The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1437: We are transporting wounded soldiers

On the southern seas. On the deck of the pirate ship.

"Come up. Come up." A pirate sailor looked at each other with a bayonet-mounted rifle.

The captured merchant ships and sailors came up with tired and weak bodies at this time. They couldn't get enough food every day. Coupled with the harsh environment of the bottom tank, they soon suffered from various diseases. After several days of torture, each of them was very weak.

The first surrender first officer walked in the forefront at this time, and in front of him, stood full of pirate sailors armed with bayonet rifles. They all looked at them coldly.

"This, what is this going to do?" the first officer asked with a dry mouth.

The pirate captain just looked at each other without answering.

"Head, they are all standing." A sailor walked over at this time and said quietly.

"Go ahead," said the pirate captain.

"En." said the sailor waving his arms. Signals other people to shoot.

"Wow." Seeing the sailor waving his arms, the others immediately raised their rifles at this time.

It was not until this time that the captured sailors realized that their disaster was imminent.

"Don't drive..." a sailor called out loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." A burst of gunfire sounded.

The captured sailors were killed immediately. Many of them fell under the guns of pirate sailors.

"You. You..." The first officer stretched out his weak arm and lay on the ground looking at the pirate captain in pain.

"Puff." A sailor immediately stepped forward and stabbed the opponent with a bayonet.

The first officer struggled painfully, then fell down.

"Throw it into the sea." The pirate captain said as he looked at the corpses on the deck.

"Yes. Head," the sailor replied.

The pirates dealt with their merchant ship prisoners in this way. And such things happen all the time. Even Chu's navy is unavoidable.

In the waters farther south, a transport ship carrying wounded soldiers of the Chu State navy was sailing at sea.

"How many days will we get to Chu State?" asked a young soldier who had his left arm amputated. His arm was hit by a .50 caliber flintlock. Fortunately, the bullet did not hit his vitals. Many people were hit in the body. Although they were not hit on the spot, they also lost their lives. . And this soldier was lucky, his left arm was smashed. In order to save his life, he can only survive by sawing off his left arm. Although it was painful to lose his left arm, he still survived melancholy.

"I don't know." An veteran replied. The left calf of the veteran is gone. The bullet also hit the opponent's left calf. Those military physicians can only do this. Because they lack the necessary surgical tools, even without amputation, they can't take out the bullet from the other side's shot.

Because their medical level can only reach here, and amputation is also very dangerous. Many people lose too much blood during the amputation process. Such things happen every day. And it was lucky to survive. This is already pretty good.

The army doctors can only do some simple treatments. Once they are shot, they have no choice but to take a simple amputation operation. Only in this way can their lives be saved. Otherwise they will die in pain.

Before performing this kind of operation, the doctor needs to infuse a large amount of spirits into the other party, especially the high-concentration liquor of Qin State. The soldier will soon die of drunkenness, and then perform the operation as soon as possible. This is a huge pain. It is unbearable for ordinary people, and spirits are a good disinfectant. But such spirits are often not enough. Because soldiers often drove to steal alcohol and drink. As a result, when the number of wounded people increased, the wounded behind were operated without any anesthesia. The soldiers were in great pain and made huge struggles and shouts that ordinary people could not bear. At this time, the doctors could only Let the soldiers fix the opponent's hands and feet. The soldiers who held their hands and feet passed by, never wanted to go again.

The scene after the injury caused a lot of soldiers to have a strong fear. When they don’t want to see the operation, the painful wounded soldier will yell and struggle with all his strength, while the soldier holding his hands and feet can’t do anything and watch such a horrible scene happen to him. Around. The fear of helplessness fills their inner world, and everyone feels helpless. The soldiers are under tremendous pressure.

"What should we do when we go home?" the young wounded soldier asked at this time.

"I don't know." The veteran replied.

"We are useless now." The young wounded soldier said pessimistically.

The veteran didn't reply, he bowed his head in pain. The trauma of the war brought devastating disasters to these wounded soldiers. They can't see their future. What can they do after they return to their country? Nothing can be done. It's hard for normal people to work, but don't mention it. They are now useless, and it is difficult for them to survive.

