The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1495: Avoid double taxation

Meng Yi looked a little shocked. Countries are at a loss as to financial instruments. Han Shu's face was barely surprised, but it seemed a little calm. After all, Korea is exposed to these things. The last is failure. Such a lesson. Han Shu is a little disgusted with financial means. In other words, it is an essential disapproval.

"Bonds can help all countries solve fiscal problems. Bonds can allow governments to solve problems in a short period of time. There is no need to increase the tax burden, but the pledge is to reduce taxes and allow future fiscal revenues to enter a stable income stage." Yi looked at everyone and said.

"This, the way. Good." Prince Yan nodded and said at this time.

"En. How are these bonds issued? Do you still want to be like the last time?" Han Shu asked.

"En." Meng Yi nodded. And Han Shu just looked at each other.

In fact, Han Shu has already profited from the last bond issuance, and the government has solved the funding problem in a short period of time. And this process, if it is placed excessively on taxation, it will be caused. South Korea’s economy is affected by heavy taxes on economic development.

Han Shu understands this very well, but bonds have caused social unrest. This makes Han Shu very worried. Such turbulence exists and may affect South Korea's economic development. Han Shu has doubts about this issue. Therefore, when Meng Yi proposed to issue bonds to solve financial problems. Han Shu reserved his opinion. She needs the other party to be able to solve this problem thoroughly.

"Yes. Issuing bonds can solve these problems. Qin will open up its bond market in a planned way. Issue bonds of various countries to help countries raise funds. Perform infrastructure construction. Promote everyone's economic prosperity." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Qin Guo has a good idea." Prince Dan said to Guo Kai next to him at this time. And Guo Kai just nodded at this time, expressing his approval.

This trick of Qin Guo really used Zhao Guo too much. In this way, Zhao Guo would not have to increase taxes. With a one-sided increase in fiscal revenue, Zhao will have sufficient capital for activities. This is a very favorable situation for Zhao Guo. Guo Kai thinks it is feasible.

Seeing that everyone did not act. Meng Yi exhaled.

"I will give you some information. This is Qin's solution. I hope you can study it carefully. This will help everyone." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Wow." Assistant Meng Yi distributed the materials and plans. After receiving the documents, the countries began to look carefully. This is the best thing for them.

Meng Yi is on the way back.

"The representatives of Qi State still haven't come, and the reactions of the representatives of various countries are still unknown. Is it too early for us to propose this plan at this time?" The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En. This plan has already been sent to Wang Shang at the same time. How is the situation? It depends on the reaction of the countries." Meng Yi said without expression as if he already knew everything. For these things, there is only waiting.

"We are going to enter Qi country." Shang Wen simply packed his bags and said.

"En. Take your protector?" Mo Li said at this time.

"No." Shang Wen looked back at Mo Li.

"Two people, just the two of us. Go and see for yourself. It's not good if there are too many people." Shang Wen said while looking at Mo Li at this time.

"Really?" Mo Li looked at Shang Wen and said.

"Yes. Really. Just the two of us. I want to see for myself, what happened to Qi State?" Shang Wen said.

"En." Mo Li nodded.

"Alright." Mo Li nodded.

"I prepared some things. There are biscuits, cans. Blankets, pistols, bullets." Shang Wen said.

"And some medicine or something." Shang Wen waved his arm and said.

"However, we don't know some local topography, we don't know where to go, we lack some maps." Shangwen said.

"It seems that you are really going out?" Mo Li doubted Shang Wen's ability.

"En. Certainly." Shang Wen replied at this time.

Shangwen was extremely unfamiliar with the terrain of Qiguo, and he rushed to travel under such circumstances, which made the Colonel of the Korean New Army very worried after hearing such a plan.

"Sir, I have the right to be responsible for your safety. Your behavior is very unsafe." The colonel looked at Shangwen and said.

"I know." Shang Wen said clearly where he was.

"Sir. You'd better not do anything. The Queen has repeatedly asked us to ensure your safety." The colonel looked at Shang Wen and said.

"En. I understand. But there are some things that must be done in person. Unstoppable." Shang Wen said while looking at the colonel.

"Security. From a security perspective. Sir, our current position has entered the war zone. There is no need to look at the front line." The colonel said at this time.

