The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1473: You chat with me

"This is a lot. The output of a few hundred stones is already the largest in Qi," said the old miner.

"In the past, there were not many people in demand for this gold, but I don't know what happened. In recent years, the output has been rising continuously, coupled with the use of explosives, this gold mountain is about to be hollowed out." The old miner said.

"Hey." Tian Heng sighed.

"It is not a question of hollowing out, but a question of demand for gold." Tian Heng said.

"Money is being used everywhere now, and Qi country has exhausted all of his family assets, and there is no money to fight this war. This is about the life and death of Qi country. Therefore, this gold still has to be dig, not only digging, but also big. Dig." Tian Heng said at this time.

"I will mobilize all my power to mine gold on a large scale," Tian Heng said at this time. Then turned around and left. Now Qi State only has such a sum of gold to give Qi State the value of existence. Gold is Qi's last straw. The people of Qi had already caught him tightly.

"The problem of pirates, let us vomit all the benefits we have gained. So, I decided to launch an offensive against pirates. But how do pirates fight? What do you think?" Xiang Liang communicated with the chief of the Shangzhou colony to no avail. , As long as you decide to go to war with the pirates, and then after the pirates are eliminated, you can expand your territory.

"This." The captains here, look at me and I will look at you. They understand very well that in a war against pirates, pirates will not engage the regular army head-on. This time it was special. The pirates didn't know it was a battle fleet, and the other side successfully attacked the other side under the cover of thick fog, and then took the opportunity to retreat.

"General, this pirate is a ranger. They are often difficult to capture, and it is difficult to distinguish between pirate ships and merchant ships at sea. It is difficult for us to distinguish. Not only that, pirate ships are very cunning. They disguise and approach merchant ships. Attack. In this way, they will launch an offensive. Many merchant ships have lost. Now the pirate ships are loaded with artillery. As a result, the enemy’s firepower is strengthened, and some of our troop carriers cannot resist. I think that pirates should be pacified. The means. Let them return to us.” said a captain of a troop carrier.

"No, these pirates are extremely ferocious, and the pirates have repeated personalities. If they don't really submit, it is easy to cause losses to us. We should deal with them severely. The firepower of our warships is much more than that of pirate ships." A medium-sized one. The captain of the warship stood up and said.

"But what about the merchant ships? We went to war with the pirates. The ultimate goal is to protect the colony's merchant ships and allow the trade to go on. Not only that, but it is difficult to find traces of pirates. This is very difficult for us to fight." The medium-sized warship captain analyzed Tao.

"Moreover, our army has not yet fought the pirates at sea. Under such circumstances, we are going to war with the pirates. There are many unfavorable factors for our army." The captain of another small warship analyzed. Because they still don't know what kind of tactics they will adopt to fight against pirates, whether to disperse their forces or concentrate their forces in combat, all these situations make these officers very worried. For them, fighting against pirates is very slim.

Xiang Liang listened to the discussions of these captains without speaking. In fact, he did not have the confidence to fight the pirates immediately.

The moon is unusually bright. The white ones were sprinkled on the outside of Changsha like a layer of frost. A group of Chu State Navy soldiers escorted a few people to stay outside the city.

"Did the pits have been dug?" a Chu State navy officer asked.

"It has been dug." A navy soldier nodded and said at this time.

"En." Chu Jun's officer said.

"Let's start then." The officer of the Chu army said with a wave of his arm. At this time, several well-dressed people were pushed to the edge of the big pit.

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. The few people are firmly bound up, there are wooden blocks in their mouths to prevent the other party from making noise.

"Aim." a soldier shouted loudly.

"Wow." The navy soldiers opened the fire door of their muskets at this time.

"Let it go." a soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang bang bang bang." A burst of gunfire.

A row of people were knocked to the ground, some corpses naturally fell into the big pit, and one person was frightened and perplexed and squatted on the edge of the big pit.

"Who beat it." The Chu officer scolded.

"Go forward and give him a bayonet." Chu State officer ordered loudly.

"Puff." A Chu State Navy soldier stepped forward cleanly, with a bayonet that was critical to the opponent. The opponent was killed all at once, and then the body was kicked into the pit. Then some soldiers stepped forward and threw the bodies into the pit.

"Wait, wait for the next batch to come." The officer said impatiently. Then he sat down on the spot. Waiting for the people to be executed to arrive. Xiang Yan thought that the threat to the powerful in the city was very big, so he decided to get rid of the other party, so that this very dangerous problem could be solved.

