"We can't control political matters, but we must do our own thing, that is, build our railway." Another engineer said solemnly.

After speaking, the engineer went busy again. And other people this time you look at me, I look at you. They started to get busy.

Qi is the last country to get the news because they don't have a telegraph line. They can only get the news with the Korean telegraph line. In addition, the battlefield is too far away from the telegraph place in South Korea, and it takes a long time to go back and forth. This is the inconvenience caused by communication.

"The Koreans want to propose building a railway." Tian Heng said, looking at all the generals.

"Railway?" Some generals still didn't know what a railroad was.

"It's just a kind of passage. He can be pulled by an iron horse. He can bring thousands of stones of food and various materials. In short, this railway is a passage." Tian Heng explained.

And the generals below, look at me. I look at you, they are about such a thing. Never thought about it.

"Lord, is this path beneficial to our army?" a counselor asked at this time.

"En. Specifically, I thought about it. I think it's advantageous." Tian Heng said at this time.

"The construction of this railway can transport a large amount of materials and reinforcements. And the speed is much faster than other roads. In this way, our army can quickly reverse the situation. Repel the Chu army." Tian Heng Said with confidence.

"Lord, think twice." At this time, the counselor immediately dissuaded him.

"My lord, this railway can bring reinforcements and a large amount of supplies. However, once the war is over, how can those reinforcements withdraw? Both materials can enter and reinforcements can enter, so other countries can also enter. "The counselor said at this time.

"Sparsely." Some generals began to ask about the situation without knowing it.

"What does this railway mean?" some generals asked people who knew the situation.

"The situation is like this. The Koreans proposed to build a railway. This railway will go directly from Xinzheng, South Korea, through the beams of the Wei State, to Linzi in Qi State. The railway can transport a lot of things without consuming a lot of manpower. Just build a platform along the way to stop. The train carries a lot of things. As long as one train, it can meet the needs of people in a city." A counselor who knew the inside story said at this time.

"Oh. God." When the generals heard such an answer, everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that there was such a thing in this world.

"Furthermore, the train is so fast that no one can stop it. Even if the cow is placed on the railway, it will be knocked into flight." The counselor further described.

"So, those reinforcements can reach Linzi by train. If we can't stop it and destroy our Qi country, it will only be a matter of time." The counselor said worriedly.

"En. It makes sense." The other generals all nodded in agreement.

Until this time, the generals did not know the pros and cons of the railway construction. If there is no railway, then Qi can also receive assistance, but the cost of assistance will be higher. After the railway is completed, aid will come quickly, and very fast, of course. If other countries have other minds, it will be difficult to resist, which poses a great security threat to the country. Stabbed in the back, but it was quite uncomfortable.

Hearing this analysis, Tian Heng began to hesitate in his heart. If this is the case, then Qi Guo will face two problems. One is national security. The construction of the railway command will open the door of the country. The four-nation railway will be Qin, South Korea, Wei, and Qi will be connected into a line. Qin can directly destroy Korea and Wei along the railway line. Then quickly arrived at Linzi City of Qi State. As far as the country is concerned, the threat looks so big.

However, if you do not do this, you will find that the threat of Chu will be more threatening than the former. This threat is very big. This is because the state of Chu is annihilation, and other countries are merely threats without substantive actions. However, the state of Chu is a real action, and the 200,000 army is on the opposite side. Thinking of this, Tian Heng decided to build this railway.

"The construction of this railway is very beneficial to Qiguo, and it is very good, which means it is good." Shangwen explained.

"This railway can boost the economy, promote trade exchanges between the Qin State and the six Guandong countries, and understand each other." Shang Wen said.

"Many Guandong people don't know what Qin people think. Qin people don't bother to understand Guandong. These are two attitudes against feudalism, and this attitude is not good for anyone." Shang Wen continued.

"En." Han Shu nodded aside.

"This kind of exchange is very necessary. I found that Qin State rarely took the initiative to communicate with the Six Kingdoms of Kwantung before. The consequence is that the people of the Six Kingdoms of Kwantung didn't understand Qin at all." Shang Wen said at this time.

"So, Qin started a war?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen and said.

And Shang Wen's slumped mouth.

