"Why did you eat so well today?" A Chu army soldier said happily with his rifle on his back.

"There is still wine. Come, bring me a bowl." The Chu Army soldier picked up one of his own and rushed over.

"Save some. Give me some." The soldier scrambled.

"Eat meat. Eat meat." Several other soldiers sat around, eating large pieces of stew. They haven't been late for such meat for a long time. Such meat makes them very greedy. Because many Chu Jun could not eat meat for a long time.

Now they can eat meat, which makes them very happy.

"Old hundred heads. Old hundred heads." A young soldier shouted excitedly to a Chu army veteran with a bowl of meat.

"Look. Meat. There is meat to eat." The young Chu Army soldier said, holding his bowl.

"Humph." The soldier named Lao Baitou said after looking at the young soldier at the bowl of meat at this time.

"After eating this bowl of meat, I'm afraid." Old Baitou looked at the soldier and said.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it anymore." Old Baitou looked at the bowl of meat without any interest.

"This." The young soldier looked at the old man.

"Eat. You can eat as much as you can. In the future, you can eat it, fortune telling you, but if you can't eat it, it's meat." The old Baitou said helplessly at this time.

"Yes." The soldier nodded at this time. He was aware of a threat, and a sense of crisis was crawling into his heart.

"Quickly eat." Old Baitou said.

"Eat. This may be our last meal." An veteran sitting around the fire said at this time.

"After we have eaten this meal, it is estimated that we will not be able to eat it in the future." The veteran said after putting the last piece of meat into his mouth.

"What do you mean?" the unknown recruit asked, chewing on the meat.

"War. Fighting a **** battle, it is estimated that many people will die. The people here do not know how many people are going to die. Maybe we are all going to die. This is the last meal." The veteran took a sharp sip. Liquor, stood up and left staggeringly. All the people present were quiet.

The soldiers of the Chu army were silent, the kind of silence that is peculiar to the current war. Desolate, sad, but helpless, they are soldiers, and war is a place where soldiers are constantly devouring flesh and blood. Only more people die, and no more people live.

In Linzi City of Qi State, under continuous shelling, almost no one could walk in Linzi City of Qi State, but during the short pause period of shelling, there would be a small number of people walking. This shows that there are still people in Linzi, the people of Qi have taken refuge under the tunnels, and they patiently waited for the people of Chu to launch an offensive.

Early the next morning. The morning mist has not cleared yet. The sun didn't show his head either, and Chu people's artillery stopped bombarding at this time. It was a rare silent morning.

"This morning, why didn't the people of Chu fire the artillery." A Qi army soldier hiding in the tunnel asked lazily.

"I don't know. Maybe they want to sleep late." A Qi Army soldier stood at the entrance of the tunnel and said.

"Then we also sleep, firing cannons every day and night, and we can't sleep well. We can't sleep even if we sleep." The Qi Army soldier in the tunnel squinted his eyes while holding his gun.

"En. Sleep. Sleep." The Qi Army soldier standing at the entrance of the tunnel said after looking at the situation on the Chu Army's position.

The Qi people’s defense turned into the tunnel, and the Chu people’s artillery was not very effective against their offensive. Because the shells hit the ground directly, whether it was a solid shell or a grenade, the lethality of the Qi people in the tunnel was very limited.

"Quickly, climb out. Quickly." In the tunnel of Chu people. The Chu army did not use a large-scale team to attack. Instead, some elites are organized to help you form a commando team, such a small-scale penetrating offense. This was an innovation in the tactics of the Chu army.

"Hurry up, keep your voice down." A lead veteran of the Chu Army climbed carefully on the ground.

"Don't make a sound." The lead veteran whispered to the people behind.

At this time, the Chu Army soldiers were carrying their own weapons and carefully crawling on the ground. They wanted to quietly attack the Qi army's outpost and then launch a large-scale attack. Such an offensive will rapidly expand the results. The Chu army carried out large-scale innovations in tactics. Because grass-roots officers and soldiers know very well that if a large-scale offensive is launched, it will arouse the other side's vigilance, and when firearms are widespread, once the opponent immediately defends, firearms are very lethal. If you launch an offensive directly, it will cause a huge cost of casualties. This cost allows the Chu army to learn how to apply tactics flexibly to make up for such huge losses.

"What's the matter today? Why is it so quiet." In a temporary outpost in front. An ordinary Qi countryman said with his weapon in his arms.

