The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1515: One light and one dark

Han Shu shook her head after hearing Meng Yi's explanation. She still didn't trust such remarks. The people of Qin have an absolute advantage in trade, and this advantage is very obvious. And if countries do trade with the people of Qin, then, obviously, it will happen that Qin has an absolute advantage and Qin's advantage in trade is one-sided.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Xiao He pointed out in a report that Qin has an absolute advantage in trade. Judging from the advantageous resources of various countries, Yan has the advantage of forestry resources, and the main industry is papermaking. While South Korea is mainly light manufacturing, but raw materials need to be imported in large quantities from various countries, followed by trade, which is to use its geographical advantages to develop trade. Such trade activities are usually very limited, and South Korea is gradually increasing its advantages in this regard. This is also true, South Korea is working hard to get through the main roads.

Zhao's advantage is coal mines. They use their mining advantages to develop trade, but no one knows how long such trade can take place, but such advantages are inherent.

As for Qi State, there is no advantage. Apart from a large number of problems left over from the war, there is no advantage. The problems facing Qi are far beyond Qin’s imagination.

The trade of these countries is at the low end of trade, that is to say, in the trade, the people of Qin are in the active position, while the countries are at the end. Under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible for countries' trade to have great benefits, and Qin people can take advantage of their own trade initiative to lower the price of the other party. In this way, Qin has an absolute advantage.

This is the advantage of trade scissors. The reason why Qin expands its requirements in trade is such a reason. Qin can take advantage of its advantageous position in trade to make scissors, and at the same time, use its price advantage to carry out large-scale commodities. Dumping, to achieve the result that the other party’s goods do not have any competitive advantage. In this regard, Qin has an absolute advantage. This situation gave Qin an absolute advantage in trade. Among the participating countries, the Koreans are the most aware of the current situation. They are very clear about Qin's absolute advantage in trade.

"We recently lost a taxing vessel, which is very important to us. A large amount of tax has been hijacked on it." A navy captain of the nobleman said in the noble water army camp.

"En." An aristocratic navy general sitting in the center nodded at this time.

"It's not bad, who did it?" the general asked loudly.

"Pirate." The captain replied at this time.

"Pirate?" The noble captain said at this time.

"Yes. They attacked at night. Our army was caught off guard and was captured by the opponent. Moreover, the opponent had an absolute advantage. We..." the captain continued.

"This, this, how is it good." When the noble navy heard that it was done by pirates, his scalp was numb.

Regardless of whether the aristocratic navy is the best, their weapons are far more powerful than those of the Chu navy, and the number of warships is much higher than that of the pirates, but they are unwilling to fight each other. The aristocratic navy is fighting. In terms of will, they lag far behind the pirates. Many soldiers are very good at merchant ships, but when they encounter pirates, they can't resist them. The soldiers are not very motivated to fight.

"General." Hearing the news at this time, the counselor on the side rolled his eyes and immediately stepped forward and said to the aristocratic navy general.

"We can ignore the loss of this ship. If it is reported, it will affect the general's future. We can pass the loss on to those merchant ships." said the noble counselor.

"En. Good idea." The noble general nodded at this time.

"Such a loss is not a big deal. This matter is not a big deal. This matter, so be it. Everyone is gone." The noble general waved his hand at this time. Then he got up and left.

"This." The general watched the general leave strangely. But for such a situation, he can only let it go. In fact, everyone understands that the noble navy has no intention of fighting, what about pirates? They are all desperadoes, and the purpose of the noble navy here is to obtain wealth. Since there is no wealth, they certainly don't want to consume it like this. At the same time, the practice of pirates is very radical. They are all desperadoes, once you get in trouble with them. If you can't beat it, you must lose some manpower too. The noble navy is naturally willing to avoid such things.

Therefore, after the incident of attacking the noble navy's taxation vessel, the upper noble navy deliberately concealed this matter. This kind of loss is not a big deal to them. They only need to levy more on passing ships. Taxes can make up for their losses.

"The noble navy is taxing too many ships." Xiang Bo said to a navy general.

