The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 1524: Economy is fundamental

"Steel? Steel!" Han Shu said silently. Steel is no stranger to her. Qin State relied on his own mastering of steel smelting technology and firmly controlled the initiative of trade.

Obviously, among the main resources, Qin Guo Steel monopolizes all the steel demand resources. More than that. In terms of coal, electricity, and petrochemicals, Qin has advantages that cannot be surpassed. South Korea naturally knows this.

Han Shu finally shook her head, because she knew that in the face of a powerful advantage, it was impossible to obtain such an advantage. Qin State maintained a high level of vigilance. Such vigilance would be a blow to any country.

"Let's let this matter go." After Han Shu thought about it carefully, she felt that it was very inappropriate, and the most appropriate way is to wait.

Near the eastern border of South Korea.

"We have received orders to quickly reinforce the camps on the border of Qi State." A captain of the new South Korean army said anxiously at this time with a telegram.

"Rapid?" A colonel of the South Korean new army shook his head. They are the Sixth Border Defense Regiment of the New South Korean Army. At this time, most of South Korea's mobile forces were firmly nailed to Xinzheng. The South Korean side had originally sent a strengthening regiment from Xinzheng to visit Wei and quickly entered Qi.

But there was a sudden assassination in South Korea. South Korea urgently needs a large number of troops to increase South Korea's security. As a result, the troops that had been sent out were quickly transferred back.

At this time, South Korea was unable to send more mobile forces to support Qi.

"Yes, sir." The captain of the Korean New Army replied.

"Sir, I personally think that we are currently able to dispatch more than one battalion of troops to fight." said the captain of the new army.

"A battalion?" the colonel asked at this time.

"Yes, sir," the captain said.

"No, our face-to-face defensive area is already very large. A border regiment, with less than two thousand people, defends a considerable area. At this time, we will deploy troops to support operations. If something happens, we will Become very passive." The colonel said at this time.

"We only have one mobile cavalry company in our hands. If we send out again, where will our mobile force come from?" the colonel continued.

"Can't move." The colonel said substantively at this time.

This is the last substantial mobile force of the border guards of the new South Korean Army. If it is sent out at this time, then the border guards will lack mobile force for defense. Once something special happens. Such a thing will suddenly become a passive state.

The colonel refused at this time.

"We can't send our own mobile forces. These forces are very important to us." The colonel said at this time.

"We can't obey the above order. Send a telegram to tell them about this." The colonel said to the captain at this time.

"Sir. We just moved the cavalry company a little bit." The captain insisted on his point of view at this time.

"No. Absolutely not. A cavalry company can't play such a role at all. This role played a decisive role." said the colonel.

"Know?" said the colonel.

"The border of Qi State. This is a long-distance rescue operation. A cavalry company, although the number of troops is small, and the logistics supply pressure is a lot. But it does not play much role at all." said the colonel.

"We don't know what is going on in Qi," the colonel said at this time.

"Now we don't know what happened to the other party? We don't know anything. There are too many unknowns. So, if we can't act blindly, the new military army is like this." said the colonel.

"That's it." The colonel continued.

"It's the sir." The captain saluted at this time. South Korea has been unable to send rescue troops to rescue. The situation in the camp can only let them come by themselves.

Qi State Linzi.

"Linzi City has become a dead city. We have been bombarded for so many days. Under such bombardment, the dog has died several times." At this time, a Chu army officer stood on the fort and looked at the periphery of Qi Jun's Linzi city. On the ground. There was silence on the Qi army's position, and no one could survive the continuous fierce artillery fire. This is what the officers of the Chu Army thought, because in their telescopes, they had already seen the Qi army's position, and there were not many people coming to fight at all.

"We launched continuous shelling. Such shelling." Another Chu Army officer shook his head and looked at Qi Army's position at this time.

"Let's be cautious. Launch an offensive rashly. This is too dangerous for us." Another officer said at this time.

"Qi Jun is a bunch of dead bones. It's very difficult to chew." Another officer said at this time.

"Yeah. Qi Jun now has nothing but to work hard. We are fighting with them, which is too difficult for us." The officer also said at this time.

