The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1441: Ambivalent engineer

Immediately, there was a wave of coal panic in the market, and all coal stocks fell across the board. The rate once reached 10%. This was a shocking decline because everyone knows that there is no coal in the market and there are many places where coal is needed. Where coal is produced cannot produce enough coal to meet people's needs, which will cause serious coal shortage panic. This is for anyone. It's all unbearable.

It is also such a huge drop. Li Wen, the speculative kid. Take the opportunity to cover his short position. Because he knows that he has a large amount of coal stocks in his hands, and if these coals cannot be found in a suitable market, they will be unimaginable and difficult to get rid of. This is unbearable for everyone. Now, all he has to do is to let go. Get out of your own stock in the face of huge trading volume. This is the best opportunity and the most suitable opportunity.

The State of Chu in the South.

"Board." An officer of Chu State shouted loudly at this time.

"Board. Board." The officer shouted from a high place with his arms waving. One of Qin's military transport ships docked at the pier. The ladder has been lowered, and the soldiers carried their rucksacks and their rifles one after another aboard the ship.

"This is an iron ship. It won't sink." A Chu army soldier asked the veteran in front of him on the dock.

"I don't know." The veteran didn't know what to say at this time. Because he had never been in a big iron ship, he had experienced such a thing for the first time. According to his common sense, iron would sink to the bottom of the water, but he did not expect that Qin's iron ship could float on it. This is too unacceptable.

"Don't squeeze, slow down. Slow down." A Qin State Navy trainee officer shouted loudly.

"Don't stand there, go back. Back. Go back." The navy officer shouted loudly.

And the soldiers of the State of Chu who boarded the ship looked at it, and they looked at it from time to time. They even reached out and touched it. The Qin State Navy sailors looked at these Chu soldiers who had never seen anything. They are like watching animals in a zoo.

"Don't move. That's a lifeboat." a sailor called out loudly.

"What's wrong with moving? Grandma's." A soldier touched with disdain.

"If you move again, I will throw you off here." The sailor threatened.

"Yeah. You give it a try." The soldier immediately formed a sharp conflict with the sailor.

"Stop it all. Stand me back." At this time, an officer of the Chu Army walked over with a big wooden stick and shouted loudly.

"Huh." Under the threat of the Chu army officer, the Chu army soldier stood back. Then walked slowly towards the bottom compartment. The sailor looked at each other disdainfully.

"There are too many people. Can these ships be put down?" Xiang Yan said while looking at the ships. On the wharf, more people gathered densely. They were all soldiers. The Qin Navy and Xiang Yan had coordinated and agreed to let the transport ship dock, while the warships were moored along the coast without docking.

In this way, the two eliminate distrust between batches.

"It should be possible," said the bank representative.

"We still have a lot of cannons?" Xiang Yan continued.

"I know. General, the artillery can be loaded last, and they can be placed on the deck." said the bank representative.

"That's good." Xiang Yan said at this time.

"However, General, I think that the Chu Army should establish a military police. Such a unit. Just like this time." said the bank representative. Considering that there are too many people, and the number of people that ships can board each time is very small. Qin's navy asked Chu to establish a military police. Even if it is not established. It is also necessary to use the personal soldiers as temporary military police to maintain order, otherwise there will be inevitable circumstances.

Under such advice. Xiang Yan mobilized her own guards and brought her own rifles and wooden sticks to help maintain order and prevent the soldiers from chaos. The soldiers acted as temporary military police. With the protection of the military police, the soldiers of the Chu army could board the ship in a certain order. There were no serious conflicts between sailors and soldiers.

"Well, is there such a soldier in Qin State?" Xiang Yan asked.

"Gendarmerie. It's called the gendarmerie. In Qin State, they don't have to fight. They are used to watch prisoners of war and defend soldiers in the rear. They are all elite troops." said the bank representative.

"Oh." Xiang Yan finished listening. I was very surprised that the military police of the Qin Army was composed of elite troops instead of participating in the battle. Xiang Yan didn't understand the reason, but it seemed to him. This approach is very inappropriate, because soldiers should fight, and it is a pity that such elite troops do not participate in the battle.

Qin State Xianyang. Wang Jian and the Minister of the Navy stood cautiously in the middle waiting for King Qin's departure. Wang Jian had already reported to King Qin about sending troops without authorization. After hearing this, King Qin was surprisingly calm. A lot of sweat came from Wang Jian's back.

