"Sha Sha." In Sha Sha's voice, the team gradually moved away from Shang Wen.

Shang Wen looked at those people after they left. Then asked Mo Li.

"Who are these people?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"I don't know." Mo Li shook her head and said.

"Let's follow them quietly and take a look at them." Mo Li said to Shang Wen.

"Is this all right?" Shang Wen said while looking at Mo Li. Because two people just left here. Now it has to re-enter. This makes Shang Wen feel very nervous.

"That's it." Mo Li quietly followed. Shang Wen also reluctantly followed.

In Xinzheng, South Korea, it is already twelve o'clock at night. But the meeting here was extremely hot.

"The current Qin State market cannot allow such a large bond issuance, and the number of such issuances has far exceeded the capacity of the Qin State financial market." Meng Yi continued.

The representatives of all countries present are very clear at this time. Qin Guo will issue a record bond of more than 50 million gold. Such a huge amount is enough to overwhelm the financial market of Qin State, which is equivalent to drawing out funds from the financial market of Qin State all at once. The drawing out of funds on such a huge scale is undoubtedly a huge event for the financial market of Qin State. In the face of such a huge financial earthquake, Qin’s senior officials obviously did not want it to happen. However, if this problem is solved unreasonably, everyone knows what will happen to Qin.

"Therefore, I hope that Qin will help countries open up their capital markets, that is, establish stock and financial markets in capitals of various countries, and allow Qin's stocks to circulate and trade in these places. Expand the liquidity of financial markets and sources of funds. "Meng Yi then put forward one of his own opinions.

"This must be recorded." South Korea's Minister of Economy said at this time. Because the meeting went very late. And Han Shu thought it was too late at this time. I went back to the Hanwang Palace. The Minister of Economy of South Korea was left as the minutes of the meeting. At this time, the Minister of Economy of South Korea believes that the people of Qin are looking for a path to enter the capital markets of various countries. Such a huge impact will have a great impact on South Korea. Therefore, for this article, he thinks it should be recorded.

"Ah." Guo Kai hit Hache at this time.

"It's so late. Discussing such issues should be left until tomorrow. Now discussing, everyone has no energy. I propose that everyone should rest." Guo Kai said at this time.

"Yes, I also think it's so late. Everyone should rest." At this time, Prince Dan of Yan Guo also put forward this view. After all, such a meeting made them feel very headache.

Economic problems are major problems that are difficult to solve for Zhao and Yan. On this, only the people of Qin and South Korea are better at it, and none of the other three countries can solve it.

"It's just that we are Qi." Tian Heng said worriedly at this time. Tian Heng also came to the meeting, but none of these meetings had Qi's share. The meetings discussed the economic problems of various countries. For Qi, all countries did not pay much attention to Qi. Even if Tian Heng asked for attention, he was also Deliberately lagging the discussion, Tian Heng feels that countries seem to be deliberately avoiding this issue. Let Qi's problem be completely shelved. Therefore, Tian Heng was very anxious at the meeting.

"Okay. Let's take a break from the meeting." Meng Yi said helplessly. Meng Yi can only accept this attitude of the two countries frankly.

The meeting broke up quickly.

"Well, can I talk to the prime minister?" Tian Heng stepped forward and asked Dao Mengyi at this time. Meng Yi was sorting out the documents by himself at this time.

"This. The prime minister is already very late." Meng Yi's assistant asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter, we can talk while walking." Meng Yi said while looking at Tian Heng. This is the first such discussion between Qi and Qin. Neither party has had such a discussion before.

"Prime Minister, our Qi country needs a lot of supplies, and we also need Qin's specific military support." Tian Heng said anxiously to Meng Yi in the car.

"The loss of Qi's national strength is extremely serious, and it is impossible to support such a long war. If this continues, Qi will be destroyed. I ask you, the Prime Minister, to help Qi." Tian Heng said in the car.

"I know and understand what you said, but now, it's not the time yet." Meng Yi waved to the other party. Let the other person quiet down.

"We are also very worried about Qi State's problem," Meng Yi continued.

"But the problem is that what should be solved at present is the economic problem. The situation of all countries is not very good. Only after these problems are solved can the affairs of Qi be put on the agenda. I hope you can understand, General." Meng Yi Then said.

"Qi's problem cannot be solved all at once." Meng Yi continued.

