"Qin State can help us issue more bonds, but in trade, I think it is not very meaningful for Qin State to help us." Han Shu said privately to Meng Yi.

"Oh. What opinion does the queen have?" Meng Yi asked respectfully.

"Qin's products are very good, and each country has its own special products. This seems to be very important for trade. But what I want to say is that both parties must participate in trade. If Qin seeks huge profits blindly. In that case, it will be difficult for business to succeed." Han Shu said.

"I don't understand, what does the queen mean?" Meng Yi looked at Han Shu and said.

"Is the meaning not obvious enough?" Han Shu continued.

"Qin people cannot make money in all trades. They have to take into account the interests of all countries," Han Shu said straightforwardly.

"En." Meng Yi was speechless. He didn't know what to say.

"Qin can't have all the advantages. For example, in the geographical position of trade, South Korea is much better than us. Only South Korea can have such an advantage." Qin's traffic on the side. The Minister said indifferently.

"From this point of view, it is clear that the State of Qin cannot have various trade advantages, and countries also have their own needs, such as food." The Minister of Communications said at this time.

"Qin State has a large number of farms, and these farms produce a lot of grain. These grains are piled up like mountains. If Qin eats grains, it is estimated that they will not be able to eat them in a lifetime. There is not enough food to maintain the safety of their people." The Minister of Transportation continued.

"So, at this time, Qin put forward the terms of trade. It is beneficial to all countries. At the very least, selling the cheap food in Qin to all countries can prevent people from going hungry." The Minister of Transportation praised. Said. He thought it was very reasonable for Qin to do so. In fact, it is true. Both the State of Zhao and State of Yan are importing a large amount of grain from the State of Qin, and the State of Qin has a lot of grain to make a lot of wine. These wines were exported to Chu in the south, and Chu took them to the indigenous Vietnamese people. This is Qin's grain exports. Qin’s grain has become a must-import product for all countries, because at present, South Korea’s own grain output can only satisfy self-sufficiency. Export is far from talking about.

"This is the reality. The reality is that the six countries all have different levels of food demand, not only the countries of Zhao, Yan, but also South Korea itself. If the food in South Korea is not due to tariffs, I am afraid it will also be impacted." Said.

"Qin's food price has a great advantage. Such advantages can directly cause the people of the six countries to abandon their own food, and then switch to importing Qin at a lower price. There is a huge demand for food." The Minister of Communications said.

"I think this is trade. The root of trade. Qin State produces surplus grain to meet the needs of all countries. This is fair and demand is generated." The Minister of Communications continued.

"Of course. South Korea also has its own advantages, such as geographical advantages, which makes Qin very envious." said the Minister of Transportation.

"As long as the Koreans build railways to various countries, it will be difficult for them to do business in various countries. The first stop for Qin's grain is South Korea, and then it will be sent directly to various countries through South Korea." The Minister of Transportation said.

"From this point of view. I think the Queen should support the Qin people's trade policy, because only when trade develops can more food arrive here. That's what I want to say." The Minister of Communications said.

"This." Han Shu thought about it thoughtfully at this time. She believes that the Minister of Communications of Qin State made a lot of sense. From this point of view, it is indeed very beneficial to Qin. This situation is also very beneficial to South Korea. South Korea's own trade is mostly formed by taking advantage of its own transportation advantages. If there is no such geographical advantage, I am afraid that South Korea will also find it difficult to develop.

"Korea itself develops trade with the help of convenient transportation. Zhao in the north, Qin in the west, Wei and Qi in the east, and Chu in the south, all need to exchange convenient transportation and trade materials here. I Think. South Korea should meet this kind of traffic situation." The Minister of Transportation said after seeing Han Shu. He is the Minister of Transportation. Naturally, he is concerned about transportation, not other factors. The Minister of Transportation explained it from the perspective of transportation at this time. This gave Han Shu's originally blocked thinking a little bit of water.

"En. The minister said very reasonable." Han Shu said complimentingly at this time.

"Thank the Queen for the compliment." The Minister of Transportation said at this time.

"En. Thank you very much. Your thoughts have made me see a lot of things that I haven't seen." Han Shu said.

