"The Qin Army recently cancelled their exercises." Li Mu inspected the Zhao Army's western defense line. Zhao Jun’s defense here is the strongest. But it is not the safest. Because Qin Jun has always maintained a high pressure here. In addition to the most troops stationed in the north, the Qin army came down here. In addition to the large number of troops stationed in the Qin Army, there is also the largest number of troops here. From the heavy artillery unit to the airship bombing unit, the existence of these units formed a strong high-pressure situation on Zhao Jun. This situation completely suppressed Zhao Jun.

Although Zhao Jun gathered a lot of troops in this direction. But still unable to form an advantage to check and balance the Qin army. Therefore, Li Mu was very worried about this.

The western defense line became the key area of ​​the Zhao army's defense.

"Yes, sir." The general behind replied.

"Although the Qin Army cancelled their exercises, the military strength of the Qin Army still exists, and their quality and combat effectiveness have always been better than ours." Li Mu said worriedly.

"Currently, our military expenditure is insufficient." Li Mu continued. Zhao Jun's plight far exceeded Li Mu's imagination.

"How Zhao Jun fights the Qin Army in front of him, there are many difficulties." Li Mu said.

All the generals stopped talking. They believe that the current Zhao Jun cannot withstand the hard blow of the Qin Army, but Zhao Jun can gradually resist relying on the advantages of the terrain. This is also a point where the two sides are more balanced for the time being. But this balance is easy to lose. Therefore, Zhao Jun needs to make major reforms.

The generals were silent.

"So, Zhao Jun wants to carry out reforms. Carry out military reforms like Qin Jun did." Li Mu said, looking back at the generals.

"This." Generals, look at me, and I look at you, they don't know what Li Mu is going to do next.

"The core of the army is officers, so I decided to imitate the Qin army and set up a military academy. The address was chosen in Julu." Li Mu said.

"Julu Army Military Academy." Li Zuoche, standing at the end, whispered. But his voice was already quite loud among the quiet generals.

"En. Very good name. Julu Army Military Academy." Li Mu said at this time.

But the generals present were thinking about such a thing. What exactly does Li Mu want to do like this? Zhao Jun’s officers were all promoted from the grassroots. Other officers are hereditary nobility, there is no way. But at this time, if a military academy for officers is established. Then, don't these officers become officers directly after they come down? The generals are thinking about their own interests. If this is the case, then they are too unfair. Generals, look at me. I look at you.

Just when the Zhao army was very skeptical about the establishment of the military academy this time. The situation in Zhao's country is changing.

"What do you know?" a nobleman shouted while standing on the chariot.

"These thugs stand in the coal mine for a day. If they don’t work, I will lose a lot more. You are all of Zhao’s army. These people have rebelled against Zhao and are enemies of Zhao. Either start work again for me or give them all Kill." The nobleman shouted loudly while standing on the chariot. Behind him, the private soldiers of the noblemen of the brigade brandished their quick spears, and their bright bayonets were shining in the sun.

"Don't move." When the private soldiers of the nobles were eager to try, it was a battalion of Zhao Jun that stopped in front of them. They only had five hundred people, but they blocked the entire mine. In the mining area, there are more than 50,000 miners and their children's families. And Zhao Jun of this battalion blocked the way down the mountain. But under the current circumstances, the miners are full of vigilance against Zhao Jun. Zhao Jun was ordered to suppress and control the scale of the riot. After all, this is a big deal.

Zhao Jun's strength was weak, and he could barely blockade the mining area, but was unable to proceed further. There are many miners, but they dare not rush down, because if they rush down, they will repel Zhao Jun. Once Zhao Jun’s reinforcements arrive, the mining area will be completely wiped out.

So the two sides formed a confrontation. This kind of confrontation allows both parties to have the intention to make the other party give in first. Such a concession can achieve the effect of not having a **** sword, that is to say, the problem can be solved without starting a war. But this approach is that time is slowly delaying, Zhao Jun's reinforcements did not arrive. The miners are also waiting anxiously, their patience is running out a little bit.

There are also nobles who waste patience, they are extremely dissatisfied with Zhao Jun's actions. Unlimited delays will lead to the slower and later start of their mining areas. The coal prices are now one price per day, but they cannot start production. The reason for the inability to start production is because of their miners' strike riots. The influence of the riot caused great losses to the nobles.

It's not just such an increase in losses. The important thing is that this time is constantly extending. For them here, it is an extremely unfavorable situation in itself. Ever since, the nobles decided not to wait like this, they decided to take action. The quickest action and the most visible effect is that they immediately mobilized the army to forcefully suppress the rioters, and then ordered those rioters to go back to work.