"These, we understand." Tian Heng continued.

"But time, we really don’t have much time to withstand the Chu Army. The Chu Army’s offensive is very sharp. We just got the information that the Chu Army has surrounded Linzi. A large number of forts were placed around Linzi for bombardment. In addition, the Chu army along the way is marching towards the border of Qi, and they have to cut off the channels for Qi to receive aid. This is too unfavorable for Qi.” Tian Heng said worriedly.

Meng Yi just looked at each other seriously.

"I know this, but at present, we cannot give priority to solving the Qi problem. The Qi problem and the problems of several other countries have a priority order." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Listen to my explanation." Meng Yi said after seeing an anxious Tian Heng.

"Qi's problem requires foreign aid, but at present, Qin cannot provide effective assistance, nor can it provide such assistance in time. Qin cannot participate in it." Meng Yi continued.

"This..." Tian Heng looked at each other very worried after listening.

"Qin has its own difficulties. Therefore, Qin hopes to win over other countries and participate in this matter. Qin hopes to form a new allied army to participate in it. But at present, no country has such a willingness. What Qin has to do is Mobilize this willingness to join in." Meng Yi said.

"So, to solve the problems of Qi, we must solve the economic problems of all countries, so that the economic problems of all countries and the problems of Qi must be solved together." Meng Yi continued.

"If you do this, Qi will have to wait a long time. The people of Qi are bleeding every day. All are dying." Tian Heng said worriedly.

"This is not something to worry about." Meng Yi continued.

Tian Heng has nothing to say. Tian Heng believes that the people of Qin do not understand the current situation of Qi. For Qi State, it was a time of life and death, and the people of Qin State were so ignorant of it. This made Tian Heng very annoyed.

"General, there is an aristocratic naval vessel in front of it intercepting, we cannot pass." A sailor reported.

"This." A general of the Chu State Navy looked at Xiang Liang.

"General, there are many noble naval vessels, and they are all large gunboats." The general said.

"Our army's supplies are inadequate and cannot pass." The general said.

"We are Chu's navy, and we should pass." Xiang Liang said loudly at this time.

"But, General, we have attacked them sneakily. If the noble navy forces attack our army, then our army will be wiped out. In this way, for our navy army, the losses will be extremely heavy." The general said at this time.

Xiang Liang stopped talking at this time. This situation did happen. The navy ships came out after a sneak attack. Although it once controlled the waters of the Yangtze River, the noble navy was not so easy to deal with. Although the noble navy did not have many advantages in water warfare, the main reason was the lack of effective officers and the improvement of naval combat effectiveness. The most important thing was the abnormal slack of the noble navy.

Although the noble navy is slack, they are huge in number. The main purpose of such a large aristocratic navy is to protect their taxation areas, especially to block the Yangtze River waterways, and then continue to collect taxes on passing ships. Such a blockade severely hinders the merchant ships that use this waterway. Many merchant ships are very dissatisfied with this, but they have no alternative. However, the current situation of the Chu's navy cannot directly collide with the noble navy.

"These noble naval forces, think of a way, we must use sneak attacks to capture them all and strengthen our naval forces." Xiang Liang made up his mind.

The taxation of the noble navy has already posed a great threat to the use of the Yangtze River. All the people are planning on the noble navy. The navy is just one of these forces.

"Report." In a noble water village.

"The latest battle report." A scout quickly came in and handed a wooden board. The noble navy army used wooden planks very conservatively as a report. This kind of battle report is very inconvenient to use, but the noble generals think that this kind of battle report is the most authentic.

"What's the battle report?" A general of the noble navy army sat in the tent and asked angrily.

"Come up." The general said impatiently at this time.

"General. A tax vessel of our army was looted." The scout said at this time.

"All the taxes on board were hijacked," the scout continued.

"General, this kind of thing must be stopped. Once everyone learns that our army's taxation vessel has been hijacked. Then everyone will follow suit and attack. Wouldn't it be detrimental to our army." An aristocratic officer analyzed.

"Pa." At this time, the general slapped the case forcefully.

"These robbers. These robbers," the general exclaimed in dissatisfaction.

"Go. Send a ship to fight immediately to destroy those robbers." The general exclaimed in annoyance.

"General." The noble navy officer discouraged.

"Such a hasty attack. It is not good for us. Our army can't attack rashly." said the aristocratic navy officer.

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