"Subordinates also believe that the noble navy has established a large number of such areas in the waters of the Yangtze River. The taxes they collect vary. Some are more, some are less. But compared to the taxes we collect, the overall amount is too much. This is very detrimental to the merchant ships. Some merchant ships plan to move forward at night. Some merchant ships directly establish colonies overseas. They do not plan to return here. Because the taxes here are too high." The general explored himself. The situation of Tao is explained in detail.

"En." Xiang Bo nodded.

"Are there any others?" Xiang Bo asked.

"Yes. General, we also got such a news." The Chu State Marine General said at this time.

"Oh. What news?" Bo Xiang asked at this time.

"Talk about it." Bo Xiang said at this time.

"We heard such a news that a group of pirates attacked a taxation vessel of a nobleman of the Chu Kingdom. The vessel they attacked had a large amount of taxes. There are a lot of taxes like this, enough for us to get. Quite a lot of taxes." Chu State Navy General said.

"Oh." Xiang Bo nodded. He believed that the pirates attacking the taxing ships of the noble navy were bold, which was far beyond his expectation.

"Let's talk about it." Uncle Xiang could not figure out some questions, so he asked them to explain.

"The taxation vessels of the noble navy were all wandering outside alone. They intercepted the river sideways and did not enter the water village in a short time to escape. The reason was that they were afraid that the passing merchant ships would secretly spend the night with the help of the night. At night, higher taxes are often levied on merchant ships that are discovered, and oil and water are also the largest. So many of them are involved, but they all do it alone. Therefore, their ships form a large amount of taxes. It's like, in the night, they brought a huge amount of gold and silver treasures for us to snatch." Chu State Navy General continued.

"En. What do you mean?" Uncle Xiang suddenly realized that his subordinates have some very strange ideas, and such strange ideas are very useful. So he asked.

"The idea of ​​the final general is that we can pretend to be pirates and attack the armed taxation ships of those nobles. Not only can we get the tax, but most importantly, we can also **** their warships." The navy general proposed at this time. One of my own opinions.

"En." Xiang Bo nodded at this time. He also believes that the other party's idea is feasible. Think about it, Chu's navy can launch an attack on taxation ships in the name of pirates. This idea is not something ordinary people can have. Moreover, in the name of pirates, it is possible to illegally **** taxes from those noble naval forces. On the one hand, they can fight against each other, and on the other hand, the tax money robbed becomes a source of wealth for their own army expansion. The navy is of great help. Thinking of this, Xiang Bo thinks that the other party's idea is very good and feasible.

"General, this is the only way to do this now." The general continued.

"Our army has insufficient funds and has been in a state of high shortage. This state is very unfavorable to us. And we pretend to be pirates and attack each other’s ships. First, we can increase our military expenditure and we can get more large merchant ships. In addition, we can use the name of pirates to fight against the noble taxation ships and increase the loss of the other party. In this way, we will not only gain money, but also expand our arms and prepare for war. This is a great benefit.” The general continued.

"En. You are right, just do this." Xiang Bo said worriedly.

"Once discovered by them, we will be very passive." Xiang Bo said worriedly. Xiang Bo considered that if his ship was captured by the opponent and the opponent knew that the navy had participated in this way, then the navy would offend the entire nobleman. At that time, the nobleman would not forgive himself. Such a situation is very likely to happen. Not only see the good side, but also the downside. Although the navy can get benefits, if once discovered by the other party, all the nobles will condemn it, it may develop into a disadvantage to the Xiang family. This is what Uncle Xiang worried.

"This." The general was silent at this time.

"In this case, it will be very unfavorable to our army." Xiang Bo said.

"This kind of thing still needs to be cautious, cautious." Xiang Bo continued.

"General. At the end, the general thinks that soldiers can be involved as pirates, and they can get more than half of the taxes as rewards. In this way, they will not disclose our information. At the same time, they will Like pirates, we can give them help when necessary. This way, lightly and darkly, will be of great help to us." The general said.

"Oh. One light, one dark." Xiang Bo repeated.

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