Inside the city of Changsha in the Kingdom of Chu. An office of Qin Guo United Bank.

"Head, such a loan is wrong." A bank clerk said to his boss holding a document.

"What's wrong?" his boss asked, looking up.

"This kind of risk is very high. And they don't have any collateral, according to what I understand. The other party is a merchant ship. Although the profit of the merchant ship is very high, the profit they bring is usually one hundred times. The high profit is behind the risk. . Risk. Head.” The bank clerk said to the other party at this time.

"En. I know." The boss looked up at the other person at this time, then lowered his head and continued to do his own work.

"If we give these merchant ships loans, we will not be able to take back the loans. In that case, we will suffer heavy losses. In this way, our bank will be in danger. This is a very dangerous thing for us. "The clerk said.

"En. You are right." The boss lowered his head and said at this time.

"If it's dangerous, everyone doesn't have to work." The boss said.

"I understand all the situations you mentioned, and this is the status quo of Chu State. Do you know?" At this time, the boss lowered his head and continued to write documents.

"The situation in Chu State is like this. The nobles have a lot of funds. More than 80% of Chu's wealth is in the hands of those nobles, and those nobles only have a population of less than 20%. The remaining 80% of Chu people are poor, and they are extremely poor." The boss said at this time.

"En." The staff nodded at this time.

This is indeed the case in the Chu Kingdom. A large amount of Chu's wealth is concentrated in the hands of the nobles, and most of the Chu people are poor, and they have been on the verge of being impoverished for a long time.

In such a situation, it is impossible for them to make loans conditionally. Such a situation is a very bad thing for Qin Guo Bank.

"Use your mind to think about it, what can these poor people do?" The boss put down the pen in his hand and said to the other party.

"They can't do anything," the boss said.

"Only when our funds are released can we expand profits and make the money we want to make. Do you understand?" the boss asked rhetorically.

"But, head, our target is a merchant ship, is it too dangerous?" the clerk continued.

"No," the boss said.

"If there is no risk, we won't use Chu Kingdom." The boss continued.

"You know?" the boss asked next.

"Now the only place where Chu State uses money is sailing. Only sailing requires a lot of funds." said the boss. At present, the only way out for Chu State seemed to be sailing. The greed of the nobles caused Chu's taxes to rise a lot, especially after the start of land annexation, which caused a large number of agricultural populations to lose their land. The farmers who lost their land were useless. They were forced to enter the field of navigation, and the merchants It is profit-seeking. With the increasing demand of Qin’s foreign trade, the demand for a large number of slaves and the export of all kinds of weapons, merchants saw business opportunities. Merchants of Chu quickly rose. They took advantage of the favorable situation of Qin’s commercial development and quickly Carrying out slave trade activities, and then accumulating a lot of wealth, such wealth makes them feel very relaxed.

But the businessmen still had a bigger problem, which was the capital, where did the original capital come from, and after the Qin State Bank entered Chu State, this problem was quickly resolved. The merchants of Chu State found that they could borrow an unimaginable amount of funds from Qin State Bank. This situation added a greater bargaining chip to their business activities, and their leverage effect would be very obvious.

"The place where Chu merchants can make money at the moment is navigation. They cannot enter the mining field, where there are nobles, they cannot enter the agricultural field, there are nobles there, and the nobles are not short of money, and the merchants can make money and need to make money. They need a lot of money. They don’t have money. Where do we come from? We can lend them. They have the need to borrow money. This is our business, our business opportunity. Understand?” The boss said at this time.

"En." The staff nodded at this time.

"Although it is dangerous, we can only do this." The boss said at this time.

"The profits we need, the profits after the funds are released, these profits are very important to us." The boss said at this time.

"Although it is dangerous, it can only be done at present," the boss said.

"You just transferred from Qin State, there is nothing here?" the boss continued.

"Don't make a fuss. You understand?" the boss said at this time.

"Okay. Go to work." The boss said at this time.

"Um, head, I know. I know I was wrong." The clerk continued.

"En. Very good. Just know it." The boss said at this time.

"Head, there is another suggestion. This is my own opinion." The staff member said at this time.

"En. Tell me about it." The boss asked, leaning on his chair and looking at each other.

