The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1472: A group of rats. Rats

"Pirates are so rampant." After Xiang Liang arrived in Shangzhou, he discovered that Shangzhou had been attacked by an unprecedented pirate attack. Before, the pirates had not dared to attack Shangzhou, but now, the pirates went straight into the port of Shangzhou, robbed and forcibly robbed civilian women.

Hear Xiang Liang's scolding so violently. All the generals did not dare to speak. Pirates were indeed rampant. When Chu's navy was stationed, they even launched an offensive. This was challenging the Chu navy. This made Xiang Liang feel extremely hated by the various practices of pirates. On the issue of pirates, he has already encountered such an offensive battle. The pirates took advantage of the fog to launch an attack, and without any meeting, caused a certain loss of the entire warship. Such an approach made Xiang Liang very annoyed.

"General, the people of Shangzhou are currently insecure. They are very suspicious of the combat power of our Chu State navy. The solution now is to fight pirates. Give them a severe lesson." At this time, a general stood up and proposed. To.

"En." Xiang Liang still said angrily.

"But this Shangzhou, why cut off our military spending?" Xiang Liang asked such a question at this time. Without military spending, Chu's navy could not continue sailing. Without military spending, you cannot fight pirates. However, the people of Shangzhou were already very disappointed with the Chu State navy. They would rather re-strengthen their colonial armament, and they were no longer willing to pay a penny for the Chu navy to support them.

"This." The general said embarrassedly. Is it necessary to tell Xiang Liang of this situation? No, Xiang Liang also understands the truth. Through such a thing, the pirates are seriously threatening the military expenditures of the Chu State navy. After such a long period of time, the colony that the Chu State navy has just acquired will become a piece of enclave. . Then it was lost piece by piece, and in the end the Chu State Navy got nothing.

Xiang Liang left without saying anything. For such a problem, he can only coordinate with the governor of the colonial authorities, because if you want to fight pirates, you must have a military expenditure, otherwise, you will not be able to fight people at all.

"Chu's navy must have a military expenditure, otherwise the pirates cannot be wiped out." Xiang Liang said when he saw the colonial governor.

"General, it’s hard for me to believe in such a thing. People in our colony are no longer willing to spend a penny to support the Chu’s naval forces. Not only that, but the most important thing for us is to treat the generals. The prestige has a lot of doubt. As far as I know, the Chu State Navy’s warship was attacked by an unknown ship, and you, General, were also on it. In this way, it would be hard for me to trust you, General anymore." The sir said so.

In this way, Xiang Liang stopped talking. Because this is a fact, and such a fact makes Xiang Liang unable to argue.

"It's not just such news. Do you know? A few days ago, a troop carrier passed by and docked here for a while. We got such news from the ship. That is, one of your troop carriers was hit by the ship. The pirates attacked, all the crew on the ship were killed. And the death is very cruel, judging from this. We think that you can’t even protect your own subordinates, general, and it’s hard to guarantee that we are colonies. Now," the governor said.

"The general's personnel are very limited, and the number of warships is also very limited. Moreover, the pirates come and go without a trace. It is difficult for them to catch a fixed offensive route. The general needs to invest a lot of troops to destroy the pirates, and it costs It takes a long time. As a result, military expenditure will expand without limits. Our colony will have to pay a very heavy price to maintain our security. This security price is too high. It has exceeded our cost expectations. I'm sorry, General. , We can no longer pay for such military expenses." The governor refused. After hearing such a message, Xiang Liang tightly grasped the hilt of the sword in his hand.

"After some thinking, we decided to increase the armed forces of our own colonies. Use our own power to protect our colonies. So I think we can solve our security problems." The governor said.

"If you do this, you can't guarantee your safety at all." Xiang Liang stood up and said excitedly at this time.

"No. General, this is beneficial to our colony. We have been unable to reach an agreement. General, if your army can guarantee our safety, we can continue to pay this military expenditure. However, your army did not guarantee our safety, but On the contrary, it has brought bad factors to our public order and influence. We decided not to pay this military expenditure. At the same time, we also hope that your garrison can leave here as soon as possible." said the district governor.

