natural.

On the southern seas. An armed ship is driving on the sea.

"Head, we haven't seen the merchant ships for several days. Where are the merchant ships?" a pirate soldier asked the captain loudly.

"Be quiet, you want to shake me to death." The pirate captain kicked and cursed at this time.

"Small damn, little damn." The soldier smiled flatteringly.

"Who knows. The equipped artillery hasn't been fired. There hasn't been any big business recently, but some fishing boats have been robbed. I ate and broke the fish for a few days. I was disgusting to eat everything." The pirate captain complained.

"Yes, yes." The little soldier said flatly at this time.

"What is it." The pirate captain gave another kick.

"Keep your eyes open and show me around, what big business is there?" the pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Yes." The soldier picked up a single telescope at this time and began to look at it.

The captain saw the soldier go to check the situation. Then lay leisurely on the deck, enjoying the sea breeze and looking at it.

"Captain, boat, boat." The little soldier screamed loudly at this time.

"What?" The captain yelled loudly at this time, and quickly jumped up from the deck to yell.

"Where?" The captain called out loudly at this time.

"That!" the little soldier called out loudly.

Speaking of this, the captain raised his binoculars and looked at the distant merchant ship.

"It's a ship." The pirate captain called at this time.

"Get up right now. Use my cannon to let them know something is amazing." The pirate captain shouted.

"Charge." The little soldier shouted loudly at this time.

The small soldiers on the deck began to get busy. They immediately turned around and rushed towards the merchant ship.

The merchant ship in the distance also discovered the arrival of the other party at this time.

"There is a ship in our direction at seven o'clock," the sailor on the lookout shouted loudly.

The captain of the merchant ship immediately picked up the telescope to check the situation.

Because both sides are far apart. They couldn't see the specific situation of the other party's ship, they only saw the white sail, and whether the captain had a cannon, and other things, they didn't see it.

"Will they come at us?" The first officer said with a telescope to check the situation.

"En. It's possible." The merchant captain nodded and said at this time.

"No matter what? We must keep the distance. Such a short distance is too cruel for us." The merchant captain said at this time.

"If they are pirates, then we may suffer serious losses. In such a situation, we still try to avoid the best." The merchant captain said while looking at the distant ships.

"Captain, we have cannons," the chief officer said at this time.

"Cannon?" The captain said while looking at each other.

"We have cannons. Isn't the other party gone?" The merchant captain said at this time.

"Recently, I met an old captain. The old captain said. Now the sea is more dangerous than storms. No one knows, that ship is a pirate. Once they approach, they will bombard you with cannons. "The merchant captain said at this time.

"We have cannons, and they also have cannons. Moreover, the number and caliber of their cannons are larger and larger than ours," the merchant captain said at this time.

"We are a merchant ship and need to load cargo. This nature does not allow us to be equipped with more artillery, or artillery with a larger caliber." The merchant captain said at this time.

"However, the other party makes a living from us, as long as they defeat us. They can survive. This is very unfair to us." The merchant captain said.

"So, we need to avoid them. After all, we are not a warship specially used for fighting." The merchant captain said rationally.

"Yes. Captain." The first officer nodded at this time. Then the merchant ship also began to accelerate to avoid the opponent.

However, merchant ships are merchant ships after all, they need to carry a lot of cargo, and the nature of merchant ships does not allow them to have a fast speed. But the pirate ship is different. Although their ships are also modified, and most of them are converted into warships for civilian use, they are relatively light. The number of sails is large, and they are arranged in multiple masts and multiple columns. In this way, their ships will be much faster than ordinary ships. At the same time, their ships do not have to carry more cargo, and the space is very rich. These affluent spaces are loaded with more powerful large-caliber artillery.

After a period of time has passed. The lookout on the merchant ship found that the situation was not good.

"Not good. The ship is approaching us." The lookout post shouted loudly.

The merchant captain picked up his binoculars to check the situation at this time.

"Damn it." The merchant captain had already realized something at this time.

"It's probably a pirate ship." The captain said calmly.

"What?" the first officer asked in surprise.

"I saw that they have a lot of sails. Only warships can be arranged like this. They are very fast. They don't load more cargo at all. The most terrible thing is that they must have a lot of cannons on board." The captain said. .

"What should we do?" the first officer said at this time.

"Avoid them as much as possible. We need to find a safe haven," the captain said.

On the pirate ship, the little soldier called out loudly.

"Head, we are about to catch up to them." The little soldier called out loudly.

"Shut up." At this time, the pirate captain could already see the situation of the merchant ship with his binoculars.

"This is an armed merchant ship. It seems that there are two cannons. The caliber is probably not too big." The pirate captain said while looking at each other's situation.

"Are we going to fire?" Little Bing asked this.

"Go. Get out of me." The pirate captain scolded.

"What fire?" said the pirate captain.

"We have to be parallel to them. We can shoot with the side artillery. Otherwise, it is nothing." The pirate captain said at this time.

With a large number of ships equipped with artillery. Tactics also began to change rapidly. The previous tactics were intensive shooting with muskets and the use of jump gang tactics. But with the equipment of artillery. Tactics are also beginning to evolve. For example, they started to use artillery, and at this time the artillery was mounted on the side. The artillery on the side requires two ships to be parallel to fire. And the shooting distance is as close as possible, because long-distance shooting cannot guarantee accuracy.

Few ships consider the accuracy of the artillery, they are more concerned about the cost, cheap smoothbore guns are their first choice, this artillery is very easy to operate. And the price is right, most ships are equipped with such artillery. Therefore, their artillery needs to be fired at a certain distance to improve accuracy. Not only that, if one party has a quantitative advantage, it is easy to take the absolute advantage and defeat the other party.

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