"Our next loan direction should not be those merchant ships that are very risky. Although their demand is great, we are also taking great risks. Merchant ships are sailing at sea, there are storms, pirates, and all kinds of data. The unclear situation is not good for us." The staff said.

"En. I know all of these." The boss said at this time.

"There is another situation." The staff continued.

"Chu has a large number of colonies overseas. These colonies have a large amount of agriculture and mining demand funding gaps. If we focus on these in the next step, it will be very beneficial to us." The staff put forward their own opinions. .

"En." The boss said while looking at the staff.

"Is this all right? Head." The clerk looked at the boss.

"En." The boss said while looking at each other.

"Yes, your idea is very good. This can reduce the risk of our loan, we can study and discuss." The boss continued.

"Thank you," the clerk said.

"En. Do it well," the boss continued.

"Yes, head." The clerk turned and left. The boss thought about this, and he believed that the other party's idea was bold. As the people of Chu were forced to sail and emigrate, Chu had a large colony overseas.

The establishment of these colonies gave Chu a fairly stable foundation overseas. Although it was forced at first, they are now paying attention to colonial movements. If this time, put a lot of money into this. Definitely will get a stable investment.

Outside the Korean camp.

"Huh. You are amazing." Shang Wen gasped and said, just now, it was too thrilling.

Shang Wen followed Mo Li. Bypassed the defense line of the new South Korean army. In the daytime, Mo Li saw the new South Korean army has a defensive blind zone in the southwest corner, where the barbed wire layout is a little less, not only that, there is a combination of two defensive areas, in this area, two defense areas A loophole was formed. This loophole was quickly seen by Mo Li, and she left with Shangwen from here.

Using the cover of night, bypassing the guard of the sentry, and then cautiously passing through the area of ​​the barbed wire. Both people crawled over. After crawling for about a hundred steps, he finally left the camp. It was simply out of the control of the new South Korean army.

"It's not the time to be happy. We are now in the Chu Army's area. We have to be careful. Hurry up." Said Melila and left Shang Wen.

"En." Shang Wen followed Mo Li and left quickly.

"Wait." When Mo Li was pulling Shang Wen away quickly, she suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Shhh." Mo Li whispered Shang Wen to stop. Then waved Shang Wen to be careful.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen lowered his body and asked.

"Don't say anything." Mo Li whispered at this time.

Shangwen was quiet at this time, he didn't know what happened.

"Sha Sha." Shang Wen felt like he heard Sha Sha's voice at this time. Shang Wen looked at Mo Li. And Mo Li lowered her body and stared at the front. Shang Wen saw Mo Li's profile face.

Thin cheeks, a strand of hair scattered at this time, delicate eyebrows, especially eyebrows, with clear eyes. Shang Wen felt that Mo Li was beautiful. An unspeakable feeling, it feels very comfortable.

"Someone is coming." Mo Li whispered to Shang Wen.

"Yeah." Shang Wen just slowed down at this time, and then blushed and bowed his head and promised.

"Don't move." Mo Li said, approaching Shang Wen.

Shang Wen felt that his face was getting hot. The ears are very hot.

"Be careful." Mo Li continued.

"En." Shang Wen nodded at this time.

Shang Wen was cautiously lying on the mound at this time, and he saw a faint black shadow appearing in the middle of the woods. Shang Wen doesn't know whether the opponent is Chu Jun or someone else, but the opponent is very concealed, which makes Shang Wen feel not good to him.

"Who are they?" Shang Wen carefully looked at the faint shadows.

"Shasha." Such voices kept coming. Shang Wen watched those people appear in front of him nervously, although he couldn't see the shadow of the other party, but the weapon that the other party was holding. Moreover, he kept advancing in the direction of the Chu army camp, which made Shangwen feel that the other party was not like the Chu army, but a person who was not good to the Chu army. Who on earth is it, this makes Shang Wen not knowing. Because the night was too dark, Shang Wen couldn't see the other party's actions.

"Shasha." Such voices kept coming, which made Shangwen feel that there were a lot of people on the other side. So many people must be the regular army. Because it is impossible for Qi to come out so many refugees at once. Shangwen concluded that the other party was the army, but Shangwen is still unclear as to which side is from.

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