After the persuasion of the Minister of Transportation. Han Shu and Qin Guo reached a lot of unanimous views on trade. Qin and South Korea initially reached a unified consciousness that Qin's trade is beneficial to South Korea, and as long as South Korea follows Qin's trade, it will also receive a considerable part of the profit. Thinking of the benefits it has gained, South Korea no longer rejects Qin's request.

After the private meeting, the Minister of Transportation and Meng Yi returned to the Qin State Embassy in a private car.

"If it weren't for your persuasion, I am afraid we would not let South Korea let go." Meng Yi continued.

"Well, it's nothing. If South Korea doesn't agree, I think we have other ways to get them to agree. I just explained some of the circumstances. These circumstances allow South Korea to see where they are." The Minister of Transportation. Said.

"If this is not the case. They would not care about the situation we specified at all." said the Minister of Transportation.

"En. You said it well." Meng Yi continued.

"So next, do you have any good opinions?" Meng Yi asked at this time.

"En. I think the next thing we need to do is to open up more traffic lines, and we must complete this situation as soon as possible," said the Minister of Transportation.

"The funds obtained from bond financing must be on the transportation line. It must be used on the transportation line." The Minister of Transportation emphasized again at this time.

"This is very important to us." The Minister of Transportation said.

"If Qin is currently engaged in trade, it must have usable communication lines. Without the support of communication lines, it will be difficult for us to develop trade. Without roads, trade cannot be carried out, and Qin's interests cannot be expanded," said the Minister of Communications. .

"The most important thing for us at present is to build railways to the capitals and counties of various countries. In addition to railways, there are roads. Without roads and railways, it will be difficult to complete Qin's trading activities. This is very important to Qin." The Minister of Transportation said.

"En. You are very good. It is correct. Next, we will start this question. This question is very important to us." Meng Yi said at this time.

"En. Thank you Prime Minister." The Minister of Transportation said.

"Xinzheng's prosperous situation is the same as our Qin State's Xianyang." The Minister of Communications said while looking at the scenery outside the window.

"People come and go. There are many people, just like Xianyang." The Minister of Communications said.

"En. They are also very prosperous, which is also a reference for Qin State Xianyang. Their prosperity is of great help to us." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Oh." Meng Yi noticed at this moment that a Korean man was approaching quickly outside the Minister of Transportation's window. He was wearing a coat, lowered his hat, and was approaching. Meng Yi watched every move of the other party.

"No." Meng Yi said at this time.

"Oh." Meng Yi exclaimed loudly at this time. But he didn't make a sound, because he saw the other party and took out a revolver from the pocket of his coat.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The car glass shattered suddenly, and the Minister of Transportation was shot in the chest at this time. The Minister of Communications twisted his body painfully and hugged Meng Yi's body with his own body.

"Bang. Bang." Two more gunshots followed.

"Ah." Minister Qin State Communications was shot twice in the back. He let out a scream.

"Oh." Meng Yi watched the Minister of Transportation fall on his body in pain.

"Oh. Damn." The guard sitting in the front position quickly got out of the car at this time. To stop the other party from further attacks.

"Bang." There was another shot. The opponent shot a security guard and driver in the left arm.

"Boom." The other guard who followed stepped forward and gave the other party a moment. The other party is in pain. He was about to turn around to give another guard who came around.

"Go." The injured guard stepped forward and used his only powerful arm to restrain the opponent's arm holding the pistol.

"Bang." Then another guard stepped forward and gave the opponent a belly.

"Wow." At this time the pistol fell down. The guard kicked the pistol away.

"Grab him." At this time, the injured guard shouted loudly.

"Oh my goodness." The Korean New Army soldiers who came after hearing the news looked at the scene in surprise.

One of the people of Qin's car was shot and fell into the car. The life and death situation is unknown. The Qin people are catching the attacker.

"Oh my God." The Korean New Army soldier cried out in surprise at this time.

"Save people. Save people quickly." Meng Yi shouted loudly from the car at this time.

"Someone is injured. Save them soon." Meng Yi shouted loudly.

"Quick help." The guard shouted to the Korean New Army soldier at this time.

"Wow." At this moment, the soldiers of the Korean New Army who followed nearby looked at what was happening suddenly in front of them.

"Quickly, save people and protect them." An ensign officer of the Korean New Army shouted loudly.

"Yes, sir." The soldier who was ordered replied loudly.

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