The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1494: Bonds, what are bonds?

"Get close to the pirate ship and fight again." The captain of the Chu Army warship ordered loudly.

The gunner looked at the situation at this time. After measuring the angle and distance, he nodded.

"As soon as possible. Only one salvo. The firepower is very limited." The gunner said to himself.

"Close. Get as close as possible." The gunner whispered at this time.

"Quickly, reload the shells. Aim and hit me fiercely." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

Because the opponent's warship is approaching quickly at this time.

"Boom. Boom." The shells roared out at this time, and the shells of the pirate ship roared out.

"Swish." The shells roared.

"Boom." A warship of the Chu State Navy was hit at this time. A large piece of their bow was knocked off. Sawdust is flying everywhere.

"Hold it up. You must withstand it." The captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Swish." The shell hit the sea on the side, and then stirred up a high column of water.

"Stay steady. Hold steady." The gun commander shouted loudly at this time. The ship shook very hard back and forth. The gunners shook back and forth. This made the muzzle of the artillery unsteady. The gunner could only shout so loudly at this time.

Because at this time all the artillery is mounted on the side.

In the event of an impact, the bow is forward and the contact area is very limited. The artillery is a smoothbore gun. If you want to hit the opponent, the probability is very small. And this is very beneficial to the Chu State Warship.

"Shock. Shock." The captain shouted.

At this time, the Chu State battleship quickly rushed to the opponent.

"Captain, what should we do next?" the first officer asked at this time.

"Close to their flanks, we need to turn the bow of the ship and use the flanks' artillery to bring them up all at once." The captain said at this time.

"What? Captain, in this case, we will face a salvo from each other." The first officer cried out in surprise.

"Yes. It must be done." The captain said affirmatively.

"It must be done." The captain said affirmatively again.

"Huh." The first officer exhaled at this time. In this case, they will face a volley from each other, and such a volley may cause many deaths. The first officer sighed worriedly.

"They're leaning over," the pirate shouted loudly.

"Give them a salvo. Let them know how good we are." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Head, there is still a ship over there, they are going to surround us." A pirate pointed his finger at the other side. A warship of Chu Kingdom was approaching quickly. The captain of the pirate did not look at that ship at this time. It was shouting loudly, letting his own people load the cannonballs.

"Aim, aim at them and defeat them." The pirate captain shouted loudly at this time.

"Turn the bow." The captain of the battleship shouted loudly. The helmsman on the warship turned the rudder quickly.

The sailors on the deck are also quickly getting busy. They need to adjust their sails.

"Let it go." The gunner of the pirate ship shouted loudly at this time.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." Thick gunpowder shot out quickly. The sparks ejected black shells directly.

"Wow. Wow." The shell hit the ship at close range. The battleship was beaten completely beyond recognition. There was **** flesh everywhere on the deck where it was hit. The Chu Kingdom suffered heavy losses on board the warship. Many sailors were knocked off by the flying cannonballs.

"Be careful." A sailor threw the captain of the warship to the ground. The captain escaped by luck at this time.

"Ah." And on the deck, many people who were hit screamed loudly. Such screams made many people feel terrified.

"Everyone, take up weapons and suppress your opponent. Quickly." The first officer shouted loudly, waving his arms. He wants the sailors to pick up the guns and suppress the opponent's artillery shots at close range. He hopes that this method can be useful.

"Suppress them. Quickly. Hit me fiercely." The pirate captain shouted.

"Shooting." The little pirate leader quickly directed his subordinates to shoot.

"Bangbang. Bangbang." The gunshots were loud for a moment. The bullets crackled on the warship.

"Be careful." The captain of the warship shouted loudly at this time.

"Puff." The first mate was shot in the chest. The first officer is directing his men to shoot. Many people were knocked to the ground.

"Um." The first officer looked at the captain in pain. I don't seem to understand what the captain means. Then fall down.

"Captain. Captain." The sailor on the side pressed the captain tightly on the deck, and the other's bullets hit many people. If you rush at this time, you will definitely be hit. Without the commander, this ship would be in great danger.

"Damn pirate." The captain who lost the first mate was very angry.

"Captain. Calm down. Calm down," the sailor shouted aside.

"We should fire the cannon. Fire the cannon. Only by firing the cannon can we defeat the pirates." The sailor persuaded loudly at this time.