King Qin's calmness made Wang Jian even more frightened.

"En. Why don't you send a naval force without reporting?" King Qin said while looking at the Minister of Navy.

But the Secretary of the Navy did not say anything when he heard such questioning.

"Say it." Wang Jian touched the opponent in a whisper, and the sweat on the forehead of the Secretary of the Navy flowed a lot, and there were a few drops of sweat on the ground. The majesty of King Qin made many people feel very scared.

"Say it quickly, don't let us all die." Wang Jian whispered.

"En." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Back, Lord. The matter is urgent." The Secretary of the Navy said tremblingly.

"In addition, our naval forces have been fighting for a long time, so I ordered to go to sea to fight." The Secretary of the Navy said. The Secretary of the Navy did not say much. This surprised Wang Jian, while King Qin just looked at each other.

"Is that so?" King Qin asked.

"Huh." The Secretary of the Navy exhaled at this time, showing a determination to die.

"No, there are many. The army and the heavenly army are fighting very lively. They have military exploits, but our navy alone has no military exploits. We have powerful naval ships, one of the best among the six nations," said the Minister of Navy.

"But now, our ships can only stay in the port and are not allowed to go to sea. Not only that, but now they can't even recruit people. People say that our Qin State Navy is to raise idlers. We will not join us at all. Navy." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"The navy has nothing to fight, and there is no military exploits. If this continues, our navy will be abandoned. Military expenditures are also continuously reduced. In the end, I am afraid that even maintenance expenses will not be able to continue." The Secretary of the Navy said at this time.

"En." King Qin looked at each other.

"But this can't offset your unauthorized mobilization of the army." King Qin said coldly.

"Wang Jian, take a look at this, and if you agree, let's handle it like this." Qin Wang said and asked Zhao Gao to pass a text book. Wang Jian respectfully took it over and looked at it.

"Thanks to the king." After Wang Jian saw it, he immediately thanked him. At this time, the Secretary of the Navy was still standing still.

After watching it, King Qin left.

King Qin took over. Wang Jian, as the top commander of the chief of staff, had the responsibility of inspecting because of his ineffective supervision. Therefore, he was still appointed, but he was sent to the Taiyuan Military Region to preside over military exercises. The Secretary of the Navy transferred the order without authorization. He was transferred to the Northern Marine Corps of the State of Qin as a grassroots officer. Equivalent to exile. Such punishment is quite light, because arbitrarily mobilizing the army is a felony.

But what King Qin considered was that the Qin State Navy should indeed send troops to fight. And now that the navy has dispatched troops. Don't take it back. This thing has continued in this way. In fact, King Qin also felt that the navy's situation was a bit bad. A huge army, there is no battle to fight, this is very unreasonable.

But King Qin just thought for a while. However, no substantial action was taken, because the current situation is that the State of Qin does not have huge financial resources to support so many troops to fight, and Shangwen’s policy of reducing military expenditures is slowly taking effect. King Qin sees the possibility of Qin’s economy. The problem occurred. The army is a serious consumption product, and they cannot have production. The Qin State can play its due role only when it plays a financial role in economic construction. This is very important.

Meng Yi is also earnestly implementing such a policy. With military expenditures generally cut, it is obviously impossible for the Qin army to send troops on a large scale. Because Qin can't afford such consumption in the country. Such consumption is unbearable for them.

In Xinzheng, South Korea, a large Qin State hotel, Qin State's first team stopped, and a lot of people came down, most of them were Qin State engineers, businessmen, and railway experts. They are responsible for the construction of the Shikoku Railway.

In the hotel where you are staying. Engineers and experts are discussing the meaning of this railway.

"This railway is very well built, and it can reflect the economic value of Qin State." A person in charge said.

"But this railway involves the interests of many countries. Does it really involve commercial organizations?" The engineer said worriedly. Because this matter has to go through four countries, each country has its own business. Once there is a problem in a certain link. Then this railway can be stopped. If it is built, it will be difficult to proceed. Engineers don't want to see such a good project stop, and they don't want to see that their previous efforts were wasted because of insufficient planning.

To be honest, they are very willing to build such a railway, they can't wait to build all the land on the railway. Such engineering problems are solved one after another, which is a very good choice. But stop, everyone will find it difficult to accept. The engineer's heart is very contradictory.

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