The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1522: Miners rushed over

"Bang bang." The gunfire suddenly remembered. When Zhao Jun soldiers heard the gunshots, they thought they had misheard them. Or perhaps their own consciousness had an illusion, but they were professional soldiers after all. When they heard the gunshots, at the moment they hesitated a little, they still pulled the trigger.

Their memory function, as well as the stiffness and tension of their muscles, make them subconsciously move at that moment. Pull the trigger and shoot.

So the soldiers of Zhao Jun took the lead in shooting.

"Bang, bang, bang." The dense bullets shot out from the muzzle instantly, rushing toward the noble soldiers like rain.

Those noble soldiers were knocked to the ground one by one like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang." Because of the principle of rifle shooting. Zhao Jun is equipped with an old-fashioned firing rifle. This rifle is much more advanced than the flintlock rifle. But the number of shots is still very low. After a shot, it needs to be reloaded before it can be launched again. And the interval in the middle is longer.

But this kind of firing rifle. It is much more advanced than the flintlock. This gun is first of all a rifled gun. The firing range is farther than that of the flintlock. And it's powerful because of the big caliber of the bullet. Basically, it is above six zero. Once the human body is hit within seventy steps, hitting the arm, the arm will be broken. If you hit the internal organs, the internal organs will be shattered by bullets. Instantly lose combat effectiveness.

And this kind of firing musket uses a flash hider, and its moisture resistance is much higher than that of a flintlock musket. Coupled with the range, the power is much more advanced than the flintlock. This is because the secondary reloading speed is relatively slow. This process caused this rifle to still have the same flaws as a flintlock, and the second shooting time was relatively long.

But this musket is more advanced than the flintlock. Because they use flash hiders. The rifle has better moisture resistance. The rate of fire is relatively faster, the most important point is. This kind of musket is compared to cheap and cheap flintlocks. This kind of gun is relatively expensive, but it is indeed cheap.

This musket is half of the valve rifle. One valve rifle can buy two such rifles. Such a comparison. It would be much cheaper than the valve rifle, and Zhao Jun's funding was reduced a lot at this time. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Zhao Jun to equip all the valve rifles, so this relatively cheap stagnant became the first choice.

Therefore, Zhao Jun's front-line troops were equipped with trap rifles, and the elite troops were equipped with rotating rear rifles. Thus. Equipped with this rifle is the second line of Zhao Jun.

"Bang. Bang." At this time, the Zhao State noble soldiers shot sporadically. Their reaction was one shot slower than that of professional soldiers like Zhao Jun, and it was exactly this shot. This led to heavy losses for the noble soldiers, and many noble soldiers were shot and killed in a wave of shooting.

"Bang." "Ah." But at this time, the noble soldier launched a counterattack. The noble soldiers' counterattack killed many Zhao Jun soldiers. The soldiers of Zhao Jun also suffered heavy casualties, because he and the others were not many.

"Shooting." A second lieutenant officer of Zhao Jun was seriously injured. His arm was knocked off and he was shot in the abdomen, but he still stood up and shouted loudly, directing his soldiers to shoot.

"Bang." The Zhao Jun soldiers quickly reloaded the bullets, and then quickly fired back. After the noble soldiers fired. The two sides started sporadic shooting, and such shooting suddenly entered a deadlock.

"Shooting." The noble officer also shouted loudly at this time. They were knocked down and many people were on the ground. They wailed and groaned, while the noble soldiers could only be shot sporadically against Zhao Jun. Most of them lie on the ground to avoid the bullets fired by the opponent.

"Bang. Bang." The battle continued.

Soldiers and officers on both sides yelled this loudly.

"Shoot." The officer shouted loudly, but they didn't shoot. This makes many soldiers even more confused about what their chief wants to do.

"Shoot. Shoot." The officer shouted.

"Bang bang bang." The sporadic shots kept ringing. This made the officer even more irritable.

"Our number is too small. The speed of the opening shot in the hands of the nobleman is faster than ours. We can't stand it." A captain ran to the major and shouted loudly.

"I see." The major shouted loudly at this time.

The nobles use trapdoor rifles. They naturally use the best weapons. The trapdoor rifles use fixed-loaded bullets and are loaded late. When shooting on their faces, it is very beneficial to them. They can replace them with simple actions. Drop their bullets.

