The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1512: Financial initiative

"Qin, South Korea, Zhao, Yan, and Qi really look down on people." The people of Wei didn't know that the five countries had held such a big meeting in Xinzheng until the wars of the Five Kingdoms had been going on for a long time. , And such a meeting, there is no Wei Guo, which makes Wei people feel very shame.

"They look down on people too much, and we Wei people should not be underestimated." A Wei countryman said excitedly. But this is also limited to those scholars, who can care about major national affairs, but ordinary Wei people at this time do not care about such things.

"It doesn't matter what he will, as long as he doesn't fight, it's a good thing." A Wei countryman said, shaking his head. For those comments, he just thinks that those are just other people's things, not his own.

Xinzheng, South Korea. Various countries hold different opinions on Qin's plan.

"The prime minister, just opening up a bond, the stock financial market is far from enough, and there is a market share issue. At present, Qin and South Korea have fairly close trade exchanges. The import and export trade goods between the two countries have increased significantly. There are many. The demand in the Korean market continues to be strong. We should ask South Korea to further open their markets and allow more of our products to enter these markets." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En. For example?" Meng Yi waved to the other party to give an example.

"For example, in grain trade, we are now the largest wheat producer. Qin State produces a large amount of grains, wheat, and hoards a large amount of wheat and flour. If these things were in the past, we would definitely not worry, because Qin Guo continued to War is launched and consumed. But the problem is that the current rate of war consumption in Qin is very slow, while the growth rate of Qin's wheat is constantly increasing. This is not a good thing for Qin." Minister of Economy Time said.

"Recently, South Korea imposed tariffs on Qin’s wheat and flour. This is very unfavorable to us. The price of our wheat flour is the same as the other’s domestic production price. As a result, we still have transportation costs and sales costs. As a result, our wheat exports are very problematic." The Minister of Economy said at this time.

"En." Meng Yi nodded.

"This is indeed a big problem." Meng Yi nodded and said. Meng Yi carefully calculated what the Minister of Economy said.

The main grain currently produced in Qin is no longer millet. It has become wheat. Qin State adopted a farmer system to grow wheat on a large scale. Qin's wheat area has reached an astonishing 50 million mu of wheat farming area, which is completely enough for the people of Qin to consume. But the people of Qin are still dissatisfied. With the great expansion of the Western Regions, the people of Qin are rapidly immigrating to the Western Regions. Such immigrants allow Qin to expand more space to grow wheat. The farmers of Qin people believe that there are more Food is a very good thing. Therefore, the number of wheat planted and the growth rate of planting far exceeded Qin's demand. The consequence of such a huge supply is that Qin's wheat quantity and price remain very low. The price of wheat in Qin State Futures did not exceed the first figure from the day it started. This is a great spectacle in the Qin State Futures Market. The huge supply keeps Qin's wheat at a low price for a long time, which is not conducive to Qin's wheat production. For this reason, Qin State exported a large amount of wheat to the markets of the six countries, and Qin State’s wheat hit the markets of the six countries at very low prices. The demand of the six countries, stimulated by Qin's wheat, grew rapidly.

Judging from the current huge wheat reserves, Qin State eagerly hopes to export these wheat in trade.

"We can bring it up in this meeting." Meng Yi continued.

"But the hope is not too great. South Korea has been imposing tariffs on Qin's wheat." The Minister of Economy continued.

"En. I know. So what about Zhao Guo, Yan Guo?" Meng Yi asked next.

"The demand in these two countries is very strong. They did not impose any tariffs on Qin's wheat, and they are still buying in large quantities. Qin's delivery of wheat into Zhao can buy a high price, or directly exchange it for a large amount of coal. . This is the plan for replacing wheat with coal." The Minister of Economy said.

Zhao's grain production was destroyed by the nobles. The aristocracy annexed a large amount of land to grow wheat, but the income of wheat was greatly reduced, mainly because the low price of Qin wheat affected the land income of the aristocracy. Although the aristocracy opposed the large-scale import of Qin wheat, Qin wheat was indeed Profiteering.

Think about it, it’s impossible for people not to eat every day. Since they want to eat, they need a lot of food, but Zhao Guo blindly learns from Qin and has to build farms. As a result, the land is highly concentrated and the Zhao people lose their land. Become unemployed, they are forced to enter the city, or work in coal mines, they become cheap labor for the development of Zhao Guo coal mine.