All the rich and powerful families in Changsha City were escorted out and then all killed. Because it was dealt with at night, not many people knew about them, and no one cared about these issues, because the city's armed forces had been disarmed. No one will worry about their boss.

Zhao State of Handan. Guo Kai and several ministers are discussing a solution to the problem of taxation and the problems facing Zhao Guo.

"The current situation is very unfavorable to my country Zhao. Zhao country needs to solve these problems quickly. For some of Zhao Min's requests, I think Cheng should accept them. Nobles should pay taxes so that they can be happy with Zhao Min." The minister suggested.

"Huh. That's a good point, those Zhao Guo dignitaries, if you don't kill me and collect taxes, can you ask those princes for money and food?" Guo Kai said very dissatisfied.

"As a result, the State of Zhao will fall into internal chaos, which is very beneficial to the Qin army. Our army will not be able to withstand the struggle of the Qin Army, and the State of Zhao must resolve this matter as soon as possible." An old minister worried. Said. But his voice was vague, and no one understood what he said.

"In this case, Zhao Guo will face great chaos." At this time, a minister said. Guo Kai's persistence made it difficult for these ministers to say anything. The ministers also believed that facing such a situation, the nobles of the Zhao country should relax. Some taxes have been levied on themselves. In this way, it is not only beneficial to the country, but also to the fairness of the people. However, King Zhao believes that the foundation of the Zhao country is the nobles, not the civilians, and the civilians take it for granted. To pay taxes, not only have to pay, but more should be paid, because Zhao Guo is in a stage where things happen frequently. Only by paying more taxes can Zhao Guo become rich and strong.

After ascertaining the tone of King Zhao, all the ministers hoped that Guo Kai could make huge concessions, but what they did not expect was that Guo Kai not only did not make concessions, but also had a very bad attitude towards this matter. This made the ministers very worried about Zhao's future. But what is the use of worry? Such a situation cannot be effectively improved at all. Everyone knows that such a matter must be resolved and huge changes must be made, but at this time, no change will be made. One should not be changed, the other should be changed. This is the situation in the State of Zhao.

"Qin State sent a telegram to let us make some improvements in time." At this time, an official said cautiously.

"What's wrong with Qin State?" Guo Kai said.

"Qin can't levy taxes from the nobles of Zhao," Guo Kai said at this time.

"If Qin wants to solve this problem, let them solve it themselves, Zhao Guoren's affairs, Zhao Guo can't solve it by himself." Guo Kai said arrogantly.

The minister who came to discuss the issue was completely speechless.

Wei's cold night.

"Who?" A soldier of the Korean New Army shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang." A gunshot broke the silence of the night.

"Someone." The Korean New Army soldier shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang Bang. Bang Bang." For a moment, the gunshots burst loudly.

"Flare. Hurry up." A new South Korean army officer shouted loudly.

"Something happened." Mo Li rushed into Shang Wen's room with her bronze sword and shouted at this time.

And Shang Wen has already fallen asleep.

"Get up quickly. There is a situation." Mo Li pulled Shangwen out of the bedding all at once. Fortunately, Shang Wen is used to sleeping in his clothes. Otherwise, I don't know how embarrassing it is.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen was caught on the ground all of a sudden.

"Enemy attack." Mo Li said, raising her ears.

"Bang. Bang." Gunshots sounded sporadically.

"Oh. Shot." Shang Wen said in surprise at all.

"Go to sleep, protected by the new Korean army, they have guns, no one dared to rush in." Shang Wen said without worry.

"Protect the VIPs." At this time, the colonel's voice came.

"I heard it," Shang Wen said.

"Sleep at ease. Tomorrow we will know the result." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Aren't you worried?" Mo Li asked.

"The defense is quite tight. They are used to fight. The Wei people are not used to this kind of offensive method. They definitely can't come in. Didn't you see it during the day? There are many barbed wire fences in some places, and these barbed wire fences are still hanging. There are mines, those people can’t get in at all, even if they can, they can’t get close. Because there are so many people here. The new South Korean army is not much weaker than the Qin army. Go to sleep.” Shang Wen said without worrying at all. . Then lay down again to sleep.

"Oh." Mo Li nodded.

"The guns are constantly shooting outside. I can't sleep." Mo Li is particularly sensitive to gunshots. I don't know why, maybe it's because the sound of Qin people's shooting stimulated a nerve in her.

"Oh." Shang Wen nodded at this time.

"Then wait until the gunfire is over before going to sleep, you can chat with me." Shang Wen said with his eyes closed.

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