The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1431: what should we do?

"The pirates have followed." The chief officer yelled nervously as he watched the pirate ship getting closer.

"Don't panic," the merchant captain said, looking at the chief mate.

"Order our tail artillery to fire." The merchant captain shouted loudly at this time.

"This." The chief officer looked at the captain of the merchant ship at a loss at this time, speaking according to the original truth. He did not want to execute such an order. Because firing a cannon means to resist to the end. If the resistance is to the end, then when the pirates hit this ship, they will usually carry out retaliatory killings. They will die painfully and tragically under each other's hands.

"This." The first officer said embarrassedly.

"If, if we resist, we will be retaliated." The chief officer said embarrassedly.

"Fire. Execution of the order." The captain did not explain the reason, nor did he answer any thoughts from the chief mate, but asked the chief mate to execute the order.

"Yes. Captain." The chief officer said while looking at each other. Then he left.

"This is my ship. No one can board my ship. Even if I burn him, I won't let you **** pirates succeed." The captain said to himself as he looked at the pirate ship approaching.

The merchant ship was moving relatively slowly in front, while the pirate ship in the back was approaching quickly at this time.

"Get our cannons ready, we have to give them a good time. Just like women, lift their ***. Come on." The pirate captain exclaimed with excitement.

"Hahaha." The little soldiers laughed loudly at this time.

"Prepare all for me to go. I can't get them off. No one is comfortable." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Yes. Sir." The little soldiers saluted as soldiers of the Qin Army. Then shouted loudly.

"Hurry up. Hurry up. Launch the artillery and load the shells. We have to work." The pirate captain's gun commander shouted loudly in the running cabin.

The position of the artillery at the stern of the armed merchant ship.

"Loading is complete. You can shoot." A gunner shouted loudly.

And a gunner is adjusting the artillery. Take aim.

"Fire." The aiming gunner shouted loudly.

"Puff." The torch ignited the artillery quickly.

"Boom." A cannon sounded. A solid shell roared out.

"Huh." The shells whizzed towards the pirate ship at this time.

"Be careful," a soldier shouted loudly.

"Puff." A pirate sailor who was on the deck adjusting his sails was hit by a flying soldier's shell, which passed through his abdomen. The pirate sailor was killed on the spot. His body was beaten in two. The upper body was beaten and flew away. The abdomen was beaten. The internal organs flew out. A **** splash on the deck. But the lower body was still standing motionless on the deck. The rest of the pirate sailors were almost scared to death when they saw such a scene. They had never used artillery offensive methods to fight before. It was the first time they saw such a scene.

"Oh." At this time, a soldier vomited suddenly. For him, such a scene was really disgusting. He immediately vomited. Seeing a sailor vomiting at this time, the rest of the sailors also began to vomit, even if they resisted it, they had the urge to vomit.

"Head, they hit us with cannons." The little soldier shouted loudly.

"Go ahead. Hurry up." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time while scolding each other in his heart.

When the little soldiers heard the pirate captain shout so loudly, they stopped questioning and continued to do their job.

The pirate captain could not fight back at this time, because the time for their fight back has not yet arrived. The pirate ship has a cannon at the stern. The rest of the artillery is divided equally on both sides of the ship's side. That is to say. The flank where the firepower of the pirate ship is concentrated, rather than the middle position, is determined by the ship's own characteristics. The pirate captain knows this very well, so what he has to do now is to move forward and keep moving forward. Only by getting close to the opponent and then fighting back fiercely with flank fire can he defeat the opponent.

"Loading is complete." The loader shouted loudly.

"Let it go," the gunner shouted loudly. For the first time, their artillery was not fired correctly, this time they adjusted it. Because both parties are moving, it is normal for the first shot to be inaccurate.

"Boom." The artillery fired again.

"Huh." The shells roared at this time. The pirate captain’s sailors still do what they do.

"Boom." The shell hit the upper deck of the pirate ship.

"Wow." The shells hit the front position directly, and the planks were lifted up and flying everywhere.

"Ah. Help. It hurts me to death. Help." The sailor who was hit and escaped was hit by a cannonball. Many of them fell in a pool of blood, with broken arms and thighs everywhere. Blood kept coming out of the wound, and the sailor on the side was scared and curled up at the corner of the deck and didn't know what to do.

"Come here and carry them down." An old sailor called out the frightened sailor at this time.