"A Clipper was found on the port side." As the veteran was thinking about his life, a sailor on the lookout shouted loudly.

The captain immediately turned to check the situation in the distance.

The captain moved the telescope coldly to check the situation.

"Damn it." The captain cursed immediately after seeing the situation.

"It's a pirate ship." The captain shouted.

"All get ready." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

Ding ding. Ding ding. "The alarm bell rang quickly. Everyone took up their weapons and entered the battle position. Even the wounded soldiers joined in. The broken body has become their last hope. They hope to preserve the last body, and at the same time Also for their final honor. They are soldiers and it is easy to do something proud of honor.

The gunner on the transport ship with only two guns quickly entered the battle position at this time.

"Quickly reload the shells," the artillery commander shouted loudly.

"Captain, if we fight like this, we can't beat each other at all." The first officer walked up anxiously at this time and said.

"I know." The captain said, looking at the pirate clippers that were approaching. Pirate ships are very fast, they have a lot of sails, and the hull is slender, and the ship's side is relatively low. This design allows them to have a fast speed.

"You should return to your post at this time. Chief Mate." The captain said while looking at each other.

"Yes. Captain. But we are a ship carrying the wounded and should not fight." The chief officer said at this time.

"But the war started like this. We are the Chu State Navy and must fight to the end. Although we transport the wounded transport ships, you must fight to the end. Understand?" said the captain.

The first officer looked at the captain with some incomprehension.

"For the last honor of the wounded soldiers. Let's fight." The captain patted the opponent's shoulder and said.

"Yes. Captain." The first officer looked at the wounded soldiers. They had short arms, and some of them couldn't even hold a gun. They can only rely on the boat gang as a support for aiming. Several of them use a gun, but that's it. They lie on the deck to fight to the end. In fact, many of them don't want to live. It was precisely this thought that caused them to burst out a strong desire to fight at the beginning of the war. Think about the future life, they themselves can't see any future, broken body, it is difficult to survive, they may not be as good as a dog.

The **** nature of the soldiers made them make the final decision. They decided to die in battle. Perhaps, they could avoid such a situation in this way. Release their pain in the future.

Encouraged by the wounded soldier, the first officer understood his responsibility. Fight, soldiers should continue to fight. The wounded soldiers did this. As an officer, you should maintain such integrity.

The pirate Clippers quickly approached each other.

And the transport ship did not fire a single shell at this time. They waited for orders. Waiting for the order to fire.

"Boss, the banner of the Chu army above, let's leave." A little pirate leader persuaded.

"The banner of the Chu army should be even more important. Maybe there is something good on it." The pirate captain told him greedily. Should continue to fight.

"Then, that's fine." The little boss resigned helplessly. Seeing the banner of the Chu Army, he was reluctant to fight. They knew that Chu Jun was so powerful that once he got caught up, he couldn't deal with it.

"Call to them, we are the Chu State navy transport ship, transporting wounded soldiers, let them leave here." The captain ordered to an officer.

"Here," the officer replied.

"Hello," the officer shouted loudly.

"We are the transport ship of the Chu State Navy. We transport wounded soldiers. Leave quickly." The officer shouted loudly. Then the officer shouted repeatedly.

"Head, they let us leave. The wounded soldiers are transported above." The little boss said again at this time.

"Do you believe it?" the pirate captain asked unexpectedly.

"Believe." The little boss replied timidly.

"We have to take a look. These Chu Jun knows the true purpose of covering up them. We should go there and see, maybe there is something good. Beautiful women, countless wealth, and more fine wines. Hahaha. "The pirate captain tempted the other party.

"Order our people, prepare to fire." The pirate captain gave the order again at this time.

"Ready to fire." The little boss shouted loudly.

The captain of the transport ship on the opposite side looked at the situation on the opposite side coldly. Frowning tightly, the pirate ship obviously didn't believe what Chu's navy said.

"Fire." The captain ordered.

"Fire." The officer shouted loudly.

"Boom." A loud noise came out.

"Boom." There was another sound. The transport ship that was ready opened fire first.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Wow." A shell hit directly. Another shell on the starboard side of the pirate ship hit the deck. Several pirate sailors were shot and died on the spot.

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