"No response." A second-class soldier said at this time.

"It must be the Chu Army." The lieutenant raised his rifle and started aiming at this time.

"Wow." Seeing the lieutenant start to raise his gun, the soldiers on the side raised their rifles and started shooting.

"Bang." The lieutenant raised his rifle and pulled the trigger to shoot.

"Bang. Bang." Then the other soldiers raised their rifles and fired.

"Bang. Bang." The sporadic gunfire began to intensively. Other Qi people who heard the gunfire jumped out of the tunnel. Pick up your weapon and start aiming and shooting.

"Bang. Bang." For a moment, the gunshots burst loudly. The battlefield became "lively" in an instant.

"Bang. Bang." An veteran of the Qi army who couldn't see his rank was holding his rifle. He didn't fire a shot, but checked the situation left and right.

And a Qi countryman next to him kept shooting.

"Stop, stop." The Qi State veteran waved and shouted at this time.

"I don't know what to shoot or what to shoot." The veteran shouted at this time.

"Stop. Stop." The veteran asked the Qi people next to him to stop shooting at this time. Such unclear shooting will only make them waste more bullets. Linzi City has been completely besieged. Ammunition reserves are inherently insufficient, and such consumption is a serious loss for the military and civilians.

"I can't see half of the Chu countryman. What kind of shots are you shooting?" The Qi Jun veteran looked at the surroundings.

"Don't shoot at all. Don't shoot." The veteran looked up and said.

"En." The other Qi people slowly put down their guns at this time, and then did nothing. Because they don't know anything.

"Chu people touched it. It means there are other people. Wait and see." The veteran said while looking at the others.

At this time, everyone else looked at the veteran silently.

"Quick, raise the gun. All raise the gun to aim." At this moment, the veteran suddenly waved his hand and shouted loudly.

"Wow." The others raised their guns to aim at this time.

"Did you see something moving ahead?" the veteran said at this time.

"Yes." An old Qi man nodded holding a flintlock.

"You will shoot after you hear me shoot." The veteran continued.

"Bang." The veteran shot quickly after taking aim.

"Bang bang bang bang." At this time, the others also shot quickly. They aimed at where they thought they should be shot, and then shot.

"Ah. Puff. Bang. Bang." The bullet hit where they were aiming.

"Ah." Then the screams kept coming.

The offensive troops behind the Chu Army, wearing burlap bags, slowly approached Qi Army's position in a crawling manner.

The Chu army had given up on that method of large-scale offensive, because that method had too many casualties. The Chu army naturally chose this more mature offensive tactic.

"Ah." Chu Jun, who was slowly approaching, was hit and wailed.

"It's Chu Jun, shoot." The veteran shouted loudly at this time.

"Bang. Bang." The people of Qi continued to shoot.

"There are not many bullets now." At this time, a Qi countryman shouted loudly at this time.

"What?" said the veteran who was looking at the report from the Qi people.

"We didn't have much ammunition, it was very expensive just now." Qi Guoren said.

"Get on the bayonet and prepare for close combat," the veteran said.

"Yes, but we don't even have a bayonet." The Qi countryman who came to report said at this time. The state of mixed military-civilian formation of Qi had already indicated that the Qi people did not have many soldiers that could be used. In addition, the lack of weapons and equipment supplies resulted in the Qi people after a round of shooting. Unable to continue shooting.

"Bang. Bang." After intensive shooting. The Qi people's shooting began to sporadic.

"Mother. What did these Qi people do?" A Chu army officer with a sack on his head said, lying on the ground.

"Bang." The bullets kept flying over their heads.

"Listen to the gunshots, fewer people from Qi put their guns off." A Chu army veteran also said at this time wearing a burlap bag.

"En." The officer of the Chu army said, looking at the situation ahead.

"Now it seems. Qi people are running out of bullets," said the Chu army officer.

"En." The Chu Army officer nodded at this moment.

"Immediately order our people to launch an offensive." The Chu Army officer said at this time.

"They have no bullets. We can go forward and shoot." The Chu Army officer said.

"But, this." The Chu Army veteran said worriedly.

"If they also intentionally stopped shooting, and we rushed over at this time, we would have been shot." The veteran said worriedly.

"I can't take care of these. Now we must occupy Linzi as soon as possible. If we can't take Linzi City, we have to cut our brains." The Chu Army officer said.

"Kill. Kill me." The officer of the Chu Army said, holding his bronze sword.

"Chong ah ah. Chong." The Chu army officer said at this time.

"Chong. Hurry up." The Chu Army veteran immediately grabbed a Chu Army soldier. The Chu army soldier was directly dragged to the ground.