Xiang Liang looked at each other fiercely, and sparks appeared in his eyes. He did not expect the colony to have made such a big decision on this issue.

Obviously, there are simply no conditions for continuing negotiations between the two. Because the two sides have no common words to talk about.

Xiang Liang walked out of the governor's office angrily. He was very annoyed by such a result, but he couldn't do anything besides being annoyed.

Rampant pirates destroyed his plan and his achievements. And the pirates appeared suddenly, which caught him off guard.

"A group of rat breeds. Rat breeds." Xiang Liang shouted so loudly. The officers and soldiers behind stood still, because their general was angry.

Qin State Xianyang. Meng Yi negotiated a plan with his cabinet.

"We decided to assist Qi by means of humanitarian assistance, but we first stood firm in the press and propaganda. Our government will provide a certain amount of supplies to the other party. This is the beginning. We can upgrade the subsequent supplies. For example, we can provide The other side will have more guns and ammunition and weapon support, but this needs to be replaced by the Qi country." Meng Yi continued.

"However, Prime Minister, the transportation problem is a big problem. According to the telegram sent by South Korea, they have already stockpiled a large amount of such materials at the border. South Korea has the ability to transport these supplies by rail. However, The people of Qi can’t. They don’t have the ability. Qi has gone through the war continuously. Their road conditions and the loss of the bullock carts make them unable to transport such huge materials. Even if we give them to each other, they cannot get these materials. , The key to the problem is not the availability of materials, but the transportation problem. This is the key." The Minister of Transport pointed out this point.

"So, we need to work **** transportation. We, Qin State, will be responsible for their transportation. First, we have to provide carriages. Qin State has many carriages and four-wheeled carriages, and most of them are eliminated. It has caused serious traffic jams in Qin State. Moreover, there is a large supply of horses in the north. And if motor vehicles are given to them rashly at this time, it is estimated that they will also be difficult to control." Meng Yi continued.

"So the road conditions?" the Minister of Transport continued.

"This is the key." Meng Yi continued.

"The road conditions, on the one hand, we must build a railway to get there as quickly as possible. After all, the transportation capacity of the railway is much higher than that of the road. I think that before the completion of the railway construction, we should build two roads as much as possible, one is, Ordinary highway. There is another highway. The former is built first to meet the needs of horse-drawn carriages, and the other is to meet the needs of motor vehicles. Qi Guo should bear the cost of building this highway.” Meng Yi continued. .

"The people of Qi have no money to pay the prime minister for the cost of building our roads." The Minister of Economy raised this question in good faith.

"En. I understand. With loans, we can lend them loans. As long as they want, we will lend them." Meng Yi continued.

"The Prime Minister, according to our understanding, Qi has already mortgaged taxes, tariffs, and some land to the Koreans. We have passed by this time and don't know what else to mortgage. The Qi people have been hollowed out. We are really emptied. I don't know, what else can they do?" The bank minister knew the situation well.

"En. They can also issue bonds, and the Qin people will mortgage their bonds for the next few years." Meng Yi said.

"Oh. Goodness." The minister of the bank shook his head at this time and said.

"This is too dangerous. The bond is just a piece of paper. It is not actual income. Any bank must consider the security of its own funds. For safety reasons, they may not provide such loans. In short, I think Qi is in a mess. His debts and debt repayment ability are greatly restricted. I think. Such a situation is very unfavorable to us. Therefore, I think. You should not borrow from Qi people." The minister said so. After hearing such a news. Everyone stopped talking. They are very clear. If you want to do this, the last question is all about the word "money". The problem now is that the people of Qi have no money. Their credibility has been greatly challenged.

"We need money. And we are guarding a golden mountain, but looking for money everywhere." Tian Heng said standing on the gold mine.

"How much gold can be made here?" Tian Heng asked.

"My lord. Two hundred stones of gold are produced here in one year. This is already the largest gold production." said an old local miner.

"En. Too little. We need more gold. A lot, a lot." Tian Heng said while looking at the gold mine. This is the main thing being protected on the Eastern Front. What Qi Jun paid a heavy price to keep.

"Can you dig more gold. The best yield is a thousand stones?" Tian Heng asked.

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