"En. I understand. But the problem of Qi is not a frontline problem. It is the two sides of the war. It is not the problem of the people of Qi, and the other side of the war, Chu." Shang Wen said.

"I want to see, what is Chu Jun doing?" Shang Wen said.

"I can't see what happened in the report? However, if I go to the front line. The place occupied by the Chu army, I can see everything." Shang Wen said at this time.

"Sir. It's very dangerous there," the colonel continued.

"En. I know that the more dangerous it is, the closer it is to the truth. I want to know this." Shang Wen said firmly.

"Sir. No." The colonel then shook his head.

"Safe. It must be safe," said the colonel.

"I will send someone to protect you, Chief. I will not let danger appear." The colonel said at this time.

Shang Wen looked at the colonel.

"You are restricting my freedom." Shang Wen said dissatisfiedly.

"En. Sir, you can think so, but it is my responsibility to protect your safety. I don't allow this to happen," the colonel said.

"Absolutely not," the colonel assured.

"Sir, rest early." The colonel saluted and left.

"Huh." Shang Wen exhaled as he watched the colonel leave.

"Damn it." Shang Wen felt that his freedom was completely restricted. Now he is under house arrest.

The city of Changsha in the Kingdom of Chu.

"Is the tax really only 5%?" a captain asked suspiciously before registering.

"Yes." The representative of Qin State Bank replied affirmatively.

"This point is being formulated into a tax case, and this tax case will be implemented based on legal provisions." Qin State Bank representative said affirmatively.

"En." The captain said still in disbelief.

"The tax is so low? I, I don't know what I can do?" The captain looked at the representative of Qin State Bank and said.

"If everyone is willing to pay, it will become a big force." Qin State Bank representative said.

"We will implement this tax case, and we plan to establish a tax supervision and management committee, which will be held by you. In order to supervise the fairness of taxation." Qin State Bank representative said.

"There are related departments established in Qin State. You have also seen that Qin State is in good condition. Taxes are not very high, and everyone is willing to see such things happen." Qin State Bank representative happened.

"En. It's just that, can these really be carried out in Chu State?" The captain asked in confusion.

"Yes." The representative of Qin State Bank replied in the affirmative.

"En. That's best. Chu's taxation is too heavy. Many people run out for this reason." The captain looked at the representative of Qin State Bank and said.

"We know this situation. If the taxation is too deadly, no one can pay the tax. We decided not to tax the heavy tax based on safety considerations and the safety of the capital of Qin State Bank. Reduce the taxation of Chu people. Burden. This is good for everyone. It is the mutual profit of both parties." Qin State Bank representative said.

After considering the actual situation of the Chu people. Qin State Bank decided to lower the tax rate. The tax rate of Chu State is quite high after conversion. Chu people have to pay more than half of their income to the state and nobles, and the subsequent income may be taken away at any time. Because the nobility and the country will take it for other purposes. The survival of Chu people is facing a huge threat.

It is also out of this consideration. Taking into account the actual situation, Qin State Bank decided to lower the tax rate, so as to ensure stable income. Although the time has been slightly longer, it is very beneficial to Qin State Bank as a whole. Qin can successfully recover their capital with the help of a peaceful environment, with high interest rates. Obviously, only when the other party's economic conditions are sufficient and good, will he be able to repay the loan from Qin Guo Bank.

Qin State Bank also thought about completing this process of recovering principal and interest as soon as possible, but such an action could not be completed. The taxation of the people of Chu is very large. If the tax is increased, all the income of the people of Chu will be taken away. In that case, the people of Chu will not be able to survive. The problem is only a matter of time.

At that time, let alone recover the principal. It is estimated that it will lead to complete bad debts, in order to prevent such things from happening. Qin State Bank can only do this. This is the safest and safest approach.

"After registration, we will not double tax you. This is very helpful to you. Did you see? Many people are doing this. Registration is taxation, and the tax is only 5%. You will not be taxed twice. Trust us." A tax officer of the Chu State Navy looked at a captain and said.

"Really?" the captain asked.

"Really. You better do this. There are many people who register today. After they pay their taxes, they will stamp them. We will not continue to collect taxes on you after the inspection. We will also send warships. Protect your rights and interests. Injured. We collect these taxes to protect your rights and interests." Chu State Water Army Tax Officer said.

"Really?" the captain asked.

"En." The tax officer nodded.

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