With the rapid increase in coal demand in Qin State, the small coal mines in Qin State were shut down very seriously, resulting in a reduction in coal production in Qin State, but coal demand continued to be strong. At this time, Zhao Guo's coal production fell rapidly due to domestic riots, but the only inventory could support Qin's price from rising rapidly. But the upward trend is already obvious.

After learning such news, all the nobles knew how to make money, and Qin had no coal. But Qin needs a lot of coal. As for the State of Zhao, the State of Zhao is in riots, and the miners are not working. The coal storage alone is not enough for Qin's consumption.

This is a huge business opportunity. The nobles have clearly seen the existence of such a business opportunity, so the nobles have taken actions one after another, they want to make a big fortune on coal.

As a result, the nobles were anxious to restore production to the coal mine, and then quickly increased their coal reserves and sold the coal to the State of Qin.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." The nobleman shouted to the soldiers of Zhao Jun standing on the chariot. The soldiers of Zhao Jun nervously raised their muskets to take aim. They only have one battalion. However, there are more than a thousand nobles, and there is a huge gap in the strength of the two sides.

"According to the general's order. Our army has blocked the mining area. No one is allowed to approach." A major battalion commander stood up and shouted loudly.

"Disperse, you are not going to suppress the thugs, but you are yelling at us." The nobleman shouted loudly at this time.

"Disperse." The noble shouted impatiently.

"Stand back, otherwise we will not be polite." The major confronted him tit-for-tat. The command received by the major was a blockade. In fact, most of the military commanders of the troops who sent the repression received such a telegram order.

Li Mu believes that this matter is an internal matter of the State of Zhao. If suppressed, it will have serious consequences for the State of Zhao. If the people lose confidence in the State of Zhao, then the State of Zhao will be completely destroyed. Therefore, Li Mu did not mention anything in the telegram sent by Li Mu regarding the suppression. The order issued is merely a blockade. Instead of taking coercive measures to suppress it.

Therefore, after the battalion commander received the order, he resolutely chose to execute it. But the nobles disagreed at this time.

"You better get out of me. Otherwise, I will kill you all." The noble shouted fiercely to the major officer.

"Everyone, prepare." The major raised his right arm.

"Wow." Zhao Jun soldiers aimed their guns, and they aimed their guns at the noble soldiers who came to suppress.

"All raise guns." At this time, the nobleman saw that the other party responded with the motion of raising the gun. So he immediately ordered his soldiers to raise their guns and aim.

"Wow." The noble soldiers also raised their rifles. The muzzles of the two sides faced the muzzles. Soldiers of both sides could wipe their guns and escape at any time.

The major looked at the opponent nervously at this moment. At this time, the nobles were standing on the chariot and looking at each other. Soldiers on both sides didn't want to shoot and kill each other at once. Such shooting was too easy. Soldiers are easily shot and killed.

"Lord, this can't be done." An aristocratic counselor said nervously at this situation.

But the nobleman looked at the opposing major closely at this time.

"Sir, this won't work. We have to find a way to push the other side back. It's not a solution for us to consume it like this." A captain said anxiously. Soldiers on both sides were very nervous at this time. Soldiers on both sides raised their arms and held guns, aiming at each other in a high degree of tension. Because the forces of both sides were balanced, a stalemate was formed, but this stalemate made time drag on for longer and longer. And dragging it for longer and longer is very detrimental to the soldiers on both sides, under such circumstances. Captain Zhao Jun thought of forcing him to retreat, so that he could solve this dilemma.

"En. Think of a way. Go over from the flank and threaten them." said the major.

"Yes. Sir." The captain was ordered to leave immediately.

At this time, among the soldiers of the Zhao Army, one of the soldiers raised a sour arm and looked at the veteran on the side with difficulty.

"I can't lift it anymore," the soldier said with trembling arms.

"What?" the veteran on the side asked, aiming at the noble soldier on the opposite side.

"I can't lift it anymore. My arms are sour and trembling, and my hands are trembling." The soldier said at this time.

"If you can't move, you have to move. This is the critical time. You know?" The veteran continued to aim at the opponent.

The soldier raised his rifle with difficulty at this time.

"Bang." At this moment, a gunshot sounded. Broke all the peace. Everyone heard the shot.

"Puff." An aristocratic soldier was hit. Soldiers of Zhao Jun shot and hit an aristocratic soldier.

"Bang bang bang bang bang." Then the thunder and lightning shot sounded among the soldiers on both sides at the same time.

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