"Let it go." The pirate captain also immediately issued an order to fight back.

"Boom, boom." The cannon roared immediately.

"Swish." The howling shells swept the transport ship directly.

"Puff." A row of blood flew out. There are still many pieces of minced meat in the splashing blood.

Shotgun used by pirates. The wooden shell is filled with various iron nails, iron posts, and iron balls. Such shells are mainly used to kill the opponent’s personnel and specifically to capture the opponent’s ships. However, the use of such shells requires a close distance and is used within a distance of about thirty steps, and the distance at this time is about forty steps. At this distance, using shotguns is still effective.

"Woo." The shotguns flying around hit many injured soldiers of the Chu Army. The faces of some wounded soldiers were smashed. The **** face looked terrible.

"Fight over there." The gun commander on the transport ship pointed at the pirate captain's artillery position loudly, waving his arms. Their caliber is only three inches, and such artillery is relatively less powerful. It is obviously unrealistic to break the opponent's mast, and the bombardment power of the opponent's personnel is not strong. The unwilling gunner decided to launch an attack on the opponent's artillery.

"Loading is complete." A Chu Army gunner shouted loudly.

"Let it go," the gunmaster shouted loudly.

"Boom." There was a loud noise. The artillery fired.

"Woo." The three-inch artillery used solid shells, and the solid shells whizzed directly towards the position where the opponent's artillery was launched.

"Wow." The pirate ship, where the artillery happened. A huge gap immediately appeared. All kinds of wood chips that were hit were flying everywhere.

"Ah." A pirate gunner fell through the gap. There was a big fire burning in him.

"Quickly put out the fire." A gunner shouted loudly at this time. The solid shell hit the gunpowder propellant pack at the gun firing position. The gunpowder pouch ignited the wooden deck and other wooden things.

The gunner on the pirate ship saw this situation and immediately took measures. Many people rushed forward, and they must put out the flames. Otherwise, they will be in big trouble. Because it was just equipped with artillery, everyone hadn't realized that once their ammunition depot was hit, the whole ship would be completely ignited and then blown into the sky. Everyone will be blown to death.

"Huh." The pirate gunner exhaled heavily.

"Woo." Another artillery on the transport ship also fired solid shells, but the solid shells hit the deck, and many people on the deck were hit. The rolling iron ball took many pirates' legs.

"Ah." The pirate with the broken leg shouted at this time. They screamed in pain, and there were many legs and feet that fell on the ground.

"Fire. Fight back immediately and kill them all." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Come on. Everyone get on the ship, resolve the battle, hurry up." The pirate captain shouted loudly, brandishing the knife in his hand.

"Use a musket, give them a shot." The little pirate leader shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang." Immediately, there were intense gunfire from the pirate ship.

"Boom, boom." At this time, the artillery also started a new round of attacks. This round of attacks caused a lot of casualties to the transport ship. Because the distance is very close. The flying shrapnel penetrated the ship's side and shot into the cabin.

"Puff." The seriously wounded Chu State soldier didn't know what had happened, so he was hit by shrapnel and killed him.

"Be careful." A crew member immediately threw down the captain. "Ding Ding Ding." The flying shrapnel hit the mast behind. There were deep dents in the mast.

"Fight back. Fight back." Not far away, the first officer shouted loudly while waving the saber in his hand.

"Bang Bang." Several wounded soldiers raised their rifles and fired back.

"Swish." A piece of shrapnel flew over.

The first officer and several wounded soldiers were beaten. There was blood all over them, and they fell in pain.

"Are you okay?" The captain pushed away the crew member who was pressing on him. The crew's clothes were covered with blood. And the captain looked at each other. There was an expression of pain. The captain looked up.

The deck is full of corpses. Those who are still alive are loading bullets and shooting desperately. The pirate's artillery continued to bombard the shells. There is blood everywhere, death everywhere. The captain felt unprecedented pressure. Fighting is happening everywhere.

"Kill." Just when the captain felt an urgent pressure. The pirates have already started throwing the hooks. They quickly jumped through the hook to fight.

"Bang Bang." As for the wounded soldiers, the crew fought with rifles in their hands at this time.

"Ah." When a flying pirate was still in the air, he was hit by a flying bullet.

"Boom." A cry. He fell into the sea.

"Fight now. Fight." A crew member shouted loudly.

"Boom." At this moment, a pirate jumped in.