Such **** scenes must be cleaned up as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will seriously affect the battles of other sailors, and the **** scenes always make blood flow faster. This is unfair to both parties.

"Ah," the severely injured sailors shouted loudly.

"What should we do now?" a sailor asked at this time.

"I don't know." The old sailor said at this time.

The captain of the merchant ship on the opposite side took a binoculars to check the situation on the opposite side, and the rear artillery was being reloaded for the third time. The second shell hit the opponent. But it did not cause serious losses to the other party. Only a few people died. Most importantly, their main mast power is still there. This means that their motivation is still there. As long as the momentum is still there, this threat will always exist.

Just as the merchant captain was looking at the situation on the opposite side, the pirate captain was also looking at the merchant captain at this time. The two people put down the telescopes in their hands and looked at each other at the same time. It seems that two people are friends, but they are rivals. The two people looked at each other with heavy faces.

"Loading is complete," the gunner shouted loudly.

"Let it go," the gunner shouted loudly.

"Boom." The artillery roared out again and fired shells.

"Huh." The shell flew over this time.

"Wow." The side of the pirate ship was hit.

This time the artillery adjusted its direction, but the shell was much lower and directly hit the side of the pirate ship. The hit position happened to be the artillery bay.

"Ah." A pirate ship gunner shouted and fell into the sea.

"Wow." There was also a cannon that fell at the same time. The loss of this hit is still not great. Because the caliber of the artillery equipped on the armed merchant ships was not very large, it was destined that the damage he caused would not be very large.

"Such artillery is also called artillery." The pirate captain said with a sneer at this time.

"Head, we are even with them. The distance is less than a hundred steps." The little soldier shouted loudly at this time.

"Okay." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

On the armed merchant ship, the gunners are completing the final loading work, and they are putting solid shells into the cannon.

"Hurry up. Hurry up." A fired gunner urged loudly. At this point, the two sides can already see each other's patterns clearly. The cannon on the pirate ship has been launched at this time. The muzzle of the black hole is facing him. Anyone who sees such a muzzle. Neither will feel very happy.

But the more you urge, the easier it is to get into trouble. At the urging of the gunner, a gunner could not put the shell into the muzzle. All actions stopped here. Because the soldier's arms were stiff, his hands kept shaking. An old gunner quickly stepped forward to help at this time.

"Aim." And the gunner on the pirate ship shouted loudly in the low gun bay.

"Let it go." The gunmaster shouted loudly.

"Boom boom. Boom boom. Boom boom." A pirate ship equipped with ten artillery pieces on one side, nine artillery guns quickly ignited and fired. They were knocked out of a cannon by the opponent.

"Huhuhuhu." Thick gunpowder smoke sprayed out. The crew of the merchant ship on the opposite side was shocked to see the smoke sprayed from the opposite side.

"Huh." The cannonball hit immediately.

"Boom. Boom." "Boom." "Huh." The shell directly hit the merchant ship.

"Crack." At this time, a mast creaked.

"Woo." Then the wind came.

"Wow." The mast was knocked down all of a sudden.

"Ah. Help," a crew member shouted loudly. One of his arms was knocked off. He yelled loudly while lying on the deck in pain. And near him. Several crew members had fallen in a pool of blood at this time, and some of them had been beaten to pieces.

There was a mess on the deck of the merchant ship. Such a shot of artillery plunged the armed merchant ship into a disaster.

"Fire, put out the fire." A sailor shouted with a wooden barrel.

On the deck, the knocked-out mast fell to the ground. Many crew members fell in a pool of blood. The side of the merchant ship has been broken.

"Captain. Captain." The first officer hugged the captain's head nervously. The captain was hit in one of the legs. The blood on the thigh kept flowing out. The blood on the deck was full.

Apparently the captain was hit in the aorta of the leg.

"Captain." The first officer cried out crying at this time.

The first officer saw this scene and didn't know what to do.

"Quick. Quick. Cough." The captain stretched out his weak arm and looked at the first officer.

"Put, burn mine, my ship. Burn it." The captain said with his last strength at this time.

"Ah." The captain finished, struggling with his arm. Then stretched back. Just fell down.

"Captain. Captain." The chief officer shouted at this time.

The first officer's pain was not over yet, a crew member asked from the side.

"What should we do? Burn the ship?" the crew asked.

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