"What's the matter?" said a Qi army soldier holding his gun in the tunnel.

"I feel a little scared, terribly scared." Qi Guoren said worriedly at this time.

"What are you afraid of? You people, who have never fought a war, are too worried. Get a good night's sleep and nothing will happen." Qi Jun said.

"No. Maybe." Qi Guoren said. The Linzi defensemen of Qi State were nervous and had no choice. They recruited a large number of civilians to participate, and the military-civilian mashup was able to maintain combat effectiveness. The Qi people recruited such personnel for defense when there was no alternative.

"Shhh, be careful." A Chu army veteran said to a veteran behind with a bronze dagger in his hand.

"Leap in carefully, like this." The veteran with the dagger waved his arms on his neck at this time.

"En." The veteran behind nodded at this time. Then crawled his body and started to leap forward.

"No." The Qi countryman said still fidgeting.

"I think there is something wrong with the people of Chu. They must have actions. Normally they would fire a cannon. Today they will not fire. It is so quiet." Qi said at this time.

"There must be a problem." The Qi countryman stood up.

"You still sit down. It is impossible for such a thing to happen." Qi Jun soldier said.

"Wow." At this moment, the Chu army veteran jumped in.

"Puff." The Chu army veteran who jumped in before the Qi countryman could react. Stabbed to the point with the short sword in his hand.

"Ah." The Qi Army soldier only reacted at this time, and he saw the Chu Army soldier burst in suddenly.

"Wow." The soldiers of the Qi army immediately moved the guns in their hands. However, because of the tension, the guns rattled, but they couldn't enter the fighting state.

"Puff." The other jumped in at this moment and gave the other party from behind. The opponent was stabbed to the point. Was immediately killed.

"Give him a few more shots to see if it's dead," said the first Chu army veteran.

"En. Puff puff." As he said, the Chu army veteran stepped forward and gave the opponent a few more shots.

"Okay. We are ready to attack them next. We are running out of time. At most there is half an hour. It will be soon." The veteran said, looking at the dawn.

"We are ready to go in." The veteran said, touching the bronze sword full of blood.

"Let's go." The veteran turned over and passed over.

"Climb," the veteran said, clutching a soldier.

The outposts in Linzi of Qi State were quickly attacked by veterans of the Chu army, and they were all killed one after another. Because there are too many Qi civilians in the periphery of the Qi army, most of them are inexperienced civilians. Many of them have not even used a gun, so they went to the battlefield.

"No, why didn't the sentry in front come back to change shifts. It's time." A lieutenant of the Qi army used his binoculars in the tunnel to look at the situation outside the tunnel and said.

"What's the matter, sir." A sergeant crawled over and said at this time.

"No, the Chu army must have actions. According to the daily routine, they will definitely fire, but they did not fire at this time, and the density of the fire the day before was very high. I think that is a rhythm they want to attack." The lieutenant worried. Said.

"Is it right? They fought hard yesterday. They blasted out the shells. So they didn't have any action today." The sergeant put forward his own opinion.

"No. It's definitely not the case." The lieutenant shook his head and said.

"Absolutely not." The lieutenant continued.

"You see, Chu Jun's movements are very calm, but this calm makes us even more worried. It's not just that," the lieutenant continued.

"None of our outposts have come back to report. I think the situation is very serious. No. Let our people prepare." The lieutenant said while looking at the front without any movement.

"This." The sergeant looked at the lieutenant at this time.

"That's it." The lieutenant said at this time.

"I am ready to fight." The lieutenant said at this time.

"Quick, get up quickly. Get up, get up quickly." The lieutenant shouted loudly at this time.

"All ready, take up the gun." The lieutenant said loudly at this time.

"Oh, sir, there seems to be someone in front, crawling towards us." At this moment, a corporal veteran ran over and said.

"What?" the lieutenant asked.

"Someone has crawled over," the corporal said.

"En. Go, go and take a look." The lieutenant said, lying on the periphery of the trench and looking at the situation.

"Judging from the crawling movement of the figure, it is definitely not ours. Although the sky is a bit dark and it is not clear, but this situation. I think. It must not be ours." The lieutenant said.

"Go, shout," the lieutenant said at this time.

"Say what?" the corporal asked.

"Password, just ask for the password. What else should I shout?" the lieutenant called at this time.

"Password." The corporal roared loudly at this time.

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