"Da." Before the pirate stood firm, one of the crew members gave the opponent a shoulder with the **** of his rifle. The pirate suffered from pain and was knocked to the ground. The crew immediately jumped on. The two rolled and beaten together.

"Boom." More and more pirates jumped onto the deck at this time.

"Puff." A pirate was not ready to fall. The captain holding his saber rushed over. Give the other party all at once. The pirate fell to the ground all at once. he died.

"Boom." After the captain killed one pirate, another pirate landed. Immediately wave the machete in your hand to fight the opponent. Machete is much cheaper than bronze sword. These machete are forged by Qin Guo Forging Factory. The wide application of iron has made knives very popular. But I don't know why, the bronze sword is difficult to withdraw from the powerful stage for a while, and the machete is cheap and there are many in number. The important thing is that the quality of the machete is not as bad as that of the bronze sword. In some places, more than ordinary bronze swords have to be left. For example, in terms of resilience.

"Yeah." The pirate who jumped over immediately threw down the captain. The two quickly rolled on the deck.

"Wow." More and more pirates jumped onto the deck at this time.

"Bang." A wounded soldier raised his rifle and fired.

"Ah." The hit pirate twisted and fell down.

"Kill." A pirate brandished his machete.

"Boom." "Boom." The wounded soldier's head rolled down immediately.

"Fight." The wounded soldiers and crew members were surrounded, and the pirates and each other were in a deadlock. The pirates were holding a machete because they wanted to jump to help. The long rifle is very inconvenient for them. So they all changed to machete, but the distance of the machete was too short. In close combat, they are very advantageous, but at this time, the crew and the wounded are facing each other with their rifles and bayonets. They use a bayonet-mounted rifle, which is equivalent to a spear, and they have a distance advantage. The reason why the pirates can't get close is that they use a short knife in their hands, and they can't get close to each other at all. For a time the two sides formed a stalemate.

"Kill." The captain and the pirate struggled on the deck, and the two rolled around. Pinching each other's necks, but no one can put each other to death.

"Captain, I'll help you." A wounded soldier lying on the ground struggled vigorously at this time. Pounce on the pirates. The wounded soldier has been seriously injured. There were a lot of shrapnel in his body, but he was still fighting hard at this time. He exhausted the last thing and immediately hugged the pirate. Tie each other tightly with both hands. At this time, the pirates were suddenly attacked from behind. With his hands under control, the captain was given a good plan at this time.

"Disperse." The pirate shouted loudly. He struggled free from the wounded soldier. But the wounded soldier just didn't move. The wounded soldier is dead. At the end, he used his life to help the captain end.

"Puff." The captain sailor grabbed a bayonet and gave it to the opponent's chest. The pirate was killed. But at this time, more and more pirates came in.

"Bang." The captain grabbed a rifle and shot. Hit a pirate.

"Retreat. Retreat." The captain immediately got up. With the bayonet on the rifle, he retreated under the cabin.

"Bang. Bang." At this moment, the little pirate bosses broke the balance of the opponent with their pistols.

"Ah." Under the fire of the musket. The crew was hit, and it is impossible for the crew to continue fighting like this.

Under the loud shout of the captain. The crew and the wounded swiftly retreated under the cabin.

"Shoot." The captain shouted, hiding under the cabin.

"Bang. Bang." At this moment, the crew and the wounded raised their rifles and fired. Pirates constantly tried to rush in at the hatch, but the intensive shooting blocked the opponent from the door.

"Ah." A pirate was unfortunately hit, and he suddenly fell from the hatch.

"Puff." A crew member immediately made up for it.

"These hateful pirates." The crew member said bitterly.

"What should we do?" a crew member asked at this time.

"Keep the hatch." The captain ordered.

"Bang bang." Because the hatch is narrow, it is easy to hold, and there are many crew members and wounded soldiers at the bottom, they are constantly loading bullets. This will keep them intensive and continuous fire suppression on the hatch.

The pirates, because of tactical requirements, did not carry more muskets, and the range of the pistols was too close. Can't shoot at all. For a while, the pirates didn't know what to do.

"Head, they are all hiding underneath. We can't rush down. They have guns, and we have died many brothers." At this time, a little pirate leader reported.

"Blow up with a bomb." The pirate captain said at this time.

"But, if we do this, will we also blow up to death?" The little boss suggested at this time.

Who knows what's under the cabin. What if it’s all gunpowder?

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