"Charge." The veteran immediately charged with his bayonet rifle.

"Charge." The soldiers of the Chu Army threw away the linen bags they were wearing, and then started charging with their bayonet rifles.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu Army soldiers shot and charged.

"Woo." On Qi Jun's position, the bullets began to dance without chaos, and the bullets continued to dance.

"Ah." A man from Qi country checked the enemy's situation and was hit by a flying bullet and fell to the ground. He was shot in the face and his entire face was beaten up.

"Lower your body, lower your body." The Chu Army veteran said, waving his arm. But in this way, a large number of Qi people were still hit. They were hit at the center, and the wounded kept wailing.

The people of Qi have fought wars, and there are too few experienced veterans who have received strict military training. These people without any combat experience were hit all at once. The casualties were high.

"Chu people rushed over." A corporal Chu army veteran covered his injured arm and ran to the veteran.

"What to do?" the corporal asked.

"We have no bullets. Nothing." The veteran said.

"We can't let the Chu people in. We must fight them out." The corporal pleaded at this time.

"En. Charge. We immediately launched a counterattack." The veteran said.

"Everyone, use the bayonet, use the **** of the rifle if there is no bayonet, and use the tooth bite to drive the Chu people out, hurry up." The veteran said, holding the bayonet-mounted rifle, and leaned into a gap.

"Rush." ​​The veteran rushed out first.

"Kill." The rest of Qi people took up their own weapons one after another. They had no bullets, but they rushed out with rifles.

"Bang. Bang." The Chu army maintained an offensive posture close to Linzi City's defensive line.

"Kill." Qi Jun suddenly launched a counterattack at this time.

"Wow." The Chu Army soldiers saw the sudden counterattack of Qi Army at this moment. This caused Chu Jun to panic suddenly.

"Kill." The people of Qi rushed out frantically. Especially the veteran rushed over with his bayonet rifle.

"Kill." The veteran bayoneted a Chu army soldier who was too late to shoot.

"Puff." The bayonet directly pierced the opponent's stomach. The Chu army soldier had blood sticking out of his mouth, looking at the veteran with an expression of pain.

"Go." The veteran kicked away the opponent's body.

"Bang." At this time, the veteran waved the **** of the rifle in his hand, and the **** of the rifle hit a Chu army soldier's head.

"Bang." With a sound, the head of the Chu army soldier was smashed. The Chu army soldier fell to the ground all at once.

"Bang." At this time, a Chu Army soldier raised his rifle and shot the fierce veteran.

"Kill." At this time, other Qi people rushed over fiercely.

"Ah." The Chu Army soldier was already scared at this time. The Qi people fought fiercely.

"Puff." After all, the Chu Army soldiers are soldiers, and the Qi people are civilians after all. The military training they received was too limited.

A soldier of the Chu Army with a bayonet in his hand pierced into the opponent's vitals.

"Ah." The Qi people looked at the Chu Army soldiers in pain.

"Kill." Seeing a Chu Army soldier assassinated the Qi Army soldier who rushed over. The bayonet in his hand immediately stepped forward and gave the opponent a bayonet.

"Puff. Puff." More bayonets came over at this time.

Qi Guo was hit by a few knives.

"Kill." Another Qi countryman yelled and rushed over.

"Bang." At this time, a Chu Army soldier raised his rifle and shot the opponent in the head.

"Puff." The Qi countryman was beaten to death at this time.

"Kill." More Qi people rushed over at this time. Chu Jun retreated a lot later.

"Bang. Shoot." At this time, the officer of the Chu army immediately shot the rifle in his hand.

"Shoot. Hold me steady and shoot." The Chu army officer shouted at this time.

"Bang Bang." The Chu Army soldier immediately pulled the trigger. Shoot immediately. They shoot desperately, and they want to light up all the bullets in their hands.

This time can no longer take care of these.

"Bang. Poof." "Ah." The Qi people who rushed over were killed a lot at this time.

"Kill." But the Qi people behind were still charging forward, and they had no bullets. Only bayonet. Some soldiers didn't even have a bayonet, and directly slammed the opponent with the **** of their rifle.

"Ah." The Chu army soldier who had finished shooting had no time to load the second bullet. Qi Guoren immediately gave the opponent with the weapon in his hand, especially the **** of the rifle, and Qi Guoren slammed the opponent's head fiercely.

"Ah." The head of a soldier of the Chu Army was smashed and blossomed.

"Kill." The Chu Army soldiers did not show weakness, and stepped back to stabilize their positions. The soldiers of the Chu army began to fight back. They stabbed each other continuously with their bayonets.

"Puff." A Chu army soldier assassinated a Qi nationality.

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