The soldiers of Zhao Jun are equipped with this old-fashioned reloading bullet. They either stand up and quickly reload the bullets, or they lie on their stomachs and move their rifles to shoot. But no matter what kind of loading, it is very troublesome. But the trap rifle is relatively easier. This is very unfavorable for Zhao Jun.

"How are we who outflank the flanks?" the major asked, lying behind the sandbag.

"How is it?" The major pushed the captain who was aside at this moment.

The captain also lay motionless on the ground. The major saw blood flowing from his neck.

"Damn it," the major cursed. Such a situation is too common for him. The captain was hit in the head. Neither Zhao Jun nor Qin Jun was equipped with a helmet to protect the head. Because at this time, the two sides have not yet such awareness, even the traditional leather helmet, don't give up at this time. Because of the impact of bullets, any helmet is meaningless. So they changed to lightweight caps and no longer used those heavy helmets.

This has caused a large number of casualties, especially once shot in the head, they will be shot and killed.

"Shoot." The major shouted, hiding behind the sandbag.

The miners in the mining area watched the attack between the two armies at this time.

"Hey, look. The noble army is fighting with Zhao Jun." A young man said curiously, watching the battle underneath the mining area.

"Fight, hit hard. Both are not good things." An old man said fiercely.

"Yes, kill one but one less." A woman said viciously.

"It looks like. Zhao Jun can't stand it anymore. They are too few." said a middle-aged man.

"What to do?" the one on the side asked, thinking.

"We should rush down and help Zhao Jun. After all, Zhao Jun did not clashed with us, but those noble armies, those noble armies are too hateful. They have mining areas, let us resume work, they are definitely going to use force against us this time. "The middle-aged man analyzed.

"Yes." A person on the side agreed.

"What do we do?" the others asked.

"I heard that Zhao Jun is very good under General Li Mu's governance. And the discipline is strict. General Li Mu treats us very well. We should help Zhao Jun, and Zhao Jun resists the noble army, and resisting the noble army is helping us. , We should rush over and help Zhao Jun. Kill the noble army.” The middle-aged man said this analysis at this time.

"It makes sense. It makes sense." At this time, other people all agreed. They thought that the other party's analysis made sense. Since it makes sense, they should continue.

"Then we will kill the noble army." The middle-aged man said.

"Yes, rush down the mountain. Kill the noble army." The others raised their right arms and shouted loudly.

"Rush down the mountain. Young noble soldiers." The others raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

"Kill. Kill. Kill." The morale of the miners was high.

The two armies are still in confrontation.

"Bang. Shoot, shoot me." The noble officer shouted loudly at this time. The noble army is taking advantage of their numbers, and they are oppressing Zhao Jun a little bit. Zhao Jun because of his rifle weapons. In close combat, the losses were heavy. In this situation. Zhao Jun is in an extremely unfavorable situation.

"Where are our people?" Major Zhao Jun shouted loudly, but no one wanted to answer. Many Zhao Jun were shot at close range, and many died from head shots. This situation is too cruel to Zhao Jun. But the noble army was firing fiercely at them, and the rapid firing suppressed their firepower.

"Kill." At this moment, the major heard a lot of screams from his back. When the major turned his head, he didn't turn around.

"Damn miner." The major saw the miners rushing down the mountain, with various tools in their hands, rushing towards them frantically. Major Zhao Jun cursed helplessly at this time.

The impact of the miner at this time was equivalent to a fatal blow to Zhao Jun. At this time, the major realized that he had made a mistake. He was attacked on both sides by the noble army and miners. The current situation is that he is about to be attacked on both sides. This is too difficult for him to deal with.

"We're done." The major said helplessly at this time. He knew that if he retreated at this time, his back would be killed by bullets from the nobleman. But if you don't turn your head back and shoot at this time, the miner's head will be smashed by the tool in his hand. Either way, he is a dead end.

"Oh! Fight these nobles. I look down on these powerful people." The major said helplessly at last.

"Hit, hit me hard and kill this nobleman." The major shouted loudly at this time.

"What will happen next?" a sergeant asked.

"Fight against the nobles, don't worry about that much." The major replied at this time.

"Kill." At this moment, the cry of killing was already close to Young Xia's back.

Noble army.

"They. Charge, rush over." An aristocratic soldier saw in horror that the overwhelming miners raised the tools in their hands, and their weapons rushed over. This had too much impact on them.

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