"To be honest," Shang Wen said, waving his arms.

"I don't like this topic." Shang Wen said.

"When it comes to war, I get a headache. Although I am a weapon expert, the weapons I study are used to fight wars. However, I don’t know why, after I really came into contact with war, I started to have a contradictory mentality. This situation It has been happening for a long time, and I thought about this issue when there was no one." Shang Wen said.

"I like weapons because the combination of machinery and various principles can create power. This power comes from a kind of, how to say, it is a kind of worship of power." Shang Wen said.

"I respect such power, and people feel he is very dazzling." Shang Wen said.

"Hyun?" Han Shu didn't understand what Shang Wen said.

"Oh. Our words, that is, very cool. Oh." Shang Wen realized at this time. It is impossible for Han Shu to understand such vocabulary.

"Cool?" Han Shu looked at Shang Wen puzzled.

"Oh. That's right. Very powerful. Very powerful, powerful means." Shang Wen said.

"Oh." Han Shu nodded after some explanation.

"Your words are strange." Han Shu nodded and said.

"Hehe." Shang Wen nodded embarrassedly.

"It's true." Shang Wen said.

"Our people. They are all like this." Shang Wen explained.

"Where are we talking?" Shang Wen asked.

"War." Han Shu said.

"Yes. War, a heavy topic. When I first came into contact with war, all I saw were corpses and **** scenes. Such scenes still make me feel very scared." Shang Wen said.

"The severed limbs, the splashing blood, the internal organs flow everywhere, and the smell of blood in the air is really terrible." Shang Wen said.

"This is the kind of war I came into contact with. As soon as I went to war, I would vomit and feel uncomfortable." Shang Wen remembered how he had arrived on the northern battlefield. It was a battle against the Huns, a powerful offensive that caused the Huns to lose all of a sudden. The offensive ability was lost, and the Qin people took extremely cruel retaliatory measures to the Huns, and the Huns retreated to the North Sea to the north of the desert.

"Yes. But you are a weapon expert, why study weapons?" Han Shu became increasingly unclear about Shangwen. He didn't know what this guy's mind was thinking. No one can understand many things.

"Yes. This is where the contradiction lies." Shang Wen said.

"Don't talk about this topic. I don't know why I want to do this myself." Shang Wen said.

"What I want to say is." Shang Wen said.

"For Qin's unification war," Shang Wen said.

"According to my understanding, the people of Qin State killed a lot of people when they unified the world. Countless people. About more than a million people were killed or injured." Shang Wen said.

"En." Han Shu nodded.

"This kind of reunification is too costly. Moreover, after the Qin State unified the world, it was unable to manage this country well because it was too big. There was no time to take care of many things." Shang Wen said.

"Qin State is not really ready yet." Shang Wen said.

"The cost of not being equipped is very high," Shang Wen said.

"So, I suggest that the Qin State should not launch a larger war, nor should it take the initiative to provoke a war, and switch to other methods. Using force to solve the problem is not a very good way." Shang Wen continued.

"What is your way?" Han Shu asked.

"Qin has undergone major adjustments and reforms, and it may not be possible for Qin to initiate wars in the future. Qin has to concentrate on doing business and construction, and not provoking troubles on its own initiative. Acting as a peacemaker." Shang Wen said.

"Peace?" Han Shu said incredulously.

"Yes. Peace." Shang Wen said.

"This is a late-competition strategy. Qin always uses a preemptive approach to war. This has caused everyone to complain to Qin. But the people of Qin have this kind of strength, and this kind of strength is helpless. , However, after the expansion of the Qin State, its strength will rapidly decay, and the space will become larger, and with the same personnel, it will quickly reduce its strength, which is very unfavorable for Qin State," Shang Wen said.

"If you do this, the State of Qin is really not far from extinction." Shang Wen said worriedly.

"So, Qin needs to lower this resentment and let the people of the Six Nations change their views of Qin." Shang Wen said.

"Do you think you will succeed if you do this?" Han Shu asked.

"I don't know. I don't have the confidence to guarantee that I will do this. Qin Guohui will change. But I hope that the people of Qin can accept such a change. An open and aggressive spirit is what everyone wants to see." Shang Wen said.

"This is hope." Shang Wen said.

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