At this time, the labor on the land was basically evacuated to enter the mining field, which caused Zhao's agriculture to be basically abandoned. Coupled with the high concentration of land acquisitions, farmers have lost their land. Under the influence of excessively high agricultural farming costs and reduced benefits, the grain produced by Zhao's agriculture can no longer meet the needs of the country. Under such circumstances, Zhao can only rely on the import of Qin people's wheat.

"The situation in Yan State is similar to Zhao State, but there are some differences. Their country needs to recover. They do not produce food, but cannot recover in a short time." The Minister of Economy said.

"Well, we will continue to maintain the export of grain to the two countries. If the grain continues to be exported, the agriculture of the two countries will not be able to recover quickly. Their grain is in our hands. At that time, the two countries will have serious problems. We should increase our efforts to export grain to each other." Meng Yi continued.

"Then, the next thing is." The Minister of Economy said.

"Qi. Qi's problems are more serious." The Minister of Economy continued.

"Qi needs a variety of materials, which we can meet, but transportation and transportation are very problematic. If we promise to send the materials to Qi people, our transportation costs will be much higher than what we send them. Materials, this will drag Qin State. Qin State absolutely cannot agree to this aspect." The Minister of Economy said.

Meng Yi didn't say anything. He also knew that transporting some materials was nothing, but the cost of transporting was much higher than the value of transporting the goods, which was very costly for Qin Guo. This is why many countries are keen to build railways, but they are not very interested in transporting materials.

"Qin people are very shrewd." Han Shu said after hearing the contents of the meeting report.

"They can pass on the financial pressure of their markets by controlling the issuance of bonds and then developing markets in various countries. In this way, the money we get in our hands is likely to be our own money. Such money is not as good as We issue bonds by ourselves." After thinking about it, Han Shu thought that this was another trick of Qin.

Qin Guoren nominally helped himself issue bonds. Han Shu did not dislike bonds, but what he disliked was Qin Guo’s large-scale speculation on bonds. This practice made the bonds deviate from his original role, which made Han Shu treat Qin The country’s motives have raised great doubts.

"And this time, Qin Guo took the initiative to help us build the stock and securities market." Zhang Liang put forward such an important point at this time.

"En. What do the people of Qin want to do?" At this time, Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

Zhang Liang shook his head, saying that he didn't know.

"Well, according to Qin's own interest, they want to help us establish a securities market and allow their capital to participate in it. Qin's shares come to us to issue and sell, and we can participate in the dividends shared by Qin's stock. "Han Shu said.

"En." Zhang Liang nodded.

"In this way, our Korean capital was mobilized by Qin State, and after Qin State people sold the stocks, they quickly left with the money. Then after leaving, we grabbed the stocks in our hands, and the stocks are actually a stock. A piece of paper." Han Shu said.

"No, such a thing must not be staged again in Korea." Han Shu shook his head and refused.

"Korea must prevent the people of Qin from doing this, it is too dangerous. If we follow the methods of the people of Qin, on the surface we will see that the people of Qin are good to us, but in fact, the people of Qin are controlling us through their means. We can’t do this now.” Han Shu shook his head.

"This is very unfair to us." Han Shu continued.

"We can't accept Qin's unclear request." Han Shu flatly refused.

"En. Chen thinks so too." Zhang Liang put forward one of his views at this time.

In his opinion, the Qin people used financial means to take the South Koreans by tricks, which is very terrifying. The last bond market behavior has allowed Zhang Liang to see how terrifying the other party’s methods are. The Qin people took away the Koreans in an extreme period of time. For the wealth of the year, many people were burdened with heavy debts. This is not a small burden for South Korea, and such a burden is too great for them.

"The people of Qin are very proactive in mastering this law, and Korea will lose the initiative and become the target of Qin's slaughter so closely following Qin. We, Korea, should beware of it as soon as possible. Don't participate in it to avoid the situation like the last time. ." Zhang Liang expressed his opinion.

"En. The prime minister is right." Han Shu nodded in praise.

"The people of Qin State did this too much." Han Shu said dissatisfiedly.

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