"This Qi countryman. Too desperate. They are desperate with us. We bombard each other with cannons." The officer said at this time.

"Fucking several times. We have constantly launched counterattacks, and we have killed many people. It's terrible. Terrible." The Chu Army officer shook his head at this time.

The Chu army officer stopped talking at this time. Instead, they met the crazy counterattack from the Qi people, and the Qi people charged their offensively as if they could not kill them. The Chu Army soldiers were reluctant to attack. They think that Qi people are not dead. Not afraid of death. It was courage to fight the war, and the soldiers of the Chu army had been completely suppressed by the Qi people's aura at this time.

"There is no way, let's continue the bombardment." Another officer said at this time.

"There is no way to deal with the people of Qi. People of Qi are all made of meat. But meat can't withstand the bombardment of artillery." The Chu army officer said.

The people of Qi are defending their homes and the country, and there is no way for them to retreat. Under such circumstances, the Qi people desperately resisted the Chu army, and the Chu army's several tentative offensives were beaten back by the opponent.

"Qi State Linzi, has been under our cannon, bombarded for more than half a month." An old general said at this time looking at the map.

"Now the people of Qi can't hold it anymore. There is too much pressure on our food and bullets. If the bombardment continues, our artillery can no longer be used." The old general said at this time.

The Chu people’s artillery has been bombarding for quite a long time.

"The bombardment of artillery consumes a lot of ammunition." The old general continued.

"If this continues, our artillery will be destroyed." The old general said. The Chu army gathered about two hundred artillery bombardments. The crazy bombardment has actually destroyed a lot of the Chu Army's artillery.

"And there are not many good houses in Linzi of Qi State. Now, it is possible to launch an attack and take Linzi." The old general said at this time.

"This." At this time, the generals under the account look at me and I will look at you. Many of them are worried about launching a ground attack. Such an offense makes them feel very dangerous.

"General. This Qi countryman is too desperate. If we launch an offensive. This is for us." A middle-aged general said, bowing his head.

"Our situation now." The middle-aged general said at this time.

"Can't launch an attack. The Qi people have been besieging the city for a long time. Launching an attack in an extreme period of time may make it difficult for us to attack." The middle-aged general said.

"What do you mean?" the old general said at this time.

"The people of Qi are too desperate. Once we launch an offensive, it will cause a lot of personnel losses. The personnel losses are too serious." The middle-aged general said at this time.

"If we launch an attack, many people will die." The middle-aged general said at this time.

"What are the casualties?" The old general was angry at this time and shouted at the middle-aged general.

"How many people died, Linzi City will be taken down too." The old general said at this time.

Hearing this, the generals present took a sigh of relief.

"Tomorrow's breakfast is over, immediately launch an offensive. Be sure to take Linzi before noon." The old general said at this time.

"That's it." The old general made up his mind at this time.

Immediately the old general left the camp.

"Oh! A general sighed at this moment.

"Our current situation, the attack to be launched tomorrow, I don't know how many people will die." The general shook his head and said.

"En, yes. With this style of play, our Chu people's blood will drain." Another general shook his head and said. The generals on the scene are very clear. The Qi people have a very strong will to resist. Such a strong will to resist is bound to become a **** battle. Such a **** battle would cause great casualties to the Chu army. This cost of casualties is unacceptable for many generals. Therefore, many generals at this time believed that the bombardment should be continued with artillery, as long as the bombardment continued. Qi people will be beaten almost. Then continue the siege. Linzi City's offense will drop a lot.

However, the nobles kept urging, because the nobles were running out of resources. The Qi State’s war cost too much money. If this continues, more money will enter the bottomless pit of war.

Under such circumstances, the nobles demanded constant offensives. Urge the opponent to attack as soon as possible. Therefore, the nobles mobilized all forces to provide all the supplies for the attack on Linzi, so the artillery of the Chu Army bombarded them for half a month. These supplies of supplies have been of great help.

The nobles provided so many materials. If Linzi could not be taken at this time, it would be very disadvantageous to the Chu army and the war would not go on. This happened to the nobles. It was a disaster. In short, the war is fighting the economy. The economy is fundamental.

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