"Huh." The captain panted loudly.

"Fire. Fire me." The captain heard the sailor's call. Understand it immediately. Then a loud command came.

"Fire me and hit these pirates fiercely." The captain shouted angrily.

"Go," the captain said and pushed the sailor away.

"Okay." The sailor replied.

"Aim." The gunner shouted loudly from the cabin below.

"Let it go." The gunmaster shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom. Boom." The artillery shot out flames of revenge instantly, and the cannonballs of revenge spurted out.

"Swish. Swish." The shell flew directly.

"Boom." Almost all the shells hit the opponent accurately.

"Boom." After an explosion. Another huge explosion sounded. A pirate was directly set off by a huge air wave. Thrown into the air. Many pirates were torn to pieces on the spot.

The shell hit the opponent's gunpowder position unexpectedly. The Chu Army warship had no gunpowder. If it hits, it will not cause a bigger explosion, while the pirate ship has accumulated a large amount of gunpowder. Once hit, it is equivalent to hitting a huge gunpowder keg. Huge explosion. It spread to the nearby Chu Army warship, and some sailors on the warship were also washed down on the deck.

The ensuing battle soon ended.

"They are all deaf. Ask them what they don't know what to say?" An officer of the Chu State Water Army replied at this time.

"Huh." Xiang Liang exhaled at this time.

"Pull down and behead to show the public." Xiang Liang ordered.

"Here," the officer agreed.

Xiang Liang waved impatiently to move back. For these pirates, Xiang Liang would never forgive each other. But Xiang Liang also understood what kind of fact he wanted to be named. That is. Pirates are very rampant, and the opponent's strength should not be underestimated because the opponent is equipped with a large number of artillery. And tactical skills don't have to be inferior to the navy, sometimes they are better than their own. This is what Xiang Liang saw.

"I have summarized the views, explanations and starting points of all parties," Meng Yi said at another meeting. This is Meng Yi's first official speech, and the previous speeches were all made by the countries themselves. Zhao Guo explained their domestic situation. They cannot reduce their tax revenue, because if the tax revenue is reduced, they will not be able to continue to develop their own economy. In this way, Zhao will be very poor, and there will be no coal to supply to other countries. This reason is very reluctant.

Yan Guo hoped to get the investment of the people of Qin, and they hoped that the people of Qin could help them restore their national strength, because their country was extremely dilapidated after the war.

South Korea’s attitude is unclear. Meng Yi just knows that the other party wants Qin to participate. What purpose does Meng Yi only vaguely know? But he didn't quite understand the specific method.

After many parts of the meeting, the representative of Qi State still did not appear. And Tian Heng only entered the Wei region at this time. There is still a long way to go from Xinzheng, South Korea.

"Everyone has a common problem. Lack of sufficient funds." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En. Right." Guo Kai nodded and said at this time.

Meng Yi stopped and looked at each other.

"Zhao country lacks funds. Sufficient funds to maintain liquidity. These funds can make Zhao country's economy develop rapidly." Meng Yi continued.

"The situation in South Korea is better. South Korea has banknotes. It can maintain sufficient capital circulation in its own country. This is much better than other countries." Meng Yi said.

And Han Shu smiled slightly at this moment. Nod. Said that he was very satisfied with such approval.

"Yan State's situation is also very pessimistic." Meng Yi continued.

"It is estimated that Qi State's situation will be much worse." Meng Yi continued.

"Currently, the most important issue is. Funds. A lot of funds. We need a lot of funds to stimulate the economy." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Qin has such a large amount of funds, but these funds are still unable to meet all the needs of the people present." Meng Yi said. Heard such words. Han Shu sat up nervously. Guo Kai also looked at Meng Yi nervously. Prince Dan is even more so.

Meng Yi didn't see the other party's situation. He just looked at his plan for himself. report.

"We believe that at present, countries should issue their own bonds and use these bonds as collateral. We can obtain financial support as soon as possible from our hands. Specific details need to be discussed with our banks. These, the government cannot replace you and talk to them. Finished." Meng Yi said, looking at everyone's expressions at this time.

And everyone present looked at Meng Yi. And Meng Yi looked at everyone.

Everyone was surprised. They obviously did not accept such a fact, but they still didn't understand why they did it. Many people can't respond.

"Bonds, what are bonds?" Guo Kai broke the calm first. First asked like this.

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